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Bangkok Sinks


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Do you think Bangkok will sinks in the next 10-15 years? For me, judging by how the flood hit us so fast and hard...I doubt Bangkok will survives until then.

What should we do? Can this problem be solve, or we should just move the capital up north?

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No, don't move. Bangkok can be the Venice of Asia. Proper drainage canals can be built and the dirt used to raise the level of the land around the skyscrapers. No cars. Just nice romantic boats. Beautifully landscaped canal banks and no smog.

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No, don't move. Bangkok can be the Venice of Asia. Proper drainage canals can be built and the dirt used to raise the level of the land around the skyscrapers. No cars. Just nice romantic boats. Beautifully landscaped canal banks and no smog.

It used to be called the Venice of Asia 50 years ago.

That was before all the klongs had flood gates installed and subsequently became putrid and full of rubbish. Many parts of BKK used to flood annually for brief periods (similar to northern Jakarta) until the current various flood mitigation measures were introduced.

What BKK really needs is a proper urban planning framework which ensures good planning for an alluvial, flood plain environment. There is still no BMA Integrated Urban Master Plan for BKK (which would also need the surrounding 4 provinces to sign off on). That, and adherence to rule of law to ensure implementation (almost impossible).

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No, don't move. Bangkok can be the Venice of Asia. Proper drainage canals can be built and the dirt used to raise the level of the land around the skyscrapers. No cars. Just nice romantic boats. Beautifully landscaped canal banks and no smog.

It used to be called the Venice of Asia 50 years ago.

That was before all the klongs had flood gates installed and subsequently became putrid and full of rubbish. Many parts of BKK used to flood annually for brief periods (similar to northern Jakarta) until the current various flood mitigation measures were introduced.

What BKK really needs is a proper urban planning framework which ensures good planning for an alluvial, flood plain environment. There is still no BMA Integrated Urban Master Plan for BKK (which would also need the surrounding 4 provinces to sign off on). That, and adherence to rule of law to ensure implementation (almost impossible).

I thought I am the only one that noticed those klongs were not drained for a very long time.

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This is in reply to Lovia in post number one: These are sources some may like to check, while other joke.

www,zetatalk.com---click on the left----"Safe Locations" (around the world). You can check "Thailand" and also "Bangkok" separately, perhaps, Free subscription to their weekly, sometimes daily, blurbs.

Also there are a number of "future maps" available:

www.matrixinstitute.com, and, I think the" I AM America" map, if I recall correctly, are two I know of offhand.

The maps I have seen show less sinking on the matrix map for Thailand, but the author, Gordon Michael Scallion, would suggest that as consciousness rises, there will be less damage. His map was done after the other, demonstrating according to that logic, growth in consciousness, as we learn our lessons in this universe-city.

Neither the site, nor the maps, nor I are your authority; check your inner guidance, always there for you.

And, no I myself am not confident about the stability of any cities on the water.

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You mean up north where it is currently (or has recently been) under 2 metres of water?

Where's the sense in that?

what are you talking about? where in CM was there 2 metres of water? and how widespread was it? and for how long? Get a sense of proportion

The flooding was limited in CM and lasted just a few days. Wonderful weather here now, sunny skies, cool evenings, just great ( and dry!!)

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