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Thaksin Keeps Low Profile In Thai Flood Crisis


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Some relief supplies reportedly also had "with love and great concern from Thaksin Shinawatra" written on them -- without his knowledge, his aides say.

That's why weeks ago he made his very public rebuttal of the practice and his rapid and vocal admonishment of those responsible to cease and desist the deceptive practice immediately.

Oh wait, that never happened.



Well put.

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Until the flood situation improves Thaksin has no choice but to be quiet at least in the public arena.

For now the useless cabinet members (his appointments) will stay in position to take the heat.

After the situation improves he will need a new set of faces as the current ones will mostly be discredited and in no position to push for the derailed number one objective, namely the return of Thaksin.

So, a new set of charlatans to look forward to, but Yingluck remains. Family Number 1.

The forum Thaksin apologists also have no choice but to remain quiet, apart from some wet attempts to defend the PM.

Good luck with that.

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And then used his ill gotten booty to get into blood diamonds, one of the nastiest business ever, great for people with zero morals and no respect for human life.

Is there actually any proof he has got his snout into blood diamonds ?....reason I ask is that the "gentlemen" in that part of the world generally dont f*kc about and if he started messing them about he could find himself very dead very quickly...."do you know who I am" doesnt go down too well...:whistling:

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Thaksin is doing the right thing in staying quiet through this apart from expressing sympathies. Needless distractions are not needed now and everyone should be working together to get the country back up and running ASAP and putting aside political differences however difficult that is. Unfortunately this isnt happening on other fronts but I doubt even the most ardent Thaksin hater would criticize him for this quiet approach

" but I doubt even the most ardent Thaksin hater would criticize him for this quiet approach ", you can't be serious, they never miss any opportunity. He is "damned if you do, damned if you don't", just like his sister.

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And then used his ill gotten booty to get into blood diamonds, one of the nastiest business ever, great for people with zero morals and no respect for human life.

Is there actually any proof he has got his snout into blood diamonds ?....reason I ask is that the "gentlemen" in that part of the world generally dont f*kc about and if he started messing them about he could find himself very dead very quickly...."do you know who I am" doesnt go down too well...:whistling:

Perhaps he could trot out, "Tanzania is not my father."

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And then used his ill gotten booty to get into blood diamonds, one of the nastiest business ever, great for people with zero morals and no respect for human life.

Is there actually any proof he has got his snout into blood diamonds ?....reason I ask is that the "gentlemen" in that part of the world generally dont f*kc about and if he started messing them about he could find himself very dead very quickly...."do you know who I am" doesnt go down too well...:whistling:

Speaking of snout's .... there is a rumor about that he's recently had a nose job. Anyone else hear this ?

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Until the flood situation improves Thaksin has no choice but to be quiet at least in the public arena.

For now the useless cabinet members (his appointments) will stay in position to take the heat.

After the situation improves he will need a new set of faces as the current ones will mostly be discredited and in no position to push for the derailed number one objective, namely the return of Thaksin.

So, a new set of charlatans to look forward to, but Yingluck remains. Family Number 1.

The forum Thaksin apologists also have no choice but to remain quiet, apart from some wet attempts to defend the PM.

Good luck with that.

Yes!!! Not so surprising really, as you "cannot defend the indefencible" can you!!!!!

Hammered tried in vain but failed abjectly!!! Ha Ha Ha :lol:. Nothing like backing the wrong horse approaching Beechers brook when there's all those smiling "bookies" around waiting in eager anticipation at the fall, is there!!!!:jap:.

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It is my understanding that the holding back of water to allow for harvesting of rice wasn't only with the intention of reaping benefits from the mortgage scheme, but also that a great deal of rice was being grown to fill the rice barns of the Emirate where the subject of this thread resides. It just would be a bad show not to protect that investment. Thus, flooding in Nakorn Nayok area was nowhere near as bad as would have normally been expected, given the circumstances. Best to keep schtum about what is happening in your former home, otherwise people might start wagging their fingers, putting one and one together and asking tough questions.

Perhaps the best thing to be is quiet.

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I think the term is "he's hung her out to dry". Sacrificed his own sister.

He hand-picked the people she is surrounded with who have failed her miserably and she herself looks out of her depth.

When all this water is gone people will be asking for compensation (THB5,000 is miserly), asking for the 300B per day minimum wage, asking for their B15,000 per month graduates wage, asking for their children's tablet PC etc. etc. There may be anything between 200,000 and 500,000 unemployed, factories out of business, foreign interests needing to rebuild may relocate somewhere labour is cheaper and not a risk of flooding, food prices will be through the roof with the higher wages to pay, damage to land and agricultural machinery to repair as well as the new price of rice.

The next wave of protests will be very very different to the yellow and red waves.

I completely agree with you

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I think the term is "he's hung her out to dry". Sacrificed his own sister.

