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Robbers, Greedy Boat Operators Prey On Flood Victims: Thailand


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A free market slowly evolves, this is a sudden disaster and then a free market does not apply because at first people will be taken advantage of. Quite simple actually.

Not to mention there are lives at stake its hard to say no if you got a lot to loose.

Edited by robblok
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ROBBERS? GREEDY? Did anybody notice what 'color' their red shirts were????????????????

amazing somebody always has to bring this into these threads. i wonder or you people as interested in your own countries polotics as the Thai ones.

its only to be expected that they will do this, its thailand everybody out for themselves, but they dont have a lot so i guess thats the way they are brought up.

3000 baht to recover a car, thats about 2 weeks salary when you have already lost every thing, so for me it is a lot.

While I do understad the going wage for basic jobs is 6,000 baht/month (hence your 3,000 baht being two weeks wage), how many of those minimum wage workers have cars?

I've been in many, many countries - Thailand has the fewest jallopies (old, junk cars) of any place I have ever been. Most cars are near new, with 600,000 baht+ price tags. Anyone that can afford such a luxury, can afford to pay 3,000 baht to have it salvaged from a flood.

I agree that 3000 baht is a fair price for car recovery, but I question the ideology that your ability to pay justifies over charging people just because you can..

I didn't really intend to suggest its ok to over charge people because they can afford it.

I should have been clearer, as my main points were:

1) 3,000 baht, as you said (and I said earlier in another post) isn't excessive

2) The original poster seemed to suggest that poor Thais, with meager wages, were being rail-roaded into paying 3,000 baht for a needed service - my point was, no poor Thais are in need of this service (regardless of whether the fee is extortionary or reasonable).

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There are quite a few people on this forum who have no fuc#ing idea of what is really going on. Your posts are an insult to those of us suffering. Rabid opinions by a lot of people who probably don't even live in this country or are high and dry sitting on some bar stool pissing it up.

We have been flooded out for over 2 weeks now and the water is still rising! Sleep is a luxury that is grabbed every couple of hours as we continually have to pump out downstairs. Mosquito bites, open wounds and it's not getting any better. Try wading through this stinking rotten water everyday and maybe you might see the real side of this disaster.

These people who supply boat services are nothing but extortionists and I know as I have personally been on the receiving end of it every time we go out to try to get some supplies.

The first time it happened my wife arranged for some supplies to be delivered and 100 baht was agreed on, which was already a ripoff as the goods were delivered to the moo baan gate and they only had to be brought to our home. When the bitch in the boat got here she demanded 250 baht or she would not hand over the goods (goods a relative was giving us). She would have happily stolen the goods from us if we did not pay. I didn't know until after she left. If I had known it at the time it would have been a very different story.

And so it goes every day we have to go out. Boat owners demand a ridiculously high fee and if you don't pay it they just ignore you. Or as happened yesterday the bastard, after we paid him, decided that he didn't want to take us to our requested destination and told us to get off no where near we wanted to go. My wife said he received a phone call after we started and was obviously offered a bigger fee to take someone elsewhere.

Our neighbour and us now share a small boat so we can get to the gate. We usually leave the boat with the security guard (every time we do my wife gives him some money and always gives him some food when we return) and travel by other means to wherever we need to go. Yesterday when we finally got back the boat was gone. Where? The arsehol_e security guard 'rented' it out to someone else. He said he didn't think we would be back until much later.

I will bet my last baht that what I am describing here is going on all over areas that are flooded out.

This bullshit about 7 years fine and 140k baht fine for price gouging is just hot air, more thai police and government verbal diarrhoea. And don't even get me started on the 5k compo. What an insult!

Must say you really have bad luck, here the mayor made sure there is a free boat service that brings people to the front of the village. Many days there is a truck to pick people up (1 time a day). Must say the guys is great he did shame the people who refuse to pay the 300bt a month upkeep for the village to run. (people not paying it is a burden for others).

We have gotten many relief packages and free food. I think it really varies from place to place. We are in Bang Bua Thong / Bang Yai area.

But once i leave the village then yes the boat people are there to steal money. Thank god we are on a large road and military and other trucks pass. But you have to be patient and lucky to catch one.

I have heard this said before "you have really bad luck". It's not bad luck when you have thais targeting you for misfortune. Once they target you, they have a tenacity like a pit-bull. Somewhere along the way someone got pissed off at you and you probably don't know why. Now every time you turn around you have "bad luck" from a hoard or people not just the one. Luck has nothing to do with it.

