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Nakhon Sawan Flooded Today At 1015Am


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I could not get much further along Sawanvittee 64 towards the health centre and the by pass, but the water levels are decreasing. On the other hand the other road I have been going down, well I got about 1 km further before I returned, got to a bridge across a river today, I would expect that this road which runs for 2 1/2 kms away from the 64 will be almost dry tomorrow as it looks like a nice sunny day today. Small buses, white and orange do not appear to be moving, so travel from Nakhon sawan Toc towards Big C will be the same as yesterday.

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Been down the Sawanvitte 64 to where it joins the 3005, its still underwater but passable by motorbike if you dont mind getting wet, it does not seem as high. The torrent in the Depalm estate is not so fierce and I have been to the 7-11 on the 3005 at the western end of the 3 7-11's, surprisingly the road is dry there although you can water on the road in the distance, a much better day then. Reports from friends in town say that the water level around the Kosi Road market area in dropping now as well but would not expect the market to open for about a week, but that is just a guess at the moment. Looks like a rain free night, so lets for the best. Barometer is 1004.6mb and rising.

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I have been out this morining on the bike and managed another 50 yards down towards the by-pass and health centre before turning back, it passable by pick up and lorry but there are lots of pot holes in it, the road to the river bridge from which I can see BIG BUDDHA Temple in Nakhon Sawan and the panorama tower has just one samll bit that is covered in about 1" of water about 10 yards long, so the water continues to fall. Reports from friends close to the Kosi Road market say there is still 3' of water there but its down from over 6'. As far as the Fairyland being open is concerned, I think it might be a wasted journey , although it does stand high over the road, I would give it a few more days. Army trucks about here taking people about and no sign of the white and orange baht buses on the move. Looks like another good day. Barometer 1007mb and as normal begining to fall slowly now.

Tomorrow is Trafalgar Day so have yourselves a small drink!

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The road I have been riding which comes to bridge over a river is now totally free of water, if I turn right it takes me back to the 3005 that road has water in it and I did not venture that way.

Have had 2 visitors from Nakhon sawan today, one lives near Sawan Park and arrived by Army Truck at 1300 hrs, she says Fairyland is NOT open, its till got water around the area. Big C is open although there is water in the road its going down, we will try and go to Big C tomorrow, 3005 has less water in near Ban Esaan so I assume its better west as well. The deluge flowing the Depalm estate is slowing and some of the breeze block walls are now being broken down. Barometer going as is usual for this time of day 1005.4.

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All good news today! Yesterday evening we had a visitor from Nong Bua, came by motorbike, not sure of exact route but it took in Asia Highway route 1, the bypass for Nakhon Sawan route 122, 3005 and Sawanvittee 64. Today I have been along the Sawanvittee 64 towards the by pass and got another 25 yds, its passable but lots of pot holes. I then took my usual route to the bridge over the river, road is bone dry. Yesterday I could not go far if I turned right heading back towards Nakhon Sawan and the 3005 crossroads. Today I got to the crossroads where you would normally turn left on the 3005 and head towards the Asian Highway. The whole of this road is now passable forme on a bike! The crossroads is bone dry! I turned right on the 3005, dry as far as I could see, turned right into Sawnvittee 64 and soon hit water but now only 2-3 inches deep so went through. Saw a white and red baht bus not sure if they were in service. A few more days like this, today looks good and things should be a lot better quickly. Heading for Big C soon so will let you all know what the area there is like. Barometer stands at 1007.7 mb.

Today is Trafalgar Day an important day for the Royal Navy, I shall have a Sang Som Rum later, some lucky people have Pussers Rum which is the one the Royal Navy used to give to all ratings evry day until the mid 60's.

Have a good day.

