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Basic Emergency Preparedness Recommendations


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Basic Emergency Preparedness Recommendations

As the city of Bangkok explores flood prevention measures in an attempt to spare downtown commercial and residential districts from potential flooding, the U.S. Embassy recommends that American citizens in Thailand take a few minutes to review this list of basic emergency preparedness supplies.

- At least a three-day supply of water for drinking and sanitation (one gallon of water per person, per day)

- At least a three-day supply of non-perishable food (Don’t forget the can opener!)

- Infant formula and diapers

- Pet food and extra water for your pet

- Flashlight and extra batteries

- Candles with matches (Matches should be stored in a waterproof container.)

- First aid kit

- Feminine supplies and personal hygiene items

- Prescription medications and glasses

- Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties for personal sanitation

- Cell phone with chargers

- Important family documents such as passports.

- Cash and credit cards

- Unscented household chlorine bleach (When diluted nine parts water to one part bleach, bleach can be used as a disinfectant.)

- Paper cups, plates and plastic utensils, paper towels

- Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities

- Local maps

The U.S. Embassy will continue to monitor the situation in Thailand. Please keep your cell phones charged and accessible to receive updates.

If you are not yet registered with the U.S. Embassy, we encourage you to do so at this website:


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Good advice.

Sweet FA from the British Embassy.

Black out your windows and move into your Anderson Shelter. Be wary of folks with foreign sounding accents.

Never seen an Anderson Shelter on stilts before.

You'd never get inside one if you wore stilts anyway.......wait a minute...stilts....thats not a bad idea...

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"supply of water for drinking and sanitation (one gallon of water per person, per day)"

gallon is some 3.7-4.5 litres, that's only for drinking, as an average person needs as that much of fluids everyday.

for sanitation, washing, shower (at least once a day) you need many times more.

water is free, so get as much as possible of it in any container/bottle/bucket. If you have too much, share with your neighbours.

rain water can be used as well, even for drinking, but not always will be available and is a second choice

Edited by londonthai
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Good advice.

Sweet FA from the British Embassy.

The US information is the standard information disseminated in the USA. Its the same SOP given when there are hurricanes and floods in the USA.

Guess what? You can access the same information on the UK government website.


Do you really need the UK govvernment to tell you to read the information which is a click away? You are an adult. Behave like one and look up the information if you are concerned.

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Good advice.

Sweet FA from the British Embassy.

Are you sure... not even the obligatory "we might be closed" message?

HM public servants are at work and there is a contingency plan for the evacuation of UK nationals from Bangkok.

Whilst most people might think they are playing with their beansacs, delegates from the western embassies have met and they have a co-ordinated plan at the ready.. Don't you kids keep abreast of the newswire releases? And btw, why should the taxpayers of the UK be responsible for the evacuation of non taxpaying nationals who chose to live in Thailand? Didn't you folks leave the UK because you didn't like the nanny state approach?

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Good advice.

Sweet FA from the British Embassy.

The US information is the standard information disseminated in the USA. Its the same SOP given when there are hurricanes and floods in the USA.

Guess what? You can access the same information on the UK government website.


Do you really need the UK govvernment to tell you to read the information which is a click away? You are an adult. Behave like one and look up the information if you are concerned.


I am truly elated and considering how to celebrate. I find myself in the so far unique situation of agreeing with you 100% Seriously this is a major step forward. Not only is your post above entirely accurate and appropriate but your following post concerning the behind the scenes work by embassy officials is also spot on the money. You've made my day!smile.gif

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Good advice.

Sweet FA from the British Embassy.

Are you sure... not even the obligatory "we might be closed" message?

HM public servants are at work and there is a contingency plan for the evacuation of UK nationals from Bangkok.

Whilst most people might think they are playing with their beansacs, delegates from the western embassies have met and they have a co-ordinated plan at the ready.. Don't you kids keep abreast of the newswire releases? And btw, why should the taxpayers of the UK be responsible for the evacuation of non taxpaying nationals who chose to live in Thailand? Didn't you folks leave the UK because you didn't like the nanny state approach?

Do you have a link to what the British Embassy have stated? i would like to see it and also there plan for evacuation(i assume that they have made that public knowledge)which could be important don't you think?

nanny state or not there are people here who have kids that should be kept informed clearly and openly don't you think.....get down off your horse.