He hand-picked the people she is surrounded with who have failed her miserably and she herself looks out of her depth.

When all this water is gone people will be asking for compensation (THB5,000 is miserly), asking for the 300B per day minimum wage, asking for their B15,000 per month graduates wage, asking for their children's tablet PC etc. etc. There may be anything between 200,000 and 500,000 unemployed, factories out of business, foreign interests needing to rebuild may relocate somewhere labour is cheaper and not a risk of flooding, food prices will be through the roof with the higher wages to pay, damage to land and agricultural machinery to repair as well as the new price of rice.

The next wave of protests will be very very different to the yellow and red waves.

I completely agree with you

The big question is ... what color shirts will they chose? Almost all the colors are spoken for already. :sick:

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Your old man knew what he was on about........I bet his main job was more productive than these useless scroungers of society could ever achieve in their life time.

On dear old Albert - he does have one thing in common with Thaksin......he clearly didn't know where he belonged as he was born in Germany, became a Swiss citizen, then back to being German before settling on being an American. The main difference between the two is that Mr. Einstein chose to do this to pursue his science career as he thought best to benefit all of mankind, whereas Thaksin could only go to those countries stupid enough to take him in, and in doing so provide safe haven for a fugitive, after having pilloried all he could get from his homeland before getting caught out and then "doing a swift runner" to avoid justice!!!!:jap:.

I think you may have meant "pillaged" rather than "pilloried" :D It seems a PhD in criminal justice from a Thai uni may concentrate on criminality rather than justice, or perhaps it's "justice avoidance".

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I don't see it as sacrificing his sister at all.

A vocal Thaksin would be seen as undermining PM Yingluck's authority.

He might have placed her there but he doesn't want her to appear powerless or as a puppet.

what a short memory 'his clone' was the way he described her no

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I think the term is "he's hung her out to dry". Sacrificed his own sister.

He hand-picked the people she is surrounded with who have failed her miserably and she herself looks out of her depth.

When all this water is gone people will be asking for compensation (THB5,000 is miserly), asking for the 300B per day minimum wage, asking for their B15,000 per month graduates wage, asking for their children's tablet PC etc. etc. There may be anything between 200,000 and 500,000 unemployed, factories out of business, foreign interests needing to rebuild may relocate somewhere labour is cheaper and not a risk of flooding, food prices will be through the roof with the higher wages to pay, damage to land and agricultural machinery to repair as well as the new price of rice.

The next wave of protests will be very very different to the yellow and red waves.

I completely agree with you

The big question is ... what color shirts will they chose? Almost all the colors are spoken for already. :sick:

Why - black of course, to celebrate Pheu Thai's death and demise!!!B).

Actually, on second thoughts, wearing black might not be such a good idea as it will remind Bankokians of a different episode in it's recent infamous happenings!!!!!:ph34r:.

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I think the term is "he's hung her out to dry". Sacrificed his own sister.

He hand-picked the people she is surrounded with who have failed her miserably and she herself looks out of her depth.

When all this water is gone people will be asking for compensation (THB5,000 is miserly), asking for the 300B per day minimum wage, asking for their B15,000 per month graduates wage, asking for their children's tablet PC etc. etc. There may be anything between 200,000 and 500,000 unemployed, factories out of business, foreign interests needing to rebuild may relocate somewhere labour is cheaper and not a risk of flooding, food prices will be through the roof with the higher wages to pay, damage to land and agricultural machinery to repair as well as the new price of rice.

The next wave of protests will be very very different to the yellow and red waves.

I completely agree with you

The big question is ... what color shirts will they chose? Almost all the colors are spoken for already. :sick:

Why - black of course, to celebrate Pheu Thai's death and demise!!!B).

Actually, on second thoughts, wearing black might not be such a good idea as it will remind Bankokians of a different episode in it's recent infamous happenings!!!!!:ph34r:.

what do you think about fluorescent green mamba ?

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Your old man knew what he was on about........I bet his main job was more productive than these useless scroungers of society could ever achieve in their life time.

On dear old Albert - he does have one thing in common with Thaksin......he clearly didn't know where he belonged as he was born in Germany, became a Swiss citizen, then back to being German before settling on being an American. The main difference between the two is that Mr. Einstein chose to do this to pursue his science career as he thought best to benefit all of mankind, whereas Thaksin could only go to those countries stupid enough to take him in, and in doing so provide safe haven for a fugitive, after having pilloried all he could get from his homeland before getting caught out and then "doing a swift runner" to avoid justice!!!!:jap:.

I think you may have meant "pillaged" rather than "pilloried" :D It seems a PhD in criminal justice from a Thai uni may concentrate on criminality rather than justice, or perhaps it's "justice avoidance".

