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Internet Explorer 9 Haunted By 'Critical' Security Vulnerabilities


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I rolled these two stories into one topic as it's just too funny. :D

Internet Explorer 9 haunted by 'critical' security vulnerabilities

Summary: Microsoft fixes drive-by download flaws in the latest version of its dominant Internet Explorer browser and warns that exploits could emerge within 30 days.

Microsoft’s shiny new Internet Explorer 9 browser contains critical security vulnerabilities that expose users to drive-by download attacks, the company warned today.

The IE warning highlights this month’s batch of security patches from Microsoft where the company shipped eight security bulletins (two critical, six important) to cover gaping holes in Internet Explorer, .NET Framework & Silverlight, Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Forefront UAG and Microsoft Host Integration Server.

More here ZDNet.com

Microsoft calls out Firefox and Chrome for security weaknesses

In a move that’s sure to raise hackles in Silicon Valley, Microsoft today debuted a new web site designed to raise awareness of security issues in web browsers.

When you visit the site, called Your Browser Matters, it allows you to see a score for the browser you’re using. Well, if you’re using IE, Chrome, or Firefox—other browsers are excluded. Not surprisingly, Microsoft’s latest release, Internet Explorer 9, gets a perfect 4 out of 4:

Part of the goal of the site is to prod users of outdated IE versions to switch. So IE6 gets a solid zero on this page, and IE7 gets a 1 out of 4.

If you visit the site with the most recent public releases of Firefox or Google Chrome, however, the results are less than perfect. Here, for example, are the detailed results for Chrome 14 and Firefox 7:

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