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Floodwater Start Flooding Soi Of PM's House

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And perhaps smarter...............

Philw, that's pretty bold... I think you are asking to get "piled-on". There is a rather large contingent here who believe that Madame PM is not smart enough to brush her teeth without calling her dentist, and of course that is only because the dentist's number is in speed-dial as well.

Good luck biggrin.gif

Piled on? by "Last Word" Buchholz and various supporting cheerleaders, Surely not?


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I am guilty too of not doing anything when the dams were not being emptied in the spring, and now some of my relatives are flooded, some may soon not be working, amazingly they don't blame me for their plight because the water has yet to reach my family 600 klms away. They are quite happy my family are safe and can support them if needed

But I guess I must incur the wrath of Tvisa posters just as Yingluck.....fire away

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And perhaps smarter...............

Philw, that's pretty bold... I think you are asking to get "piled-on". There is a rather large contingent here who believe that Madame PM is not smart enough to brush her teeth without calling her dentist, and of course that is only because the dentist's number is in speed-dial as well.

Good luck biggrin.gif

Yeah, she is clearly a total failure.

Worth a lot of dosh, only 40 something and PM of a country of 60 million plus people.

Assumed responsibility for a massive disaster, dealt with all the factions, can now be seen to be getting a result ( the floods are going down are they not ?) and will soon be seen to take on the responsibility for the necessary rehabilitation.

Given a bit of time, she may even get a result.

Let's see what the next election brings.

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Yeah, she is clearly a total failure.

Worth a lot of dosh, only 40 something and PM of a country of 60 million plus people.

Sounds almost similar to Sadam,Khadafi,Marcos,Mubarak and not to forget Big brother of course.

Yes, but do you have any reason to draw the analogy ???

ANY ???

You equate her to Saddam Hussain and Ferdinand Marcos ???

That's a bigger stretch than even animal and baseball boy could manage.

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Yeah, she is clearly a total failure.

Worth a lot of dosh, only 40 something and PM of a country of 60 million plus people.

Sounds almost similar to Sadam,Khadafi,Marcos,Mubarak and not to forget Big brother of course.

Yes, but do you have any reason to draw the analogy ???

ANY ???

You equate her to Saddam Hussain and Ferdinand Marcos ???

That's a bigger stretch than even animal and baseball boy could manage.

Perhaps they all came to power because there was nothing better around at the time.......

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Yeah, she is clearly a total failure.

Worth a lot of dosh, only 40 something and PM of a country of 60 million plus people.

Sounds almost similar to Sadam,Khadafi,Marcos,Mubarak and not to forget Big brother of course.

Yes, but do you have any reason to draw the analogy ???

ANY ???

You equate her to Saddam Hussain and Ferdinand Marcos ???

That's a bigger stretch than even animal and baseball boy could manage.

They all pulled all the power to their own side and enriched themselves massively on the back of the poor people.Irronically,at the start of their reign they were loved by those people because they believed their sweet lies.At the end they were removed by the people who adored them previously.

As a fact I shouldn't have made the comparison as all I have mentioned were leaders,while the Thai version is a puppet for someone who stays abroad,because she doesn't have the brains to be a leader herself.

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And perhaps smarter...............

Philw, that's pretty bold... I think you are asking to get "piled-on". There is a rather large contingent here who believe that Madame PM is not smart enough to brush her teeth without calling her dentist, and of course that is only because the dentist's number is in speed-dial as well.

Good luck biggrin.gif

Piled on? by "Last Word" Buchholz and various supporting cheerleaders, Surely not?


Incoming? Archie on the left? Whow, and I thought I was getting a bit long in the teeth :rolleyes:

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The photo is from here


It's clearly the same house, and I know were Yothinburana 3 is, I just can't this enormous house on a map.

If it's the same this may be the location:

I was wondering about that as well. Thairath say the house is in Soi Yothin Phatana, but Google maps seem to call the soi, Soi Samakhom Phaet.