Fair game!!!! I'll keep on taking the PILLS until I get it right!!!:D Just remember, it's aged and not oried......it's aged and not oried - I think I've got it now!!!!:blink:.

By the way - he should have been pilloried for all that pillaging of the poor people!!!

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I don't see it as sacrificing his sister at all.

A vocal Thaksin would be seen as undermining PM Yingluck's authority.

He might have placed her there but he doesn't want her to appear powerless or as a puppet.

what a short memory 'his clone' was the way he described her no

"He might have placed her there but he doesn't want her to appear powerless or as a puppet"

Why on earth not!!!! After all thats EXACTLY what she is!!!!:lol:.

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<br />
<br />Thaksin is doing the right thing in staying quiet through this apart from expressing sympathies. Needless distractions are not needed now and everyone should be working together to get the country back up and running ASAP and putting aside political differences however difficult that is. Unfortunately this isnt happening on other fronts but I doubt even the most ardent Thaksin hater would criticize him for this quiet approach<br />
<br /><br />I really don't understand your fervent support of this tyrant!!!<img src='http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':unsure:' />. He has been nothing short of a DISASTER for Thailand (since birth probably) and ONLY does things to benefit himself.  <br /> Stop kidding yourself and see things "as they really are". Do you think he is being kind by keeping a low profile??? If he could keep a low profile at all other times - beyond this flood disaster, then Thailand would be a better place for everybody (including those poor Thais who put his sister into government to oversee this catastrophe with such calamitous consequences)!!<br /> Rid this family of any Shinawatra influence and THAT will get Thailand back on its feet again to its rightful position in South-East Asia and not perceived as being a third world country.<br /> I see that Thaksin's clone has gone (finally) and Italy should reap the rewards despite the mess it has been left in - now kindly leave Thailand alone K. Thaksin so that normallity can return, pleeeease!!!<img src='http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/jap.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':jap:' />.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Thaksin was a great prime minister and would probably still be PM if the army hadn't have staged a coup as happen in third world countries all to often. Clearly the Thai people want Thaksin its not my country so as a Farrang I must respect the Thai people's wishes and wish his sister the best of luck (she didn't ask for floods) and hope one day the country can once again have Thaksin back.

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Thaksin was a great prime minister and would probably still be PM if the army hadn't have staged a coup as happen in third world countries all to often. Clearly the Thai people want Thaksin its not my country so as a Farrang I must respect the Thai people's wishes and wish his sister the best of luck (she didn't ask for floods) and hope one day the country can once again have Thaksin back.

"The Thai people" wanted no such thing. Otherwise Yingluck would have got a 100% vote.

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Thaksin is quiet because when he was MP he didn t follow the plan set out to deal with flood waters entering Bangkok from the north.

The plan proposed was to build a huge lake near Ayuthaya to capture the flood waters coming from the north and then a canal from

Ayuthaya to the sea. If Thaksin had implamented this plan Bangkok would be flood free today.

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If someone had 20 billion baht and gave 5,000 baht to each of 2 million people they'd have 10 billion left over. The 10 billion left over represents someone earning 8,000 per month working for 100,000 years. Not enough to make me weep.

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The big question is ... what color shirts will they chose? Almost all the colors are spoken for already. :sick:

Why - black of course, to celebrate Pheu Thai's death and demise!!!B).

Actually, on second thoughts, wearing black might not be such a good idea as it will remind Bankokians of a different episode in it's recent infamous happenings!!!!!:ph34r:.

Black was taken by an earlier faction of the Red Shirts... when they rioted in Bangkok in 2007 injuring hundreds. Any year now, they'll face prosecution.


Notice that the guy throwing a helmet is a proud t-shirt wearing member of "White Dove", a group that is actually known for creating turmoil. The white dove is usually a sign of peace but these opportunists simply use the image as a disguise

Edited by Buchholz
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Thaksin was a great prime minister and would probably still be PM if the army hadn't have staged a coup

I disagree that he was "great", but I do agree that he would still be PM and be in his 11th year of stranglehold control and despite the constitution limiting any PM to 8 years.

Similar to Marcos, when the constitutional term limitation was met, he'd just toss it aside with a martial law edict and keep right on ruling to Thaksin's stated goal of 20 years.


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I think the term is "he's hung her out to dry". Sacrificed his own sister.

He hand-picked the people she is surrounded with who have failed her miserably and she herself looks out of her depth.

When all this water is gone people will be asking for compensation (THB5,000 is miserly), asking for the 300B per day minimum wage, asking for their B15,000 per month graduates wage, asking for their children's tablet PC etc. etc. There may be anything between 200,000 and 500,000 unemployed, factories out of business, foreign interests needing to rebuild may relocate somewhere labour is cheaper and not a risk of flooding, food prices will be through the roof with the higher wages to pay, damage to land and agricultural machinery to repair as well as the new price of rice.

