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Will I Ever Be Able To Trust Her Again


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I think many of us have had similar exeriences but in my case (thankfully no kids) i dont think it got as far as sex being involved or even a meeting but it was planed and the guy was due to arrive in the next weeks, dating website contact,

Yes i did crack her email account and did,nt feel good about doing it but i knew for me it was the end of a 2 year relationship and the trust was gone never to return,

When she came home from work i confronted her only to first get pleas of denial then crying followed by it will never happen again, This i could,nt tolerate more than 15 minutes and after explaining it best i could her answer was to refuse to leave as expected,

Sadly i had to phisicaly evict her and her belongings onto the street along with her 3 mobile phones and 200 or so pairs of shoes... after a short while her father arrived ln his pickup and she was gone, Her biggest problem being loss of face,

Change of sim card and a word with the moo baan security and after a few weeks my world was once again in order,

We all have different levels of acceptance,Life would be boring if we were all the same.

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once a cheater, always a cheater. so the simply answer is "No". about forget and forgive, yes you can pretend and lie to yourself you've done that, but betrayal will always be with you in your relationship.

leave the sl_t and go on with your life. yuo can take care of your kid as a single as good as with a lady who betrayed you.

in my opinion there are a lot of things that can not be forgiven and cheating is one of them.

good luck whatever you decide to do!!

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Has anyone been cheated on by a Thai or Farang? and is it possible to forgive, forget & trust her again.

it happened to me twice. some neighbours cheated on me with their wives. i forgave and but never trusted them again :ph34r:

hope your okay naam , Try not to mow the lawns topless , its send the wrong messsage..

Yes, also please don't forget to put trousers on too.

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How did you find out? She confessed, you became suspicious, somebody dobbed her, or other?

Mate of mine came back from offshore and when he went down on his wife he nearly choked on a piece of condom which was left behind. :lol:


Wasn't me, i don't use that

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"Has anyone been cheated on by a Thai or Farang? and is it possible to forgive, forget & trust her again"

Yes, it is possible to forgive and trust again, but it depends on if she actually stopped doing it with the same guy or multiple partners.

My ex cheated on me while I was working at Uthai Thani and told me she was sorry. One month after we got married, she did it again and I forgave her. Seven years later, I found out that she's been doing it all the time and we split up. My oldest brother flew in and talked some senses into me based on the lies she fed him. We made up, and the day after he flew back home, I caught her again. I could go on and on.

You can forgive her and try to put everything behind you, but it's difficult.

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"Has anyone been cheated on by a Thai or Farang? and is it possible to forgive, forget & trust her again"

Yes, it is possible to forgive and trust again, but it depends on if she actually stopped doing it with the same guy or multiple partners.

My ex cheated on me while I was working at Uthai Thani and told me she was sorry. One month after we got married, she did it again and I forgave her. Seven years later, I found out that she's been doing it all the time and we split up. My oldest brother flew in and talked some senses into me based on the lies she fed him. We made up, and the day after he flew back home, I caught her again. I could go on and on.

You can forgive her and try to put everything behind you, but it's difficult.

Man are you a sucker for punishment/humiliation, or a masochist??

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"Has anyone been cheated on by a Thai or Farang? and is it possible to forgive, forget & trust her again"

Yes, it is possible to forgive and trust again, but it depends on if she actually stopped doing it with the same guy or multiple partners.

My ex cheated on me while I was working at Uthai Thani and told me she was sorry. One month after we got married, she did it again and I forgave her. Seven years later, I found out that she's been doing it all the time and we split up. My oldest brother flew in and talked some senses into me based on the lies she fed him. We made up, and the day after he flew back home, I caught her again. I could go on and on.

You can forgive her and try to put everything behind you, but it's difficult.

God no wonder so many men lose every thing, these girls cheat and are forgiven oh well it's your money(have you still got any left???

You married a girl that cheated on you, crazy!!!

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Only you [Op] can decide.

Can you forgive? Can you trust her while you are away next time? Might you have a continuing doubt that could tear apart your relationship anyway? If you forgive her, could this send the message that you'll forgive her if it happens again?

