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Are Any Farangs Helping In Bkk Floods?


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I have just gotten home from an afternoon out around Bang Na, and managed to fit in an hour and a half of helping out with the sandbagging around Rama 9 park. Had a few other Westerners turn up and help around the same time as me, and it felt good to be involved. I'll admit at first to being hesitant, though I can't really say why. I guess it's because I was the only 'farang' there at first, and felt out of place. I just stopped worrying after me and my girlfriend dived in and started to tie up the sandbags being filled by the Thais. Then some other Westerners came along and, similar to me, hesitantly joined in. They were working on filling the sandbags, I stayed in the background securing the bags and tossing them on to the piles already there. The sense of community was great, and during the break between new piles of sand being carted over, a Thai guy offered me a pre-packed Thai dinner, and then some M-150 to help my 'muscles'. I took the M-150 out of politeness, after declining the meal that I'm sure another person deserved a lot more.

It wasn't just the Thais involved, which was nice to see. There were groups of Japanese, Chinese, and us 'farang' helping out. Granted, the Westerners were the small minority (I think there were about 6/7 of us amongst hundreds of Asians), but I certainly didn't feel like I was a hindrance, nor in danger of being pulled out by police - though I do have a work permit so perhaps that helps my mind a bit.

Anyway, point of this is that me and my girlfriend didn't do much - we spent an hour and a half securing sandbags with plastic ties and tossing them onto the piles already there - but if everyone was to do this imagine how many walls would go up! From what I could tell, a vast amount of people are coming down to help out - young and old - and that's really nice to see.

Only thing that put a downer on it was seeing a nice rich Thai village being wrapped up in plastic like a Christmas present and having huge amounts of sandbags delivered. I really liked to think that what I was doing was helping the community that couldn't afford or manage to help themselves. I really hope all these sandbags weren't just to protect the rich and healthy and (yes, beautiful, but not as important as lives) park that their houses overlooked. I don't think they were, but that area is incredibly rich, so who knows. Luckily, I'm not yet that cynical.

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Do you have to see farangs on tv to know they are assisting? Many international companies based in Bangkok have been assisting as well as almost every international chamber or organisation are collecting donations including money, clothes, food, and other essentials.

Thoughts and prayers to all suffering and I hope that this will end soon.

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I think what you are doing is outstanding! I'm sure many more people would get involved if there was an organized volunteer campaign. Of course would mean sanctioning an illegal activity (volunteering by foreigners) so its unlikely that would happen. :(

Twice a day for nearly one week, I am jumping -usually with a box of mama noodles- in the food distribution truck, which is passing in front of our gated community.

For the late afternoon shift, most of the immigration folks are on it as well, to help... and the truck pick up them just in front of their rooms close to their office (Baan Buathong)...

But all of the time: I am the only "mamuang" on that truck... ohmy.gif

PS: Saturday night, we had a "kind of" get together drinking party ; getting bored to be called "farang", I asked them to call me mango... and now, they are all calling me "mamuang"!

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i haven't read all the pages of this thread (too many boring dumb answers)

one thing of note - the reason for this reply is that i'm astounded by the ignorant people here who talk about helping out in a disaster and work permits.

if you think that you need a work permit to help out here in a disaster, then you really have no understanding of Thai culture.

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1319301684[/url]' post='4785874']

i haven't read all the pages of this thread (too many boring dumb answers)

one thing of note - the reason for this reply is that i'm astounded by the ignorant people here who talk about helping out in a disaster and work permits.

if you think that you need a work permit to help out here in a disaster, then you really have no understanding of Thai culture.

While the water was rising in our village I was working with the sandbag crews trying to stop the flow. I loaded hundreds of sandbags onto trucks right in front of several police and people from the immigration office. Did any of them tell me to stop because I didn't have a work permit? No, of course not. They brought me food and water and thanked me for helping.

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Those of you that want to help should quit coming on here and looking for excuses not to and just get on and do it. How many of you that have proclaimed to want to help have just got on with it?

A great idea for the OP would be to wash car windscreens in Bangkok and tell the drivers that the money is for flood victims. The OP is white so he will be a novelty and his wife can write a card in Thai to show the drivers what he is doing. I think that would be a great way for him to actually do something useful.

There are two types of people out there, those who try to give the impression they are good people and contribute to society by telling everyone of their intentions, and those who just get on and do it. You lot who keep going on about how you want to help need to just log off the internet and just go out there and get on with it. The more posts we see of you telling us all your obstacles the more we are going to think you are not sincere in your pledges.

Edited by Kananga
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Seem to recall the issue regarding wp's came long after the initial tsunami....

Anyways, wouldn't take much to have immigration issue a short statement to clear it of any misunderstanding like..

"Hey you farang, you lift sandbags no problem".

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I don't understand the SERIOUS bashing some people are getting for what sounds like a genuine concern as to whether they'll get in trouble for volunteering.

I mean the Tsunami which was a natural disaster that makes this flooding seem trivial in comparison, had farang getting in trouble for breaking immigration rules, there clearly was none of this "turning a blind eye and appreciation" by immigration officials some of you are talking about.

