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Malaysian Tourists During The Flood


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I keep reading that Malaysia is the number one tourist nation visiting Thailand.

What do Malaysian tourists do in Thailand? Where do they go? How are they coping with the flooding? What were they doing before the flooding?

I have never met a Malaysian tourist. Has anyone?

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Just over the border, fulfill there sexual needs and going back.

You mean the majority of Thailand's tourism comes from Malaysia a Muslim country for sex in Thailand? I find that hard to believe. TAT never mentions why Malaysian tourists come to Thailand.

Wiki says Malaysia is a clear leader in Thai tourism. They can't all be coming for sex. I thought all the sex tourism stuff was for old Western blokes. You mean to tell me that Malaysia is the sex tourism leader in Thailand!

There must be another reason. We are talking millions of people per year. If they are all going down South for sex then the flooding will be of no consequence to Malaysian tourism. Is that correct?

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Just over the border, fulfill there sexual needs and going back.

You mean the majority of Thailand's tourism comes from Malaysia a Muslim country for sex in Thailand? I find that hard to believe. TAT never mentions why Malaysian tourists come to Thailand.

Wiki says Malaysia is a clear leader in Thai tourism. They can't all be coming for sex. I thought all the sex tourism stuff was for old Western blokes. You mean to tell me that Malaysia is the sex tourism leader in Thailand!

There must be another reason. We are talking millions of people per year. If they are all going down South for sex then the flooding will be of no consequence to Malaysian tourism. Is that correct?

Yep thats right, they just pop over the border for a quick shag. Don't buy into the stereotypes, there are far more brothels in Thai only areas than any where else.

Edited by waza
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Just over the border, fulfill there sexual needs and going back.

You mean the majority of Thailand's tourism comes from Malaysia a Muslim country for sex in Thailand? I find that hard to believe. TAT never mentions why Malaysian tourists come to Thailand.

Wiki says Malaysia is a clear leader in Thai tourism. They can't all be coming for sex. I thought all the sex tourism stuff was for old Western blokes. You mean to tell me that Malaysia is the sex tourism leader in Thailand!

There must be another reason. We are talking millions of people per year. If they are all going down South for sex then the flooding will be of no consequence to Malaysian tourism. Is that correct?

well, they do not really go down south, they go up north to Southern Thailand

every weekend you will find lots and lots an lots of guys from Malaysia crossing the border

severe floods happen in the south, although not right now

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Just over the border, fulfill there sexual needs and going back.

You mean the majority of Thailand's tourism comes from Malaysia a Muslim country for sex in Thailand? I find that hard to believe. TAT never mentions why Malaysian tourists come to Thailand.

Wiki says Malaysia is a clear leader in Thai tourism. They can't all be coming for sex. I thought all the sex tourism stuff was for old Western blokes. You mean to tell me that Malaysia is the sex tourism leader in Thailand!

There must be another reason. We are talking millions of people per year. If they are all going down South for sex then the flooding will be of no consequence to Malaysian tourism. Is that correct?

Yep thats right, they just pop over the border for a quick shag. Don't buy into the stereotypes, there are far more brothels in Thai only areas than any where else.

i think there a 3 segments here

1) the tour operators, you see a few malaya tour buses in phuket and samui, but they are made up of mainly saga holidays

2) the sex tourists which there are thousands in the south

3) Traders and shoppers, if you spend 15 mins at a malaya border crossing , there are thousands crossing into thailand to the markets ect , just for a few hours shopping then they go back, so they are probably counting all these people in there figures as well

4) traders / workers / lory drivers

you cant really count malaya as full tourists really,

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Just over the border, fulfill there sexual needs and going back.

You mean the majority of Thailand's tourism comes from Malaysia a Muslim country for sex in Thailand? I find that hard to believe. TAT never mentions why Malaysian tourists come to Thailand.

Wiki says Malaysia is a clear leader in Thai tourism. They can't all be coming for sex. I thought all the sex tourism stuff was for old Western blokes. You mean to tell me that Malaysia is the sex tourism leader in Thailand!

There must be another reason. We are talking millions of people per year. If they are all going down South for sex then the flooding will be of no consequence to Malaysian tourism. Is that correct?

They not going down South as they just stay in the South as they cross the border there.

I guess they calling every foreigner crossing the border a tourist, and yes many Malaysia Muslims making a day trip just for the sex thats a fact, as this is difficult to do this in Malaysia peninsula. Sarawak much more easy on the regulations and law.

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Just over the border, fulfill there sexual needs and going back.

You mean the majority of Thailand's tourism comes from Malaysia a Muslim country for sex in Thailand? I find that hard to believe. TAT never mentions why Malaysian tourists come to Thailand.

