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Need Snake Removal Recommendation

Old Man River

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I live in a small family compound, which contains several snakes. So far, we have only found green snakes and don't think we have anything terribly lethal, but since there are several small children in the compound we wish to have the snakes removed. Can anyone recommend a reputable company that would safely remove any and all snakes and relocate them to a more appropriate location (not the neighbor's yard). It would be helpful, for a fee of course, if company could send someone periodically to make sure they don't find their way back.

Please let me know.

Thank you,

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Where do you live Old Man River?

You might get some more answers if you told us your location.

Have you tried a dog? Snakes will usually steer clear of a property that has a dog.

I live in Bangkok in the Srinakarin area.

I have two dogs, but either these are brave snakes or my dogs are known cowards, or both. There must be some companies which specialize in this type of thing, everybody says that, but nobody I have talked to can actually give me a name. I don't want to hire a neighborhood kid as he may get hurt and most probably wouldn't know how to find them. None of the maids seem particularly interested in this.

We have no interest in acquiring any animal which may end up being worse than the snakes, which heretofore have not bothered us. Its just knowing they are there and the potential danger to the kids that is the issue.


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I live in a small family compound, which contains several snakes. So far, we have only found green snakes and don't think we have anything terribly lethal, but since there are several small children in the compound we wish to have the snakes removed. Can anyone recommend a reputable company that would safely remove any and all snakes and relocate them to a more appropriate location (not the neighbor's yard).  It would be helpful, for a fee of course, if company could send someone periodically to make sure they don't find their way back. 

Please let me know.

Thank you,

You mention you have green snakes, are they the small green ones, if so they are lethel, they are the Bamboo viper. nasty little b e g g e r s.

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I live in a small family compound, which contains several snakes. So far, we have only found green snakes and don't think we have anything terribly lethal, but since there are several small children in the compound we wish to have the snakes removed. Can anyone recommend a reputable company that would safely remove any and all snakes and relocate them to a more appropriate location (not the neighbor's yard).  It would be helpful, for a fee of course, if company could send someone periodically to make sure they don't find their way back. 

Please let me know.

Thank you,

My missus would be interested in that job.Would you stump up two return tickets for us from Manchester to Bangkok,say twice a year to sort out the problem?

Martin :o

p.s.As long as the the snake is not lying next to a worm as she eats snakes for breakfast,but is sh-t scared of worms :D

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I live in a small family compound, which contains several snakes. So far, we have only found green snakes and don't think we have anything terribly lethal, but since there are several small children in the compound we wish to have the snakes removed. Can anyone recommend a reputable company that would safely remove any and all snakes and relocate them to a more appropriate location (not the neighbor's yard).  It would be helpful, for a fee of course, if company could send someone periodically to make sure they don't find their way back. 

Please let me know.

Thank you,

You mention you have green snakes, are they the small green ones, if so they are lethel, they are the Bamboo viper. nasty little b e g g e r s.

I don't think they are the poisonous ones. We had one removed from one of our trees by the volunteer group you call when you see one, and they said they weren't poisonous, although all snakes have nasty bites. Unfortunately, the group the city sends out only removes those they can see (when you spot them). They don't hunt them for you.

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I live in a small family compound, which contains several snakes. So far, we have only found green snakes and don't think we have anything terribly lethal, but since there are several small children in the compound we wish to have the snakes removed. Can anyone recommend a reputable company that would safely remove any and all snakes and relocate them to a more appropriate location (not the neighbor's yard).  It would be helpful, for a fee of course, if company could send someone periodically to make sure they don't find their way back. 

Please let me know.

Thank you,

My missus would be interested in that job.Would you stump up two return tickets for us from Manchester to Bangkok,say twice a year to sort out the problem?

Martin :rolleyes:

p.s.As long as the the snake is not lying next to a worm as she eats snakes for breakfast,but is sh-t scared of worms :o

I have been in Manchester and I can believe this. I will shoot for something less expensive for the time being.

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I live in a small family compound, which contains several snakes. So far, we have only found green snakes and don't think we have anything terribly lethal, but since there are several small children in the compound we wish to have the snakes removed. Can anyone recommend a reputable company that would safely remove any and all snakes and relocate them to a more appropriate location (not the neighbor's yard).  It would be helpful, for a fee of course, if company could send someone periodically to make sure they don't find their way back. 

Please let me know.

Thank you,

For the removal part, most locals are pretty adept at it, at least those in from the countryside.

For future prevention, plant ma krut (wild lime) and also regular lemon/linme trees and lemon grass, snakes don't like citrus. At least that is what the Cambodians all tell me and it's worked at my house in Prachinburi pretty well...used to be snake central, haven't seen a one this rainy season.

