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German Murderer In Apparent Suicide

sriracha john

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A German out on bail jumps from the 12th floor together with a letter of the court regarding his appeal against the conviction of murdering his Thai wife

On November 11th at 8.00 pm Police were called to the Yen Sabai Condotel, where an apparent suicide had taken place.

Arriving at the condo Police found the dead body of a German national named Detlef Gerhard Funck (51), laying on the ground, face down at the rear of the building.

Near the body Police noticed an envelope addressed to the deceased, containing a letter from his family. There was also a "notice of hearing" referring to a court case appeal pertaining to the death of the man's Thai wife on the 10th of December 2004.

The man who alerted Police lived next door to the building and told Police that he was outside his house when he heard the sound of what appeared to be someone throwing something out of an upper storey window.

He peered over the wall of the condo, and saw the German laying face down sustaining massive head injuries.

He then shouted for help, a security guard arrived and they then called Police. They made investigations to the management of the building, but there were no records or knowledge of the man being on the premises.

Investigations continued on the 12th floor where there were signs of heavy smoking with cigarette butts near a ventilator window.

Police assume at this time that, because the German was on bail for an appeal against a conviction of murdering his Thai wife last year, that the pressure had become too much for him to withstand, and the recent summons to face further court proceedings, probably led to him taking his own life, by jumping from the window.

Police recorded no visible signs of foul play. However, a thorough autopsy will be established to determine the exact cause of death.

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A German out on bail jumps from the 12th floor together with a letter of the court regarding his appeal against the conviction of murdering his Thai wife

On November 11th at 8.00 pm Police were called to the Yen Sabai Condotel, where an apparent suicide had taken place.

Arriving at the condo Police found the dead body of a German national named Detlef Gerhard Funck (51), laying on the ground, face down at the rear of the building.

Near the body Police noticed an envelope addressed to the deceased, containing a letter from his family. There was also a "notice of hearing" referring to a court case appeal pertaining to the death of the man's Thai wife on the 10th of December 2004.

The man who alerted Police lived next door to the building and told Police that he was outside his house when he heard the sound of what appeared to be someone throwing something out of an upper storey window.

He peered over the wall of the condo, and saw the German laying face down sustaining massive head injuries.

He then shouted for help, a security guard arrived and they then called Police. They made investigations to the management of the building, but there were no records or knowledge of the man being on the premises.

Investigations continued on the 12th floor where there were signs of heavy smoking with cigarette butts near a ventilator window.

Police assume at this time that, because the German was on bail for an appeal against a conviction of murdering his Thai wife last year, that the pressure had become too much for him to withstand, and the recent summons to face further court proceedings, probably led to him taking his own life, by jumping from the window.

Police recorded no visible signs of foul play. However, a thorough autopsy will be established to determine the exact cause of death.

He got off lucky.

I remember last year, he killed his wife then hid her in the bushes.

Edited by davethailand
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checked several places and it's interesting can't find anything on the original story ???

Located the Original Story:

31 Dec 04

German charged with first degree murder of wife

Police have charged Gerhard Funck Detlef, 50, with first degree murder of his common law wife whose body was found near the Pattaya Courts on December 10. She was identified by relatives as Yim ‘Jeab’ Wangabklang, 35, a native of Kalasin.

Detlef was detained for visa overstay on December 20, as police investigators search his house for further evidence in the case. The house is located just over 100 meters from where the body was found.

Neighbors told police that pair argued constantly and on December 8 they were overheard arguing about money. Apparently the woman screamed for help before everything went silent. Neighbors alleged they saw Detlef take something out the back of the house in a black plastic bag.

During the search of the house on December 20, police found incriminating evidence, and later surmised that the motive financial. Detlef was allegedly involved in trafficking women overseas under the guise of a marriage agency. Police belief that 50,000 baht was transferred into Yim Wangabklang’s bank account, but she refused to pass it along to Detlef, which police surmise was the cause of the argument.

Gerhard Funck Detlef, denied all allegations, but was charged with murder in the first degree.




Police believe they have their man, Gerhard Funck Detlef (seated right) who they’ve charged with first degree murder of his wife.




German out on bail jumps from the 12th floor


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well why else Noel . if he had of been English it would have been murder

Hmmm, a bit too racy a path for me to go down, so I will leap off on a tangent.

At least this 'casualty' will not face the misery of incarceration and rotting in a Thai jail, whether or not that would have been the case. It certainly does look as though he was not too confident of getting off though, hence him jumping bail. :D

One thing that puzzles me about these sad sorts who feel compelled to experience 'terminal velocity' is do they ever consider the possibility that they might change their mind halfway down? :D

I suppose it will remain a mystery, unless we get a Buddhist pavement artist prepared to tell all in his next life... :o

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Why didn't he just illegally sneak off to Cambodia instead? Better to be there on illegal entry than to be here in a Thai jail. It is not that he would have found a way to get away and off to Germany, but it is better to take a shot at it than to kill yourself.

