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Will I Ever Be Able To Trust Her Again


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What happens if we reverse the situation and the Wife/GF is away on the Rigs for 3 months and the Guy is left at home.

One night he,s feeling down goes out on the town meets a female ends up in bed just for the night never to meet again.

Is this OK for the Guys reading this Post.

trying to look for a downside here :D

seriously we all know men have 1 night stands with no emotion however women need to feel something (no pun) or else we would all be going at it 24/7.

WRONG! Thai ladies can detach themselves from emotion.

In LoS many Farangs get themselves into a muddle because of emotion.

I am sure we all know 64 year old men who 'fall in love' with 23 year old Thai girls - the reverse DOES NOT happen !

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They can't detach themself entirely: i recall a woman who could barely stand the fact that she had to go over & screw a 65 year ole man, she was complaining over the lose skin on his hands etc, and suggested we had a short time so she could stand it later on

Edited by poanoi
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Same happened to me awhile back except our relationship was for only a few months. Went away for a month and returned early just to find her gone...showed up 10 days later but it was already over by then. <br><br>Get her the new Iphone so you can monitor her every move if you wish. The trust is gone but if you care for her and your child perhaps give it another shot.  This is Thailand and cheating is not as big a deal as in the west. If you live in Pattaya get her the hell out of there. You are only looking for trouble if you live in that place. Everyone is hitting on the ladies no matter who they are married, hooker  it just don't matter. Too much temptation for men and ladies. If she is doing it with the Thai guys...forget it and move on. <br>

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Love is a sickness caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Women, not just Thai women, recognize the symptoms and exploit the sickness to their own gain. That forlorn, misty, puppy-dog look a farang gets in his eyes is like steak to a starving woman, as they will work their ways to get what they want. The only known antidote is to be repeatedly kicked in the teeth by a two-timing woman who relishes the idea of your pain until you no longer care. Then and only then can you plan the "game" on their level. Now add the fact that many Thai ladies have the morals of an alley cat and you have a recipe for disaster as they play all sides against the middle.

Let there be no mincing of words here, many women view the interaction between men and women as a game to be won or lost. Why do you think you see the hottest women with men that treat them like &lt;deleted&gt;? It's because they haven't "broken" the man yet to get what they want and the man is still viewed as a challenge. What they want is control, pure and simple.

My advice to the OP is to dump the ex and bed as many women as you can, preferably the ex's sister and best friends as they will delight in the angst it will cause your ex.

Sound cynical, yes, perhaps a little misogynistic, but it is the absolute gospel according to Keyser. These days I have many, many lady friends, but I tell them in no uncertain terms that I will not fall in love and the relationship is based on friendship. I have a hard time keeping them out of my bed as I am now the next challenge to conquer.

What Keyser said. :jap:

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Happened to me aswell, was going back home for 2 months, saw one of her ex boyfriends posting a new picture of him and her on his facebook page, i hacked her FB account, changed her profile picture to a picture where i was putting fire on one of her RL pictures, and i added the comment, "Have a nice life on Soi 4".

And that was that.

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But as far as cheaters go ditch them mate. Once they cheat it's never the same. You can try make up but you will always wonder again when you are not with her what is she doing. Plus not saying she did but if she cheated once then there is a chance she will do it again. Sorry if that's not what you want to hear.

It's OK for blokes though, isn't it??

I wouldn't know mate, i've never been unfaithful.

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But as far as cheaters go ditch them mate. Once they cheat it's never the same. You can try make up but you will always wonder again when you are not with her what is she doing. Plus not saying she did but if she cheated once then there is a chance she will do it again. Sorry if that's not what you want to hear.

It's OK for blokes though, isn't it??

I wouldn't know mate, i've never been unfaithful.

"You have never been unfaithful" because of moral code or lack of opportunity ??

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But as far as cheaters go ditch them mate. Once they cheat it's never the same. You can try make up but you will always wonder again when you are not with her what is she doing. Plus not saying she did but if she cheated once then there is a chance she will do it again. Sorry if that's not what you want to hear.

It's OK for blokes though, isn't it??

I wouldn't know mate, i've never been unfaithful.

"You have never been unfaithful" because of moral code or lack of opportunity ??

I have never been unfaithful either, I have a good gf and I have never felt the need to be a scumbag, what do you mean by lack of opportunity this is Thailand their is opportunity every time you walk out of your door!!!

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My GF for 3 years now has seen more cocks than a Winchester rifle in a John Wayne Western.

Great line. I love it, and it's right up there with "my ass was going up and down like a fiddler's elbow". Both very funny.

she's bucking like an epileptic donkey at a strobe light convention.

she has been pumped more time than a 12 gauge shotgun in a terminator movie..

but I do love her

Back on topic... if they were going through your computer or checking out the bank book , or wearing your favorite robe , now that would be reason to kick some ass.... All that happen was a little boom boom ...

