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Where Can I Get Frozen Pizza To Cook At Home


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Hi Rmicheald,

I don't know what Tombstone pizzas are but I presume that this is a brand name for a T.V dinner type frozen pizza that you warm up in the microwave.

If this is correct then Tesco usually have these types of frozen Pizzas in their frozen foods department.

Also Villa & Foodland should also have these.



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Yes, Villa Market and Big C Extra (aka Carrefour) have them (if not all sold out yet).

please give me a break with the alarmist nonsense

theres food, water rice and all other staple foods all over town, including frozen pizzas

thats even after folks like you have hoarded and filled up your ''manor house'' with as much stuff as you can possible buy and store

i was with this pile of bottled water for sale on a main artery road in Pattaya at 3.50 pm today

so much for shortages huh?


Edited by timekeeper
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