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All good news today! Yesterday evening we had a visitor from Nong Bua, came by motorbike, not sure of exact route but it took in Asia Highway route 1, the bypass for Nakhon Sawan route 122, 3005 and Sawanvittee 64. Today I have been along the Sawanvittee 64 towards the by pass and got another 25 yds, its passable but lots of pot holes. I then took my usual route to the bridge over the river, road is bone dry. Yesterday I could not go far if I turned right heading back towards Nakhon Sawan and the 3005 crossroads. Today I got to the crossroads where you would normally turn left on the 3005 and head towards the Asian Highway. The whole of this road is now passable forme on a bike! The crossroads is bone dry! I turned right on the 3005, dry as far as I could see, turned right into Sawnvittee 64 and soon hit water but now only 2-3 inches deep so went through. Saw a white and red baht bus not sure if they were in service. A few more days like this, today looks good and things should be a lot better quickly. Heading for Big C soon so will let you all know what the area there is like. Barometer stands at 1007.7 mb.

Today is Trafalgar Day an important day for the Royal Navy, I shall have a Sang Som Rum later, some lucky people have Pussers Rum which is the one the Royal Navy used to give to all ratings evry day until the mid 60's.

Have a good day.

Good to hear that things are improving for you there. I am a few hundred KMs further north, where there are no problems that I am aware of.

My reply to you is realy to correct you on your year given for the ending of the pussers rum daily issue. I am sure that this ended in the early/mid seventies. I was there for that. But do not have the exact year to hand. I am sure others can be more precise with the date.

Enjoy today.

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Firstly, Pussers, could not remember if was the 60's or 70's and I knew someone would know, so it was either 1971 or 1975, unless anyone else knows better?

Been to bog C today! We went by motorbike from Nakhon Sawan Tok but its not accessable only to lorries via Sawanvitte, we had to take the 3005 to Route 1 and turn south , before you reach the Pitsanoluk junction you will down to 1 lane and you will switch to the northbound carriageway. THERE IS ONLY ONE CARRIAGEWAY OPEN PASSING BIG C. I lane going south, the rest are northbound. there is water round the front of BIG C on route 1 although the carriageway is clear of water its just very busy. In Sawanvittee its knee deep and the entrance from this road into Big C is closed, knee deep, so headed back along rout 1 till we got to 3005 and turned left, water has brokem up a lot of the surface and one stretch of water westbound is about 50 yards and I guess 4" deep but passable. Going over the traffic lights (not working) the road is dry past Ban Esaan (open) then we hit a patch of water about 50 yards long, use the outside lane only! There is a fuel station on the east bound side, thats where the water is. We turned at the next 7-11 where it is dry but up the road I could see water it looked deep on the wsetbound carriageway outside Jar Moo Chum ( policeman 3 soup restaurant ) probably not open for a few days til the water goes down.

Also baht buses, saw green, yellow, orange, red and white ones in service but they do not appear to be running on their normal routes. I would not rely on them for a while.

The relief river running through Depalm has slowed dramatically and is falling.

Things seem to be returning to some form of normality but no bread in Big C or 7-11 for a while now, guess the bakery is flooded, the out of use carriageway on the route 1 looks a mess. There is obviously a lot of cleaning up to be done, you have all probably experienced the mud and sand left on the road. Still been a nice day so things are getting better.

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Today I have been able to get further up the Sawanvitte 64, the road to the Health Centre looks to be under about 2" of water motorcycles and pick ups passing with no problem. I managed to get further up the 64 towards the bypass, another 300 yards before the road disappeared under water and I came back. Looks like another good day, sunny 1007.1 mb on the barometer. Looking at a trip to the market this afternoon, thats the one at the western end, Kosi Road is still underwater, yesterday it was difficult to see into Nakhon Sawan on Sawanvitte but I guess it was full of water as no traffic was going there.

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We have just returned from the market at the western end of Sawanvittee, its is trading normally and is dry, I could see through to the riverside and it looks dry, the traffic was passing at a rate of knots. Water in Sawanvitte 64 is now a smaller area and a depth of 2", the water is coming from under the road. Everyone trying to avoid a snake in the road too, if it turns back its going to be ok, if it wants to cross its not going to make it, light not good enough for me to find a stick and help it.