So you are suggesting the original poster, who is being jacked by greedy, extortionist boat operators, is actually being targetted? Its only happening to him, he somehow brought it upon himself by pissing someone off?

Wow, the karma nuts are on the board today, aren't they.

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Very sad to hear about this when the country is in need of the good Thai spirit.

I think the good guys far outweigh the bad guys in the floods right now :D

I see thousands of people helping out and volunteering everyday but in a country this large you are bound to get some bad with the good.

I arrived in Pathum Thani with my Filipina wife and 19 month old baby early morning 15 Oct; started work the next Monday and by Thursday, the Floods arrived at Bangkadi Industrial estate + my condo (up to 3m in some areas in the estate.

Amidst the events that happened from that Thursday till now, many incidents touched the hearts of my wife and I - things that we cannot expect in in the country I came from (where I had lived for 6 years).

Here are just some examples:

  • On the Thursday night the floods were starting to come in, I was asking a motorcyclist I had never met how to get to a place where II can buy something my family/baby needed. He patiently gave me directions and I may have to walk some distance as taxi was getting scarce. I thanked him and walked on, Imagine my surprise when he came up from behind me (against the flow of traffic) and offered to fetch me there. Even wanted to send me back but I refused to accept his offer (just as he refused to accept my offer to compensate him for the ride) as I was already thankful enough, What kindness! I doubt this will ever happen where I came from - if I get any help as all, it would be a chance for them to ask for money. as they know I am a foreigner (somehow their minds become greedy the moment they see a foreigner)
  • As I helped the company I just started to work for to retrieve materials from the flooded factory to another factory located in Cheangwattana that was not flooded, I cannot helped being impressed by the many (all in fact) BOATMEN/WOMEN who were transporting materials (WITHOUT escort) we had managed to retrieve from the Factory to Tan-tet (spelling?) landing point where people were waiting with vehicles to get the materials to the factory. These boat people worked hard and tirelessly and were honest, At the same time, the company cared for them, Where I came from, more likely than not. one can expect to kiss the goods goodbye.
  • I can't help noticing the many many vehicles parked along bridges and other higher grounds. They are mostly still safe after so long. Compared to where I came from, where people even break into vehicles stranded (partially submerged) in floods to steal.
  • When I was relocated to an apartment (temporarily) in Chaengwattana I was not sure if I will have enough cash to last till end of the month to get my 1st salary, given the possible increase in prices for everything (something I can expect from where i came from) and had expressed this to the owners of the provision shop at the apartment, They offered that if I ever got to that state, I can just take what I need from their shop and pay them later! This is the real "Thai rak Thai" spirit in action. Till now, I have yet to see an increase in food prices here, except for very few items. Mostly Items just go out of sock a and will be priced the same when stocks are replenished. This is unknown where I came from where vendors will take every chance to increase prices and it takes long time for the prices to come back to normal.
  • Ive gotten many small voluntary help from people - in ways I did not expect/ And little things mean a lot,

Of the bad experiences I;'e had so far - with 1 taxi driver who to tried to overcharge (foreigners) and gave my wife less change than should be, or the 1 who claimed to know our destination and yet took the longer route - seemed to have gotten lost for a while (but this may be due to misinterpretation of my limited Thai vocab). But these are tiny irritations compared to the good I have received

I hope the warmth and hospitality of the Thai people shown to us thus far will continue. If so, my wife and I have made the right decision to leave her country to come here.

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thais reaping of they own people in their hr of need.soon they will try to do the same too the tourist in high season

"tourists in high season"??? Maybe you haven't been reading the papers, but tourist numbers are falling faster than a rock from a skyscraper. I live in Chiang Mai and can go into town right now and count the number of tourists and not use all my fingers. However, what IS interesting is that close to 3 of every 5 cars I see on the roads here in CM now have BKK license plates on them.

My cousin in law is the manger of one of the biggest hand made umbrella and parasol shops shops in CM. They normally get about 2-3 tour buses of foreign tourists a week during high season. She told my wife last night on the phone they have had ONE in the past 2 weeks.

Another friend works at a large tourist agency. She said she the number of tours from Asian countries that have been cancelled is horrendous.

Tourists? Don't think you're gonna see to many of them this year.

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"Extortionate prices"? It's a free market, isn't it?

Actually, No, it is a monopoly controlled by the boat owners if there is no other means of transport.

