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We upgraded recently to use True 3G+ network with our Samsung Tab. We have had it for over a week now and have yet to get the 3G symbol in our status bar at the top of the phone.

Strangely enough, i often get 3G in my samsung "dumb" phone from USA, but then it might be giving me a false positive.

anyone out there getting 3G on their phone? According to True, 3G+ is all over CM. We roam around in our weekly travels from Hang Dong to SanSai Noi (where we live) and no signs of 3G speeds.


If it never appears in your Tab and it does appear on another device maybe your settings in the Tab are not set to receive 3G. On internet specific devices I have used there are settings to tell the device what types of signals to look for/receive.

I don't have True 3G but in ADSL modems I have used the username indicated what service the device would connect to.

I would be interested to know the solution when you get it, if you could post that.



If it never appears in your Tab and it does appear on another device maybe your settings in the Tab are not set to receive 3G. On internet specific devices I have used there are settings to tell the device what types of signals to look for/receive.

I don't have True 3G but in ADSL modems I have used the username indicated what service the device would connect to.

I would be interested to know the solution when you get it, if you could post that.


My dumb phone is not internet enabled and it has been reading 3G here in thailand since we arrived 2.5 years ago - hahahaha... before there was even 3G anywhere. So i suspect it is some fluke of that phone.

We have called True and gone over the settings and they all appear to be correct... we will give it another week and then head to airport central office and see what they say in person. If they cannot get 3G up and running down there, we might switch back to our normal plan.


If it never appears in your Tab and it does appear on another device maybe your settings in the Tab are not set to receive 3G. On internet specific devices I have used there are settings to tell the device what types of signals to look for/receive.

I don't have True 3G but in ADSL modems I have used the username indicated what service the device would connect to.

I would be interested to know the solution when you get it, if you could post that.


My dumb phone is not internet enabled and it has been reading 3G here in thailand since we arrived 2.5 years ago - hahahaha... before there was even 3G anywhere. So i suspect it is some fluke of that phone.

We have called True and gone over the settings and they all appear to be correct... we will give it another week and then head to airport central office and see what they say in person. If they cannot get 3G up and running down there, we might switch back to our normal plan.

Good luck! I hope you get it worked out. 3G is good when it works, although I have never used True 3G.


I haven't really paid close attention but my True 3G iPhone has been showing "E" instead of "3G" for most if not all of the last couple days here in CM. Definitely something has changed.


I have a Samsung Galaxy S11 and when in a True 3G service area it will show 3G on the screen. When out of service for 3G it will revert to EDGE which will show an edge on the screen.

As mentioned before, check the settings on your Tab. I would go through the settings yourself rather than presume what someone tells you in a service centre is correct. They will tell you everything is set up correctly even when they have no idea about it.

You will be able toget the settings and a guide from the internet if you are unsure on doing it yourself.


Check your phones HSPA/WCDMA network frequencies are compatable with the True service - they may be piggybacking on their GSM 900 Mhz frequency as AIS do here (or were doing) due to not having the HSPA/WCDMA 850/1900/2100 Mhz 3G licence.


In Chiang Mai recently I was surprised to see an 'H' instead of the usual 'E' or sometimes '3G'. I wrongly assumed it was somesort of gprs service as it was painfully slow. Was later told the 'H' signifies 3.5G. I was very unimpressed.


Make sure your phone is set to roam networks and 3G is on in your settings and also manually set your ANP settings - See here: http://www.truemove-...pnsettings.aspx

thanks for all the responses. We had found that truemove page before and set our Tab up accordingly.

We get the "H" for the internet connection and also an "r" over the phone signal strength - which i assume means roaming.

Following the path of the user that posted the screenshot of his iphone using speedtest, we also did the speedtest and that was where I was sadly (why? after all, TIT) disappointed.

Our best test topped out at around 1.5, not even close to 5mps or 7.2 megs "promised" by the technology.

If things don't pick up in a couple of days, we can go back to the shop and show them the test results - all of which were done to thailand servers.


Check your phones HSPA/WCDMA network frequencies are compatable with the True service - they may be piggybacking on their GSM 900 Mhz frequency as AIS do here (or were doing) due to not having the HSPA/WCDMA 850/1900/2100 Mhz 3G licence.

What he said. I just took a look over at gsmarena and these are the only available versions of the Galaxy Tab that support 850Mhz 3G:





well, went to true shop in airport central plaza today. They checked and reset a few of the settings and informed us that it was all good.

I then pointed out that the iPad in the shop clearly said TRUE 3G for the connection (as pointed out here in previous posts), and that the tab did not show like this.

They said the Tab was different and would not display like that - fair enuf i said: what IS important is the speeds.

I then proceeded to show the results from speedtest.net and did one right on the spot to show again, slow speeds (under 2MB/sec). I asked if i could do the same test on their display iPad. The answer was no to the iPad test, as that would require installing something.

OK... so what was their final answer?

Well, 3G is just a "limited" bandwidth option and that if there are many users in an area who are accessing internet via 3G network, then they all SHARE that 3G stream from the closest tower or broadcasting point.

SOOOO... in other words, it probably won't get much better unless there are either less users or more broadcasting towers, pushing out more bandwidth.

Not really surprised at their answer, actually. And i can live with close to 2MB download on my Tab, since only use it to surf net and retrieve emails... Silly me though for thinking it might actually GET 3G speeds....

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