So another good day for us, barometer now at 1003.3, lets hope its another dry night.

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Although the water levels continue to decline there is not much change in the situation from yesterday, one side of the Sawanvitte 64 near the turn off for the health centre is about 3" below the other and everyone is giving it a wide berth. Visitor coming from Nakhon Sawan this afternoon so may have some more news about that area later. Barometer is 1007.4mb.

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Firstly, Pussers, could not remember if was the 60's or 70's and I knew someone would know, so it was either 1971 or 1975, unless anyone else knows better?

Been to bog C today! We went by motorbike from Nakhon Sawan Tok but its not accessible only to lorries via Sawanvitte, we had to take the 3005 to Route 1 and turn south , before you reach the Phitsanulok junction you will down to 1 lane and you will switch to the northbound carriageway. THERE IS ONLY ONE CARRIAGEWAY OPEN PASSING BIG C. I lane going south, the rest are northbound. there is water round the front of BIG C on route 1 although the carriageway is clear of water its just very busy. In Sawanvittee its knee deep and the entrance from this road into Big C is closed, knee deep, so headed back along rout 1 till we got to 3005 and turned left, water has broken up a lot of the surface and one stretch of water westbound is about 50 yards and I guess 4" deep but passable. Going over the traffic lights (not working) the road is dry past Ban Esaan (open) then we hit a patch of water about 50 yards long, use the outside lane only! There is a fuel station on the east bound side, that's where the water is. We turned at the next 7-11 where it is dry but up the road I could see water it looked deep on the westbound carriageway outside Jar Moo Chum ( policeman 3 soup restaurant ) probably not open for a few days til the water goes down.

Also baht buses, saw green, yellow, orange, red and white ones in service but they do not appear to be running on their normal routes. I would not rely on them for a while.

The relief river running through Depalm has slowed dramatically and is falling.

Things seem to be returning to some form of normality but no bread in Big C or 7-11 for a while now, guess the bakery is flooded, the out of use carriageway on the route 1 looks a mess. There is obviously a lot of cleaning up to be done, you have all probably experienced the mud and sand left on the road. Still been a nice day so things are getting better.

Firstly this

Black tot day


Black Tot Day – the End of the Rum Ration

Black Tot Day on board HMS Phoebe

Black Tot Day on board HMS Phoebe

On 31st July 1970, the last rum was issued to ratings – on a day known as “Black Tot Day”. The Portsmouth Evening News said:

……sailors said farewell to the last issue of Nelson’s Blood, (as rum was known in the navy), by conducting mock funerals and wearing black armbands…The annual Christmas pudding stirring ceremony in HMS Bellerophon was brought forward today so that the usual four pints of rum could be included in the 150lb mix

Different ships carried out different farewell ceremonies. One ship in the Arabian Gulf buried their last barrel, and erected a headstone which said, “Good and Faithful Servant” on it.

HMS Dido put the last tot in a bottle with a note inviting the finder to drink to the health of the Royal Navy, and threw it overboard.

British Navy Pusser’s Rum, on sale since the 1970s, is the Admiralty’s mixture of 6 different rums, as served on board ship for centuries.

I spoke to a lady at Immigration late Friday afternoon and she told me that they are closed on Monday for King Chulalongkorn substitution day and to call on Tuesday as they may be going back to the office then.

My mate living there suggested that I come down the route 1 and down the 3005 Sawanvittee road and turn left at the bottom, left again at the end then left into the Tourist Police place and immigration.

I would also like to try to get to Withi Thep road which is one road over from Fairy land straight opposite as I need some meds.

I probably won't come down until Thursday or Friday now as the water levels should be lower still.

Thank you very much for all the help and good input you have put into this thread.



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Our visitor from town did not turn up yesterday, maybe tomorrow, maybe. There is not much difference from yesterday, water declining slowly, by pass end of the Sawanvitte 64 is till under water but the road to the health centre looks more encouraging, I reckon in a couple of days I might chance it.

