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Briton Found Guilty Of Murdering Thai Wife For Smashing His Star Wars Toys


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If he is Mr. La Touche, then surely she must have been Mrs. La Touche?

Theoretically yes but in practice not necessary as ladies are permitted to keep the their former names on marriage

It is quite legal for a man to take his new wife's family name.

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Its one of those things.

Some men are 'obsessive' about certain hobbies and related paraphenalia - Thai women are unlikely to understand this.

Of course those men need to be avoided, but again - Thai women wouldn't realise this.

Like pony tails and Harley Davidson contraptions?

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Please read the artlcle properly.....he met her at a bar! What else do u expect? Waste of time posting articles like these.....both parties deserved each other.

Yeah...I read the article and as you state,it says "he met her in a bar"...and that is it.

So, if he would have met her during a football- match, would you assume she is a player?

Many people meet other people in bars or clubs or discos. She is Thai, so she has to be a prostitute, right?!

And therefor she is the scum of the earth and has to take abuse or death as "part of the deal" and he has to take...whatever as part of his.

Some people have a very interesting picture of the world they life in.

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It is irrelevant what nationality or race the girl is.

I'm sure that these guys would not ever consider marrying a prostitute in their own country and expect the girl to conveniently fall into the guy's mode of lifestyle.

Some years ago a close friend married a Thai bar girl then took her back to the UK with him. They had 3 children together, but this did not change the girl's old ways.

She would sometimes go off to the local pub and disappear until the following morning, arriving home with a hangover from drink and drugs. She even had an affair with her husband`s close friend, plus after a few drinks she was anybodies, I mean that litually.

At one time the couple had a blazing argument resulting with the girl being thrown from a first floor window at the family home. She broke her back and her husband was sentenced to 2 years imprisonment.

There are some smashing Thai girls around if you choose carefully and stay well away from the underclass sectors of Thai society.

Again and another *bar girls are all dirt"- guy.

Guess what? My first thai GF was educated, worked in the management of a big hotel, spoke good english...and was the biggest slut I ever met.

And I have a friend, who is married to bar girl. Careing mother of 2, not slutty at all, drinks little to no alcohol and is a nice warhearted person.

But the world is easier in black & white, right?!

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Excuse me, but I don't know why he was sentenced for life. What does that do? He was angry and lost it. Anybody could have done the same thing if under enough stress and rage. A tragedy, yes, but throwing somebody in prison for the rest of their life solves nothing.

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It is irrelevant what nationality or race the girl is.

I'm sure that these guys would not ever consider marrying a prostitute in their own country and expect the girl to conveniently fall into the guy's mode of lifestyle.

Some years ago a close friend married a Thai bar girl then took her back to the UK with him. They had 3 children together, but this did not change the girl's old ways.

She would sometimes go off to the local pub and disappear until the following morning, arriving home with a hangover from drink and drugs. She even had an affair with her husband`s close friend, plus after a few drinks she was anybodies, I mean that litually.

At one time the couple had a blazing argument resulting with the girl being thrown from a first floor window at the family home. She broke her back and her husband was sentenced to 2 years imprisonment.

There are some smashing Thai girls around if you choose carefully and stay well away from the underclass sectors of Thai society.

Again and another *bar girls are all dirt"- guy.

Guess what? My first thai GF was educated, worked in the management of a big hotel, spoke good english...and was the biggest slut I ever met.

And I have a friend, who is married to bar girl. Careing mother of 2, not slutty at all, drinks little to no alcohol and is a nice warhearted person.

But the world is easier in black & white, right?!

"And I have a friend, who is married to bar girl. Careing mother of 2, not slutty at all, drinks little to no alcohol and is a nice warhearted person."

Warmhearted ? :D

Ps. Not a dig at you, just a nice unintentional pun !

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Well I feel sorry for the poor bloke as all you guys know how Thai women can be tremendously difficult to live with. And yes humans are emotional something you guys at TV seem to forget (then again maybe you are all R2’s and D2’s). Thai women can be very cold hearted and can act very mechanical. Maybe this guy realised he was being played like a tune and took revenge for being lied to and being treated in such away. Many Thai women don’t relies they are playing with fire.

If this woman wanted to go back home then all she has to do is walk, she does not need to make threats.

There’s a lot more to this tragedy which no one will ever know. But I get the feeling that they were both trapped in a loveless marriage, with great expectations from neighbours and parents, so this couple just kept up appearances and lived a horrible life, creating tension and frustration towards each other. Like so many couples I know.

May the force be with you

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Excuse me, but I don't know why he was sentenced for life. What does that do? He was angry and lost it. Anybody could have done the same thing if under enough stress and rage. A tragedy, yes, but throwing somebody in prison for the rest of their life solves nothing.

