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Once Upon A Time...

The Gentleman Scamp

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Well it's morning now, and this post is a lot less interesting when sober.
At the end of the day greed and a longing for power is human nature plain and simple no matter where you are from.
Say's it all really.

Anyone that thinks that greed and consumerisum are western inventions and that Thailand used to be some sort or agrerian utopia before "falangs" came here is living in some sort of fantsy land.


A bit harsh mate.....well more than a bit and pretty much uncalled for, of course Ice Maiden needs to grow up , she's 17, but still manages to post far more mature stuff than a lot of members here. Phrahaps you should climb down off that pedestel you seem to have put yourself on.

As my grandmother used to say "if you have'nt anything nice to say about people .....just shut up" :D


Random Chances, No pedestel here, just tired of seeing posts by people that seem to know everything and don't know diddly. She seems to be an intelligent GIRL but needs to drop down from her high horse and learn some more BEFORE making comments on topics she doesn't have a clue about. Just my view and quoting her: "MY Comments", I have mine, she has hers. If she would act like this to her rellies, I would hate to see what she would do to her enimies.

:o Kringle, maybe you yourself need to see that some people prefer judging everyone by their actions, including relatives, without bias because of blood. It's up to yourself which path you take there.

Personally I don't extend any favours to relatives who I feel are not worthy of respect if they are behaving like idiots. Likewise, if I get to know somebody who is not my relative and like him/her for what they are, I try to treat them well and give them respect accordingly. I think this is more fair. :D

As for the original post by Scamp, which we should be replying to....

I guess the important things have been said already, that greed and ambition for power are human traits, not Western inventions. To get a bit boring (sorry tuky) there are two concepts you use in your story:

'The noble savage' and 'The Golden Age'. Both these concepts occur and reoccur in history - but they are just simplifications. (The Golden Age is really popular in Asia, especially among the Chinese who love to look back to the T'ang Dynasty - Thailand's local version of the Golden Age is Sukhothai).

The West is responsible for accelerating consumerism, that's as far as it goes in my opinion. But by looking at lifestyles, we can now see Asians overtaking the West in consumer frenzy.

The whole deal about cooperation and peaceful coexistance has some truth to it, sure. Village communities are dependent on those concepts to be able to survive, and social control makes sure people do not step out of their given space. The backside of this is of course a backwardness, slow acceptance of any change, even beneficial changes, and a suspicion against anyone who deviates from the norm. Not to mention about gossip. Just look at our little virtual village of TV. :D

Status symbols seem to exist in every single human culture. Where there aren't any mobile phones or SUVs, instead it'll be the feathers from the most beautiful and rare species of bird, the coolest tattoo, the largest or most impressive hut, the numbers of wives, status of your spouse, plumpness of your children... can be whatever thing or trait that is reasonably difficult to obtain and can be put up as an ideal.

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Well it's morning now, and this post is a lot less interesting when sober.
At the end of the day greed and a longing for power is human nature plain and simple no matter where you are from.
Say's it all really.

Anyone that thinks that greed and consumerisum are western inventions and that Thailand used to be some sort or agrerian utopia before "falangs" came here is living in some sort of fantsy land.


A bit harsh mate.....well more than a bit and pretty much uncalled for, of course Ice Maiden needs to grow up , she's 17, but still manages to post far more mature stuff than a lot of members here. Phrahaps you should climb down off that pedestel you seem to have put yourself on.

As my grandmother used to say "if you have'nt anything nice to say about people .....just shut up" :D


Random Chances, No pedestel here, just tired of seeing posts by people that seem to know everything and don't know diddly. She seems to be an intelligent GIRL but needs to drop down from her high horse and learn some more BEFORE making comments on topics she doesn't have a clue about. Just my view and quoting her: "MY Comments", I have mine, she has hers. If she would act like this to her rellies, I would hate to see what she would do to her enimies.

I guess the important things have been said already, that greed and ambition for power are human traits, not Western inventions.

...And change in the only constant. :o

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He's not joking Scamp, here's a cut/paste from the mod's forum;

I better apoligise to scampy and tell him to go down to Dave's and run up whatever tab he wants to and I'll just pay the whole thing. Least I can do.

Sounds sincere :o


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He's not joking Scamp, here's a cut/paste from the mod's forum;
I better apoligise to scampy and tell him to go down to Dave's and run up whatever tab he wants to and I'll just pay the whole thing. Least I can do.

Sounds sincere :o


Hang on 'till I get back Scamp, me and my real thirsty pals want to commiserate with you! :D

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This is a little bit off topic here (sorry Scampy) but I'd like to settle a few things with Kringle if I may.