To Bill, donr forget that immigration was last reported to have moved from its usual location, it had moved to over the bridge in the labor office, look back and you will see I did get a telephone number so check out where your destination is. Vitheetep in in Sawanvittee, the main road from BIG C into town and about 200 yards further on than Fairyland, its lower than Fairyland and both last reported still underwater.

Got a call from a friend yesterday who lives in Thumvitee (?) near the new bridge along Kosi Road, water levels there down to 6", power and watrer rsetored, so slowly getting better.

Thanks for the info on Black Tot Day, I would have looked after surplus they had over gladly :o

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Been down to the large undercover local market at the western end of Sawanvitte tonight and the good news is that Sawanvittee 64 is no longer throwing water up, its dry down the middle of the road so should be clear by tomorrow night. The water level in the Kosi Road Market (large undercover) is reported to have come down from 3' to 2' maybe bit less depending on how tall you are, I was shown a leg measure from a telephone description if you get my drift. I reckon that it will be open in well maybe the weekend in some form although there is bound to be a lot of cleaning up and then stocks have to be ordered and be delivered.

I will not go towards the health centre tomorrow, I dont think there will be much difference, wednesday I will try and get through. Tomorrow I wil see how far west I can get up the 3005.

Sometimes we have a moan about Thai things they do but they are a resilient bunch and the way the community comes together in bad times is to be admired.

On a personal note I seem to have met a lot of new friends on my route, they tell how quickly I came back how things were going down and if I did not come back, well, I was either dead or had found another way home, so tomorrow when they saw me things were even better. Just asking how they were as I went by brought waves and thanks, a bit like when a steam engine used to come by, everyone waves and smiles, well there you go, I think for us the floods are over.

Edited by nong38
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How about buses to small citys/villages, are they running? I am thinking Nakhon Sawan - Lat Yao route.

A lot of the local buses used to run from either Kosi Road market or from the wat a block away in Sawanvittee, these are both underwater. I have seen buses running down he 3005 and when it was badly under water down Sawvittee 64, I am sure they are still running but are using some where different in Nakhon Sawan as their terminus. I t is unlikely to be Sawanvittee. If I had to guess I think maybe that road that goes past schools, under the Big Buddha statue to the City Hall ( municpality ) thats a bit higher there and would be a good place to co-ordinate with the smaller buses, but, its only a guess, not been that far.

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ave been along the 3005 west, got to a large left hand bend, full of water, passable but not by me! Jar Moo Chumm restaurant has water outside but we will eat there tonight. Further east water being pumped into the road on the south side, passable with care. Orange buses seem to be taking on more of their normal route and we here that the water has come down dramatically in the the Kosi Road market area, within the hour will go to town and see for ourselves. Depalm river has been stemmed and the road re instated, its rough but cars are going over.

Let you know result of town visit later.

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Have just returned from town, 1 hour to get back by tuk tuk, had to abandon the motorcycle with a puncture, so this what I saw.

All the way down Sawanvittee to Big C is clear, a little water in one part, stick to the centre of the road and its no problem. Immigration looks ok. At Big C you have to turn left, barriers preventing anything else. Ok going north but if you are coming south all routes go into one lane so you can imagine there are vehicles for the road space available. Eventually we turned up Matulee, local buses are using here as a terminus about half way along, near the trun for the Buddha and Temple. From this point on the road becomes single file as impromptu markets have sprung up and people just stop in front of you, be aware it a going to be a long journey! When we turned near City Hall, water was evident in Matulee Road and Atakavee, difficult to see how deep but I saw boats and that goes all the wat through to Kosi Road. We came down Tumvittee its clear, turned into Sawanvittee, PTT is closed and we were now in about 1' of water, as we approach Sawanvittee 9 the motor cycle stops and we have to push, well not me I had to rescue shoe. Walking through to Kosi Road dry to the left, Market area still about 1' in the road. I walked down to Bank of Ayudyha, its knee deep and more, the manager was there, they are closed as ll the banks are in that area, she told me that their branch near Big C was open and offered to take me there. I will go tomorrow. As far as I could see it wasater water water and boats.