The truly said part of this story is that the child is now without a mother or father and will most likely wind up in foster care, scarred for life by this event..

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Excuse me, but I don't know why he was sentenced for life. What does that do? He was angry and lost it. Anybody could have done the same thing if under enough stress and rage. A tragedy, yes, but throwing somebody in prison for the rest of their life solves nothing.

My own post updated:

Personally speaking, I've had plenty of occasions where I was provoked angry, stressed, enraged... sometimes even to the point of severe provocation anger, stress, rage and yet... I never murdered anyone over it.

I dare say that billions can also say the same thing.


A part of the reason for his confinement is designed to prevent a future re-occurrence of a person who when he gets angry, murders someone.

Another part of his confinement is designed to punish the actions committed by a sane, and thus responsible for his actions, individual.


Edited by Buchholz
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A 30 year-old man....

suffocating and murdering someone.....

over children's toys. :blink::huh:

Read the full story....this was not over children's toys.... it was a ticking bomb ready to explode at any time.

If he had come back to Thailand it's likely the outcome would have been reversed.

So it was a pre-emptive murder then?

I don't believe so. Based on the limited information we have I would have called it manslaughter.

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He should of just let her go back to Thailand there are plenty more bargirls lining up to tell him he is handsome and love him. Killing her for wanting to leave is pointless.

Not a particularly insightful reply. Perhaps you could explain then why so many expats who live in Thailand get married where the streets are lined with bargirls. Using your logic no one should ever get married in Thailand.

Obviously lonely guys in love don't think things through quite as much as commenters on this forum.

What I was saying is, no reason to kill her just let her go. Plenty of more fish in the sea. I seem to have offended you and I appologise it was not my intention.

You got me wrong and I'm not offended in the slightest. It's just that you can't apply logical reasoning to the actions of a distraught man in love.

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A 30 year-old man....

suffocating and murdering someone.....

over children's toys. :blink::huh:

Read the full story....this was not over children's toys.... it was a ticking bomb ready to explode at any time.

If he had come back to Thailand it's likely the outcome would have been reversed.

So it was a pre-emptive murder then?

I don't believe so. Based on the limited information we have I would have called it manslaughter.

and yet, with infinitely more information available to the Preston Crown Court, they called it murder and jailed him for life.


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A 30 year-old man....

suffocating and murdering someone.....

over children's toys. :blink::huh:

He was a true fan.

others describe him with a variant of that word...

Star Wars fanatic choked his Thai bride to death after she destroyed his collection of toys

Read more:


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Obsessed: Rickie la Touche used a picture of the Star Wars character Darth Bane for his Facebook profile. He became angry when his wife damaged his treasured Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker memorabilia

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Excuse me, but I don't know why he was sentenced for life. What does that do? He was angry and lost it. Anybody could have done the same thing if under enough stress and rage. A tragedy, yes, but throwing somebody in prison for the rest of their life solves nothing.

Actually "anybody" would not do the same thing if under enough stress and rage. There is obviously a serious problem with somebody who cannot control their rage let alone their need to kill another human being who poses them no immediate threat. Something is very scary in the fact you believe this to be a normal reaction that could happen to anybody.

One can only wonder what you would be saying if this murdered young women was your daughter.

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A 30 year-old man....

suffocating and murdering someone.....

over children's toys. :blink::huh:

Read the full story....this was not over children's toys.... it was a ticking bomb ready to explode at any time.

If he had come back to Thailand it's likely the outcome would have been reversed.

So it was a pre-emptive murder then?

I don't believe so. Based on the limited information we have I would have called it manslaughter.

I have the same limited information as you have but I suspect slightly more knowledge of the law. Strangulation can never be involuntary manslaughter. He denied murder but admitted manslaughter, in this case it would have been determined as voluntary manslaughter. Given the absence of drink, drugs and no evidence of diminished responsibility and strangulation as the method of death there is virtually no chance of a jury returning anything other than a murder verdict.

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I have the same limited information as you have but I suspect slightly more knowledge of the law. Strangulation can never be involuntary manslaughter. He denied murder but admitted manslaughter, in this case it would have been determined as voluntary manslaughter. Given the absence of drink, drugs and no evidence of diminished responsibility and strangulation as the method of death there is virtually no chance of a jury returning anything other than a murder verdict.

He certainly could have been charged with premeditated murder, at least in the US, based on his statement...

We woke up. My wife is from Thailand and she keeps threatening to leave.
We argued and she said she was going to make my life hell. She's put me through it before.
I couldn't let that happen

He then goes on to say he choked her to death.