A monopoly would be when one person or one company owns all the boats. That isn't the case here. Where I live there are laws against price gouging in emergencies. To me that has never made any sense. For example if I sold bottled water, and there was a tornado 200 miles away, why would I travel that far if I could just stay at home and sell it for the same price. However if I could charge any price I wanted to do, I might make the effort, and thus help meet a critical shortage.

The high price of boat transport will induce other boat owners to go that neighborhood, and thus by the law of supply and demand. lower the prices. And for every family that is "forced" to pay the high boat price, it only means that the good samaritans are able to help another family that really can't afford that price.

There was a report in one of yesterdays papers about a boat operator who tried to move in and operate his service on a street at a cheaper rate than existing operators. He was shot and killed for his efforts! Boat operators were also reported to be laying spikes down on the flooded streets to stop motor transport from operating. Seems like disasters such as these bring out both the best and the worst in people.

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"Extortionate prices"? It's a free market, isn't it?

Actually, No, it is a monopoly controlled by the boat owners if there is no other means of transport.

A monopoly would be when one person or one company owns all the boats. That isn't the case here. Where I live there are laws against price gouging in emergencies. To me that has never made any sense. For example if I sold bottled water, and there was a tornado 200 miles away, why would I travel that far if I could just stay at home and sell it for the same price. However if I could charge any price I wanted to do, I might make the effort, and thus help meet a critical shortage.

The high price of boat transport will induce other boat owners to go that neighborhood, and thus by the law of supply and demand. lower the prices. And for every family that is "forced" to pay the high boat price, it only means that the good samaritans are able to help another family that really can't afford that price.

Dear Ching Ching,

Appropriately enough, it seems you were mentioned in passing in the Bible:

Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.

"The bread in your cupboard belongs to the hungry man; the coat hanging unused in your closet belongs to the man who needs it; the shoes rotting in your closet belong to the man who has none; the money which you hoard in the bank belongs to the poor. You do wrong to everyone you could help, but fail to help."

St. Basil the Great

I've added some famous quotes to help you see the error of your ways :jap:

In a boat at sea one of the men began to bore a hole in the bottom of the boat. On being remonstrating with, he answered, "I am only boring under my own seat." "Yes," said his companions, "but when the sea rushes in we shall all be drowned with you.

- Talmud

"Down in their hearts, wise men know this truth: the only way to help yourself

is to help others." - Elbert Hubbard

"You will find, as you look back on your life, that the moments that stand out

are the moments when you have done things for others." - Henry Drummond

"Life is short. Be swift to love! Make haste to be kind!" - Henri Amiel

"Goodness is the only investment that never fails." - Henry David Thoreau

It has always seemed strange to me...The things we admire in men, kindness and generosity, openness, honesty, understanding and feeling, are the concomitants of failure in our system. And those traits we detest, sharpness, greed, acquisitiveness, meanness, egotism and self-interest, are the traits of success. And while men admire the quality of the first they love the produce of the second.

- John Steinbeck, Cannery Row

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There's always passengers in trouble who are willing to pay that 'higher' fee. As long as there are these people, the price will keep going up.

" take me out to the 'pak soi' my cat is sick, here!! take 3000 baht. No one needs to know"

The boat operator thinks to himself: Yess!!! Why should I take those 50 baht passengers when just a couple more hours wait will get me a 3000 baht passenger.....

"Hey guys, we need to group up and gang up on those charity operators! Make sure ALL passengers are in strife! That way we ALL benefit!! this is a one time opportunity to make big bucks!!"

Threaten all you want, POLICE!! Who's the fool?!

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ROBBERS? GREEDY? Did anybody notice what 'color' their red shirts were????????????????

amazing somebody always has to bring this into these threads. i wonder or you people as interested in your own countries polotics as the Thai ones.

its only to be expected that they will do this, its thailand everybody out for themselves, but they dont have a lot so i guess thats the way they are brought up.

3000 baht to recover a car, thats about 2 weeks salary when you have already lost every thing, so for me it is a lot.

Your salary per month is 6,000 THB? :S

One has to understand, that the majority of thai car owners can hardly afford their cars at all. Thwy are in debts up to their noses and hundredthousands of thais owe money to the sharks and have to pay up to 10% interest per WEEK! All this visible 'wealth' is just a phototapestry with NOTHING behind. Raerly ANY of these new cars, motorbikes, tvs are paid for and the wags are rearly covering the monthly payments. No good sign for the future. In the past 10 years Thailand was following the american way BUT turbostyle. They will sink the same way into non repaid debts.....but TURBO!