Wiki says Malaysia is a clear leader in Thai tourism. They can't all be coming for sex. I thought all the sex tourism stuff was for old Western blokes. You mean to tell me that Malaysia is the sex tourism leader in Thailand!

There must be another reason. We are talking millions of people per year. If they are all going down South for sex then the flooding will be of no consequence to Malaysian tourism. Is that correct?

Yep thats right, they just pop over the border for a quick shag. Don't buy into the stereotypes, there are far more brothels in Thai only areas than any where else.

i think there a 3 segments here

1) the tour operators, you see a few malaya tour buses in phuket and samui, but they are made up of mainly saga holidays

2) the sex tourists which there are thousands in the south

3) Traders and shoppers, if you spend 15 mins at a malaya border crossing , there are thousands crossing into thailand to the markets ect , just for a few hours shopping then they go back, so they are probably counting all these people in there figures as well

4) traders / workers / lory drivers

you cant really count malaya as full tourists really,

That being the cast none of TAT's figures would be even remotely accurate! 6% or 8% or whatever of the GNP is only an estimate and no one really knows how much income comes from tourism or if tourism is off or rising or really any thing about tourist statistics. The whole thing is a sham. If I factor in a 50% black or grey market economy no one actually knows anything about Thai tourism numbers. Is that correct?

Obviously I can't use hotel occupancy numbers with the locals moving in the millions to hotels. Wow! Everything must be a guess. I guess.

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Malaysian 'tourists' are generally just people crossing the land border for a day or two for shopping, business, or visiting friends or family. Same with many of the Malaysian 'tourists' in Singapore where they are also number one.

Edited by DP25
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That being the cast none of TAT's figures would be even remotely accurate! 6% or 8% or whatever of the GNP is only an estimate and no one really knows how much income comes from tourism or if tourism is off or rising or really any thing about tourist statistics. The whole thing is a sham.

Yes, it is only an estimate. It's based on their estimate of how much per day they estimate tourists spend and how long they stay. I believe the estimate they use is nearly $200 per day per person, which seems quite high to me but maybe it's close. Their estimate was about $18 billion total in 2010. Exports of goods that year were $196 billion and were up this year a lot this year before the flood, so even with their ambitious per day estimate it is still only a small piece of the economy. 6% of the economy is probably too much as the domestic Thai economy is often unrecorded as well, while the grey tourist economy is factored in with their per day spending estimate.

You can figure out your own estimate. They know the number of people coming (16,000,000 in 2010), and they stay around 5 or 6 days, only unknown is how much they spend per day.

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That being the cast none of TAT's figures would be even remotely accurate! 6% or 8% or whatever of the GNP is only an estimate and no one really knows how much income comes from tourism or if tourism is off or rising or really any thing about tourist statistics. The whole thing is a sham.

Yes, it is only an estimate. It's based on their estimate of how much per day they estimate tourists spend and how long they stay. I believe the estimate they use is nearly $200 per day per person, which seems quite high to me but maybe it's close. Their estimate was about $18 billion total in 2010. Exports of goods that year were $196 billion and were up this year a lot this year before the flood, so even with their ambitious per day estimate it is still only a small piece of the economy. 6% of the economy is probably too much as the domestic Thai economy is often unrecorded as well, while the grey tourist economy is factored in with their per day spending estimate.

You can figure out your own estimate. They know the number of people coming (16,000,000 in 2010), and they stay around 5 or 6 days, only unknown is how much they spend per day.

If the people coming to trade from Malaysia just to name one but the largest tourist country are coming to trade and not tour then they don't actually know how many people are coming as tourists. So I think you should add they don't really know how many are coming, how long they are staying or how much they are spending. If Malaysia is the largest contributor to tourist numbers and those numbers are not really tourists it skews the whole thing. If you get what I am saying. :jap:

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Just over the border, fulfill there sexual needs and going back.

You mean the majority of Thailand's tourism comes from Malaysia a Muslim country for sex in Thailand? I find that hard to believe. TAT never mentions why Malaysian tourists come to Thailand.

Wiki says Malaysia is a clear leader in Thai tourism. They can't all be coming for sex. I thought all the sex tourism stuff was for old Western blokes. You mean to tell me that Malaysia is the sex tourism leader in Thailand!

There must be another reason. We are talking millions of people per year. If they are all going down South for sex then the flooding will be of no consequence to Malaysian tourism. Is that correct?

Yep thats right, they just pop over the border for a quick shag. Don't buy into the stereotypes, there are far more brothels in Thai only areas than any where else.

There are plenty of places that cater to sexual needs in both Malaysia and Singapore, but they prefer Thailand because it is cheaper.

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Just over the border, fulfill there sexual needs and going back.

