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I Have The Land - How Much For A House

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;) 600000 wont get you much . bigger is better in thailand 3 bedrooms and one toilet sounds a bit cramped .sounds like a basic thai house i am spending 3000000 on a house in hat yai . 5 bedrooms 5 toilets lounge two kitchens one in one outside large entrance hallway . ducted air/con western electral fittings two car garage security system electrlc gates. marble floors . james hat yai

Guess you need that to accommodate all your friends you have found. :rolleyes:

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It's a shame that a simple question about building a house in the north of CR province has been freeloaded by a bunch of Thai-bashers with no real input to the question.

It's fairly evident from reading these forums that many of the farangs here actually are stupid and uneducated, so hats off to the Thais who treat them with the contempt they deserve.

I had to re read the thread to be sure but once I had done that I was pretty certain that there was no evidence of anyone bashing Thai's, I'll therefore assume that you merely got out of bed on the wrong side this morning. As for posters being uneducated, please don't tell me that it's time for the advanced degrees to be aired once again, it's getting a tad old.

Then I suggest improvement of English comprehension might be one of the skills you apply yourself to in your retirement, it's never too late to educate yourself. Your last personal attack on me was way beyond the forum guidelines, I'm surprised that a man who has spent so much of his time in Thailand on TVisa should be unaware of that, perhaps you could review the posting guidelines as a further test of your English comprehension skills. As the OP is happy with his answers I won't be returning to this thread, have a nice day.

Talking about English comprehension: Personal attack - where, with what? Forum guidelines violated - how, where, when? Thai bashing - where, how? You either have a very vivid imagination or is all parallel universe stuff as I can tell.


Actually CM knows exactly what I'm talking about from a previous thread, though I'm not surprised that others don't - why should they?

Re Biff's insightful comment, I guess bozone is something they sell in his native east London, where if recent memory serves well, that's where he's writing from today, presumably on his blog about living in Thailand ;-)

Of the 3 blogs that I'm aware of that "local" TV members operate Biff's is easily the worst English despite the fact that he's the only Englishman of the 3 - go figure as our transatlantic cousins might say.

I was also interested in Biff's photo of a 'standard' Thai house - a 'standard' Thai house in my village is usually wooden with traditional Lanna overtones. He might also want to compare notes with another poster who complained yesterday on another thread that there are no standards in Thai building - I`ll leave it to those two knowledgeable gentlemen to provide the definitive answer.

Apologies to anyone who might still be trying to take this thread seriously.



I hadn't noticed that you'd weighed in, yes I am that 'guy'. I think I remember reading on your `blog` that you got your experience of Issan from being a naughty boy in Bkk, could be wrong because I find your writing instantly forgettable. I was going to message you on yr `blog` to ask why you were having fun in Bkk when yr countrymen were drafted to Vietnam, but then I realised I wasn`t interested in the answer.


Actually CM knows exactly what I'm talking about from a previous thread

Actually, hand on heart, I don't! I am aware that in a previous thread you made some silly statements and when you were asked to substantiate them you disappeared:

"CM you complained about my anecdotal evidence, and now you complain about statistical evidence".

"Untrue in fact, will you please show us where I have done those things you claim in this thread?


And now in this thread you've manufactured some observations which are also unsubstantiated and untrue:

"Your last personal attack on me was way beyond the forum guidelines, I'm surprised that a man who has spent so much of his time in Thailand on TVisa should be unaware of that, perhaps you could review the posting guidelines as a further test of your English comprehension skills. As the OP is happy with his answers I won't be returning to this thread, have a nice day".

"Talking about English comprehension: Personal attack - where, with what? Forum guidelines violated - how, where, when? Thai bashing - where, how? You either have a very vivid imagination or is all parallel universe stuff as I can tell".



Actually CM knows exactly what I'm talking about from a previous thread

Actually, hand on heart, I don't! I am aware that in a previous thread you made some silly statements and when you were asked to substantiate them you disappeared:

"CM you complained about my anecdotal evidence, and now you complain about statistical evidence".

"Untrue in fact, will you please show us where I have done those things you claim in this thread?


And now in this thread you've manufactured some observations which are also unsubstantiated and untrue:

"Your last personal attack on me was way beyond the forum guidelines, I'm surprised that a man who has spent so much of his time in Thailand on TVisa should be unaware of that, perhaps you could review the posting guidelines as a further test of your English comprehension skills. As the OP is happy with his answers I won't be returning to this thread, have a nice day".