Or worse, drinking your beer out of the 'fridge!!!

^^ That would be game over right there!

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1320482934[/url]' post='4824148']

. I do think thais view sex differently to farangs but still....

Yeah i think so too, it seems to be sortta kinda acceptable to go and have sex with someone, if its just sex, "if you have feel to do, its ok" Emotional cheating is much muc worse for Thais i think.

Makes more sense to me than the Arab belief that irs OK to have sex with another man if you are the one on top and you dont love the other bloke. Its only Gay to be the "recipient" and be in love apparently.

Funny old world.

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Just come back and bang a bunch of hookers to even the score abit, then continue your relationship as normal.

I would have to agree. Normal practice of a majority of these Thai women is to find a 2nd partner so they can have the title of " Mia Noi" . Regardless of social class, this is looked upon as a privilege from not just the women's side, but the man side as well. It shows to everybody that she is the 2nd choice for a man who is already married, and for the man it shows that is able to take care "support" a 2nd women in his life. Having sex here in Thailand is not too serious, and compared to the west Thai women have a far higher sex drive than the women back home. If you are not around due to work or other obligations that take you away from home, or if the case is you are unable to "perform" expect the worst and hope for the best. She probably really loves you, but see sex as maybe just a game. This is very normal for most women in Thailand. Sex is introduced in children's comics at a very young age. It's not your fault. As long as you take care of your lady "financially" chances are you will have a wonderful relationship. Face it, if you can't beat them join them, and as Kadafi says " bang a bunch of hookers to even the score". Who know maybe it might make your relationship stronger if you get past this "If she really loves me she wouldn't have sex with other man type of crap" If you bang a bunch of whores you don't necessarily love them do you ?

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Im sorry to hear of your situation, Personally If i had deep feelings for her then i would not be able to deal with the images of other men sharing her so id leave her.

BUT if you can take a step back emotionally and conduct yourself in a similar way then maybe it can work, Not to be a misogynyst but female infidelity is more severe imo as it is demasculating and could impact your life in other areas, I believe the only thing holding you back from moving on is the fear you will not be able to trust again and a fear of not connecting with someone, I wouldnt lower my morals to that of your partner just to make yourself better able to deal with her, The difference in how thais may view sex may explain why she doesnt see fault in her actions but it should not encourage you to accept a relationship where you feel the way you do, stop interacting with her, looking at pictures and stuff that keep you whipped, be strong and move on.

goodluck mate

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would ask her if she has done it purely for sex or was there an emotional involvement.

If it was purely for sex, I think I would forgive her, we all have urges and needs.

But if she got emotionally involved and has feelings for that other guy (I suppose it was a guy), then things are more serious and I would ask myself about the foundations and the future of this relationship.

I happen to believe that I am much better off separating sex from love. It is great if they come together, but they don't always, in fact, they seldom do. And by separating these two, I avoid a lot of problems, stress, anger and jealousy. In fact, life is much better this way, many more possibilities.

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I would ask her if she has done it purely for sex or was there an emotional involvement.

If it was purely for sex, I think I would forgive her, we all have urges and needs.

But if she got emotionally involved and has feelings for that other guy (I suppose it was a guy), then things are more serious and I would ask myself about the foundations and the future of this relationship.

I happen to believe that I am much better off separating sex from love. It is great if they come together, but they don't always, in fact, they seldom do. And by separating these two, I avoid a lot of problems, stress, anger and jealousy. In fact, life is much better this way, many more possibilities.

You are making the same mistake that many men make--assuming that women view sex the same way as men. They don't. Women "generally" cannot separate love (i.e., emotion) and sex. Of course, it's entirely different for hookers and your typical farang-hunters who do view sex as a business transaction. But how about the other 90% of Thai women?

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I would ask her if she has done it purely for sex or was there an emotional involvement.

If it was purely for sex, I think I would forgive her, we all have urges and needs.

But if she got emotionally involved and has feelings for that other guy (I suppose it was a guy), then things are more serious and I would ask myself about the foundations and the future of this relationship.

I happen to believe that I am much better off separating sex from love. It is great if they come together, but they don't always, in fact, they seldom do. And by separating these two, I avoid a lot of problems, stress, anger and jealousy. In fact, life is much better this way, many more possibilities.

A really good reply

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I happen to believe that I am much better off separating sex from love. It is great if they come together, but they don't always, in fact, they seldom do. And by separating these two, I avoid a lot of problems, stress, anger and jealousy. In fact, life is much better this way, many more possibilities.

I wish I knew how to do this...

I guess it comes down to field training and being able to turn your emotions off when in the sack...

Girls in the bars and disco's have been doing it from a young age so once they hit their early 20's they are the experts in this field and are dangerous to get to know on a peronal level.

Edited by loveulongtime
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