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For future prevention, plant ma krut (wild lime) and also regular lemon/linme trees and lemon grass, snakes don't like citrus. At least that is what the Cambodians all tell me and it's worked at my house in Prachinburi pretty well...used to be snake central, haven't seen a one this rainy season.

Here in Texas the cowboys used to believe that sleeping with a lasso surrounding your bedroll would scare off rattlesnakes. I'd be sceptical about believing all snakes dislike citrus.

If your snake is this one then its deadly: http://www.siam-info.de/english/snakes_cro...ps%20albolabris

This one is quite harmless: http://www.siam-info.de/english/snakes_gonyosoma.html

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At the end of the day snakes prefer to be well away from humans.

The only reason that snakes tend to live near humans is either through encroachment on their natural habitat, there is a food source (usually rodents) nearby or by accident.

If its the first example then I'm afraid you'll probably have to live with it.

If its the second then find out what is attracting the food source there. Its usually something simple like food which has been left out which attracts rodents which in turn attracts snakes.

If its the third then the snakes will find their own way out.

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At the end of the day snakes prefer to be well away from humans.

The only reason that snakes tend to live near humans is either through encroachment on their natural habitat, there is a food source (usually rodents) nearby or by accident.

If its the first example then I'm afraid you'll probably have to live with it.

If its the second then find out what is attracting the food source there. Its usually something simple like food which has been left out which attracts rodents which in turn attracts snakes.

If its the third then the snakes will find their own way out.

Farty, you hit the nail on the head . Every snake I have encountered is scared shitless and wants a backdoor to exit. Most people who are bitten are the fools , or their dogs,that get to close and force the snake to defend itself. Water and food are the drive for survival for snakes. Don't leave water or food sources(rodents, a jack russel, or a big clean up organic rubbish can help) in your garden/yard .

We get a few here on occasions on the outskirts of Bkk . When i see one I bring my two year old over and have a nice chat.... " Babe , that is a snake, you can look at him from a distance but never/ever try and touch one, they can be very dangerous..if u see one find mummy, daddy, a grownup or a policeman . But, they are special..they eat rats and mice . If u leave them alone they will not hurt you"

Wifey and me pissed ourselves laughing when she said in that cute toddler voice " Bye , bye Mr nake" :o

Edited by 350torana
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Can anyone recommend a reputable company that would safely remove any and all snakes and relocate them to a more appropriate location (not the neighbor's yard).  It would be helpful, for a fee of course, if company could send someone periodically to make sure they don't find their way back. 

Please let me know.

Thank you,

Unless you live in one of those very un-Thai like modern housing estates, you now, 50 rai of white washed sides and red tile roofs, a small reward, maybe 50 baat, will usually bring the local kids around on a regular basis to patrol for snakes if they really bother you. If you can verify they are venomous then you must act with extreme prejudice, otherwise best to let them be as the odds of them biting anyone are pretty small.

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There's a resurgence of anti-snake paranioa here!

The green tree snake is quite harmless and extremely common. If you have it removed it will only be a matter of time before another one (or two) comes along - I for one think they are beautiful creatures and love having them in my garden.

If you're really worried about it being a viper they are quite distinctive - get a picture. Even if it was I wouldn't bother getting it removed, obviously with children at play you might think differently.

All snakes DON'T have a nasty bite, if bitten by a snake that's not venemous you should take all the usual hygene/infection precautions, but unless you start interferring with the poor thing you shouldn't have any problems.

Wouldn't tree snakes be an interesting point for your kids education? As a kid, my cousins and I would go on snake catching expeditions - our record was 11 in one day! We used to catch them by hand and never got bitten once. The snakes of course were harmless.

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There's a resurgence  of anti-snake paranioa here!

The green tree snake is quite harmless and extremely common. If you have it removed it will only be a matter of time before another one (or two) comes along - I for one think they are beautiful creatures and love having them in my garden. 

If you're really worried about it being a viper they are quite distinctive - get a picture. Even if it was I wouldn't bother getting it removed, obviously with children at play you might think differently.

All snakes DON'T have a nasty bite, if bitten by a snake that's not venemous you should take all the usual hygene/infection precautions, but unless you start interferring with the poor thing you shouldn't have any problems.

Wouldn't tree snakes be an interesting point for your kids education? As a kid, my cousins and I would go on snake catching expeditions - our record was 11 in one day! We used to catch them by hand and never got bitten once. The snakes of course were harmless.

We all know it is not very nice having wrigglies in the garden, especially when small children are around, but if left alone they are no problem, and I have yet to come across a thai snake with attitude, they always try and get out of the way of humans, not like our home grown King Browns and Taipans, we have a neighbour who has had a 3 metre carpet python living in his roof for over 15 years , he says it does no harm and keeps the possums down :D just leave them alone mate or if you are desperate, any housemaid from Isaan will sort them for you :o nignoy
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For future prevention, plant ma krut (wild lime) and also regular lemon/linme trees and lemon grass, snakes don't like citrus. At least that is what the Cambodians all tell me and it's worked at my house in Prachinburi pretty well...used to be snake central, haven't seen a one this rainy season.

