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15 Green Mamba Snakes Got Loose From Owner In West Pakkred

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ภาพงูพิษสีเขียว green mamba จากแอฟริกา ที่หลุดออกจากกรง 15ตัว สัตวแพทย์เตือนให้ระวัง !!! http://j.mp/saW9Fe หลุดจากบ้านย่านปากเกร็ด ตะวันตก หากพบเห็นงูสีเขียว(ตัวพ่อ-แม่) ขนาดเท่างูจงอางยาว2ม.และลูก 13 ตัวยาว 1ม.ให้กำจัด แต่ให้ระวังถูกฉกเพราะดุร้าย มีพิษถึงตายได้

2 big ones (2 metres long) and 13 baby snakes (1 metre)

First, crocs and leeches, now more snakes. blink.gif

FYI, this is not local species so we don't have antivenom for this. Be extra careful.

If anyone were to find them, please contact 1362 or 02-7119160.


Watching these people is like watching a bunch of first graders. Can't keep snakes contained? Crocodiles either? Can't protect the drinking water for ten million? What's next?


Yeah, this sucks. Green Mambas are an African species that are known for the aggression, speed, and deadly venom. No one will find these guys in Thailand, and I would definitely proceed with caution around these bad boys! They're beautiful, but deadly. Luckily, a breeding population might not be established as they would all be inbred, but they'll be happy in the meantime!


This is swell...My house is in that area! Does anyone know the exact location the snakes were released from? Lots of flooded rice fields in this area which tells me they will look for the nearest village and their dry areas - houses / trees, etc.


They should fly in the anti-venom at the delinquent snake owner's expense.

About Antivenom

Snakebite antivenom is manufactured by injecting horses with small quantities of snake venom, causing the horses to build up antibodies against these venoms. The horses are then bled, the blood cells are separated from the plasma, and the plasma containing the antibodies against the different venoms is then purified and this is what is known as snakebite antivenom.

a_kit-sml.jpga_kit2-small.jpgRed-Containers_small.jpgsnakebite-kits_small.jpgSerious snakebite is best treated with the appropriate antivenom. In South Africa SAVP manufactures polyvalent snakebite antivenom for treatment of bites from the dangerous adders, cobras, mambas and ringkals. This antivenom is specific against the bites of the following snakes:

a) Bitis arietans - Puff Adder

B) Bitis gabonica - Gaboon Adder

c) Dendroaspis angusticeps - Eastern Green Mamba

d) Dendroaspis jamesonii - Jameson's Mamba

e) Dendroaspis polylepis - Black mamba

f) Hemachatus haemachatus - Ringkals Spitting Cobra

g) Naja annulifera - Snouted Cobra

h) Naja melanoleuca - Forest Cobra

i) Naja mossambica - Mozambique Spitting Cobra

j} Naja nivea - Cape Cobra

The above polyvalent antivenom is not suitable in the treatment of Boomslang (Dispholidus typus) bites. Specific monovalent antivenom is available to treat bites from these snakes.

In West Africa the majority of snakebites are due to the West African Saw-scaled Viper (Echis ocelattus). SAVP manufactures a specific monovalent antivenom to treat bites from the dangerous snakes.

Antivenom is obtainable directly from the manufacturer. Tel: +27 11 386 6000.

Antivenom is best injected by trained medical personnel and must be injected in large quantities and intravenously. A snakebite kit contains only 2 ampoules and this is insufficient for treatment of a serious snakebite. You should keep 6 - 10 ampoules at hand.

Please note that antivenom can cause allergic reactions. To treat allergic reactions preloaded adrenalin syringe should be at hand.should start ordering now


.....................................................this mamba is very shy and generally not too aggressive. It will avoid confrontation with humans or other potential predators when possible. They are fast snakes, capable of moving 7 mph. They don't always strike, but continuous harassment and provocation of the snake, especially if cornered, this snake can suddenly become very ferocious and will strike repeatedly in very quick succession.[7]

Know these buddies from Africa........but if you leave them alone.....but who will here in Thailand......what's next?????...Black Mambas.....????

Yeah, this sucks. Green Mambas are an African species that are known for the aggression, speed, and deadly venom. No one will find these guys in Thailand, and I would definitely proceed with caution around these bad boys! They're beautiful, but deadly. Luckily, a breeding population might not be established as they would all be inbred, but they'll be happy in the meantime!


What the hell was this guy doing with these "VERY" deadly snakes in the first place, and why were they not kept in containment with better attention to security?


just to put this silly story into context.. Thailand already has 1000's of wild deadly snakes living quite happily alongside its population, both in rural & urban areas. A dozen or so escapes (of any species) is not exactly doomsday.


So let me get this straight...........

This is a very deadly poisonous snake

and some 'Doofuss' is keeping it as a PET ????

Sheesh !


Hey, hows about a little more respect for the local population and a bit less of "these people this" etc, you're not going to try and tell me that Americans don't keep equally dangerous items as pets or for fun!


Watching these people is like watching a bunch of first graders. Can't keep snakes contained? Crocodiles either? Can't protect the drinking water for ten million? What's next?

accidents happen, but to make statements like" these People" when in so called civilised like for example natural disasters like the toowoomba floods or the the hendra virus epidemic are caused by the cavalier attitudes of councils allowing developers to build in flood plains and natural water ways , and allowing the landed gentry to move horses from infected properties ,to uninfected locations thus spreading this deadly disease, not wanting to cast aspersions on the reputation of an aussie icon , who cannot defend these comments!!but in the last 15 years there has been a significant rise in crocodile sightings in the Maroochydore river not far from Australia Zoo, where earlier there was no record of crocodile sightings ,maybe they were not escapee sightings but saltwater crocs on holiday from Darwin!!

Watching these people is like watching a bunch of first graders. Can't keep snakes contained? Crocodiles either? Can't protect the drinking water for ten million? What's next?

accidents happen, but to make statements like" these People" when in so called civilised like for example natural disasters like the toowoomba floods or the the hendra virus epidemic are caused by the cavalier attitudes of councils allowing developers to build in flood plains and natural water ways , and allowing the landed gentry to move horses from infected properties ,to uninfected locations thus spreading this deadly disease, not wanting to cast aspersions on the reputation of an aussie icon , who cannot defend these comments!!but in the last 15 years there has been a significant rise in crocodile sightings in the Maroochydore river not far from Australia Zoo, where earlier there was no record of crocodile sightings ,maybe they were not escapee sightings but saltwater crocs on holiday from Darwin!!



Hey, hows about a little more respect for the local population and a bit less of "these people this" etc, you're not going to try and tell me that Americans don't keep equally dangerous items as pets or for fun!

Yes, Americans keep just as equally dangerous pets...but in America they are illegal and everybody hates people that do it too.

Anybody hear about "Reggie"?




Hey, hows about a little more respect for the local population and a bit less of "these people this" etc, you're not going to try and tell me that Americans don't keep equally dangerous items as pets or for fun!

Yes, Americans keep just as equally dangerous pets...but in America they are illegal and everybody hates people that do it too.

Anybody hear about "Reggie"?



They are not illegal in all states just look at viperkeeper on YouTube he often has Mambss.

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