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Do You Believe In Thai Ghosts


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Ghosts my arse cant believe Im replying to this crap but here looks like a reflection from somewhere in the lens or glass somewhere, why the ghost is even wearing the same t shirt as the man and in the same position.............because its just a reflection of THAT man.:whistling:


Edited by travelmann
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Two alternatives. One of the old maids sneaked in to your room while you were out, and decided to hide under the bed when you arrived unexpectedly. She waited for a while until you had fallen asleep and then sneaked out of the room.

Or.....your friend picked up a ladyboy who entered the room while you were in the bathroom. After giving your friend a bj he wanted to have a go at you as well, but since you were asleep he sneaked out of the room with 480 baht he found in your trousers.

Sorry, no ghost.

B) Thanks for that comentary! I really got a chuckle out of it.

As I said before I am not one generally inclined to believe in supernatural phenomena. I can assure my friend was not into ladyboys, and noone was in the room. I had just barely entered the twilight phase between being awake and falling asleep when this happened. It made quite an impact on me even 11 years later. I probably had a bit more than 480baht, not much more. once again thanks for the comentary as it really does bring a smile to my face. My friend BTW was absolutely clueless to what had hapened, but I am certain I had double checked the lock on the door. I am not 100% it was a Ghost of sorts , but was a very freaky experience.


Get real ,drunk and half awake half asleep????? dont tell me youd taken some funny substances also?:whistling:

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Two alternatives. One of the old maids sneaked in to your room while you were out, and decided to hide under the bed when you arrived unexpectedly. She waited for a while until you had fallen asleep and then sneaked out of the room.

Or.....your friend picked up a ladyboy who entered the room while you were in the bathroom. After giving your friend a bj he wanted to have a go at you as well, but since you were asleep he sneaked out of the room with 480 baht he found in your trousers.

Sorry, no ghost.

B) Thanks for that comentary! I really got a chuckle out of it.

As I said before I am not one generally inclined to believe in supernatural phenomena. I can assure my friend was not into ladyboys, and noone was in the room. I had just barely entered the twilight phase between being awake and falling asleep when this happened. It made quite an impact on me even 11 years later. I probably had a bit more than 480baht, not much more. once again thanks for the comentary as it really does bring a smile to my face. My friend BTW was absolutely clueless to what had hapened, but I am certain I had double checked the lock on the door. I am not 100% it was a Ghost of sorts , but was a very freaky experience.


Actually, I once saw something really strange. I was only 14 at the time and wrote it off as something that could be explained. Without mentioning exactly what I saw, it took a couple of years before I realized how lucky I had been to see what I saw, and that the only possible explanation was what people usually dont want to hear.... I have mentioned the details to a couple of my closest friends, and they all try to come up with a reasonable explanation, even though there is none.

So I know the feeling...!


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It doesn't matter if you believe in Thai ghosts or not, what matters is that Thais believe in them so !!!

This is the Kryptonite you have been waiting for !! The answer to all your annoying neighbour / family member / girlfriend / wife problems !!

Use your imagination and manipulate situations to your advantage, stand back and have a laugh at their reactions.

One friend of mine who is a regular visitor to Thailand landed in a room that he knew had been occupied by a guy that died in it a year earlier. My friends complaint was that the room was at the noisy side of the hotel, and he also knew that said complaint would get him nowhere............so he trailed down to reception and the following conversation took place.

" I have a problem with my room......strange noises during the night and I see shadows moving "

Distressed look on hotel managers face..............

" I am not sure, but is that not the room ......... died in last year ? "

" Yes "

" I think his spirit is not happy, he wake me and scare me during the night "

Look of panic on hotel managers face

" I think maybe you must move me out of that room now "

" OK, OK I will do....I have room along corridor "

" I am scared to stay on same floor in case ........ is angry with me and finds me "

" OK, OK, I move you upstairs " ( benefit being, closer to the rooftop pool )

So said friend got a move to a more suitable room, and he was highly amused to see, ( as I was too, I was in the hotel at the time ) a team of monks appear within a few minutes to do an exorcism in the first room.

