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U.S. gov't cuts funding to UNESCO over Palestine vote


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U.S. gov't cuts funding to UNESCO over Palestine vote

2011-11-01 05:25:08 GMT+7 (ICT)

WASHINGTON, D.C. (BNO NEWS) -- The U.S. government on Monday announced it has been forced to cut all funding to the United Nations cultural agency UNESCO after it voted to grant full membership to Palestine.

U.S. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland described the vote to admit Palestine as a UNESCO member state as 'regrettable' and 'premature.' She said it undermines the goal of a 'comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East.'

"The United States remains steadfast in its support for the establishment of an independent and sovereign Palestinian state. But such a state can only be realized through direct negotiations between the Israelis and the Palestinians," Nuland said.

She added: "The United States also remains strongly committed to robust multilateral engagement across the UN system. However, Palestinian membership as a state in UNESCO triggers longstanding legislative restrictions which will compel the United States to refrain from making contributions to UNESCO."

Two U.S. laws passed in the 1990s ban Washington from financing any United Nations agency which admits Palestine as a full member. As a result, UNESCO will lose nearly $80 million in annual funding, which represents 22 percent of its budget.

"We were to have made a $60 million payment to UNESCO in November and we will not be making that payment," Nuland said, while adding that the United States will maintain its membership in and commitment to UNESCO.

But Nuland acknowledged that the decision to cut all funding to UNESCO could have serious implications for its membership status. "It could have implications for our voting rights," she said. "Under UNESCO's constitution, a member state will have no vote in the general conference if it gets more than two years in arrears in its contribution. So our actual arrearage status will begin in January."

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon recognized UNESCO could lose a significant part of its funding. "It is [up to] Member States to ensure that the United Nations system as a whole [has] a consistent political and financial support," he said. "As such, we will need to work on practical solutions to preserve UNESCO's financial resources. I don't wish to comment further at this time."

Palestine is currently an observer at UNESCO but a group of Arab states previously submitted a recommendation to the organization's executive committee to request full membership. On Monday, the proposal received 107 votes in favor of admission, 14 votes against and 52 abstentions.

Admission to UNESCO for states which are not members of the United Nations requires a recommendation by the organization's executive committee and a two thirds majority vote in favor by member states. Abstentions are not considered to be votes, and no member has veto powers.

Among the countries which voted against admission were Israel, the United States, Canada, the Netherlands, Australia and Germany. Brazil, Russia, China, India, South Africa, Belgium and France were among the countries which voted in favor while the United Kingdom, Italy and Japan were among those who abstained.

Before Palestine will become a full member, it must sign and ratify UNESCO's constitution which is open for signature in the archives of the British government in London. Upon signature, Palestine will become UNESCO's 195th member state.

The vote was strongly condemned by Israel which rejected the decision. "This is a unilateral Palestinian maneuver which will bring no change on the ground but further removes the possibility for a peace agreement," a spokesperson for the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.

The spokesperson added: "This decision will not turn the Palestinian Authority into an actual state yet places unnecessary burdens on the route to renewing negotiations. Israel believes that the correct and only way to make progress in the diplomatic process with the Palestinians is through direct negotiations without preconditions."

The Israeli government thanked the 14 countries which it said "displayed a sense of responsibility" and opposed UNESCO's decision. "It is disappointing that the European Union, which is working to renew the direct negotiations and opposes the Palestinian move, could not reach a unified position to prevent this decision," the spokesperson said.

The move to admit Palestine to UNESCO is part of a broader campaign by Palestine to get recognition as a state by the United Nations. On September 23, Palestine filed a request for a full UN membership even though the United States is likely to veto this.

About 120 out of 193 countries have currently recognized the State of Palestine and those are seen as possible supporters if the UN General Assembly votes on the issue. If the UN Security Council resolution to recognize Palestine is approved, Palestine would become the 194th member of the United Nations.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-11-01

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Under Congressional legislation, the United States is mandated to withdraw from any U.N. agency that accepts Palestine as a full member state in the absence of a peace treaty with Israel as mandated by agreements that they have signed.

A Unilateral Declaration of Independence by the Palestinians violates all of their international agreements that require that disputes be resolved through direct negotiations, not third parties including the Declaration of Principles from 1993 that formalized the direct Israeli-Palestinian peace process. The Oslo Interim Agreements of 1995 expressly prohibits (in Article 31), unilateral action by either side to change the status of the West Bank and Gaza prior to reaching a negotiated permanent status agreement.

The Palestinians have agreed many times to negotiate, but they reject every peace deal and continue to call for the destruction of Israel. Cutting off UNESCO funding is the appropriate thing to do.

