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I have lost my UK passport The last time i used it was in September.What do I need to do to get a replacement also I have a marriage visa extension in it.:angry:


:jap: Call the embassy in BKK. They will advise. I lost mine a few years ago and needed a police report detailing the circumstances, ie fell out my back pocket, not the real story coz to be honest I don't know where I lost it.

It was not too difficult at that time as they were still issuing them in BKK, now I don't know. Gird up your loins coz it's going to be difficult not to say , You are joking, when you find out the time and cost involved, might be easier if the lost passport was issued here , obviously that I don't know. As far as the visa goes, or extension, before someone else jumps down my throat, I really am not sure. I hope you get good advice on it.

Hope it all goes easily for you.


Get a police report from your local cop-shop then visit this website http://ukinhongkong.fco.gov.uk/en/help-for-british-nationals/passports/lost-or-stolen/ and follow the instructions.

The embassy can issue emergency passports if you need to travel urgently.

The level of service for British nationals from our embassies has declined alarmingly, last time I lost a passport (Rome in 2001) I had a new 10 year passport the next afternoon, now it takes six weeks!

If you have an extension of stay (rather than a visa) immigration can recover it from their computer so it's not lost (an actual visa will be lost :( ). When you get your new PP go to the office that issued your extension along with supporting documentation (copy of your old PP and TM6 if you have them) and ask nicely, IIRC it's free :)

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

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