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oh, one more thing I forgot is that newbies should not wear those hideous velcro sandals. They're revolting.

Another thing newbies shouldn't wear are those t-shirts you can buy in Pattaya that say:

"Good boys go to heaven bad boys go to Pattaya"

It dosen't make you look cool and it isn't attractive in any way :o

Ah crap! :D

Aww.....ditto.... :D:D

Oh dear.... :D

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oh, one more thing I forgot is that newbies should not wear those hideous velcro sandals. They're revolting.

Another thing newbies shouldn't wear are those t-shirts you can buy in Pattaya that say:

"Good boys go to heaven bad boys go to Pattaya"

It dosen't make you look cool and it isn't attractive in any way :o

Ah crap! :D

Aww.....ditto.... :D:D

Oh dear.... :D

But 25 years ago these were "de rigeur"

Nobody had ever come across a place like Pattaya before (Majorki,Ibeza and Magnaluff was dead boring)

Patti on the other hand was like paradise to all us young bucks.Cheap hotels and even CHEAPER Bars open 24 hours a day,convivial company and very polite 5 bt bus drivers who would take you almost anywhere for a 2 bt tip.

Got a mate of mine who bought a jacket from the little indian guys shop in Walking street (still there)with something like a snake on the back proudly commenting.."When I die i want to go to hel_l.. because I have already been in Heaven"(patti..)

He used to wear it for years afterwards with his open toed sandals in all the top dance halls and discos in North London...what a pulling machine :D ...dont knock em... :D

The only drugs you will require, assuming you are not on medication for any malady, are the following:

Norfloxin: This is the healthier alternative to Immodium and you will need this for the first few days while your guts get used to the climate and new food.

I also recommend you take one prior to a long bus journey.

Are you insane? Assuming you mean Norfloxacin, it is an antibiotic, and should not under any circumstances be taken as a prophylactic. Assuming you do not want to promote the development of antibiotic resistent germs, viruses and fungal growth in your body, that is.

Please do not give medical advice unless you are a qualified medical practicioner, or at the very least, know what you are talking about.


Norfloxacin/Noroxin used in a 5 day treatment to treat travellers diarrhoea...1 x 400mg tablet twice a day over 5 days. Thats what my MIMS book says.

BTW a prophylactic is something you put over your John Watkins to prevent a sudden surprise or a course of another anti biotics.


My point is that you may take antibiotics to treat infections, not as a preventive measure. Doing so opens up the possibility of developing bacterial resistance to the very antibiotics you may one day need. For your informations, most of the cells in your body are bacteria. Most of them are completely harmless, many of them are actually very benefical. When you take antibiotics, you kill a large part of these bacteria, disturbing the internal balance that our bodies have developed over millions of years. If you have a severe infection, this is the preferred method of getting well, but believe me, you do not want to take antibiotics for the heck of it.

Besides, a case of the runs doesn't hurt a healty person. It is simply your body's way of purging itself of something it doesn't want. Stay hydrated, and make sure you get some salt and sugar. If it doesn't get better in a day or two, then, and only then resort to antibiotics. Preferrably as prescribed by a doctor.

And as Endure has so kindly pointed out, prophylactics are not synonymous with condoms.

And finally, anti-malarial tablets (also prophylactics!) are not anti-biotics. Malaria is caused by a virus, and antibiotics are utterly useless against viruses.

Thus endeth the lesson.....

And finally, anti-malarial tablets (also prophylactics!) are not anti-biotics.  Malaria is caused by a virus, and antibiotics are utterly useless against viruses.

Thus endeth the lesson.....

...everything correct, except for Malaria is not caused by a virus, but by a parasite.

Now the lesson endeth.... :o


Apart from using creams/sprays and covering up is there any long term medication safe to take as a prevention against malaria? I've never taken any preventitive meds for malaria in my time here and, touch wood, I'm still ok, and I rarely if ever visit areas where malaria is present.

And finally, anti-malarial tablets (also prophylactics!) are not anti-biotics.  Malaria is caused by a virus, and antibiotics are utterly useless against viruses.

Thus endeth the lesson.....

...everything correct, except for Malaria is not caused by a virus, but by a parasite.