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Regarding that line about using bleach as a water disinfectant: This is from the Chlorox website:

Can Clorox® Regular-Bleach be used to disinfect water?

Yes. When boiling off water for 1 minute is not possible in an emergency situation, you can disinfect your drinking water with Clorox® Regular-Bleach as follows:

1. Remove suspended particles by filtering or letting particles settle to the bottom.

2. Pour off clear water into a clean container.

3. Add 8 drops of Clorox® Regular-Bleach (not scented or Clorox® Plus® bleaches) to one gallon of water (2 drops to 1 quart). For cloudy water, use 16 drops per gallon of water (4 drops to 1 quart).

4. Allow the treated water to stand for 30 minutes. Water should have a slight bleach odor. If not, repeat and wait another 15 minutes. The treated water can then be made palatable by pouring it between clean containers several times.

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Good advice.

Sweet FA from the British Embassy.

The US information is the standard information disseminated in the USA. Its the same SOP given when there are hurricanes and floods in the USA.

Guess what? You can access the same information on the UK government website.


Do you really need the UK govvernment to tell you to read the information which is a click away? You are an adult. Behave like one and look up the information if you are concerned.

I am familiar with the website and in general quite capable of taking care of myself and others.

The UK FCO and Embassies particularly recommend UK citizens overseas to register with them, the main reason, ostensibly, being that they can issue specific travel advisories and warnings and can advise and locate their citizens in case of unusual or emergency situations.

My point is that as of this morning, the FCO has only advised caution if tavelling to Thailand and no communications have been issued by the British Embassy in Bangkok. This is in contrast to the level of concern for it's citizens being shown by the US Embassy in Bangkok

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Good advice.

Sweet FA from the British Embassy.

Are you sure... not even the obligatory "we might be closed" message?

HM public servants are at work and there is a contingency plan for the evacuation of UK nationals from Bangkok.

Whilst most people might think they are playing with their beansacs, delegates from the western embassies have met and they have a co-ordinated plan at the ready.. Don't you kids keep abreast of the newswire releases? And btw, why should the taxpayers of the UK be responsible for the evacuation of non taxpaying nationals who chose to live in Thailand? Didn't you folks leave the UK because you didn't like the nanny state approach?

Do you have a link to what the British Embassy have stated? i would like to see it and also there plan for evacuation(i assume that they have made that public knowledge)which could be important don't you think?

nanny state or not there are people here who have kids that should be kept informed clearly and openly don't you think.....get down off your horse.


I assume you have registered with the British Embassy under the 'locate' scheme?

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Good advice.

Sweet FA from the British Embassy.

Are you sure... not even the obligatory "we might be closed" message?

HM public servants are at work and there is a contingency plan for the evacuation of UK nationals from Bangkok.

Whilst most people might think they are playing with their beansacs, delegates from the western embassies have met and they have a co-ordinated plan at the ready.. Don't you kids keep abreast of the newswire releases? And btw, why should the taxpayers of the UK be responsible for the evacuation of non taxpaying nationals who chose to live in Thailand? Didn't you folks leave the UK because you didn't like the nanny state approach?

Every UK national i know living in Thailand still pays tax in the UK ;) and the answer to the next question is NO :o

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"there is a contingency plan for the evacuation of UK nationals from Bangkok."

"they have a co-ordinated plan at the ready.. "

You assume correctly Jim wink.gif but that does not answer my response to the posters claims that plans are in place and if so why are they not made public so Brits can see them or have access to them! or do you have any more information on this other than what is on the website? Or are you just trying to be smart in times of need and helpful info?

Edit to add....Geriatric kid thinks that only people who have never payed tax and there NI contributions live in Thailand,sweeping statement that is way off the mark.

Getting back to his claims of the "master plan" i wait!

Edited by MrRed
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"there is a contingency plan for the evacuation of UK nationals from Bangkok."

"they have a co-ordinated plan at the ready.. "

You assume correctly Jim wink.gif but that does not answer my response to the posters claims that plans are in place and if so why are they not made public so Brits can see them or have access to them! or do you have any more information on this other than what is on the website? Or are you just trying to be smart in times of need and helpful info?

Edit to add....Geriatric kid thinks that only people who have never payed tax and there NI contributions live in Thailand,sweeping statement that is way off the mark.

Getting back to his claims of the "master plan" i wait!