Here in Texas the cowboys used to believe that sleeping with a lasso surrounding your bedroll would scare off rattlesnakes. I'd be sceptical about believing all snakes dislike citrus.

If your snake is this one then its deadly: http://www.siam-info.de/english/snakes_cro...ps%20albolabris

This one is quite harmless: http://www.siam-info.de/english/snakes_gonyosoma.html

I believe we have the non-poisonous variety. In my 20 years living in Dallas, I must say I have never tried using a lasso.

Thanks for the info.

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Where do you live Old Man River?

You might get some more answers if you told us your location.

Have you tried a dog? Snakes will usually steer clear of a property that has a dog.

I think it depends on the snake and the dog :o . My ex g/f's dog was killed indirectly by a snake - the snake spat at him and made him blind and then he wouldn't eat and then he was found dead by the side of the road.


RIP Sam.

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Where do you live Old Man River?

You might get some more answers if you told us your location.

Have you tried a dog? Snakes will usually steer clear of a property that has a dog.

I think it depends on the snake and the dog :o . My ex g/f's dog was killed indirectly by a snake - the snake spat at him and made him blind and then he wouldn't eat and then he was found dead by the side of the road.


RIP Sam.

I live behind Seri Center in Bangkok, near the King's Park. I have two dogs, and therefore am very sorry about your ex- g/f's loss. At present, perhaps my dog's are keeping the snakes at bay, but with little one running around, I would like to be sure they are safe in our yard.

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For future prevention, plant ma krut (wild lime) and also regular lemon/linme trees and lemon grass, snakes don't like citrus. At least that is what the Cambodians all tell me and it's worked at my house in Prachinburi pretty well...used to be snake central, haven't seen a one this rainy season.

Here in Texas the cowboys used to believe that sleeping with a lasso surrounding your bedroll would scare off rattlesnakes. I'd be sceptical about believing all snakes dislike citrus.

If your snake is this one then its deadly: http://www.siam-info.de/english/snakes_cro...ps%20albolabris

This one is quite harmless: http://www.siam-info.de/english/snakes_gonyosoma.html

Very useful links...good info - especially helpful with the Thai names...

BUT...what on earth is a "fruit plan day" ???


BTW, I think it best to think of ALL snakes as potentially dangerous unless you happen to be a herpetologist - even the non-poisonous variety can give a bite that can become infected, and in any case, being bitten by anything is a painful experience, best avoided.

Basically, there are not many untrained people who could say with authority that a particular snake is a non-poisonous type, so would you trust the lives of your kids to posters on TV, or err on the side of caution?

Thailand DOES have a number of very poisonous and aggressive snakes, and these will be even more so if they have offspring - it's not worth the risk unless you have the training. Ever seen a friendly Cobra - no, I haven't either.

Edited by Greer
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For future prevention, plant ma krut (wild lime) and also regular lemon/linme trees and lemon grass, snakes don't like citrus. At least that is what the Cambodians all tell me and it's worked at my house in Prachinburi pretty well...used to be snake central, haven't seen a one this rainy season.

Here in Texas the cowboys used to believe that sleeping with a lasso surrounding your bedroll would scare off rattlesnakes. I'd be sceptical about believing all snakes dislike citrus.

If your snake is this one then its deadly: http://www.siam-info.de/english/snakes_cro...ps%20albolabris

This one is quite harmless: http://www.siam-info.de/english/snakes_gonyosoma.html

Very useful links...good info - especially helpful with the Thai names...

BUT...what on earth is a "fruit plan day" ???


BTW, I think it best to think of ALL snakes as potentially dangerous unless you happen to be a herpetologist - even the non-poisonous variety can give a bite that can become infected, and in any case, being bitten by anything is a painful experience, best avoided.

Basically, there are not many untrained people who could say with authority that a particular snake is a non-poisonous type, so would you trust the lives of your kids to posters on TV, or err on the side of caution?

Thailand DOES have a number of very poisonous and aggressive snakes, and these will be even more so if they have offspring - it's not worth the risk unless you have the training. Ever seen a friendly Cobra - no, I haven't either.

I received a lot of good advice from this request. I have come to the conclusion that pest control companies do not do this. They stick to smaller bugs which are more easily handled. My dogs would be helpless (as I would) against an overly large or very dangerous snake, but so far, I don't think we have these varieties.

The next time I see a snake I will try to stay around long enough to see if I can identify it or at least get a description and identify it later. The green tree snakes have been identified as Paradise Tree Snakes, which are not harmful. I have not seen any of the darker colored water snakes recently, but then I haven't been looking for them either.

Thanks again to all.

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