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After The Floods


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I should state form the outset, that I have no intention of scaring people, but I have been very concerned that I haven't seen any information regarding what locals should do NOW to prepare themselves for what may happen AFTER the flooding subsides.

Once the waters begin to subside, it is then that disease and health issues come to the fore as the stagnant waters become breeding grounds for many nasties.....visible and invisible.

I have suggested to many people that they buy disinfectants and insect sprays now.

I hope too that the government has a plan to aerial spray areas to stop any mass breeding of insects, in particular mosquitos.

Preparation is the best defence.

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Actually, I don't know what I'd be more afraid of, the insects and the diseases they carry, or the types of pesticides on hand in Thailand and the effects those would have.

For a few weeks, with the waffling going on, there was a back-and-forth over whether people should prepare at all. Now when they finally have no tricks left up their metaphorical sleeves, it's 'run for the hills! Buy water and food for a month!' Of course, those things are long gone now.

It's just too bad that we don't have real government to support us during these types of genuine, not-politically-inflicted, crises.

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