Evacuation plans for civilians are in place, but as is the norm with any evacuation order for civilian personnel, the details are kept as close to the chest as possible and are released on the appropriate information network when an evacuation will take place. The reasons are simple and have been proven on many occasions. When a formal evacuation takes place to move people out of an area of danger, it is not just British (in this discussion), citizens will turn up. Every man, woman child and there dogs will turn up trying to escape the impending danger. I have seen a large helicopter in Africa trying to evacuate people, and the soldiers allowed the line to break. 100 people rushed forward jumping onto the sides of the helicopter as it was taking off, the resulting increase in weight and imbalance was too much, and the aircraft crashed on the scene, leaving many dead and injured and no hope of evacuation. If an evacuation were ordered then you would be made aware of it, particularly if you are registered with 'Locate'. Fingers crossed it won't come anywhere near that though. The best thing is to get a 'go' pack ready for you and your family, and plan various routes to the airheads should you be required to move quickly.

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"there is a contingency plan for the evacuation of UK nationals from Bangkok."

"they have a co-ordinated plan at the ready.. "

You assume correctly Jim wink.gif but that does not answer my response to the posters claims that plans are in place and if so why are they not made public so Brits can see them or have access to them! or do you have any more information on this other than what is on the website? Or are you just trying to be smart in times of need and helpful info?

Edit to add....Geriatric kid thinks that only people who have never payed tax and there NI contributions live in Thailand,sweeping statement that is way off the mark.

Getting back to his claims of the "master plan" i wait!

Evacuation plans for civilians are in place, but as is the norm with any evacuation order for civilian personnel, the details are kept as close to the chest as possible and are released on the appropriate information network when an evacuation will take place. The reasons are simple and have been proven on many occasions. When a formal evacuation takes place to move people out of an area of danger, it is not just British (in this discussion), citizens will turn up. Every man, woman child and there dogs will turn up trying to escape the impending danger. I have seen a large helicopter in Africa trying to evacuate people, and the soldiers allowed the line to break. 100 people rushed forward jumping onto the sides of the helicopter as it was taking off, the resulting increase in weight and imbalance was too much, and the aircraft crashed on the scene, leaving many dead and injured and no hope of evacuation. If an evacuation were ordered then you would be made aware of it, particularly if you are registered with 'Locate'. Fingers crossed it won't come anywhere near that though. The best thing is to get a 'go' pack ready for you and your family, and plan various routes to the airheads should you be required to move quickly.

With all due respect Jim your reply is more akin to war zone areas and while this is not a war zone then many countries embassy's will also have a plan won't they? so if information is given prior to any sizable decline in the situation most folk will not panic,also what about us folk who are not in Bangkok,how do you also explain away the situation of getting to Bangkok if like already stated many highways are blocked.

Some people do not even live near an airport let alone one that services Bangkok daily,and are at most a long way from Bangkok where the flooding is also severe.

I agree with you it most probably will not come to that but the point is if it did.... the British Embassy would be better prepared like you say if they informed people like me who are registered what would happen by e-mail so that panic would not need to happen.

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Good advice.

Sweet FA from the British Embassy.

The US information is the standard information disseminated in the USA. Its the same SOP given when there are hurricanes and floods in the USA.

Guess what? You can access the same information on the UK government website.


Do you really need the UK govvernment to tell you to read the information which is a click away? You are an adult. Behave like one and look up the information if you are concerned.

Yeah but Kid, the US is always getting slammed for inaction or wrong actions and usually it's our British cousins doing the bashing and for once here they're giving credit where it's due and you slammed them for it? A bit knee jerk maybe? Just saying like :whistling: ...

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What's all this evacuation talk suddenly?

I've been in Bangkok for the worst floods in 30 years, coups and various 'civil disorders' and the idea of evacuation had not even crossed my mind until reading some of these posts. I won't be evacuating because of what we might experience over the next week or so.

I understand from the media reporting that there will be some degree of flooding in Bangkok and there will be people, especially with younger families, who are concerned and are expecting some guidance and reassurance from the British Embassy. This sort of situation is probably the reason many of them registered there.

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Every UK national i know living in Thailand still pays tax in the UK ;) and the answer to the next question is NO :o

You need to get out more, 90% of my UK acquaintances (myself included) do not pay UK taxes.

Personally I've been non-resident for tax since 1995. Before the tax-evasion crew jump on me, yes I DO pay tax just not in the UK, and no, I do not expect the embassy to bail me out (literally) or evacuate me and my Thai family.