He must be crazy!

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If that was the case, he would have been shot or stabbed. If you only weigh 50-60 kgs on avg., it's easier to pull the trigger or push a knife into some meat with 10 kgs. of pressure than to pick up a 100 kg man and throw him over the railing.


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The man who alerted Police lived next door to the building and told Police that he was outside his house when he heard the sound of what appeared to be someone throwing something out of an upper storey window.

Here´s a sound I´m not familiar with...

Is throwing stuff out of windows so frequent in Pattaya that there should be a name for the sound it produces?

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The man who alerted Police lived next door to the building and told Police that he was outside his house when he heard the sound of what appeared to be someone throwing something out of an upper storey window.

Here´s a sound I´m not familiar with...

Is throwing stuff out of windows so frequent in Pattaya that there should be a name for the sound it produces?

It sounds something like this.... Gerrrooonnnimmoooo!

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The man who alerted Police lived next door to the building and told Police that he was outside his house when he heard the sound of what appeared to be someone throwing something out of an upper storey window.

Here´s a sound I´m not familiar with...

Is throwing stuff out of windows so frequent in Pattaya that there should be a name for the sound it produces?

It sounds something like this.... Gerrrooonnnimmoooo!

or in the case of Pattaya suicides aaaaahhhhhhfffuuuukkkkiiinneellllppppmmeeeee splat :o

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  • 1 year later...
well how about if he was English he was murdered to cover up for who murdered the women in the first place , beer chang (works every time providing your misses lets you out that is )

well i have to say you are the one who has hit the nail on the head!!!!do you know somthing also?I KNOW THIS IS A OLD STORY BUT I JUST HAVE TO SAY SOMTHING!!

for the rest of you saying bad things on this page

not very good your all wrong!!

he was working as a front for some german ummm people

and it was his boss who did the 2 i repaeat 2 killings

for the people who knew him as i did he was a nice guy who loved

thailand and loved to be in thailand who listend to some people who was nice smiles but bad people (german criminals)promised big money new life in thailand!the dream job

the thing is their is a big german gang working out of pattaya

you drink in their bars but will not know

they get ladys/ladyboys to go working in germany he was part of that

a jimmy as we say in england(stupid bloke to do somthing illegal for a bit of money)

the girl was killd by his boss because she was going to tell all to the police!

he was killd as he was promised it would all go away the plaice he was killd ummm maybe he was waiting his BOSS to show him the papers the ones in his posetion when found on the floor and ask when it is going away!!!

didis (his nick name)time was best spent smoking a cigar and playing chess i know!!

well to all the people who love to read pattaya people or mail or just beleive evrything they read

am i telling a story/ am i as bad as the papers? you all have a mind you all can listen can come up with your owen ideas

the truth is he did not kill anybody and if was investigated properly

phone records and the such like mobile phone mapping. ,maybe found to be innocent and i think by the simple thing i have mentioned 2 diffrent plaices 1 same no!!!!

pattaya police lol i think murder in thailand is 500,000bht then it was no evidance ,suicide

so please i ask evrybody to think again when reading and writing

have a heart a thai woman lost her life god rest her sole a germany guy lost his life god rest his sole and for all the people he was involved with shipping to germany i hope they stay quiet or maybe they will jump to their deaths also. sorry if i have talked out of turn maybe i have maybe i have not. i just had to speak out, did i go to the police? would you in thailand do you want to jump from the 12th floor?

with your hands tied behind your back? and your balconie door locked from the inside, pattaya suicide i think they call it lol i would like to see some more honest posts on here not sheep posts lol

i used to love pattaya but it is worse than the bronx in the usa know

law and order lol cambodia is the new thailand 24 hours drinking ladys smilling gambling cheap hotels nice sea resorts its pattaya 1984 ok bye for know

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NOTE> the poster who revived this thread PM'd me. I've had a wee PM exchange with him.

He seems to quite nice actually, and i believe he now realises that it was a bit futile to revive this thread.

it is quite an interesting story, but the man's soul has been resting for over two years now. Perhaps best left to rest?

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listen to yous guys , have you got no compassion the bloke is splattered all over the ground and you have found him guilty of a crime because he is German , what a forking bunch ,thank god hitler is dead ( but is he )
He's been found guilty because he killed his wife, regardless of his nationality.

Lay off the beer, grandpa...

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perhaps the police might be interested in his boss if you report what you knowm they recently expressed an interest in wanting falangs to report this stuff

no need....Pattaya police reads thaiisa....that's why it is better to report here instead of the police station... :o

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