Now the lesson endeth.... :D


My point is that you may take antibiotics to treat infections, not as a preventive measure.  Doing so opens up the possibility of developing bacterial resistance to the very antibiotics you may one day need.  For your informations, most of the cells in your body are bacteria.  Most of them are completely harmless, many of them are actually very benefical.  When you take antibiotics, you kill a large part of these bacteria, disturbing the internal balance that our bodies have developed over millions of years.  If you have a severe infection, this is the preferred method of getting well, but believe me, you do not want to take antibiotics for the heck of it.

Besides, a case of the runs doesn't hurt a healty person.  It is simply your body's way of purging itself of something it doesn't want.  Stay hydrated, and make sure you get some salt and sugar.  If it doesn't get better in a day or two, then, and only then resort to antibiotics.  Preferrably as prescribed by a doctor. 

And as Endure has so kindly pointed out, prophylactics are not synonymous with condoms. 

And finally, anti-malarial tablets (also prophylactics!) are not anti-biotics.  Malaria is caused by a virus, and antibiotics are utterly useless against viruses.

Thus endeth the lesson.....

Quite correct....... if the Anti biotic is overused. the occasional use to cure a problem will not have any such long term effect. Scampi I dont think was recommending continued use of the product, Besides if the problem were to persist after the initial treatment then medical advice should be sought. There was a big campaign here on this subject a few years, But it was aimed at people who were taking anti biotics for every little malaise, As with most things, in moderation and/or as prescribed they are fine.

The danger with the runs is the dehydration, so yes plenty of Non Alcoholic fluids is essential along with some electrolytes. And while it doesnt hurt to have them, they can be very embarassing and downright inconvenient for someone on a short holiday. Who wants to be laid up in a hotel room for a week waiting for nature to take its course when on a 2 week holiday.

My doctor once gave me a general Anti biotic when I had a particulary bad and hard to shake Flu virus and it worked a treat, as it did with several co workers who went to other doctors and got the same treatment.

...These are some of my own tips which I have learnd over the years ...

Here's one of mine...

Before replacing the cap on your jar of Marmite and putting it back in the fridge, clean it thoroughly or you'll never get the bl00dy thing off again. :o

And finally, anti-malarial tablets (also prophylactics!) are not anti-biotics.  Malaria is caused by a virus, and antibiotics are utterly useless against viruses.

Thus endeth the lesson.....

...everything correct, except for Malaria is not caused by a virus, but by a parasite.

Now the lesson endeth.... :D

Thanks, Raro for spotting that deliberate mistake! :D:o

Please substitute "Malaria" for "Ebola", "HIV", "Sars", "bird flu" or any other viral infectrion of your choice.

Now you can go out & play, childen....... :D


At all times, try and be a good ambassador for your country, especially if you are English or American. 

Consult :o for further info on this.

A fine sense of irony, but what why does he lump Americans in with the worst mannered tourists.

Because we generally are, right after the Germans of course, :D:D

(actually the "ugly American" stereotype isn't so prevalent anymore, though I still know a few that even embarrass me, :D )

I think the "ugly American" tag originated from us traveling in France so I discount the claim. The French are grouchy. :D


My point is that you may take antibiotics to treat infections, not as a preventive measure.  Doing so opens up the possibility of developing bacterial resistance to the very antibiotics you may one day need.  For your informations, most of the cells in your body are bacteria.  Most of them are completely harmless, many of them are actually very benefical.  When you take antibiotics, you kill a large part of these bacteria, disturbing the internal balance that our bodies have developed over millions of years.  If you have a severe infection, this is the preferred method of getting well, but believe me, you do not want to take antibiotics for the heck of it.

Besides, a case of the runs doesn't hurt a healty person.  It is simply your body's way of purging itself of something it doesn't want.  Stay hydrated, and make sure you get some salt and sugar.  If it doesn't get better in a day or two, then, and only then resort to antibiotics.  Preferrably as prescribed by a doctor. 

And as Endure has so kindly pointed out, prophylactics are not synonymous with condoms. 

And finally, anti-malarial tablets (also prophylactics!) are not anti-biotics.  Malaria is caused by a virus, and antibiotics are utterly useless against viruses.

Thus endeth the lesson.....

Quite correct....... if the Anti biotic is overused. the occasional use to cure a problem will not have any such long term effect. Scampi I dont think was recommending continued use of the product,

Scampi reccommended taking one tablet before a long bus journey - the ideal way to build up resistance to antibiotics. It gives the bacteria a sniff of what they're up agaianst but isn't enough to kill them off.


At all times, try and be a good ambassador for your country, especially if you are English or American. 

Consult :o for further info on this.