IMO: It's not necessary to remain together for the sake of the child, as often the relationship may degrade to such a state that any positive effect or benefit that may be afforded to the child through the best of intentions is damaged by a decaying relationship.

In this case it might be much easier on all concerned to maintain a healthy and respectable relationship through separation.

Ultimately only one person is capable of making this decision.

You can never ever trust anyone that has cheated on you, stay together for the children's sake and you are in a world of misery, the child or children will untimely suffer due to arguments etc, getting your own back by cheating is just wrong as someone posted, god there are so many girls here it is just crazy to stay with a girl that cheats!!!

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"Has anyone been cheated on by a Thai or Farang? and is it possible to forgive, forget & trust her again"

Yes, it is possible to forgive and trust again, but it depends on if she actually stopped doing it with the same guy or multiple partners.

My ex cheated on me while I was working at Uthai Thani and told me she was sorry. One month after we got married, she did it again and I forgave her. Seven years later, I found out that she's been doing it all the time and we split up. My oldest brother flew in and talked some senses into me based on the lies she fed him. We made up, and the day after he flew back home, I caught her again. I could go on and on.

You can forgive her and try to put everything behind you, but it's difficult.

God no wonder so many men lose every thing, these girls cheat and are forgiven oh well it's your money(have you still got any left???

You married a girl that cheated on you, crazy!!!


I recently met a guy who has teamed up with a divorced 40 year old Thai lady, he's been to LOS three times to meet her, he told me he trust her implicitly and sends her a little cash as she doesn't work much. He is also trying to get a visa for her to visit his home country. The WEEK BEFORE his last visit she was shagging a Swedish bloke she met on the Net, for a week. ;)

My message is that sex doesn't mean much here, a means to an end for the cash flow or what ever but l think the OP's lady has no respect for him. And guy's who say people that work away a lot should expect trouble are daft. Tell that to the armed forces for instance.

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Love is a sickness caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Women, not just Thai women, recognize the symptoms and exploit the sickness to their own gain. That forlorn, misty, puppy-dog look a farang gets in his eyes is like steak to a starving woman, as they will work their ways to get what they want. The only known antidote is to be repeatedly kicked in the teeth by a two-timing woman who relishes the idea of your pain until you no longer care. Then and only then can you plan the "game" on their level. Now add the fact that many Thai ladies have the morals of an alley cat and you have a recipe for disaster as they play all sides against the middle.

Let there be no mincing of words here, many women view the interaction between men and women as a game to be won or lost. Why do you think you see the hottest women with men that treat them like <deleted>? It's because they haven't "broken" the man yet to get what they want and the man is still viewed as a challenge. What they want is control, pure and simple.

My advice to the OP is to dump the ex and bed as many women as you can, preferably the ex's sister and best friends as they will delight in the angst it will cause your ex.

Sound cynical, yes, perhaps a little misogynistic, but it is the absolute gospel according to Keyser. These days I have many, many lady friends, but I tell them in no uncertain terms that I will not fall in love and the relationship is based on friendship. I have a hard time keeping them out of my bed as I am now the next challenge to conquer.

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Forgiving her is for your benefit, trusting again is for her benefit. These do not serve the same purpose. Another poster hit the nail on the head, sex is not some emotional decision. Run down walking street :rolleyes: and ask everyone if they are emotional attached person they are ready to bang. Now if she was sitting at home with this guy drinking Nescafe and saying what an asshol_e you are then that would piss me off.

Most likely after 6 years you guys have worked the money flow out to a mutual agreement, you left her food, water, and a roof over her head... you took the penis with you. I am not sure it was mentioned but in the last 6 years you have been with another woman..

Forgive and get the out of the way before you can work on any other issues... My GF for 3 years now has seen more cocks than a Winchester rifle in a John Wayne Western. This has never been a point of argument in any discussions.

Good Luck Pal ...

