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Bangkok: Day By Day, Waiting On Judgement Day


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What does this mean: " There could be worms in the Irrigation Department."

And what the heck is a Prat? A person cannot be closer than three meters to a ปราชญ์ ? (= philosopher or sage)

And what the heck would mamba's be doing in Thailand? They are the fastest land snake in the world, (and a good swimmer) they can bite with great precision up to twelve times in a row, and death occurs between 15 minutes to 3 hours... if they truly exist it is unlikely that a victim will be able to receive anti-toxin fast enough to save them. Yikes.

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With due respect and full of goodwill:

Thailand has to prepare all its dams to "arrest" between 18-20billion cubic meter of flood water between end of Sept to mid Nov every year to ensure flood risk can be kept below 2%. The "warrant for arrest" shall be made valid for at least 30days. This statement is referring to the flood associated with the Choa Phraya catchment alone. If this risk has yet acceptably small then what it need to do is to increase the amount of water to be "arrested" appropriately. Technically speaking, just name how small the flood risk that you want it to be, the flood control & mitigation engineers shall be able to come up with the flood control & mitigation system that can provide the desired risk. And obviously with additional cost. Normal design flood risk for a big town is kept around 0.5%. For a small to moderate town it could range between 1-2%.

Thailand needs the new approach to "see and understand" the might force of nature that is called flood. Why? By the 1st October 2011, using Bhumibol as a sample, the flood risk was approaching 100%. The fact that the risk had gradually increased from <2% from as early as July to almost 100% by 1st October. By 1st October, technically speaking, the dam had already been beaten by future flood since it did not have any reserve space to fill up the flood water, whereas the monsoon had yet over.

Yes, there is enough time for the dam management to react before the coming of flood if the management is provided with a comprehensive operational objectives for its dam. I think, at least for this year there was one missing operational objective for most of the dams in Thailand, namely, to provide reserve space for flood control. Unfortunately, this missing thing dominated the event this year.

Note: I made my reference to Bangkok Post. One of its articles described how Bhuminbol dam water level had gradually increased from as early as in July 2011.


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With due respect and full of goodwill:

Thailand has to prepare all its dams to "arrest" between 18-20billion cubic meter of flood water between end of Sept to mid Nov every year to ensure flood risk can be kept below 2%. The "warrant for arrest" shall be made valid for at least 30days. This statement is referring to the flood associated with the Choa Phraya catchment alone. If this risk has yet acceptably small then what it need to do is to increase the amount of water to be "arrested" appropriately. Technically speaking, just name how small the flood risk that you want it to be, the flood control & mitigation engineers shall be able to come up with the flood control & mitigation system that can provide the desired risk. And obviously with additional cost. Normal design flood risk for a big town is kept around 0.5%. For a small to moderate town it could range between 1-2%.

Thailand needs the new approach to "see and understand" the might force of nature that is called flood. Why? By the 1st October 2011, using Bhumibol as a sample, the flood risk was approaching 100%. The fact that the risk had gradually increased from <2% from as early as July to almost 100% by 1st October. By 1st October, technically speaking, the dam had already been beaten by future flood since it did not have any reserve space to fill up the flood water, whereas the monsoon had yet over.

Yes, there is enough time for the dam management to react before the coming of flood if the management is provided with a comprehensive operational objectives for its dam. I think, at least for this year there was one missing operational objective for most of the dams in Thailand, namely, to provide reserve space for flood control. Unfortunately, this missing thing dominated the event this year.


Note: I made my reference to Bangkok Post. One of its articles described how Bhuminbol dam water level had gradually increased from as early as in July 2011.

I have gone through more detail operation data for for Bhumibol, in particular reservoir elevation versus month. Talking about the data alone, putting aside any denying statement, we can conclude that there was a systematic attempt to maximize the refill and to maximize storage. The ultimate intention is good, i.e. to get more water so that there are a lot of water for all state holders. I don't buy the argument that it was amount to sabotage since I don't think the "potential plotters" were smart enough to do it this way. I think the main problem is lack of skills to meet the intention to maximize the refill & storage. So the executors were not clear how to achieve the maximum refill without increasing flood risk. Let see how I came to conclusion.

