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Need Advise On How To Help And Volunteer With Organisations


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I am going to be in Chiang Mai for just over 4 months from 9th November and would very much like to support some organisation with offering my services as a volunteer. Not sure what are the organisations most in need, although I expect most of them would need help of some sort.

Would really appreciate if members and ex pats could give me some advise on how to find them, what types of volunteer work I could offer and contact details.

Many thanks

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Many of the temples in town would love to have someone come and teach the Monks English, or give them time to just practice there English. Doing that, probably no need for a work permit, but other organizations you should stop in and talk to the labor office to get information rather than on TV.

I know others who have gotten by without work permits for short times, but you take a risk that someone will find out. Up to you.

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^^ Actually you do need a work permit to volunteer to teach at any Thai Buddhist Temple. The temple applies to the appropriate highest Buddhist authority in Bangkok who forward an official authorizing letter which one takes to the Labor Office at City Hall, along with about an inch-thick dossier of forms. As you are responsible for filling out the application forms you will need a trusted Thai associate to translate, unless the temple is magnanimous and provides the dedicated assistant. The associated fees usually are born by you the tutor. Once all is complete at the Labor Office, you then apply at Immigration who usually promptly give you a year visa, with a smile for your 'pro bono' effort.

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Wednesday is volunteer day at Care dogs.org and I really enjoyed because I love dogs until I crashed my motorbike. They are not easy to find and south of CM but if you love animals like me this is just one.

Search this site (thaivisa) because I did an event for kids and painted their face and it was really fun up North. And sad because I could see the pain in the childrens face with no mom or dad but seeing them smile was so rewarding even if for a day or 2 only.

Their is an orphanage on the Saturday market road just south of the moat that you can inquire if someone knows the name, lil help please but be patient because you may need to contact their office in BKK...

PS I suck at typing and internet: attn: typo spelling patrol ;-)

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There is a persoal message for you - PM - if you care to click and look at your Messgenger Box at the top of the screen


Thanks message received.

I have since been in touch with Care for Dogs who would love volunteers. As I have a love for all animals I think I will maybe offer to help them every week once I arrive in Chiang Mai.

Thanks for all the info.

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Many of the temples in town would love to have someone come and teach the Monks English, or give them time to just practice there English. Doing that, probably no need for a work permit, but other organizations you should stop in and talk to the labor office to get information rather than on TV.

I know others who have gotten by without work permits for short times, but you take a risk that someone will find out. Up to you.

I came to Chiang Mai last year as a hopeful volunteer to teach English, which I had been doing in Indonesia for 6 years. This was with the ill-fated CMU scheme, where we all lost our $600 fee, and paid another $100 to study Thai in lieu. We were told that we could not volunteer for anything with the ED visa we had, (another heap of money) not even at the Wats.

I am planing to return next year, with the correct visa this time!

BTW Has anyone heard any more about the pending court case of CMU v. volunteers? Feel free to PM me.

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Many of the temples in town would love to have someone come and teach the Monks English, or give them time to just practice there English. Doing that, probably no need for a work permit, but other organizations you should stop in and talk to the labor office to get information rather than on TV.

I know others who have gotten by without work permits for short times, but you take a risk that someone will find out. Up to you.

I came to Chiang Mai last year as a hopeful volunteer to teach English, which I had been doing in Indonesia for 6 years. This was with the ill-fated CMU scheme, where we all lost our $600 fee, and paid another $100 to study Thai in lieu. We were told that we could not volunteer for anything with the ED visa we had, (another heap of money) not even at the Wats.

I am planing to return next year, with the correct visa this time!

BTW Has anyone heard any more about the pending court case of CMU v. volunteers? Feel free to PM me.

The correct visa is a non-immigrant O (volunteer). This will allow your sponsoring organisation (if they legally registered and approved to accept foreign volunteers) to apply for a volunteer work permit for you. Without the work permit, your volunteering will be illegal. However, few people are ever caught or punished volunteering without a work permit. You just need to keep a low profile.

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