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UNESCO survived without US funding before and it will again. Some may get distracted by the $60 million the US is withholding, but the main point is that the majority of the world's nations voted to grant Palestine full membership despite massive pressure from Israel.

By the way, it's worth noting that the US will maintain its membership and participation in UNESCO. <_<


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UNESCO survived without US funding before and it will again. Some may get distracted by the $60 million the US is withholding, but the main point is that the majority of the world's nations voted to grant Palestine full membership despite massive pressure from Israel.

By the way, it's worth noting that the US will maintain its membership and participation in UNESCO. <_<


True & truth be known.... countries & organizations will be free of strings if they stand on their own.

Because if this shows nothing else...It shows the money never was given freely...It came with

bribes conditions attached

What would it be called if you gave any court/regulators & agencies anywhere in the world money on conditions.

What would it be called if you threatened any defendant in any court proceedings with economic hardship if they asked for a ruling?

In this case both things were done openly.

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UNESCO is hardly a court.

Yes it is not....Sorry I meant to put another slash between courts & agencies

( will edit it )

It is an Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

Its stated purpose is to contribute to peace and security by promoting international collaboration through education, science, and culture in order to further universal respect for justice, the rule of law, and the human rights along with fundamental freedoms proclaimed in the UN Charter

All the more shameful to give ...donations/support? with such conditions/threats attached.

Good riddance to handouts given with such motives

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All the more shameful to give ...donations/support? with such conditions/threats attached.

Good riddance to handouts given with such motives

Well, obviously there are no conditions attached to money that is no longer being given away.

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UNESCO Fiasco: Dancing to Netanyahu's Tune

My link

The assertion within the article that the U.S is somehow being forced to support Israel against it's own interests is the age old lie told in yet another way. The argument that supporting Israel somehow alienates the Muslim world causing more U.S casualties is highly misleading and confuses pretext (Israel) with underlying cause (cultural hatred), but to expand on this would be off topic.

As for UNESCO itself it has long been anti-Israel and judging by the following Palestinian 'cultural' :sick: exhibit I'm delighted the U.S is cutting funding to UNESCO, I would hope Israel withdraw from the organization too.


This makes sense. After all, the Palestinians have contributed so much to world culture: children's shows celebrating jihad murder, jihad/martyrdom suicide bombers blowing people up on buses and in restaurants -- it's a veritable cornucopia of cultural and artistic achievement. "Palestine becomes member of UN cultural body," by Sarah DiLorenzo for the Associated Press, October 31:

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The argument that supporting Israel somehow alienates the Muslim world causing more U.S casualties is highly misleading and confuses pretext (Israel) with underlying cause (cultural hatred), but to expand on this would be off topic.

No, introducing it at all is off topic. Nice try.

In the larger sense, it happens all the time. U.S. policy toward the Palestinians endangers our interests throughout the Muslim world, including — first and foremost — our civilian and military personnel in the Middle East, as well as our strategic and economic interests.

My comments concerned this extract from the link in question, so the U.S stance towards UNESCO is precisely on topic - P.S congratulations on your appointment as a moderator. ;)

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Yet more hypocrisy from the UN.

Palestinians fire rockets on Beersheva, win UNESCO membership

Published by UN Watch- at October 31, 2011 in Human Rights Council (UNHRC). GENEVA, Oct. 31 –

“On a day when Palestinians continued firing rockets against Israeli civilian centers,” said UN Watch executive director Hillel Neuer, in reaction to the vote by UNECO to admit the non-existent state of Palestine as a member, “the United Nations sent the wrong message about state privileges and responsibilities.”


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Yet more hypocrisy from the UN.

How so? If the illegal settlements continue the fighting continues.

That is probably why Palestine went for their own vote in the opinions of the world.

Not two buddies like US & Israel left to decide their fate.

It is a joke & the whole world no longer laughs.

Israel can continue illegal settlements.

Folks like Hillary & Obama wag their finger telling Israel this is wrong it must stop.

But oh BTW here is another 2-3 Billion.

Yet Palestine so much as dares ask for a world vote & Hillary & Obama say well that's it your

going to suffer now. Also you UNESCO you will be made to pay for not kowtowing to us.

What a joke & none are laughing any longer.

Good Start may it continue & build

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The Obama administration acted in accordance with existing US law in further funding of UNESCO.

Taken from the article linked below...

"Two U.S. laws require the Obama administration to cut funding to UNESCO.

Public Law 101-246, which the Democratic-controlled Congress passed in 1990, states that “no funds authorized to be appropriated by this Act or any other Act shall be available for the United Nations or any specialized agency thereof which accords the Palestine Liberation Organization the same standing as member states.”