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I've been cheated on once before. Even walked in to find the guy on the couch the next day as if he had been sleeping there all night. I never forgave her and although I went through agony for the following few months trying to get over her I found that with time I was able to. Funnily enough I got her pregnant a few months before and she ended up having a miscarriage. She later for pregnant with the guy, had the baby but he ditched her. Ain't karma a bitch.

Unfortunately the experience left me with some tendencies, namely being a bit paranoid or possessive. Not crazy like but still I've got issues as a result. Maybe it's down to something else who knows.

But as far as cheaters go ditch them mate. Once they cheat it's never the same. You can try make up but you will always wonder again when you are not with her what is she doing. Plus not saying she did but if she cheated once then there is a chance she will do it again. Sorry if that's not what you want to hear.

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My GF for 3 years now has seen more cocks than a Winchester rifle in a John Wayne Western.

Great line. I love it, and it's right up there with "my ass was going up and down like a fiddler's elbow". Both very funny.

she's bucking like an epileptic donkey at a strobe light convention.

she has been pumped more time than a 12 gauge shotgun in a terminator movie..

but I do love her

Back on topic... if they were going through your computer or checking out the bank book , or wearing your favorite robe , now that would be reason to kick some ass.... All that happen was a little boom boom ...

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My GF for 3 years now has seen more cocks than a Winchester rifle in a John Wayne Western.

Great line. I love it, and it's right up there with "my ass was going up and down like a fiddler's elbow". Both very funny.

she's bucking like an epileptic donkey at a strobe light convention.

she has been pumped more time than a 12 gauge shotgun in a terminator movie..

but I do love her

Back on topic... if they were going through your computer or checking out the bank book , or wearing your favorite robe , now that would be reason to kick some ass.... All that happen was a little boom boom ...

Or worse, drinking your beer out of the 'fridge!!!

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Demand a 3some to make it up, and with some luck & encouragement she will get hooked doin a girl when you are gone, with the added benefit of a party each time you get back.

An option if she don't get hooked is to find someone who will..

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But as far as cheaters go ditch them mate. Once they cheat it's never the same. You can try make up but you will always wonder again when you are not with her what is she doing. Plus not saying she did but if she cheated once then there is a chance she will do it again. Sorry if that's not what you want to hear.

It's OK for blokes though, isn't it??

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What happens if we reverse the situation and the Wife/GF is away on the Rigs for 3 months and the Guy is left at home.

One night he,s feeling down goes out on the town meets a female ends up in bed just for the night never to meet again.

Is this OK for the Guys reading this Post.

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What happens if we reverse the situation and the Wife/GF is away on the Rigs for 3 months and the Guy is left at home.

One night he,s feeling down goes out on the town meets a female ends up in bed just for the night never to meet again.

Is this OK for the Guys reading this Post.

It seems the OP's girl had form though, repeat offender.

Good point poanoi. She would be sending the guy money??

Edited by F4UCorsair
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Ive lived in Asia 10 years and met dozens of married farang/ local thai/indo/viet couples- most of the wives were much much younger than their farang husbands, and almost all the said wives were screwing around behind their husbands backs. You know when your wife says she is having a 'girls night out'....nuff said.

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What happens if we reverse the situation and the Wife/GF is away on the Rigs for 3 months and the Guy is left at home.

One night he,s feeling down goes out on the town meets a female ends up in bed just for the night never to meet again.

Is this OK for the Guys reading this Post.

Of course it is. :lol: (not)

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What happens if we reverse the situation and the Wife/GF is away on the Rigs for 3 months and the Guy is left at home.

One night he,s feeling down goes out on the town meets a female ends up in bed just for the night never to meet again.

Is this OK for the Guys reading this Post.

trying to look for a downside here :D

seriously we all know men have 1 night stands with no emotion however women need to feel something (no pun) or else we would all be going at it 24/7.

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My advice to the OP is to dump the ex and bed as many women as you can, preferably the ex's sister and best friends as they will delight in the angst it will cause your ex.

You are clearly a newbie at this game, go for the mother first, then work your way through the sisters, friends and daughters. :whistling:

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