There is rubbish everywhere and it stinks, excavators near the Post Office clearing mud/sand into trucks for removal. There is not much open.

Unless you absolutely have to Nakhon Sawan I would be giving it a clear berth until next week.

You could see ther way my ladys shop was in Sawanvittee 9 what the force of the water must have been like, everything thrown ina heap up one end and depth of 6'. Done a bit of cleaning, now I have to go and get disinfectant and tomorrow she goes again in the trucjk, I have been banned!!

Thats it for now apart from some roads, 3005 up to route 1 have single carriagweway as they pumping water water across but its passable.

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Thanks once again for a clear and concise update.

I would like to report how badly off I am up here but apart from the heavy rain a few days ago and a flash flood though Klong Lan 6 weeks ago we a re warm and dry.

My wife went to the market yesterday and prices were up a bit but not to gouging levels.

My wife tells me that there are a lot more people up here as the workers cannot do much down in Bangkok.

There is plenty of food available but bottled water is just about sold out. Not a problem for us as we have 2 x 3,000 litre tanks for rain water for drinking.

Schools will be running normally but my 15 year old nephew is staying with us and may not be able to get back to BKK.

Water and electricity are fine and if it wasn't for the news up here at least you wouldn't know anything was wrong.

The fact that we live on a slope 150M above sea level and nearly 60 km from the Ping river makes life a bit easy at times.

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Only road I know is Sawanvithee from nong38 post, so is there water on busstation? Can I go shopping in Big C? Can I go immigration from Big C? No, I don't have car, have to use tuktuk or songthau.

I have seen buses on the main roads in the huge queues leading to town from the north so I guess the bus station is up and running. I have not been to the bus station and if you saw the traffic you would understand why. You can shop in BIG C its open but it might take youa long time to get there with the traffic. There are barriers stopping you crossing the road outside BIG C to cross into Nakhon Sawan and joining the southbound lane, I did not see if you could do a U TURN today. You can certainly go down Sawanvittee towards the Immigration. Orange buses are running east towards Big C not sure how they come back. All buses seem to be running but not on their usual routes, sorry i cannot help you more, try getting a taxi.

I am sorry I cannot answer all your questions I can only tell you what I see. Try looking at a map on google or bing and the n maybe things will be clearer for you. I am just an ordinary bloke on a push bike, our motorbike is now out of action through the water, sorry if thats not good enough can you get out and tell us what you see?

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Hey, You do good job! Sorry If you get I'm rud or something like that, english is not my first or even second language. That's why I try keep it simple. I am in Nakhon Sawan once in 1-2 weeks, just ATM, shopping, pharmacy etc, so I really don't know the roads by name. I like to ask You one more thing, if You still want to answer. You say:"You can certainly go down Sawanvittee towards the Immigration." I thought they are somewhere near labour office now, relocated? Can I go there from Big C?

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Hey, You do good job! Sorry If you get I'm rud or something like that, english is not my first or even second language. That's why I try keep it simple. I am in Nakhon Sawan once in 1-2 weeks, just ATM, shopping, pharmacy etc, so I really don't know the roads by name. I like to ask You one more thing, if You still want to answer. You say:"You can certainly go down Sawanvittee towards the Immigration." I thought they are somewhere near labour office now, relocated? Can I go there from Big C?

They are reported as being back in the original Immigration Offices which I think is in Sawanvittee 45. So just go as you usually do to where you usually go and everything should be fine.

I am cycling to Big C this morning, I am told mt bank, just round the corner is open.

Hullopullo if you into a bank with your passport and bank card you can do your transaction inside the bank and save the 150bts ATM fee. I have been doing that for 18 months. There is no chance of losing your card or forgetting your PIN, they take a signature and no chance that you are being scammed and your details stolen. I use the Ayudhya Branch in Kosi Road and the staff told me "NO CHARGE IF YOU COME INSIDE THE BANK". Currently this branch is under water which is why I will have to go to the other branch near BIG C.