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"there is a contingency plan for the evacuation of UK nationals from Bangkok."

"they have a co-ordinated plan at the ready.. "

You assume correctly Jim wink.gif but that does not answer my response to the posters claims that plans are in place and if so why are they not made public so Brits can see them or have access to them! or do you have any more information on this other than what is on the website? Or are you just trying to be smart in times of need and helpful info?

Edit to add....Geriatric kid thinks that only people who have never payed tax and there NI contributions live in Thailand,sweeping statement that is way off the mark.

Getting back to his claims of the "master plan" i wait!

Evacuation plans for civilians are in place, but as is the norm with any evacuation order for civilian personnel, the details are kept as close to the chest as possible and are released on the appropriate information network when an evacuation will take place. The reasons are simple and have been proven on many occasions. When a formal evacuation takes place to move people out of an area of danger, it is not just British (in this discussion), citizens will turn up. Every man, woman child and there dogs will turn up trying to escape the impending danger. I have seen a large helicopter in Africa trying to evacuate people, and the soldiers allowed the line to break. 100 people rushed forward jumping onto the sides of the helicopter as it was taking off, the resulting increase in weight and imbalance was too much, and the aircraft crashed on the scene, leaving many dead and injured and no hope of evacuation. If an evacuation were ordered then you would be made aware of it, particularly if you are registered with 'Locate'. Fingers crossed it won't come anywhere near that though. The best thing is to get a 'go' pack ready for you and your family, and plan various routes to the airheads should you be required to move quickly.

With all due respect Jim your reply is more akin to war zone areas and while this is not a war zone then many countries embassy's will also have a plan won't they? so if information is given prior to any sizable decline in the situation most folk will not panic,also what about us folk who are not in Bangkok,how do you also explain away the situation of getting to Bangkok if like already stated many highways are blocked.

Some people do not even live near an airport let alone one that services Bangkok daily,and are at most a long way from Bangkok where the flooding is also severe.

I agree with you it most probably will not come to that but the point is if it did.... the British Embassy would be better prepared like you say if they informed people like me who are registered what would happen by e-mail so that panic would not need to happen.


I have sent your feedback to the main person at the Embassy who is responsible for this area. I will let you know of any feedback I receive in response. :) I have no idea what will occur this time, but I do know that come the end of crisis 'wash-up' (no awful pun intended), feedback such as yours should be discussed and acted upon in any future events. No I am not an Embassy employee, but I do know the right people on a professional level.

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Do you have a link to what the British Embassy have stated? i would like to see it and also there plan for evacuation(i assume that they have made that public knowledge)which could be important don't you think?

nanny state or not there are people here who have kids that should be kept informed clearly and openly don't you think.....get down off your horse.

A detailed response has already been provided. However, I recommend you visit the embassy website http://ukinthailand....ws&id=668375182

The link provides a preliminary guidance. In addition to this, if you believe that an evacuation will be necessary, you should have done the following;

1. Followed the advice of the information on the UK Emergency Preparedness website which is similar to the US government recommendations.

2. Registered with the UK government..

3. Prepared yourself to move with little notice, i.e. have a small bag packed and ready with your medications and some food. Do you have a contingency plan in place, i.e, considered possible escape routes and a destination? Do you have sufficient cash resources on hand to pay for expenses along the way? make sure your phone is charged and paid up. Have you co-ordinated with friends and family as to how you will organize yourselves should the need to evacuate arise?

The first step in any emergency response is self sufficiency and taking charge of one's own safety. Be prepared.

If you are married to a Thai national and have a Thai national family, the responsibility for the Thai nationals rest with Thailand not a foreign government. Therefore, you should not expect your government to respond to your extended family needs.

Basically, the current emergency response would be to alert UK nationals to go to various safe points as designated by the local authorities and to rely on the local authorities to assist in the orderly evacuation of nationals to safe zones. In the event that the logistics network broke down, it is most likely that a collection of buses and watercraft would be used to transport foreign nationals. (This would follow the same scenario as in Tunisia and Egypt.) As there are large parts of Thailand unaffected by the flooding, the expected action would be to assist in the transport of nationals to those areas. As the flooding is not a crisis in the same way as a conflict zone, there would most likely be no repatriation efforts or airlift to 3rd countries. In a worse case scenario, many foreign countries would rely upon the US, Australian and Singapore militaries to provide airlift capability. It is highly unlikely such airlift will be required since BKK is operating and the regional airports in the non flooded areas are open for business.