"Talking about English comprehension: Personal attack - where, with what? Forum guidelines violated - how, where, when? Thai bashing - where, how? You either have a very vivid imagination or is all parallel universe stuff as I can tell".


CM my dear chap , I don`t know how to respond to you without sounding rude. You have mixed my quotes up with that east-(London)-ender, good old Bifftastic - I know that's easy to do with the TV quotes - and I think you may have mixed a few other things up too, but I may be wrong. Anyway, it's Saturday night and I'm sure (I hope) that we both have better things to do :-) I'm also sure you'll have many opportunities in the future to give me the benefit of your wisdom :-) good evening sir.


Actually CM knows exactly what I'm talking about from a previous thread

Actually, hand on heart, I don't! I am aware that in a previous thread you made some silly statements and when you were asked to substantiate them you disappeared:

"CM you complained about my anecdotal evidence, and now you complain about statistical evidence".

"Untrue in fact, will you please show us where I have done those things you claim in this thread?


And now in this thread you've manufactured some observations which are also unsubstantiated and untrue:

"Your last personal attack on me was way beyond the forum guidelines, I'm surprised that a man who has spent so much of his time in Thailand on TVisa should be unaware of that, perhaps you could review the posting guidelines as a further test of your English comprehension skills. As the OP is happy with his answers I won't be returning to this thread, have a nice day".

"Talking about English comprehension: Personal attack - where, with what? Forum guidelines violated - how, where, when? Thai bashing - where, how? You either have a very vivid imagination or is all parallel universe stuff as I can tell".


CM my dear chap , I don`t know how to respond to you without sounding rude. You have mixed my quotes up with that east-(London)-ender, good old Bifftastic

Nope, don't think so, take a look at what you've written!


Actually CM knows exactly what I'm talking about from a previous thread, though I'm not surprised that others don't - why should they?

Re Biff's insightful comment, I guess bozone is something they sell in his native east London, where if recent memory serves well, that's where he's writing from today, presumably on his blog about living in Thailand ;-)

Of the 3 blogs that I'm aware of that "local" TV members operate Biff's is easily the worst English despite the fact that he's the only Englishman of the 3 - go figure as our transatlantic cousins might say.

I was also interested in Biff's photo of a 'standard' Thai house - a 'standard' Thai house in my village is usually wooden with traditional Lanna overtones. He might also want to compare notes with another poster who complained yesterday on another thread that there are no standards in Thai building - I`ll leave it to those two knowledgeable gentlemen to provide the definitive answer.

Apologies to anyone who might still be trying to take this thread seriously.

Well aren't you a bundle of joy?

Usually I try not to get involved when threads here on TV descend into bickering about things that are nothing to do with the OP, on this occasion, however, I will descend to your level.

How to respond, let me deal with what you infer about my living in East London whilst writing about living in Thailand. The blog that I have is called 'A Thailand Travelogue' (there's a clue in the name there!) there's a subtitle as well, for those who may still not be clear as to it's content, " From East London to Bangkok, Koh Samui, Phuket and Chiang Rai. Stories and photos from my visits to Thailand " (I've made the word 'visits' a bit bigger, in case you've missed it.). I have never claimed to live anywhere else other than in East London.

As for the standard of my English, firstly, I will write on my own blog in exactly the way I choose and it is none of your, or anyone else's business, why you would feel the need to mention that is becoming ever more obvious. Secondly, I could not care less, not even a really tiny amount less, what you think about my blog, not the writing style, the content, the grammar, spelling, font, layout, images, background, web address, anything. I don't even know who you are.

As for what constitutes a 'standard'... who cares what kind of house you think is standard? There's a photo! You can see what I meant!

It is my opinion that you are one of the most argumentative, unhelpful, insulting, patronising, spiteful, unfriendly people that I have had the misfortune to encounter on this, or any other forum.

You have, in this thread, done nothing to assist, inform, or help the OP. What you have concentrated on is your own self-aggrandisement at the expense of others. I find this kind of behaviour strange and unwelcome and hope (I think, sadly, in vain) that you will resist the urge to include me in your thoughts or deeds from this moment on, until the end of time.

I believe you may well have had an education, you can form a sentence. However, an education does not prevent a person from being less than useful as a person. Or as we say in East London, a <deleted>.


'Chiang Mai' should have refrained from attacking Chiangraider in the other thread.

There was no other reason to do so than a personal one. He suggested that he, being

in his early sixties, had been working at a university for forty years and combining

that information with the content of his attack spoke volumes. It was a personal thing,

that's for sure, and absolutely not related to the theme of the thread.