Public Law 103-236 Title IV, passed in 1994, prohibits “voluntary or assessed contribution to any affiliated organization of the United Nations which grants full membership as a state to any organization or group that does not have the internationally recognized attributes of statehood.”

Entire article here: http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/US-defunds-UNESCO-Palestinian/2011/10/31/id/416343

Perhaps the 107 member countries that voted for the Palestinian resolution will now step forward and pay the $80 Million annual assessment that will no longer be donated by the US Treasury.

In today's 'occupy' terminology...let the 78% pay for 100%

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Well, it's time to cut off funding for the US govt. I am hereby eliminating my tax payments to the US govt. indefinitely and I urge others to do the same. I won't support that kind of government. Certainly, it does not represent me.

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Well, it's time to cut off funding for the US govt. I am hereby eliminating my tax payments to the US govt. indefinitely and I urge others to do the same. I won't support that kind of government. Certainly, it does not represent me.

Be sure and tell the IRS so they won't expect your monthly donation and can plan around the shortfall. :jap:

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UNESCO will lose nearly $80 million in annual funding

Doesn't the USA owe more than US$ 1 billion in unpaid fees to the UN? :rolleyes:

U.S. pays off much of U.N. arrears, now owes $736 million

UNITED NATIONS | Tue Jan 25, 2011 5:06pm EST

(Reuters) - The United States has paid off more than a third of the nearly $1.2 billion in payments it owed the United Nations at the end of last year, a U.N. spokesman said on Tuesday.


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UNESCO will lose nearly $80 million in annual funding

Doesn't the USA owe more than US$ 1 billion in unpaid fees to the UN? :rolleyes:

U.S. pays off much of U.N. arrears, now owes $736 million

UNITED NATIONS | Tue Jan 25, 2011 5:06pm EST

(Reuters) - The United States has paid off more than a third of the nearly $1.2 billion in payments it owed the United Nations at the end of last year, a U.N. spokesman said on Tuesday.


Thanks for that - I was getting a bit worried there. :rolleyes:

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Well, it's time to cut off funding for the US govt. I am hereby eliminating my tax payments to the US govt. indefinitely and I urge others to do the same. I won't support that kind of government. Certainly, it does not represent me.

That is the revolution that will not cost 1 bullet.

Good on you.

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Also, it is racist to suggest that as a group they are calling for the destruction of Israel and I ask that this post be moderated as such. Even Hamas, as a group, isn't calling for that.

Who's racist?


The Hamas Charter (or Covenant), issued in 1988, outlined the organization's position on many issues at the time, identifies Hamas as the Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine and declares its members to be Muslims who "fear God and raise the banner of Jihad in the face of the oppressors." The charter states "our struggle against the Jews is very great and very serious" and calls for the eventual creation of an Islamic state in Palestine, in place of Israel and the Palestinian Territories,[39] and the obliteration or dissolution of Israel.[66][67] The Charter also asserts that through shrewd manipulation of imperial countries and secret societies, Zionists were behind a wide range of events and disasters going as far back in history as the French Revolution. Among the charter's controversial statements is the following: "The time will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews [and kill them]; until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: Oh Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him!”[38] The document also quotes Islamic religious texts to provide justification for fighting against and killing the Jews of Israel,[68] presenting the Arab-Israeli conflict as an inherently irreconcilable struggle between Jews and Muslims, and Judaism and Islam,[38] adding that the only way to engage in this struggle between "truth and falsehood" is through Islam and by means of jihad, until victory or martyrdom. The Charter adds that "renouncing any part of Palestine means renouncing part of the religion" of Islam.[69] The charter states that Hamas is humanistic, and tolerant of other religions as long as they do not block Hamas's efforts.[70]
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Well, it's time to cut off funding for the US govt. I am hereby eliminating my tax payments to the US govt. indefinitely and I urge others to do the same. I won't support that kind of government. Certainly, it does not represent me.

That is the revolution that will not cost 1 bullet.

Good on you.

I have had the IRS freeze my bank accounts and that took a bit of effort to get resolved. Be careful, the IRS has the power of the Gestapo.

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here is another point of view :unsure:

" Today, pro-Palestine activists reacted angrily, saying that the U.S. did “punish” the agency. “It's a sign of institutionalized U.S. hatred, hostility and racism toward Palestinians that [the] U.S. opposes even membership of UNESCO,” wrote Ali Abunimah a Palestinian-American journalist and co-founder of the pro-Palestine online publication the Electronic Intifada.

Congress should cut funding (our tax dollars) to Israel so long as it violates international law, not UNESCO, education, and arts. #corruption,”wrote Ahmed Rehab, an Egyptian American activist and executive director of CAIR-Chicago, an organization that works for the civil rights of Muslims. "


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