In June & July the average release rate was 4.5million/day. Based on the information that I had in hand (From my visit to Bhumibol & Sirkit in 2003) the save daily discharge (without causing flood downstream would be around 40million cubic meter/day. We have discharge deficit by about 35.5 million cubic meter per day, or 2.1billion cubic meter in two months. There is no justification to do this other than to get the reservoir refill as high as possible. This is just one of the reservoirs that had discharge deficit.. There are at least a few dozens other dams & reservoirs scattered around the Chao Phraya catchment. Can you expect they performed better? I would say around 4billion cubic meter release deficit might come out from Bhumibol & Sirkit dam alone. I have little idea about what the other dams were doing. Note that troubled flood water is just over 10billion cubic meter. So we can see 40% out of it can be reduced if both dams were well prepared.

One of the missing skills regarding reservoir operations is the capability to anticipate intensity and duration of the flood as well as when it strikes. I don't want to discuss more about this subject but the authorities have to take a close look on this subject to minimize the flood risk in future. Only if the nature of flood flow can be well understood the dam management should trigger a flood control operations as early of mid July 2011. It has to release at least 40million cubic meter per day without miss a long as long as the dam capacity stays above 70% level. If this has been done (from the information, I doubt) then you can't expect the dam management to do better than this.

There is another weak point about the Bhumibol and probably Sirkit dam as well that I have to mention without to give details. They rely on sluice gates to release the excess flood waters. Beware of these gates. Next time, even the dams are properly managed, the blame can be singled out to the "theory of operation" for these gates.

My main important reference taken from Bangkok Pundit: Here is a part from BP statement.

BP: One of the reasons for BP being cautious in drawing a conclusion was the lack of solid details in the articles quotes. Bloomberg though has a detailed story with the details:

In June and July, authorities released an average of 4.5 million cubic meters of water per day from Bhumibol Dam as the water level increased to 63 percent of capacity, double the amount stored in the same period a year earlier, according to data from the Royal Irrigation Department.

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And the "vandals" breaking down the flood barriers, by any chance were they wearing Red Shirts..? We already know how much those guys love Bangkok and Bangkokians...

No, they were wearing extremely wet-shirts!

As much as I despiese their actions, I guess that anger and frustration have no certain color!

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Ha!. You guys have got it all wrong, I don't know why no one has seen this before. While all the speculation and rumours are flowing (sometimes faster and more prevalent than the flood itself), the Shinawatra building dynasty is preparing for the biggest rebuild of Thailand in history.

Can you just see it. Shinawatra building sites all over the country busily rebuilding and repairing Bangkok, all the while filtering public money back into their back pockets.

do you really think they are THAT evil minded?

i mean what solid evidence have you to suggest that they are that inhumane to everyone in the country

the only the things i can think of that you could put forward as inhumane, is the south in which he was indirectly responsible for tragic events due to his policies and thaksins drug war, which i'm sure he did have a "&lt;deleted&gt; em, kill em, they're only scum" attitude, and that's something he deserves to be loathed for imho....unfortunately a lot of the country had the same attitude judging by its popularity.

so yeah it was a horrible thing to do to what were deemed as criminals, and a lot of who were killed weren't criminals/addicts/dealers, tho i don't hold thaksin directly responsible for those but it certainly was his policy that caused it... so he was indirectly responsible, as they wouldn't have happened if this crackdown on drugs hadn't been implemented.

but to answer you...

no i can't just see it, the way you put it sounds like they're rubbing their hands and laughing at the countries population saying :

"ha ha bleed them dry of whatever they have left and make more money as we rebuild on top of it...

to hell with them all, hopefully we'll have another natural disaster when we make our profits from this..

sorry did i say 'natura'l LoL i meant man made obviously.....muahahahaha" *champagne glasses clink*

seriously, do you genuinely think they're pure evil and don't have an ounce of care for the people of Thailand?

and you're perfectly entitled to think that if it's your opinion.

To put it in a nutshell...yes! The man, the family, the Clan think only of themselves for themselves. Investigate the Clan's connection to S'pore and then look for rainbows! You wont find any! IMMHO

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I think the Shinawatra dynasty cares about the people in the sense of how they can be used and also understands that the people do have power which can potentially be used for or against them. Pure evil? No. But on a scale, on the evil side of it.

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And the "vandals" breaking down the flood barriers, by any chance were they wearing Red Shirts..? We already know how much those guys love Bangkok and Bangkokians...

Obviously the Red Shits! They will be the end of Thailand as we know it.

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Ha!. You guys have got it all wrong, I don't know why no one has seen this before. While all the speculation and rumours are flowing (sometimes faster and more prevalent than the flood itself), the Shinawatra building dynasty is preparing for the biggest rebuild of Thailand in history.