Of course, you do have the option of leaving now if you are worried. That way, you will not have to rely on the UK to tell you what to do or to take care of you.

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Evacuation plans for civilians are in place, but as is the norm with any evacuation order for civilian personnel, the details are kept as close to the chest as possible and are released on the appropriate information network when an evacuation will take place. The reasons are simple and have been proven on many occasions. When a formal evacuation takes place to move people out of an area of danger, it is not just British (in this discussion), citizens will turn up. Every man, woman child and there dogs will turn up trying to escape the impending danger. I have seen a large helicopter in Africa trying to evacuate people, and the soldiers allowed the line to break. 100 people rushed forward jumping onto the sides of the helicopter as it was taking off, the resulting increase in weight and imbalance was too much, and the aircraft crashed on the scene, leaving many dead and injured and no hope of evacuation. If an evacuation were ordered then you would be made aware of it, particularly if you are registered with 'Locate'. Fingers crossed it won't come anywhere near that though. The best thing is to get a 'go' pack ready for you and your family, and plan various routes to the airheads should you be required to move quickly.

With all due respect Jim your reply is more akin to war zone areas and while this is not a war zone then many countries embassy's will also have a plan won't they? so if information is given prior to any sizable decline in the situation most folk will not panic,also what about us folk who are not in Bangkok,how do you also explain away the situation of getting to Bangkok if like already stated many highways are blocked.

Some people do not even live near an airport let alone one that services Bangkok daily,and are at most a long way from Bangkok where the flooding is also severe.

I agree with you it most probably will not come to that but the point is if it did.... the British Embassy would be better prepared like you say if they informed people like me who are registered what would happen by e-mail so that panic would not need to happen.


I have sent your feedback to the main person at the Embassy who is responsible for this area. I will let you know of any feedback I receive in response. :) I have no idea what will occur this time, but I do know that come the end of crisis 'wash-up' (no awful pun intended), feedback such as yours should be discussed and acted upon in any future events. No I am not an Embassy employee, but I do know the right people on a professional level.

Thank you Jim it would be good to hear what there response is! jap.gif

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Do you have a link to what the British Embassy have stated? i would like to see it and also there plan for evacuation(i assume that they have made that public knowledge)which could be important don't you think?

nanny state or not there are people here who have kids that should be kept informed clearly and openly don't you think.....get down off your horse.

A detailed response has already been provided. However, I recommend you visit the embassy website http://ukinthailand....ws&id=668375182

The link provides a preliminary guidance. In addition to this, if you believe that an evacuation will be necessary, you should have done the following;

1. Followed the advice of the information on the UK Emergency Preparedness website which is similar to the US government recommendations.

2. Registered with the UK government..

3. Prepared yourself to move with little notice, i.e. have a small bag packed and ready with your medications and some food. Do you have a contingency plan in place, i.e, considered possible escape routes and a destination? Do you have sufficient cash resources on hand to pay for expenses along the way? make sure your phone is charged and paid up. Have you co-ordinated with friends and family as to how you will organize yourselves should the need to evacuate arise?

The first step in any emergency response is self sufficiency and taking charge of one's own safety. Be prepared.

If you are married to a Thai national and have a Thai national family, the responsibility for the Thai nationals rest with Thailand not a foreign government. Therefore, you should not expect your government to respond to your extended family needs.

Basically, the current emergency response would be to alert UK nationals to go to various safe points as designated by the local authorities and to rely on the local authorities to assist in the orderly evacuation of nationals to safe zones. In the event that the logistics network broke down, it is most likely that a collection of buses and watercraft would be used to transport foreign nationals. (This would follow the same scenario as in Tunisia and Egypt.) As there are large parts of Thailand unaffected by the flooding, the expected action would be to assist in the transport of nationals to those areas. As the flooding is not a crisis in the same way as a conflict zone, there would most likely be no repatriation efforts or airlift to 3rd countries. In a worse case scenario, many foreign countries would rely upon the US, Australian and Singapore militaries to provide airlift capability. It is highly unlikely such airlift will be required since BKK is operating and the regional airports in the non flooded areas are open for business.

Of course, you do have the option of leaving now if you are worried. That way, you will not have to rely on the UK to tell you what to do or to take care of you.

Thanks for taking the time with your detailed response. Obviously common sense and being prepared goes without saying. jap.gif

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