Kringle - You seem to read my posts looking for the bad things inside them. If I annoy you that much why haven't you blocked me already?

You are quick to mention the negavtive parts in my posts but I never see you say anything about the positive parts of them.

You said I need to grow up and learn, of course I do I'm learning everyday and right now in my life I believe the teenage years are one of the biggest stages in which it is important for me to develop.

I comment on subjects I may not have much knowledge on as older members but when will you stop holding things against me because of my age? And anyway it is up to members how they read my posts, if my posts are what you say them to be then so be it. Members won't take notice of them and therefore you don't have to add your flames you give me.

Just a few words of what I believe at this moment in time because I leave room for my opinions to change with time and such.

This is a quote from my post basically saying that I do know my opinions wil change with time because of the age I am. But I saw that you didn't notice this. To be honest it seems like you are acting a little younger than you are meant to, I think you have some growing up to do aswell.

And as for the thread about my cousin I admit to what you said about thinking about the girl but there were also many comments on there about my cousin that were positive. I wouldn't be so quick to stand by my family if I knew they were wrong.

Now why don't you use that block button or are you going to be searching through my posts for bad things to say in your next post against me? Thats what it seems like. Use the block button already because it would do us both a favor.

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Your a man that has difficulty walking in other shoes and seeing their points of view Scamp.

Not really mate, most people who know me say I'm remarkably good at seeing things from other peoples POV, they are of the same culture though, maybe that's it.

solly solly

Ok. :o

At the end of the day greed and a longing for power is human nature plain and simple no matter where you are from.

Qoute of the day.

Hey, I'm not always right but I often start posts to put across my view, often to have it fine tuned and penel beaten into the correct way of thinking.

It's a good way of finding out if I am right or not.

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To be honest it all comes down to Thai culture.

No matter how hard we try we will never understand their culture. We can comment about their culture but we will always be subconsciously comparing it with our own culture.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and everything but I think a comment made when you don't fully understand something isn't valid.

You make comments on so many threads and even start threads and don't understand Thai culture. You can let your own cousin and others be taken by a Thai girl that is your "Supposed to be FRIEND" because this is the way she survives. It would seem to me that YOU need to grow up a bit before you go spouting stuff you don't have a clue about.

I for one am glad you are not a relative of mine and if you were a friend, I wouldn't need any enemies, you would fill that slot.

Kringle - don't be so critical of Ice. She's young and she has heaps to learn, however in my opinion she's got a major headstart on most teenies her age.

Actually she has a major headstart on alot of people here , period .

As for the original post , I would have to agree with what bkk madness said . So no need to repeat it .


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Without wanting to get involved in the "you will never understand the culture" debate, I would like to say that on my last visit to KSR i was approached by many "freelancers" or as Scampy calls them "ordinary girls who are just out for a night with friends"

I listened to all kinds of different stories and indeed had tears on my shoulder at one point.

A truckload of Oscar's would not have sufficed, the standard of acting was outstanding. The level of cash i parted with was minimal.

Lets not get carried away, these ladies smell vulnerable farangs from 50 yards and they know how to tell a good tale.

There is some good debate on this thread but the source of that debate is just some tired out story used to fish a couple of thousand baht out of a flush farang.

Yeah I'm cynical I know, way too cynical. If this girl had real problems she would not be out drinking in farang bars. she would be working her butt her off in a normal job like all the decent girls do.

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You are quick to mention the negavtive parts in my posts but I never see you say anything about the positive parts of them.

You said I need to grow up and learn, of course I do I'm learning everyday and right now in my life I believe the teenage years are one of the biggest stages in which it is important for me to develop.

I comment on subjects I may not have much knowledge on as older members but when will you stop holding things against me because of my age? And anyway it is up to members how they read my posts, if my posts are what you say them to be then so be it. This is a quote from my post basically saying that I do know my opinions wil change with time because of the age I am. But I saw that you didn't notice this. To be honest it seems like you are acting a little younger than you are meant to, I think you have some growing up to do aswell.

You stick with it, Icey. You are entitled to your point of view whatever your age, but as it happens IMHO your posts display a greater maturity than many. I get a lot from them, and I'm getting on for three times your age.

Age doesn't always bring wisdom, and youth doesn't necessarily lack it.

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no one has though to say that Thailand's problems stem from itself. No one else. Blaming someone else is a great Thai cop out. Unfortunately it doesn't work and perpetuates the problem. Just because another country also does something bad doesn't wash your hands of the responsiblity if you then to decide to do it to.

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