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Casa Pascal Buffet - Big Increase


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I went to Casa Pascal this morning for the breakfast buffet.

For the last few months the price has been 175 baht plus vat working out at 187 baht. A little more expensive than the other buffet and breakfast joints but worth the money for better quality food on offer.

This morning I went there went to the buffet filled up my plate and sat down. Only then did I see a small plastic sign on the table stating that due to food shortages because of the floods they have had to temporarily increase the price to B225 + vat for their breakfast buffet. Working out at B241.

There is no notice on the door and it is virtually impossible to see the sign before you have actually sat down and started your meal. Had they informed me of the price increase I wouldn't have dined there. B241 is a rip off. They should have put a sign up outside letting people know the new price before deciding whether or not to go in.

Cheap Charlies and Frugal Freddies you have been warned.

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I think it is totally worth the previous price anyway. I compared it directly to the new Poseidon's place and definitely liked it better. I'm bigger on the lunch foods than the breakfast foods though.

Edited by Jingthing
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Surely it's not normal for restaurants and bars to publicise their prices (or increases) until you sit at the table and get the menu. You can still leave at that point. Not their fault if you're a regular and hadn't thought to look :rolleyes:.

[A good restaurateur would of course offer the meal at the old price to a known regular who had made a mistake]

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Surely it's not normal for restaurants and bars to publicise their prices (or increases) until you sit at the table and get the menu. You can still leave at that point. Not their fault if you're a regular and hadn't thought to look :rolleyes:.

[A good restaurateur would of course offer the meal at the old price to a known regular who had made a mistake]

This is a buffet not a menu ordered meal.

I had actually filled my plate up first then sat down ready to start the meal when I saw the increase. I suppose I could have walked out then but that wouldn't have been fair on the poor Thai staff or the restaurant. They could hardly have took all my food off my plate and replaced it on the serving dishes.

It's no big deal the 50 baht extra I had to pay is hardly going to bankrupt me. The only point I was making was perhaps they should have at least told me either with a prominent notice or by one of the waitresses telling me the small plastic coated sign on the table was a little sneaky.

I just thought I would tip off fellow board members who can then decide whether or not the new price is still worth paying.

I like Casa Pascal's buffet and it is reasonable value at 187 baht. I won't be going back though until they reinstate the lower price.

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This is a buffet not a menu ordered meal.

I had actually filled my plate up first then sat down ready to start the meal when I saw the increase........

It's no big deal the 50 baht extra I had to pay is hardly going to bankrupt me.

Precisely. It's the principle of the thing, not the actual 50B.

Casa Pascal normally has a gigantic sign up outside the front door advertising their buffet brunch for 175+ VAT. I suppose that they have just removed it rather than put a sticker over the price?

Not to give the same publicity to a price increase is quite simply dishonest and that's all there is to be said. It puts the management in an extremely bad light and in their shoes I would be ashamed.

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If the Casa Pascal management want some free tips on how to handle a price rise, they need look no further than Diana Dragon.

The breakfast price there hasn't changed from 105B in over a year. They have now put up a sign directly above the buffet announcing a new price of 120B with effect from November 1. Until then the 105B price remains in effect. That's an increase of just 15% for the entire year, compared with Casa Pascal's two increases totalling 40%.

That's that way to do it. Full marks to them.

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I think it is crystal clear that the restaurant owner can not bear rising prices on his own, but must share with the customers! Before the eggs are 3 Baht , now 7 Baht or more, if any available ! Also all the vegetables and meat price are gone up, some up to 300 % ! But I hope that the Thais soon get their water fixed, so we all can have the normal price back soon.

In addition Pattaya is full for the next time. Condos for rent, Hotels, Houses for rent etc. You have now problems to find a good and reasonable place to stay. All the prices are 10 – 30 % up, because they want to earn more on the back of the “refugees” from BKK !!! Rip off without help ! It would be much better to give a discount for those people !

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I think it is crystal clear that the restaurant owner can not bear rising prices on his own, but must share with the customers! Before the eggs are 3 Baht , now 7 Baht or more, if any available ! .......

In addition Pattaya is full for the next time. Condos for rent, Hotels, Houses for rent etc. You have now problems to find a good and reasonable place to stay. All the prices are 10 – 30 % up,......

OK, eggs have gone up 4B. How does that justify a 50B (+ tax) increase at Casa Pascal, but no increase at much cheaper places?

Some restaurants are increasing prices because of the flooding, others aren't. All the places I regularly go to haven't increased prices at all. Maybe there is a moral there.

The same applies to rooms; there are still signs up for rooms for 11k/month, and nowhere around my place has the "full" signs up yet (I've only ever seen those up between December 15 and the end of January).

The answer is "profiteering". Some do it, some don't. Hopefully all customers will remember which places did and which didn't.

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This is nonsense...imagine if every single restaurant had a sign on the door every single time there was a price change of any item on the menu.....there would be signs on almost every restaurant door....as another poster notes, this is what menus are for....if the price is not indicated in the menu then that is dishonest....otherwise caveat emptor....