Sounds like a reason, to possibly be concerned.

Sorry i do get it.

People doing the bashing are AR%*H@LE's and clearly superior to anyone else.

Careful, with that huge head of yours you might capsize the boat your helping from.

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I don't understand the SERIOUS bashing some people are getting for what sounds like a genuine concern as to whether they'll get in trouble for volunteering.

I mean the Tsunami which was a natural disaster that makes this flooding seem trivial in comparison, had farang getting in trouble for breaking immigration rules, there clearly was none of this "turning a blind eye and appreciation" by immigration officials some of you are talking about.

Sounds like a reason, to possibly be concerned.

Sorry i do get it.

People doing the bashing are AR%*H@LE's and clearly superior to anyone else.

Careful, with that huge head of yours you might capsize the boat your helping from.

Do you have any credible reports of anyone being arrested or deported for not having a work permit in the immediate aftermath of the Tsunami? If you look at the news from back then you will see that Immigration Officials actually announced 5 or 6-weeks after the Tsunami that they had not been enforcing this because they understood foreigners wanted to help but that they would start enforcing the law in as early as 3-weeks (March) since the situation was beginning to return to normal.

Nobody is going to get tasseled for helping save lives or property during an emergency unless they are looking for or causing trouble ... which wouldn't surprise me given some of the attitudes by posters.

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There are at least seven foreigners working should-to-shoulder with the Thais in our little Thai church, helping hundreds of flood-stricken families in our district. with care-packages including personal and household necessities. We really don't care if the TV cameras come out or not. The important thing is, yes, foreigners are helping. No one seems to care about the WP threat.

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Do people really expect the government to make a specific announcement saying that foreigners can help out without a work permit??

Considering how insignificant we actually are to the country as a whole then it's never going to happen!

This is a humanitarian crisis/disaster, there is not an official in the whole country that would arrest you for helping out in these circumstances, it's ridiculous to use "no work permit" as an excuse not to muck in..

If you want to be a manager of bar illegally without a work permit, then you deserve it, that's what the law is there for.

But under current circumstances even if you did get collared, do you think there is a single Judge in the country that would find you guilty??

End this topic now, it's crazy and stupid! There are even celebrity farangs appearing on TV doing their bit now..

If you are in a position to help, then go for it, they need everyone!

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Do people really expect the government to make a specific announcement saying that foreigners can help out without a work permit??

If you haven't noticed, there are many people whose feelings of inadequacies manifest into false beliefs of superiority and self-importance. So yes, they believe the government should be thinking about them and how crucial it is to get expats helping out because without them Thailand would be doomed.

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Do people really expect the government to make a specific announcement saying that foreigners can help out without a work permit??

If you haven't noticed, there are many people whose feelings of inadequacies manifest into false beliefs of superiority and self-importance. So yes, they believe the government should be thinking about them and how crucial it is to get expats helping out because without them Thailand would be doomed.

Very good point. Your comment about false beliefs of superiority and self-importance is spot on in this case. If these people really wanted to help they would be out doing it, instead of spending yet another day sat in front of the computer talking about themselves.

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I still think the OP should get down to Bangkok and start washing car windows if he's serious about helping. Its a novel, easy, cheap way to raise money for flood victims. He doesn't need to be able to speak Thai and the start up costs are minimal.

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Just get out there to a flood zone, 'dive in', and help out - it do ya good versus staring at the computer/tv stressing about what's possibly coming your way in a few days. heck, you might even plant some good karma!

On Sunday we went out in a boat with a dog & cat rescue group and saved over fifteen dogs & a cat in a flooded part of bkk [n the pics, the animals were tranquilized for everyone's safety, all are now healthy, fed and dry]. Then we boated-in food & water to people living off the main road and neck deep.

Dylan our 11 year old was amazing - always ready to jump in, literally, to help out in giving out food and helped rescue the animals that were trapped in houses. My wife and I are so proud of him. And we're happy to be doing something besides watching the news and dreading for our day when it comes. Scores of farangs helping out. Lots of heart-felt thanks, some tears, even a few hugs. NO signs of farangs being dragged off to jail! Geez, get real.

If you want to help in any way with this dog & cat rescue group, send a message to Rung Cal on facebook.



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i haven't read all the pages of this thread (too many boring dumb answers)

one thing of note - the reason for this reply is that i'm astounded by the ignorant people here who talk about helping out in a disaster and work permits.

if you think that you need a work permit to help out here in a disaster, then you really have no understanding of Thai culture.

Thanks for saying what I was thinking.

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i haven't read all the pages of this thread (too many boring dumb answers)

one thing of note - the reason for this reply is that i'm astounded by the ignorant people here who talk about helping out in a disaster and work permits.

if you think that you need a work permit to help out here in a disaster, then you really have no understanding of Thai culture.

Thanks for saying what I was thinking.


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we in pattaya would seriously like to help with relief aid, provisions etc. heres our predicament...

1,, we are not 100% sure what is needed

2.. if we raised it or collected it, where would we deliver it in BKK to make sure it gets to where it is needed?