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Yeah, that's the place. Both posters called it "GM Link" but the first is wrong and I overlooked the next, thanks.

It was also called Yothinpatthana, I got that wrong, too, but according to Google maps it's off Navamin 111, or Samakhom Phaet. TAN article on page 2 here gave address as Navamin 11. And the roof is not as blue as in the photos. But this is the place


Edited by volk666
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A bit swankier than No.10 Downing Street

She's wealthier.


And perhaps smarter...............

Are you jealous or just envious ??

What exactly is the axe that you so relentlessly grind ??

She committed the ultimate offence, she won the election, baseball boy wanted the other side to win. Its as simple as that.

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A bit swankier than No.10 Downing Street

She's wealthier.


And perhaps smarter...............

Are you jealous or just envious ??

What exactly is the axe that you so relentlessly grind ??

She committed the ultimate offence, she won the election, baseball boy wanted the other side to win. Its as simple as that.

It's good to know you think the clone is performing so exceptionally well and that all her personally selected and highly trained Cabinet Minsters are doing a terrific job, but please complete your answer for the forum by telling us what then is the axe that philw so relentlessly grinds?


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Yeah, that's the place. Both posters called it "GM Link" but the first is wrong and I overlooked the next, thanks.

It was also called Yothinpatthana, I got that wrong, too, but according to Google maps it's off Navamin 111, or Samakhom Phaet. TAN article on page 2 here gave address as Navamin 11. And the roof is not as blue as in the photos. But this is the place


Both posters were me. The first 'GM Link' was purposely a general area posit. The second was dead-on by special request of another poster.

PS: GM Link = Google Maps Link. In your travels you may see many more of these in my posts having flood-related posits. I've standardized on it (as poor a choice as it seems to be).

Edited by MaxYakov
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Yeah, she is clearly a total failure.

Worth a lot of dosh, only 40 something and PM of a country of 60 million plus people.

Sounds almost similar to Sadam,Khadafi,Marcos,Mubarak and not to forget Big brother of course.

All of the people you cite held power by way of the military with 3 of the 4 coming to power via coups. The PM was popularly elected. Does it pain you that Thailand rejected the military junta and its accomplices in favour of the current PM?

The PM is just as qualified if not more so than the former PM who aside from a short stint as a teacher, was a professional politician with limited non political work experience. Thailand will benefit from someone with work experience. Does this too scare you?

I believe most of the petty comments about the PM by some people in TVF are motivated by jealousy and the fear of independent successful women. Not every Thai woman works as a bargirl in a slimey sexpat bar.As prosperity takes hold, the people going into such vocations will reduce and the bargirls will be even more unattractive and repulsive than they are now.That change, combined with shrinking foreign pension and welfare payments suggests a grim future awaits some of the PM's nastiest farang critics.

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She probably owns at least another 10 properties in Thailand, so at least she has somewhere else to live, unlike the majority of the flood victims...

Flooded Thais use cement forms as shelter

BANGKOK, Thailand (CNN) - In a beehive of once-empty cement forms, a neighborhood in Bangkok's northern reaches has risen from the waters that have inundated much of the rest of the metropolitan area.

In Pathum Thani, dozens of area residents are making home in prefabricated shells intended for use in the construction of Bangkok's elevated skyway. Most of the forms' new residents are from the same flood-ravaged community a short boat ride away. Some floated with their most prized possessions to their temporary homes.

Six-year-old Fai says she is content with her dry space. Prior to her arrival, her family was flooded out of a shelter and then another home. Next door in the hive of cement shells lives Jaew and her family of five. "I own a small shop, and when it started to flood, I moved all my goods to my house," she said. "Then, a few days later, my house got flooded. And when the water was up to my neck, we moved here."



CNN - Nov. 13, 2011

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These cement forms are serving as home for several Thai flood victims.


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Yep that is the quality I admire about the Thai, adapting, and making the best of the situation.

I doubt they are giving any thought to the fact that Yingluck may have a dry home......too busy surviving from a day to day

There in lies the difference.......

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