Interesting too is I haven't seen anywhere that this guy expresses any remorse but read a lot about how he continues to excuse his behavior and blame his wife for his committing murder. Clearly this guy has some real issues and hasn't ever grown up (don't forget he ran to his mom's house after killing his wife).

Edited by Nisa
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I have the same limited information as you have but I suspect slightly more knowledge of the law. Strangulation can never be involuntary manslaughter. He denied murder but admitted manslaughter, in this case it would have been determined as voluntary manslaughter. Given the absence of drink, drugs and no evidence of diminished responsibility and strangulation as the method of death there is virtually no chance of a jury returning anything other than a murder verdict.

He certainly could have been charged with premeditated murder, at least in the US, based on his statement...

We woke up. My wife is from Thailand and she keeps threatening to leave.
We argued and she said she was going to make my life hell. She's put me through it before.
I couldn't let that happen

He then goes on to say he choked her to death.

Interesting too is I haven't seen anywhere that this guy expresses any remorse but read a lot about how he continues to excuse his behavior and blame his wife for his committing murder. Clearly this guy has some real issues and hasn't ever grown up (don't forget he ran to his mom's house after killing his wife).

Where the poor chap is expalioning she's put me through it before - I believe that she had previously damaged his actin men, the star wars figures were the final straw, ..........

show a little compassion please,

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I have the same limited information as you have but I suspect slightly more knowledge of the law. Strangulation can never be involuntary manslaughter. He denied murder but admitted manslaughter, in this case it would have been determined as voluntary manslaughter. Given the absence of drink, drugs and no evidence of diminished responsibility and strangulation as the method of death there is virtually no chance of a jury returning anything other than a murder verdict.

He certainly could have been charged with premeditated murder, at least in the US, based on his statement...

We woke up. My wife is from Thailand and she keeps threatening to leave.
We argued and she said she was going to make my life hell. She's put me through it before.
I couldn't let that happen

He then goes on to say he choked her to death.

Interesting too is I haven't seen anywhere that this guy expresses any remorse but read a lot about how he continues to excuse his behavior and blame his wife for his committing murder. Clearly this guy has some real issues and hasn't ever grown up (don't forget he ran to his mom's house after killing his wife).

In the UK we do not have the same definition of murder as the US. In contrast to the US you can be charged with murder even if your intent was to cause grievous bodily harm but that intent to harm caused a death.

The point is that he was charged with murder not manslaughter. His statement would have been part of the case but no more than that. The reason that I said that strangulation will almost inevitably end with a guilty of murder verdict is because attempting the act of strangulation is itself grievous bodily harm and the successful completion of the act is murder.

As to whether the guy had "issues" I would treat a lot of the reporting with caution, that was also what he wanted the jury to think as his defence was one of diminished responsibility (the only possible defence to strangulation). You could therefore expect his defence team to play up what appeared to be the more bizzare aspects of the case. Diminished responsibility is a question for a jury, they decided against it.

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Apparently, in Britain, the difference between men and boys is not the price of their toys.

Quarter million baht for a Darth Vader with telescoping light sabre in box.blink.gif

I had one like these. My mom threw it out when I went to college. dam_n!

Sad story all around, and I agree with a poster above, the toys story is just to make the story "more interesting" in our inane news media. A normal murder would be way too boring for the press.

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I think she will get away with it as Thai police will rule out suicide and the the judge will laugh at the victim family. She then start killing off Farang one by one, start with the old, fat and hairly one first.

Wonder if the wife had murdered him in Thailand what the outcome would have been?

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If he is Mr. La Touche, then surely she must have been Mrs. La Touche?

Geeze, Mr. Sherlock Holmes! Even a person with deductive skills inferior to your own might come up with the hypothesis that her family name or possibly given name was being used. :w00t:

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12 years in jail or "henpecked" for the rest of life.

He may have been smarter than you give him credit for. I have seen some couples- Thai/farang that would be better of going in the same direction.

Cheaper than divorce in the UK, he gets to keep his pension, his house and the kid (when he gets out)

Better deal than I had from a judge.

True true words ludditeman

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12 years in jail or "henpecked" for the rest of life.

He may have been smarter than you give him credit for. I have seen some couples- Thai/farang that would be better of going in the same direction.

Cheaper than divorce in the UK, he gets to keep his pension, his house and the kid (when he gets out)

Better deal than I had from a judge.

True true words ludditeman

He could even cash in and write a book about his experiences in the nick .

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Original Star Wars toys are not just toys, they are collectors items.

Rare and expensive collectors items , but toys none the less . And so we can ask the question ; If he had been collecting oil paintings all his life and his partner had defaced them in some way would it have been alright to kill her ? Nah , but he might have got more sympathy from the judge .

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