The next wave of protests will be very very different to the yellow and red waves.

Good posting.

Agree, good analysis.

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Thaksin is quiet because when he was MP he didn t follow the plan set out to deal with flood waters entering Bangkok from the north.

The plan proposed was to build a huge lake near Ayuthaya to capture the flood waters coming from the north and then a canal from

Ayuthaya to the sea. If Thaksin had implamented this plan Bangkok would be flood free today.

Coincidently I proposed the same thing. Look. It has to be done. Otherwise just accept this scale of catastrophic event without complaining. Thailand cannot get it both ways. Refused to have mean to manage enormous amount of flood waters and wished to be protected from flood waters.

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Until the flood situation improves Thaksin has no choice but to be quiet at least in the public arena.

For now the useless cabinet members (his appointments) will stay in position to take the heat.

After the situation improves he will need a new set of faces as the current ones will mostly be discredited and in no position to push for the derailed number one objective, namely the return of Thaksin.

So, a new set of charlatans to look forward to, but Yingluck remains. Family Number 1.

The forum Thaksin apologists also have no choice but to remain quiet, apart from some wet attempts to defend the PM.

Good luck with that.

Hmmm seem Thaskin would be running out of family member to use as puppets, so he needs to keep Yingluck in position. Also, he may have trouble reshuffling the cabinet of millionaires just when they are on the verge of a windfall of kickbacks from the governments intended spending sprees. PS: What has happened to the pumps he ordered from Korea?

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I think the term is "he's hung her out to dry". Sacrificed his own sister.

He hand-picked the people she is surrounded with who have failed her miserably and she herself looks out of her depth.

When all this water is gone people will be asking for compensation (THB5,000 is miserly), asking for the 300B per day minimum wage, asking for their B15,000 per month graduates wage, asking for their children's tablet PC etc. etc. There may be anything between 200,000 and 500,000 unemployed, factories out of business, foreign interests needing to rebuild may relocate somewhere labour is cheaper and not a risk of flooding, food prices will be through the roof with the higher wages to pay, damage to land and agricultural machinery to repair as well as the new price of rice.

The next wave of protests will be very very different to the yellow and red waves.

Interesting that you brought up the 5,000 baht compensation number... Isn't that the exact number Abhisit (supposedly) paid out to the southern flood victims in 2010?

And your ending sentence is also interesting as there are many possibilities of what the protesters are actually protesting...

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Interesting that you brought up the 5,000 baht compensation number... Isn't that the exact number Abhisit (supposedly) paid out to the southern flood victims in 2010?

Proves beyond a shred of doubt that this current administration has never had an agenda nor ever will have an agenda of its own.

" Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery."jap.gif

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I think the term is "he's hung her out to dry". Sacrificed his own sister.

He hand-picked the people she is surrounded with who have failed her miserably and she herself looks out of her depth.

When all this water is gone people will be asking for compensation (THB5,000 is miserly), asking for the 300B per day minimum wage, asking for their B15,000 per month graduates wage, asking for their children's tablet PC etc. etc. There may be anything between 200,000 and 500,000 unemployed, factories out of business, foreign interests needing to rebuild may relocate somewhere labour is cheaper and not a risk of flooding, food prices will be through the roof with the higher wages to pay, damage to land and agricultural machinery to repair as well as the new price of rice.

The next wave of protests will be very very different to the yellow and red waves.

Good posting.

Agree, good analysis.

According to the UTCC, they estimated around 700,000 people out of work. PTP must think hey, if we can pay people 500 baht to protest, 5,000 baht per household will surely shut them up.

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Thaksin is doing the right thing in staying quiet through this apart from expressing sympathies. Needless distractions are not needed now and everyone should be working together to get the country back up and running ASAP and putting aside political differences however difficult that is. Unfortunately this isnt happening on other fronts but I doubt even the most ardent Thaksin hater would criticize him for this quiet approach

I really don't understand your fervent support of this tyrant!!!:unsure:. He has been nothing short of a DISASTER for Thailand (since birth probably) and ONLY does things to benefit himself.

Stop kidding yourself and see things "as they really are". Do you think he is being kind by keeping a low profile??? If he could keep a low profile at all other times - beyond this flood disaster, then Thailand would be a better place for everybody (including those poor Thais who put his sister into government to oversee this catastrophe with such calamitous consequences)!!

Rid this family of any Shinawatra influence and THAT will get Thailand back on its feet again to its rightful position in South-East Asia and not perceived as being a third world country.

I see that Thaksin's clone has gone (finally) and Italy should reap the rewards despite the mess it has been left in - now kindly leave Thailand alone K. Thaksin so that normallity can return, pleeeease!!!:jap:.

Rid this fmily of any Shinawatra influence? What on earth do you mean - change their name to Smith?

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