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In anticipation of Mrs Phomthai getting her settlement visa, I'm trying to draw up a hitlist of things to do once she arrives in the UK.

Initial thoughts are:

  • Register her with my doctor & dentist
  • Register for council tax
  • Apply for NI number
  • Apply for provisional driving licence
  • Transfer the odd utlity bill into her name

Any other suggestions, tips, advice etc greatly appreciated, and indeed if there's anything we should or could do now or even future planning for ILR would be great....

Many thanks


I wouldn't bother putting utilities in your wife's name, most companies are reluctant to do this but they may change to joint names. The UKBA needs to see letters addressed to both of you or individually addressed to the same address. The only one I did put into both names was the Council Tax bill.

You need six letters from two or more sources. Bank statements are one, addressed to your wife (I think better to have an individual bank account so she can get a credit record for herself), your bank statements, doctors registration letter. The letters need to cover the two year period of TLR.

The change from TLR to ILR is just a good excuse to remove a lot of money from your bank account. The evidence required is much more straight forward than for TLR. The application for my wife took much less than an hour to do. Having spent hours preparing for other visa applications it was a bit scary that it required so little effort to complete!

There is a big debate about searching out other Thais but my wife has made a lot of good friends, Thai and non-Thai! The local Thai restaurant is a good place to start to make contacts and lots of towns have bustling Thai communities.

Not sure if you have children but arranging schools is a priority for those with kids.

Warm clothes so a trip to the shops will be in order so get the credit card ready! Central heating on full blast inside the house but if it is your wife's first trip to the UK the novelty of cold weather outside will be fun. Snow a real bonus.

The biggest obstacle you will find is saving up enough to pay for the next visa!


Bets of luck mate , the next visa ILR is not to difficult to fill in. Just the cost, its called institutional Racism ,If you are from Europe and never lived here you get all the benefits.if you have lived here all your life you have to pay for every thing, but i am not bitter and twisted, Just keep all the letters sent to you from people and companys, again best of luck.


I'm going through the same thing at the moment (bringing the wife over 24th Nov). I've already contacted the local doctors and seems pretty straight forward getting her registered. Will sort the Council Tax, National Insurance etc when she arrives. It's the more practical things which I'm looking at now such as:-

  • Signing up for Dootv so she can get her fix of thai lakorn (£5 per month)
  • Buying a decent rice cooker, pestle & mortar etc
  • finding the nearest and best asian supermarkets
  • buying additional duvet, bedding etc
  • Ugg boots
  • some winter clothes for the initial trip over & setting aside enough cash/credit for more when she arrives (probably going to need an entire new wardrobe full)
  • Mobile phone for her, looking into best options PAYG or contract

In preparation for the ILR I'm also going to look for any local UKBA accredited colleges that do the ESOL with citizenship course. Don't think my wife will have a chance at the LIT UK test and thinking doing the ESOL will help her make friends


Thanks for the replies

Thinks we'll keep a file over the next 2 years with all the letters addressed to Mrs Phomthai...not looking forward to the cost of the ILR...welcome to rip off Britain!

The wife's been over twice before and just loves snow...have tried telling her that the novelty will wear off in a few years!

As for the heating well I gave up trying to get her to put another layer on rather than turning the heating up...guess my big mistake was showing her how the thermostat worked! As for clothes well she's got more here than I have...so that's saved the credit card from a bit of a pounding!

No rugrats so schools not an issue...

Already know the local Thai restuarants and shops so that's sorted

Dootv...mmm jurys' out on that one as I'll never get her away from the box but on the other hand I must confess to missing Thai soaps...decisions decisions....

Rice cooker...have the Breville one, as chosen by the wife and she's more than happy with it

Mobile phone - toddmeister you might want to check out hotukdeals.com, get one which can have Skype, even better if it's got a front facing camera for video Skype, and get Skype's "Unlimited country"...bargain @ £9/mth and meant the missus was able to call her friends and family in Thai even when we were out and about

Good call on the citizenship test...forgot about that so will look for local course

Just hope she gets the settlement visa now....fingers crossed!


Bets of luck mate , the next visa ILR is not to difficult to fill in. Just the cost, its called institutional Racism ,If you are from Europe and never lived here you get all the benefits.if you have lived here all your life you have to pay for every thing, but i am not bitter and twisted, Just keep all the letters sent to you from people and companys, again best of luck.

As you are repeatedly told whenever you bring your tired, old prejudices up; you are completely ignorant of the EU regulations regarding freedom of movement; despite having them explained to you time and again!

You have also been told many times that your repeated remarks about EU citizens getting UK benefits is a falsehood; they are only entitled to benefits they have paid NI contributions for.

You also ignore the fact these same regulations allow British citizens to live and work in any other EU state.

I am not going to bother explaining the reality to you yet again; you obviously have no desire for the truth of the matter.

What I will say is that your anti European racism is unwelcome here; do not make such posts again.


When did you put the settlement visa application in at the VFS office phomthai?

Last Tuesday so early days at the moment. When did your wife put hers in?

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