Edited by BinDhumm
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I am really curious about this anti-American attitude that so many Thai have. Especially in this forum. The excuses that they use are all completely false but continue to use them nevertheless. It's must be much more than the excuses that they use. I would ask what is the big issue with the US? They don't seem to bash the Brits, Aussies, Kiwis, or Euros.

Most of the Thais I know like Americans over most other farang the people they seem to hate the most are Cambodians, Burmese,Israelis(Especially in the south),Indians,Pakistani and Africans followed by the British for some reason. They also seem to like Japanese and Scandinavians(big spenders). This is not the whole society of course but it seems that their hatred is more class based than Nationality except for the Brits because they get a little loud and drunk sometimes(Like every other nationality). The bashing on these boards are mostly Europeans with American penis envy(Ungrateful for all the American blood spilled and resources wasted during two world wars plus the Marshall plan). They hate that we don't have socialism and the fact that the Euro zone is turning into a feel good social experiment failure. Most people are just that "people" the idiots that carry around a nationalistic chip on their shoulders in other countries just give everyone a bad name. A dick is a dick in any country I give everyone a fair shake no matter what their nationality(Except for those stinking Irish!!!!Jk Irish heritage).

I think what people are failing to see is most Americans are not condoning the actions of a bunch of greedy boat owners just making fact that in a predatory environment like a flood you have to expect resources like boats and transportation to be at a premium. If you own a boat are you going to go out every day and do it from free week after week? Maybe in gumdrop candyland with chocolate rivers Europe but the rest of the world has to survive in a natural disaster key word being "Disaster". You ever think that some of these people might have lost everything and are trying to recover by providing a service that is in demand? Are these people any different then the political situations going on here American and Europe? Stealing a couple 100baht for boat money pails in comparison to the money Europe is asking the US(ZERO DOLLARS that is what I as an American thing European banks should get) to bail out Greece.

Edited by BigRick
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I think I reality check is in need hear somewhere. Was it not the PM a few weeks ago that said that she wanted to hear if people were charging extortinate prices for aid. The problem is there is no one to imlpement any charges. In the real world the Police would bring in the gharges and confiscate the boats and put them to proper use. That is why this should be a military run operation.

Brings to mind the "Dunkirk" spiriit.

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I am really curious about this anti-American attitude that so many Thai have. Especially in this forum. The excuses that they use are all completely false but continue to use them nevertheless. It's must be much more than the excuses that they use. I would ask what is the big issue with the US? They don't seem to bash the Brits, Aussies, Kiwis, or Euros.

Most of the Thais I know like Americans over most other farang the people they seem to hate the most are Cambodians, Burmese,Israelis(Especially in the south),Indians,Pakistani and Africans followed by the British for some reason. They also seem to like Japanese and Scandinavians(big spenders). This is not the whole society of course but it seems that their hatred is more class based than Nationality except for the Brits because they get a little loud and drunk sometimes(Like every other nationality). The bashing on these boards are mostly Europeans with American penis envy(Ungrateful for all the American blood spilled and resources wasted during two world wars plus the Marshall plan). They hate that we don't have socialism and the fact that the Euro zone is turning into a feel good social experiment failure. Most people are just that "people" the idiots that carry around a nationalistic chip on their shoulders in other countries just give everyone a bad name. A dick is a dick in any country I give everyone a fair shake no matter what their nationality(Except for those stinking Irish!!!!Jk Irish heritage).

Sorry , pal, I ve been here for 9 years and must disagree. The thais make no difference on farang nationalities, BUT on spending ! Americans are easy to rip off. Thats a fact. They usually are easy meat as tourists. Dont tell me thais like them. NOBODY in the world really lkes them anymore. The US passport is one of the worst to have. Many countries are nearly no go areas for US people. This is reality and getting worse year by year.

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"the Prices of Goods and Services Act, BE 2542, for overcharging face sentences of seven years in jail and/or fines of up to Bt140,000"

- what about the Zoo and Theme Parks and many other Tourist attractions charging three times as much for tourists? do they fall under the same law (violation), or are there some cases that are exempt from the law?

when you miss the last boat from an island (to get back to the mainland) you will often have to pay a very high fee... (way way more than usual).

and what about the every ATM in thailand charging 150 baht to any foreign credit card... is this also exempt from the law too?

but its unfortunate to see people ripping off the unfortunate flood victims.. as these people have lost so much already.. its pretty bad to over-charge in these circumstances.

but as for the law,, I think that there are so many other places (in thailand) that continually break this law... and nothing is ever done about it.