Justified or not, any such sudden increase should be accompanied by a LARGE sign on the door so that people know what they are letting themselves in for.

To do otherwise is simply dishonest.

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This is nonsense...imagine if every single restaurant had a sign on the door every single time there was a price change of any item on the menu.....there would be signs on almost every restaurant door....as another poster notes, this is what menus are for....if the price is not indicated in the menu then that is dishonest....otherwise caveat emptor....

Which part of "buffet brunch" dont you understand?

Every single person going to that place in the morning has the buffet brunch. There is no menu for it.

They normally have a big sign outside promoting it, along with the price.

They increased the price without making the increase clear, to the point of removing the usual big sign and not replacing it at all.

Compare that with what Diana Dragon did: large sign outside with the current price, smaller sign inside with the new price which is applicable in several days time.

One is honest, the other is not. It's really very simple.

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Which part of caveat emptor don’t you understand? Obviously an observant person who was a previous visitor would notice if such a large and prominent sign was taken down…..there was also clear notification on the table…..the fact that the punter in question chose to rush to the buffet without first reading the very clear sign is at his own risk

Many top class hotels in Bkk and around the world don’t have huge signs out front announcing prices for special buffet brunch as well, so to expect a tacky cartoonish sign with big letters for every dining experience is a bit naive….

This is nonsense...imagine if every single restaurant had a sign on the door every single time there was a price change of any item on the menu.....there would be signs on almost every restaurant door....as another poster notes, this is what menus are for....if the price is not indicated in the menu then that is dishonest....otherwise caveat emptor....

Which part of "buffet brunch" dont you understand?

Every single person going to that place in the morning has the buffet brunch. There is no menu for it.

They normally have a big sign outside promoting it, along with the price.

They increased the price without making the increase clear, to the point of removing the usual big sign and not replacing it at all.

Compare that with what Diana Dragon did: large sign outside with the current price, smaller sign inside with the new price which is applicable in several days time.

One is honest, the other is not. It's really very simple.

Edited by tailspin
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Maybe the other restaurants are not so well attented and can live with their stock a little bit longer. Or they have different suppliers. How knows. But I think it is only the start. Today I try to buy eggs - no have !

In the condo nearby they raise the price from 500 to 600 B per night - no discount. But full ! Mafia ! :annoyed:

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Maybe the other restaurants are not so well attented and can live with their stock a little bit longer. Or they have different suppliers. How knows. But I think it is only the start. Today I try to buy eggs - no have !

In the condo nearby they raise the price from 500 to 600 B per night - no discount. But full ! Mafia ! :annoyed:

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Maybe the other restaurants are not so well attented and can live with their stock a little bit longer. Or they have different suppliers. How knows. But I think it is only the start. Today I try to buy eggs - no have !

In the condo nearby they raise the price from 500 to 600 B per night - no discount. But full ! Mafia ! :annoyed:

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Which part of caveat emptor don’t you understand? Obviously an observant person who was a previous visitor would notice if such a large and prominent sign was taken down…..there was also clear notification on the table…..the fact that the punter in question chose to rush to the buffet without first reading the very clear sign is at his own risk

Hmm. A most sensible suggestion. I shall be sure to keep my eyes open for all missing signs in future, and will always assume that any missing sign means a 30% price increase has occurred.

As for the sign on the table, I am informed by someone who went there (and who also was unaware of the increase until he got the bill) that the sign on the table is very small, and replaces the usual ad for set meals in the evening which few people (including him) bother to read.

Previously the price at Casa Pascal has always been very clearly displayed. It seems reasonable to expect continuity of this, especially if the price has actually changed significantly.

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A sign on the table seems reasonable to me.

A sign on the placemat would be reasonable. As that way one would have to move it (and look at it) in order to eat.

Or, better still, a sign on the door or in the place of the usual price sign. No one missing that could blame the management. To replace a large prominent price sign with one many times smaller and in an unusual place seems just plain dubious.

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Sorry not following you, how do you keep your eye out for something which doesn’t exist? Maybe you have superhero like senses including the ability to detect anti-matter!

I never look at a placemat expecting to find notices or newsworthy events….that is just plain silly.

Also remember the old rule to never assume because when you assume, you make an “as*” out of “u” and “me”.

Which part of caveat emptor don't you understand? Obviously an observant person who was a previous visitor would notice if such a large and prominent sign was taken down…..there was also clear notification on the table…..the fact that the punter in question chose to rush to the buffet without first reading the very clear sign is at his own risk

Hmm. A most sensible suggestion. I shall be sure to keep my eyes open for all missing signs in future, and will always assume that any missing sign means a 30% price increase has occurred.

As for the sign on the table, I am informed by someone who went there (and who also was unaware of the increase until he got the bill) that the sign on the table is very small, and replaces the usual ad for set meals in the evening which few people (including him) bother to read.

Previously the price at Casa Pascal has always been very clearly displayed. It seems reasonable to expect continuity of this, especially if the price has actually changed significantly.

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