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3Bb Screwing Premium


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Everyone on 3bb premium i suggest you look at your modem info page and check your line stats. I know 2 other people who had the same problem. Last few months i had 7mbit when im suppose to have 3mbit. They said its nothing to worry about because i was logged on my premium username so i just dealt with it. Everything international was so slow compared to what i was used.

Finally today i had enough, my net was turned off again for some reason.. im back on 3500 linestats and international speeds are almost as fast as back home. is the webpage to access your modem. login should be admin pass: 3bb. They were making 1500 baht extra in their pockets per month with me and with a normal 5mbit premium they'd make even more. Good way for them to make an extra profit.

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We have 3 accounts with 3 meg 3bb premium. Looks Ok when I check the modem stats, but I have really noticed slow service during day time & evening hours. Our guests are complaining. Ordered True 20 meg service last week for not much more than 3 meg 3BB, True say they will install tomorrow (although they promised to install 3 days ago ??). I'm waiting waiting. Lets see what True can do. Oh ... keeping 3BB until I'm sure True can perform to spec. It's an internet server jungle out there.

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what kind of Line attenuation and DB margin are you getting? Damage to the line could of occurred during the storms. Mine is back to a strong connection but of course true should be better.. nobody ever complains with true. Cant wait untill they get here next month.

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what kind of Line attenuation and DB margin are you getting? Damage to the line could of occurred during the storms. Mine is back to a strong connection but of course true should be better.. nobody ever complains with true. Cant wait untill they get here next month.

Seeing you asked ...

Noise Margin 6 dB upstream 35 dB downstream

Attenuation 5 dB upstream 19 dB downstream

Up Stream 686 (Kbps.)

Down Stream 3584 (Kbps.)

Means nothing to me, just copied from router report.

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Well yeah your line needs to get changed. The numbers should be close to each others. Your upstream seems to have a LOT of noise on it meaning that any additional noise on your line and it will be easy to go out of synch or barely get any data across. Just in comparaison with no neighbors and brand new wires.

SNR Margin : 36.4 31.5db

Line Attenuation : 12.0 13.8 db

First you should rewire your house and if its too hard just try buying a new wire and connecting it directly to the source and check your stats. If it doesnt help you need a new wire outside. Its 3bb's crap thats f'in up.

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If you google SNR margin and line attentunation you'll get the same.

I did Google it this morning. Still made little sense to me. Waiting for response from 3BB. Oh, True turned up today (waited 8 days), seems we are more than 100m from the nearest junction box. I pointed out that we are less than 100m from the road end, but seems like there is no junction box on the main line anywhere near my road end. Sigh sigh - back to square one.

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My 3BB 12/1mbit ran at about 3-6mbit. A couple of months after installation it suddenly became unusable. Disconnecting every 5 minutes and no speeds worth mentioning.

The service guys that came had some device that told them that the copper cable was bad 6 meters away. They found the problem outside my apartment and since then I can download at 9-12mbit almost all the time. So, the first installation was bad and turned to worse.

Worth mentiong.The tech-guy that installed my 3BB to begin with did not even know that you have to plug in the telephone line into the router!!! I could not convice him so I had to show it to him. I've heard that many times (maybe all?) 3BB use external contractors and in this case the contractor was just bad.

Unfortunatelly I dont have the number to the _good_ service guys anymore. But call 3BB and ask for someone else to come.

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<snip>I could not convice him so I had to show it to him. I've heard that many times (maybe all?) 3BB use external contractors and in this case the contractor was just bad.<snip>

When 3BB split from TT&T they ran new cables to our routers. Must say they installed very promptly but what a shoddy job they made of running the cable between electric poles. Few cable ties and drooping down far too low. Just last week 2 of our lines had eventually fallen down and were just lying along the side of the road.

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