So come on.......use the Thai belief in ghosts to your advantage !!

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From my own experience I would say children "see" ghosts more than adults. Although I think the idea of seeing a ghost as some sort of apparition/ human form is quite rare. However maybe different people experience things differently. For me seeing ghosts (although more often experiencing them) was quite a common phenomena until the age of about 12. After that things would only appear in dreams but quite often tied into reality and things I couldn't have known about etc etc.

Way too many experiences to list here, so of course I believe in them, but as to what form and do they have a multitude of forms , I really don't know. Of course its perfectly understandable for people not to believe in them if they haven't had the experience. Actually from my experience the use of the word ghost is probably a bit misleading, it infers something which it normally is not.

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I'm now in my 60's and all my life I've hoped to see a ghost, without any luck.

I have so many questions, that will all probably go unanswered sad.gif

I could try the fairies at the bottom of the garden, or the spirit we put food out for, but he/she doesn't touch a thing so we're probably not giving him/her the right type of food.............geez, even left a drop of JW Blue!

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Its part of Buddhism to believe in Spirits or Ghosts as we call them. I have an open mind, I work nights and get home about 4 am some morning, so the Wife is alone in our House, She told me one morning when i got in from work, that two spirits had come to visit her, They stood beside the bed looking at her , She described them to me, one a lady and the other was a man, they stood side by side holding hands and just looking at her and smiling, I just went to sleep and thought nothing of it,my wife has only been in England two years.I got up the next day and i could not get what she had said out of my mind ,I got the old pictures of my family out and went through them, the description she had given me was of my Grand Parents, who both have been dead for 30 years, which made me think , could it have been true, she also said that the photo was the same spirits that had come see her. and she had never seen the photos before.

Edited by Thongkorn
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Its part of Buddhism to believe in Spirits or Ghosts as we call them. I have an open mind, I work nights and get home about 4 am some morning, so the Wife is alone in our House, She told me one morning when i got in from work, that two spirits had come to visit her, They stood beside the bed looking at her , She described them to me, one a lady and the other was a man, they stood side by side holding hands and just looking at her and smiling, I just went to sleep and thought nothing of it,my wife has only been in England two years.I got up the next day and i could not get what she had said out of my mind ,I got the old pictures of my family out and went through them, the description she had given me was of my Grand Parents, who both have been dead for 30 years, which made me think , could it have been true, she also said that the photo was the same spirits that had come see her. and she had never seen the photos before.

I didn't know it was part of Buddhism to believe in ghosts/spirits - I thought everything was reincarnated, rather than hanging around.

Its hard to understand why 'spirits' would hang around smiling at people they don't even know. Haven't they anything better to do with their time??

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Its part of Buddhism to believe in Spirits or Ghosts as we call them. I have an open mind, I work nights and get home about 4 am some morning, so the Wife is alone in our House, She told me one morning when i got in from work, that two spirits had come to visit her, They stood beside the bed looking at her , She described them to me, one a lady and the other was a man, they stood side by side holding hands and just looking at her and smiling, I just went to sleep and thought nothing of it,my wife has only been in England two years.I got up the next day and i could not get what she had said out of my mind ,I got the old pictures of my family out and went through them, the description she had given me was of my Grand Parents, who both have been dead for 30 years, which made me think , could it have been true, she also said that the photo was the same spirits that had come see her. and she had never seen the photos before.

I didn't know it was part of Buddhism to believe in ghosts/spirits - I thought everything was reincarnated, rather than hanging around.

Its hard to understand why 'spirits' would hang around smiling at people they don't even know. Haven't they anything better to do with their time??

Maybe its a period of cleansing for some reason, or time has no relevance for them.

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the caterwauling youngsters were bad enough to awaken even the deepest sleeping ghosts.......

I am surprised there hasn't been a Thai knockoff of the Paranormal movies.....seems like a can't miss here on a low budget....just mail me my chequefor the idea

Edited by tailspin
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