To everyone else in view of the destination today I will try and get to the health centre tomorrow.

Will report how the trip goes later.

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I have returned from my trip to BIG C. The ornage and white buses are running from their western termini to BIG C and are parked across the road for the return.

Asia Highway ( route 1 ) Southbound arriageway is open so traffic is flowing much better today. Motorcycles are turning right into Sawanvittee towards Krok Phra, I dont think cars or larger were, the ones I saw I think were coming fromthe south and turning left off the northbound carriageway.

A little water near the University, not a problem, more inside than on the road.

Immigration in Sawanvittee 49 ( not 45 !!!!!!) looked ok.

Big C had no bread and if you like crisps, its not your day either!!

Sawanvittee 64 had a a tractor filling in the potholes at 950am.

Anyone who has to make a visit to Immigration and is coming from the north, this is my suggestion for you.

If you are coming down route 1 just before you enter the city there is a SHELL garage do a U turn jst after it, head north for about 80 yds and turn left into the 3005 ( not sure if its marked as 3005).

Go down this road until you come to a crossroads with traffic lights ( currently not working ), turn left here.

Soon on the right you will see the market, take your first left, this is the road with the Police station and Immigration in it and eventually takes you to BIG C.

There is no problem crossing to Immigration.

Go back via BIG C, turn left.

If you are comign down the 117 route you will need to turn right at ther first major junction ( left would take you the municipality and underneath the hill with Buddha on it and the tower).

Head for the route 1 direction of Kampheang Phet and Tak, then the SHELL garage will come up on your left.

Any doubts have a look at the local maps on google or bing.

One last thing the govt has declared a public holiday until the NOV 1ST, think where you might be affected and ring ahead make sure they are going to be open.

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Due to the hastily arranged public holiday, looks like Immigration is closed from tonight and does not re open until Wednesday NOV 2nd. You might want to give them a call. Banks to maybe?

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I was in immigration yesterday and yes they are now back in old place, monday they were in labour office. I asked if they close for rest of the month and lady says "don't know but most likely" So if You are going, call first.

I come from bus from Lat Yao, no water on road, no problem. But bus did stop after Caltex petrol station ja then You have to take song thau or motobike, I take moto to big c, 40b. I saw water on busstation so maybe buses start somewhere else? I took again motobike when I went back home. Same place, opposite caltex.

And nong38, about atm and withdraw, I use my kasikorn or siam cards. If You have to use Your foreign card, here is tip. AEON atm don't charge that 150b. They have 2 atm in their office/branch in big c, second floor. And one more in second floor, near Watson. You can withdraw at least 40 000b one time, I'm not sure if more, maybe 50 000b? Last time when I had to make withdraw form my bank, I took 40 000b with no problem.

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I have been along the Sawanvittee 64 today all the way through to the by pass route 122, turned left for 1 1/2 kms then turned left by the health centre and finally back to the 64 and home. All roads bone dry now. Health centre appears open. Opposite the health centre is another road heading south, I could see water across this road, so this alternative way back to 64 does not look likely foe a few more days. Traffic on the 122 well I only saw 1 lorry and 3 motor bikes in both directions. On the 64 there is a school near the turn to the health centre, the git bags that tried vainly to stop the school being inundated have now been spread around the poor carriageway by a tractor, its not great but its better. The dam at Deplam 1 was being removed at 0900.

May try the 3005 again tomorrow and saturday we will go to Nakhon Sawan and try and rescue the motorcycle, clean and disinfect the shop with a view to selling again on monday, if all goes well and water continues to go down.

Hullo pullo thanks for the AEON tip, I am pretty sure my UK bank only allows a £300 a day withdrawal, about 14000/15000 bts at a time, so the 40,000 sounded good but I think it would be useful, my Nationwide card would be ok but they charge me 2% + £1 so I think my current arrangements are the best suited for me at the moment, but again thanks, you told me something I did not know, I thought you had to have an AEON card to avoid the charge.

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