Please remember, we are not from BKK and I for one woud get either lost or water drenched before ever finding where ever i was supposed to be going.

dam_n, we even have a water bottling plant in the village here

any help appreciated. we operate the local radio station here and I am SURE we could drum up some farange support IF we had a plan worked out from start to finish



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last night went to Rama 9 park in the east of Bangkok and helped fill sandbags, good hard physical graft accompanied by a good atmosphere and my contribution was REALLY appreciated

but barring a couple of European ladies I was the ONLY westerner. shameful really, Best we buck our ideas up and get stuck in. Saying that If it wasn't for the girlfriend, I wouldn't of had a clue where to go

so perhaps a perhaps a stiicky/ pinned thread would be helpful giving info on where interested parties can go to help out.

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so perhaps a perhaps a stiicky/ pinned thread would be helpful giving info on where interested parties can go to help out.

Nonthaburi Pier's rocking every day and night with a sandbagging station if anyone wants to pitch in. I missed today, my back was too sore after the last two days of it (turns out I'm not 19 anymore). Still, I live on the river and a neighbor's levee broke, flooding our river street briefly, so I had a chance to help repair that and to shore up some others today.

I know for sure about sandbaging stations at Siriraj and Nonthaburi Pier, but I see them everywhere when I drive around. If you live anywhere near a canal or the river in a busy area there'll be somewhere to help probably. Everyone's very happy to have you join in and it's especially good to go during the daytime, because, while it's hot, Thai attendance is down due to the sunlight (I know this sounds a little silly, but it's true), so it's a good time that they need more warm bodies. As soon as the sun starts to wane a bit the place fills up with volunteers.

EDIT: And, to echo those above, for the people wondering about immigration.work permits, it's not a concern, don't worry - just come on down and join up. For the moronic trolls here and there trying to scaremonger on the topic, please put a cork in it and stop trying to prevent people from helping in a disaster, you selfish pricks.

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anybody know of anywhere in prakanong, on nut or that end of town / area that needs help ?

or anywhere central?

would help out in nonthaburi but cant get out there.

if anyone has any suggestions, please let me know.

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anybody know of anywhere in prakanong, on nut or that end of town / area that needs help ?

or anywhere central?

would help out in nonthaburi but cant get out there.

if anyone has any suggestions, please let me know.

I heard something about Bang Na, maybe Wat Bang Na over on Sanphawut? Try googling around and see what you can find. Sounds like a likely area. Hopefully someone will have some better info for you - good luck!

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I'm sorry, I didn't read all the posts regarding helping farangs.

The main concern seems to be a work permit, which is needed if you perform (paid) labor.

Assisting or aiding in a catastrophe like this is country wide "allowed". In other words: Nobody will enforce the labor law in combination with the immigration law regarding visa and work permits.

Calling the foreigner, who refuses to help because he doesn't have a WP, arrogant is overdone; it's his good right. It may be ignorant, that's all.

Being paranoia of having no or no correct WP is a bit overdone; there will be no government-official who will check foreigners on having a WP.

However, some foreigners will continue performing labor after the ordeal has been solved claiming that they didn't need a WP during the floods, and that they won't need a WP after the floods.

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I'm sorry, I didn't read all the posts regarding helping farangs.

The main concern seems to be a work permit, which is needed if you perform (paid) labor.

Assisting or aiding in a catastrophe like this is country wide "allowed". In other words: Nobody will enforce the labor law in combination with the immigration law regarding visa and work permits.

Calling the foreigner, who refuses to help because he doesn't have a WP, arrogant is overdone; it's his good right. It may be ignorant, that's all.

Being paranoia of having no or no correct WP is a bit overdone; there will be no government-official who will check foreigners on having a WP.

However, some foreigners will continue performing labor after the ordeal has been solved claiming that they didn't need a WP during the floods, and that they won't need a WP after the floods.

Good point, the work permit paranoia brigade are not arrogant, just ignorant. And in some cases just looking for a way to ease their conscience so they dont have to get involved. There has been some hilarious examples of excuses for people not lifting a finger when they could have done and initially gave the bogus impression they were willing to do so.

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I'm sorry, I didn't read all the posts regarding helping farangs.

The main concern seems to be a work permit, which is needed if you perform (paid) labor.

Assisting or aiding in a catastrophe like this is country wide "allowed". In other words: Nobody will enforce the labor law in combination with the immigration law regarding visa and work permits.

Calling the foreigner, who refuses to help because he doesn't have a WP, arrogant is overdone; it's his good right. It may be ignorant, that's all.

Being paranoia of having no or no correct WP is a bit overdone; there will be no government-official who will check foreigners on having a WP.

However, some foreigners will continue performing labor after the ordeal has been solved claiming that they didn't need a WP during the floods, and that they won't need a WP after the floods.

Good point, the work permit paranoia brigade are not arrogant, just ignorant. And in some cases just looking for a way to ease their conscience so they dont have to get involved. There has been some hilarious examples of excuses for people not lifting a finger when they could have done and initially gave the bogus impression they were willing to do so.

I have a work permit and see that as a reason to actually help. I spent the best part of yesterday helping move the condo furniture and fitness equipment to higher ground. I am sure a lot of people who help are not seen on TV.

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