Let's forget it. If Chiang Mai and Chiangraider would meet personally the problem

might be over within a few seconds.

Lesson for us all: Skip personal attacks and stay on topic as much as possible!

Be polite and show respect! Though associations sometimes get stronger than

the theme of a thread, try to stay as near as possible to the subject.

Not everybody is the same or has the same background, so visit your own pub on this

square, the one you feel best and stay away from the other.

CM may find comfort in the observation that he is not the only one to whom internet

offers the opportunity to air frustrations and to relief tensions once in a while.

That's why I earlier noticed that for some of the members writing here means

undergoing a form of therapy. They only write, directly or indirectly, about themselves.

It could be interesting but, unfortunately, mostly it isn't ...

Last week I red an article in The Guardian about the problems that female bloggers nowadys

have in the UK. The internet allows all sexually frustrated men to anonimously address a

woman writer and the result is a saddening sexism.

It would be great if we all could return to the original idea concerning this Chiangrai

forum: a place to exchange information about the place where we live, about the things

that happen here. Help each other when possible and make life easier here.

A forum that could contribute to the integration of foreigners in Thailand, often the very

same foreigners that complain that other ethnicities don't integrate in their home-countries.

This was my idea when I started this forum and it was supported by many.

I think most of us would prefer to see people stop arguing, as it creates an aggressive

and unpleasant atmosphere, opposite to sharing and helping each other by word and deed.

Not everybody embraces the search for harmony that is so characteristic for our great guest

country Thailand.

That is also the reason that almost all the Thai members of this forum have left us already.

They are amazed that the foreigners of Chiang Rai can't communicate with each other in a

polite way. The content of this forum shows the identity of the Chiangrai foreigners. Help!

The forum the way it is now doesn't contribute anymore to the integration of foreigners in

Chiangrai, but sooner to segregation.


I'm also in the process of buying land and building a house. My architect/contractor mentions

seven thousand for the square meter. Basic but including tiles, paint etc.

If you also count landfill (about 120.000 for a rai), the wall around the compound, the gate,

the carport, the garden, then the total costs come into the picture.

It's a fascinating thing, isn't it? To be able to realize a house somewhere close to the way

you would like it to be. This great freedom exists in Thailand. Another fantastic thing is

that a beautiful house doesn't have to be more expensive than a standard one.

I think I will, concerning design, be leaning against the club building of the Galaxy Clubhouse,

let's say the good old 'Style' of eighty years ago, but with adjustments to the climate :D

Exciting! Let's stay in touch on this subject!

Take care!

Limbo :yohan:


I've never claimed to have worked for a university for one year let alone forty, show the details of the alleged attack, please, otherwise I'll regard your post in the same category as your chums, parallel universe stuff. If you go back and refresh your memory on events you will recall that I made an observation about how odd it was that three people, you included, should be describing their higher degrees in the middle of a thread about air pollution, that was all. As for the meeting you propose, it sounds simply heavenly and I can hardly wait, I'll check my diary and get back to you.


It would be great if we all could return to the original idea concerning this Chiangrai

forum: a place to exchange information about the place where we live, about the things

that happen here. Help each other when possible and make life easier here.

A forum that could contribute to the integration of foreigners in Thailand,

Or in the words of Rodney King "can't we all just get along?"


Guys, I'm perfectly happy that we "return to normal" but I'm less than happy that I'm painted as the protagonist here. You all need to sit back quietly, slowly and unemotionally read this thread from start to finish and digest what has been written and reach a conclusion as to responsibility for any derailment.


The protestations of some would be more palatable if not laced with such blatant self-serving advocacy and oft repeated disparagements of others. How can one promote harmony while resorting to pettiness and putdowns? Respect given to others is often returned but respect expected or demanded is rightly withheld.

No one really cares about past stewards and why they were summarily dismissed.


The protestations of some would be more palatable if not laced with such blatant self-serving advocacy and oft repeated disparagements of others. How can one promote harmony while resorting to pettiness and putdowns? Respect given to others is often returned but respect expected or demanded is rightly withheld.

No one really cares about past stewards and why they were summarily dismissed.

I might also suggest that many of us are surrounded by Thais all the time and come to this forum to escape into a world of friendly banter and interaction in a language more familiar to us. Some don’t play well with others and find themselves on the losing end of the exchange but such is life.

We all know where to find Thais but it can be difficult for the newcomers to find empathetic and commiserative resident farangs. Fortunately this forum has made great strides in facilitating interaction for those who want it. Especially for those who prefer to talk with individuals who are not inebriated or otherwise impaired.

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