Can you just see it. Shinawatra building sites all over the country busily rebuilding and repairing Bangkok, all the while filtering public money back into their back pockets.

do you really think they are THAT evil minded?

i mean what solid evidence have you to suggest that they are that inhumane to everyone in the country

the only the things i can think of that you could put forward as inhumane, is the south in which he was indirectly responsible for tragic events due to his policies and thaksins drug war, which i'm sure he did have a "&lt;deleted&gt; em, kill em, they're only scum" attitude, and that's something he deserves to be loathed for imho....unfortunately a lot of the country had the same attitude judging by its popularity.

so yeah it was a horrible thing to do to what were deemed as criminals, and a lot of who were killed weren't criminals/addicts/dealers, tho i don't hold thaksin directly responsible for those but it certainly was his policy that caused it... so he was indirectly responsible, as they wouldn't have happened if this crackdown on drugs hadn't been implemented.

but to answer you...

no i can't just see it, the way you put it sounds like they're rubbing their hands and laughing at the countries population saying :

"ha ha bleed them dry of whatever they have left and make more money as we rebuild on top of it...

to hell with them all, hopefully we'll have another natural disaster when we make our profits from this..

sorry did i say 'natura'l LoL i meant man made obviously.....muahahahaha" *champagne glasses clink*

seriously, do you genuinely think they're pure evil and don't have an ounce of care for the people of Thailand?

and you're perfectly entitled to think that if it's your opinion.

To put it in a nutshell...yes! The man, the family, the Clan think only of themselves for themselves. Investigate the Clan's connection to S'pore and then look for rainbows! You wont find any! IMMHO

Of course the Shiniwatras are that evil. Everything they've done their entire lives, every effort has been only for themselves - not for Thailand or the Thai people and certainly not for the monarchy. If his sister remains in power and if her and the Red Shits plans to bring her criminal brother back to take over - it will be the end of Thailand as we know it. Anyone who cares about Thailand should use everything in their power to stop the Shiniwatras and the Red Devils.

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The messiah will return from is holiday in Dubai....and there will be a new capital city...Chang Mai...feel sorry for all in Bangkok and further a field....cor the shit that is headed your way...swampy..is going to be swamped and pattya beach .....is pattaya beach..but gonna be full of more filth

If Thaksin ever returns it will be the end of Thailand as we know it. He is pure evil. As for Pattaya - good riddens! The place should be removed from the map - it is a disgusting, depraved boil on Thailand.

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Ha!. You guys have got it all wrong, I don't know why no one has seen this before. While all the speculation and rumours are flowing (sometimes faster and more prevalent than the flood itself), the Shinawatra building dynasty is preparing for the biggest rebuild of Thailand in history.

Can you just see it. Shinawatra building sites all over the country busily rebuilding and repairing Bangkok, all the while filtering public money back into their back pockets.

do you really think they are THAT evil minded?

i mean what solid evidence have you to suggest that they are that inhumane to everyone in the country

the only the things i can think of that you could put forward as inhumane, is the south in which he was indirectly responsible for tragic events due to his policies and thaksins drug war, which i'm sure he did have a "&lt;deleted&gt; em, kill em, they're only scum" attitude, and that's something he deserves to be loathed for imho....unfortunately a lot of the country had the same attitude judging by its popularity.

so yeah it was a horrible thing to do to what were deemed as criminals, and a lot of who were killed weren't criminals/addicts/dealers, tho i don't hold thaksin directly responsible for those but it certainly was his policy that caused it... so he was indirectly responsible, as they wouldn't have happened if this crackdown on drugs hadn't been implemented.

but to answer you...

no i can't just see it, the way you put it sounds like they're rubbing their hands and laughing at the countries population saying :

"ha ha bleed them dry of whatever they have left and make more money as we rebuild on top of it...

to hell with them all, hopefully we'll have another natural disaster when we make our profits from this..

sorry did i say 'natura'l LoL i meant man made obviously.....muahahahaha" *champagne glasses clink*

seriously, do you genuinely think they're pure evil and don't have an ounce of care for the people of Thailand?

and you're perfectly entitled to think that if it's your opinion.

To put it in a nutshell...yes! ...<snip

well to put it in a nutshell, myself, at least i know the kind of people that i try to reason with.

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Ha!. You guys have got it all wrong, I don't know why no one has seen this before. While all the speculation and rumours are flowing (sometimes faster and more prevalent than the flood itself), the Shinawatra building dynasty is preparing for the biggest rebuild of Thailand in history.