You mean the majority of Thailand's tourism comes from Malaysia a Muslim country for sex in Thailand? I find that hard to believe. TAT never mentions why Malaysian tourists come to Thailand.

Wiki says Malaysia is a clear leader in Thai tourism. They can't all be coming for sex. I thought all the sex tourism stuff was for old Western blokes. You mean to tell me that Malaysia is the sex tourism leader in Thailand!

There must be another reason. We are talking millions of people per year. If they are all going down South for sex then the flooding will be of no consequence to Malaysian tourism. Is that correct?

Yep thats right, they just pop over the border for a quick shag. Don't buy into the stereotypes, there are far more brothels in Thai only areas than any where else.

You see the same thing in Bahrain which is basically the brothel for Saudi.

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Malaysian residing in 4 northern states of Perlis, Kedah, Perak and Kelantan holds border passes that allows them multiple entry for various reasons. They could be trading or just visiting family. They account for high volumes of "in and out" of Thailand. And they don't get a visitor visa issued as they just show their pass. Malaysian passport cost THB3000 for a 60 page book. Those in the borders would hardly be using passport for entry due to economical reasons.

So, yes I do believe the figures are reflective of the actual bona fide travelers from Malaysia.

The towns in the deep south rely on Malaysian for their livelihood more than they depend on Thais or farangs. They are geographically nearer to the capital city of Kuala Lumpur (500km) than they are to Bangkok at 1000km.

There are many Malaysian families traveling to Thailand for holidays as there are plenty that Thailand can offer.

You can pretty much dispel the notion that sex travelers accounts for a portion worthy of a mention. The Malaysian men that go there for sex are those without much money. Having said that, I would think it is also the case for sex travelers from other nationality.

Just like any other country, Thailand has a lot to offer and attract bona fide tourist.

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Just over the border, fulfill there sexual needs and going back.

You mean the majority of Thailand's tourism comes from Malaysia a Muslim country for sex in Thailand? I find that hard to believe. TAT never mentions why Malaysian tourists come to Thailand.

Wiki says Malaysia is a clear leader in Thai tourism. They can't all be coming for sex. I thought all the sex tourism stuff was for old Western blokes. You mean to tell me that Malaysia is the sex tourism leader in Thailand!

There must be another reason. We are talking millions of people per year. If they are all going down South for sex then the flooding will be of no consequence to Malaysian tourism. Is that correct?

Yep thats right, they just pop over the border for a quick shag. Don't buy into the stereotypes, there are far more brothels in Thai only areas than any where else.

There are plenty of places that cater to sexual needs in both Malaysia and Singapore, but they prefer Thailand because it is cheaper.

I am sure you have not visited China.

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China offers much cheaper rates and grades when it comes to prostitution.

maybe out in the stigs of china, but defo not the capitals, also , get caught in china and its alot worst then getting caught in thailand , which i believe has never happened

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There are plenty of places that cater to sexual needs in both Malaysia and Singapore, but they prefer Thailand because it is cheaper.

Places in KL may have bars and brothels, but northern Malaysia is ruled by conservative Muslims with Sharia law and the options are pretty grim. Even alcohol is restricted for Muslims, and people have been caned in some provinces for drinking it. Price isn't a big difference, but Thailand is closer and easier than KL for northerners. Even if you just want a night out drinking. Even Penang has horrible nightlife and it's miles better than some of the places nearby.

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China offers much cheaper rates and grades when it comes to prostitution.

maybe out in the stigs of china, but defo not the capitals, also , get caught in china and its alot worst then getting caught in thailand , which i believe has never happened

agree on the getting caught thing but seldom happens unless you are targeted by the syndicate.

You don't really need to go far as competition is fierce these days.

What I essential want to say is that sex tourist from Malaysia is small as a percentage to the total tourist going into Thailand.

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China offers much cheaper rates and grades when it comes to prostitution.

maybe out in the stigs of china, but defo not the capitals, also , get caught in china and its alot worst then getting caught in thailand , which i believe has never happened

Maybe in places for English speakers, but not aimed at Chinese speakers even in cities. Miles more attractive as well. Bars in Pattaya don't even compare.

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There are plenty of places that cater to sexual needs in both Malaysia and Singapore, but they prefer Thailand because it is cheaper.

Places in KL may have bars and brothels, but northern Malaysia is ruled by conservative Muslims with Sharia law and the options are pretty grim. Even alcohol is restricted for Muslims, and people have been caned in some provinces for drinking it. Price isn't a big difference, but Thailand is closer and easier than KL for northerners. Even if you just want a night out drinking. Even Penang has horrible nightlife and it's miles better than some of the places nearby.

Penang's nightlife was horrible compared to Thailand. The really good places are probably unmarked, as one I ran into off Chulia St. And "good" is relatively speaking.

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