A fine sense of irony, but what why does he lump Americans in with the worst mannered tourists.

Because we generally are, right after the Germans of course, :D:D

(actually the "ugly American" stereotype isn't so prevalent anymore, though I still know a few that even embarrass me, :D )

I think the "ugly American" tag originated from us traveling in France so I discount the claim. The French are grouchy. :D

The Ugly American was a book about US diplomatic behaviour in SE Asia.


Very good advice.

I'm not at all trying to sound arrogant or like I know all but, I knew that much already but, I really do appreciate it because it's people like you that make the travelling process that much easier :o

As for toilets!

Gah it's a disgrace they charge! I think that's just horrible.

Scampi reccommended taking one tablet before a long bus journey - the ideal way to build up resistance to antibiotics. It gives the bacteria a sniff of what they're up agaianst but isn't enough to kill them off.

So you go on holiday for 2 weeks every six months and maybe do one return Bus trip on each holiday.....not a real recipe for overuse in my book...Overuse is someone who takes them at the drop of a hat when they sneeze and run a full course of treatment.

But I personally wouldn't take any medication unless it was required....thats just me,


Scampi reccommended taking one tablet before a long bus journey - the ideal way to build up resistance to antibiotics. It gives the bacteria a sniff of what they're up agaianst but isn't enough to kill them off.

So you go on holiday for 2 weeks every six months and maybe do one return Bus trip on each holiday.....not a real recipe for overuse in my book...Overuse is someone who takes them at the drop of a hat when they sneeze and run a full course of treatment.

The problem is that every time you take anything but a full course of treatment, the bacteria becomes more resistant, and the antibiotic less effective. This is the very reason most antibiotics developed in the past are no longer effective, and the list of penicillin resistant bacterial strains continues to increase.

We are in fact rapidly approaching a point where there will be no effective antibiotics, and people will be dying from simple infections, as they did in the past before the discovery of this fantastic pharmaceutical.

The main reason: People taking antibiotics when they are not needed - Scampi being a typical example. How do you even know if this works if you take it as a profylactic? Do all the other people who do not take antibiotics get the runs when they take a bus ride? I don't.

But I personally wouldn't take any medication unless it was required....thats just me,

And I really wish there were more people like yourself. :o


For busrides, take two immodium if you have the runs so bad you absolutely cannot control it.

There is no cath-all panacaea for the runs. Norfloxacin does not necessarily cure you; it depends which bacteria are causing the infection, something you cannot be sure of unless you get your faeces analysed by a medical professional.

The wide spread overuse and incorrect, sloppy prescription as well as abuse of broad spectrum antibiotics are causing major problems for us, especially in view of that pharmaceutical companies have stopped researching new antibiotics because they are not profitable enough.

We only have so many means of stopping bacterial infections, so we need to be frugal.

For busrides, take two immodium if you have the runs so bad you absolutely cannot control it.

There is no cath-all panacaea for the runs. Norfloxacin does not necessarily cure you; it depends which bacteria are causing the infection, something you cannot be sure of unless you get your faeces analysed by a medical professional.

The wide spread overuse and incorrect, sloppy prescription as well as abuse of broad spectrum antibiotics are causing major problems for us, especially in view of that pharmaceutical companies have stopped researching new antibiotics because they are not profitable enough.

We only have so many means of stopping bacterial infections, so we need to be frugal.

The reason that developing new antibiotics isn't profitable enough is that the patent term isn't very long, about 20 years I think. Development takes many years, and it comes out of the patent term. Another problem is generic drugs, produced before the patent has expired. Smithkline Beecham (they have had a couple of name changes since I worked for them) owned the patent of Amoxycillin trihydrate, more commonly known as Amoxil, and it was a great little earner for them. When the patent expired they were able cut production costs partly through skipping sample testing almost until the end of a batch, they became so good at producing it they knew that the chances of a batch being no good were very low.

Can someone explain how  "a combination of self discipline and common sense" can replace a condom??!!

common sense would be running back to your hotel, pants at ankles.

self-discipline would be taking the pope for a dance.

Bangkok has Dengue Fever, avoid mozzies there with clothes that Thais might apreciate anyway -long pants and long sleeves.


Bangkok has Dengue Fever, avoid mozzies there with clothes that Thais might apreciate anyway -long pants and long sleeves.

common sense would be running back to your hotel, pants at ankles.


That sounds a little bit late for common sense!

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