Can you just see it. Shinawatra building sites all over the country busily rebuilding and repairing Bangkok, all the while filtering public money back into their back pockets.

do you really think they are THAT evil minded?

i mean what solid evidence have you to suggest that they are that inhumane to everyone in the country

the only the things i can think of that you could put forward as inhumane, is the south in which he was indirectly responsible for tragic events due to his policies and thaksins drug war, which i'm sure he did have a "&lt;deleted&gt; em, kill em, they're only scum" attitude, and that's something he deserves to be loathed for imho....unfortunately a lot of the country had the same attitude judging by its popularity.

so yeah it was a horrible thing to do to what were deemed as criminals, and a lot of who were killed weren't criminals/addicts/dealers, tho i don't hold thaksin directly responsible for those but it certainly was his policy that caused it... so he was indirectly responsible, as they wouldn't have happened if this crackdown on drugs hadn't been implemented.

but to answer you...

no i can't just see it, the way you put it sounds like they're rubbing their hands and laughing at the countries population saying :

"ha ha bleed them dry of whatever they have left and make more money as we rebuild on top of it...

to hell with them all, hopefully we'll have another natural disaster when we make our profits from this..

sorry did i say 'natura'l LoL i meant man made obviously.....muahahahaha" *champagne glasses clink*

seriously, do you genuinely think they're pure evil and don't have an ounce of care for the people of Thailand?

and you're perfectly entitled to think that if it's your opinion.

To put it in a nutshell...yes! The man, the family, the Clan think only of themselves for themselves. Investigate the Clan's connection to S'pore and then look for rainbows! You wont find any! IMMHO

Of course the Shiniwatras are that evil. Everything they've done their entire lives, every effort has been only for themselves - not for Thailand or the Thai people and certainly not for the monarchy. If his sister remains in power and if her and the Red Shits plans to bring her criminal brother back to take over - it will be the end of Thailand as we know it. Anyone who cares about Thailand should use everything in their power to stop the Shiniwatras and the Red Devils.

ok, thank you for the clarification

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Ha!. You guys have got it all wrong, I don't know why no one has seen this before. While all the speculation and rumours are flowing (sometimes faster and more prevalent than the flood itself), the Shinawatra building dynasty is preparing for the biggest rebuild of Thailand in history.

Can you just see it. Shinawatra building sites all over the country busily rebuilding and repairing Bangkok, all the while filtering public money back into their back pockets.

do you really think they are THAT evil minded?

i mean what solid evidence have you to suggest that they are that inhumane to everyone in the country

the only the things i can think of that you could put forward as inhumane, is the south in which he was indirectly responsible for tragic events due to his policies and thaksins drug war, which i'm sure he did have a "&lt;deleted&gt; em, kill em, they're only scum" attitude, and that's something he deserves to be loathed for imho....unfortunately a lot of the country had the same attitude judging by its popularity.

so yeah it was a horrible thing to do to what were deemed as criminals, and a lot of who were killed weren't criminals/addicts/dealers, tho i don't hold thaksin directly responsible for those but it certainly was his policy that caused it... so he was indirectly responsible, as they wouldn't have happened if this crackdown on drugs hadn't been implemented.

but to answer you...

no i can't just see it, the way you put it sounds like they're rubbing their hands and laughing at the countries population saying :

"ha ha bleed them dry of whatever they have left and make more money as we rebuild on top of it...

to hell with them all, hopefully we'll have another natural disaster when we make our profits from this..

sorry did i say 'natura'l LoL i meant man made obviously.....muahahahaha" *champagne glasses clink*

seriously, do you genuinely think they're pure evil and don't have an ounce of care for the people of Thailand?

and you're perfectly entitled to think that if it's your opinion.

To put it in a nutshell...yes! The man, the family, the Clan think only of themselves for themselves. Investigate the Clan's connection to S'pore and then look for rainbows! You wont find any! IMMHO

Of course the Shiniwatras are that evil. Everything they've done their entire lives, every effort has been only for themselves - not for Thailand or the Thai people and certainly not for the monarchy. If his sister remains in power and if her and the Red Shits plans to bring her criminal brother back to take over - it will be the end of Thailand as we know it. Anyone who cares about Thailand should use everything in their power to stop the Shiniwatras and the Red Devils.

