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Flood Animation Infoseries


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Here is episode 6 of the now famous animation series on the flooding. This particular episode is all about hoarding.


Does anyone know where I can get a *Thai* script of it.... This would be very helpful language material since the whole series is English subtitled...

Thank you.

Edited by Gaccha
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The guy in the series speaks nice and clearly and along with the accompanying video, English subtitles and topical nature of the material, it makes it a nice one for practice. My listening skills suck, so always looking out for material like that.

However, a Google search just now and turned up nothing.

Good luck...

ตอนที่หก ตุนอย่างมีสติ เราเชื่อว่าทุกคนเคยเห็นภาพนี้...ภาพที่ชั้นวางของเกลี้ยงสนิท...

Edited by katana
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