Who exactly are you telling in this thread " use everything in their power to stop the Shiniwatras and the Red Devils. "?

if you are telling Thai's use everything in their power to stop the Shiniwatras and the Red Devils you are almost inciting violence

and it's lucky they don't run you out of their country.

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do you really think they are THAT evil minded?

i mean what solid evidence have you to suggest that they are that inhumane to everyone in the country

the only the things i can think of that you could put forward as inhumane, is the south in which he was indirectly responsible for tragic events due to his policies and thaksins drug war, which i'm sure he did have a "&lt;deleted&gt; em, kill em, they're only scum" attitude, and that's something he deserves to be loathed for imho....unfortunately a lot of the country had the same attitude judging by its popularity.

so yeah it was a horrible thing to do to what were deemed as criminals, and a lot of who were killed weren't criminals/addicts/dealers, tho i don't hold thaksin directly responsible for those but it certainly was his policy that caused it... so he was indirectly responsible, as they wouldn't have happened if this crackdown on drugs hadn't been implemented.

but to answer you...

no i can't just see it, the way you put it sounds like they're rubbing their hands and laughing at the countries population saying :

"ha ha bleed them dry of whatever they have left and make more money as we rebuild on top of it...

to hell with them all, hopefully we'll have another natural disaster when we make our profits from this..

sorry did i say 'natura'l LoL i meant man made obviously.....muahahahaha" *champagne glasses clink*

seriously, do you genuinely think they're pure evil and don't have an ounce of care for the people of Thailand?

and you're perfectly entitled to think that if it's your opinion.

To put it in a nutshell...yes! The man, the family, the Clan think only of themselves for themselves. Investigate the Clan's connection to S'pore and then look for rainbows! You wont find any! IMMHO

Of course the Shiniwatras are that evil. Everything they've done their entire lives, every effort has been only for themselves - not for Thailand or the Thai people and certainly not for the monarchy. If his sister remains in power and if her and the Red Shits plans to bring her criminal brother back to take over - it will be the end of Thailand as we know it. Anyone who cares about Thailand should use everything in their power to stop the Shiniwatras and the Red Devils.

Who exactly are you telling in this thread " use everything in their power to stop the Shiniwatras and the Red Devils. "?

if you are telling Thai's use everything in their power to stop the Shiniwatras and the Red Devils you are almost inciting violence

and it's lucky they don't run you out of their country.

So it's ok for the Reds to incite violence and their leadership call for the burning down of Bangkok (and having a good go at doing it)? Famespear is right (and believe it or not under the principle of free speech is entitled to voice any opinion he wishes). Thailand is sitting on the edge of a precipice and should the Shiniwatra clan 'take power' (and they will), this country will be changed for ever and everyone in it will simply become property of Shiniwatra Corporation. The next flooding in Bangkok is likely to be caused by blood, not water.

Edited by GentlemanJim
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And the "vandals" breaking down the flood barriers, by any chance were they wearing Red Shirts..? We already know how much those guys love Bangkok and Bangkokians...

Of course, but some wearing different color outside as a disguise. These Red Shirt terrorists will never give up! They really hate Bangkok. Last year they tried to burn down the city and this year they do everything they can to flood and contaminate it. They will not give up untill Bangkok has been destroyed. They just don´t realise, that without Bangkok, they will be suffering too, as Bangkok is generating most of their means of living, how humble it may be.

Sorry.....sounds a bit paranoid, doesnt it!?

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And the "vandals" breaking down the flood barriers, by any chance were they wearing Red Shirts..? We already know how much those guys love Bangkok and Bangkokians...

Of course, but some wearing different color outside as a disguise. These Red Shirt terrorists will never give up! They really hate Bangkok. Last year they tried to burn down the city and this year they do everything they can to flood and contaminate it. They will not give up untill Bangkok has been destroyed. They just don´t realise, that without Bangkok, they will be suffering too, as Bangkok is generating most of their means of living, how humble it may be.

Sorry.....sounds a bit paranoid, doesnt it!?

oh i see .......? the reds caused the floods :blink:

Edited by khaan
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Of course, but some wearing different color outside as a disguise. These Red Shirt terrorists will never give up! They really hate Bangkok. Last year they tried to burn down the city and this year they do everything they can to flood and contaminate it. They will not give up untill Bangkok has been destroyed. They just don´t realise, that without Bangkok, they will be suffering too, as Bangkok is generating most of their means of living, how humble it may be.

Sounds like you should be getting on the Xanax Xonax. Might do you some good. B)

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