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Fortunately, I don't have a problem with being ripped off. Each day I have to wade through over a kilometer of waist-to-chest deep water to get to dry land on my way to work. The guards at our moo bahn won't give farangs a ride in the boat.

You are joking? blink.gif

No, I am not joking. The boats were bought by the moo bahn--for which I, and another Farang make monthly security payments. To add insult to injury, the other farang was asked to take his pickup to get the sandbags for the front gate, so he spent the better part of the day hauling sandbags--for no pay and not even a 'thanks you.' When he could still get his pickup out, he was asked to shuffle people back and forth which he did.

Everyone isn't the same. One day while struggling through the water with groceries, a nice young man insisted on helping carry them through the water. Once at the moo bahn, he set them down and headed off--no payment expected. I don't know him; he owes me nothing; yet the people I (we) do pay, can't be bothered. Go figure!

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Fortunately, I don't have a problem with being ripped off. Each day I have to wade through over a kilometer of waist-to-chest deep water to get to dry land on my way to work. The guards at our moo bahn won't give farangs a ride in the boat.

You are joking? blink.gif

No, I am not joking. The boats were bought by the moo bahn--for which I, and another Farang make monthly security payments. To add insult to injury, the other farang was asked to take his pickup to get the sandbags for the front gate, so he spent the better part of the day hauling sandbags--for no pay and not even a 'thanks you.' When he could still get his pickup out, he was asked to shuffle people back and forth which he did.

Everyone isn't the same. One day while struggling through the water with groceries, a nice young man insisted on helping carry them through the water. Once at the moo bahn, he set them down and headed off--no payment expected. I don't know him; he owes me nothing; yet the people I (we) do pay, can't be bothered. Go figure!

Don't you guys complain to the mayor of the mu bahn. Here the boat is free for eveone. Even the bad Thais that dont pay for the village every month.

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I am really curious about this anti-American attitude that so many Thai have. Especially in this forum. The excuses that they use are all completely false but continue to use them nevertheless. It's must be much more than the excuses that they use. I would ask what is the big issue with the US? They don't seem to bash the Brits, Aussies, Kiwis, or Euros.

Most of the Thais I know like Americans over most other farang the people they seem to hate the most are Cambodians, Burmese,Israelis(Especially in the south),Indians,Pakistani and Africans followed by the British for some reason. They also seem to like Japanese and Scandinavians(big spenders). This is not the whole society of course but it seems that their hatred is more class based than Nationality except for the Brits because they get a little loud and drunk sometimes(Like every other nationality). The bashing on these boards are mostly Europeans with American penis envy(Ungrateful for all the American blood spilled and resources wasted during two world wars plus the Marshall plan). They hate that we don't have socialism and the fact that the Euro zone is turning into a feel good social experiment failure. Most people are just that "people" the idiots that carry around a nationalistic chip on their shoulders in other countries just give everyone a bad name. A dick is a dick in any country I give everyone a fair shake no matter what their nationality(Except for those stinking Irish!!!!Jk Irish heritage).

Sorry , pal, I ve been here for 9 years and must disagree. The thais make no difference on farang nationalities, BUT on spending ! Americans are easy to rip off. Thats a fact. They usually are easy meat as tourists. Dont tell me thais like them. NOBODY in the world really lkes them anymore. The US passport is one of the worst to have. Many countries are nearly no go areas for US people. This is reality and getting worse year by year.

They do make SOME differences. They don't make much of a difference between Western Europeans and North Americans, this is true.

But, they despise Russians (Eastern Europeans in general). I was recently corrected - I didn't think Thais considered Russians to be 'farangs'. In fact, they do call them farangs, cause they're caucasian. But they don't like them. At all.

As for Americans being easy to ripoff - there are different interpretations. Another way to put it: Americans are more generous, and spend freely when on vacation (we don't get much vacation time, so we go all out when we travel).

US passport one of the worst to have? Really? You'd rather have a Cambodian passport? Or Nigerian? Perhaps you should speak to an immigration officer and see what they have to say on the subject (good luck - they are permanently overwhelmed processing applications....).

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Robbery is robbery, no matter where or how, and needs to be dealt with accordingly.

Profiteering - or any form of unacceptable business practice - on the other hand, is most effectively dealt with by the customer. Thais, for years, tended to accept what they were given without complaint - call it saving face; call it saving the other's face. Who knows? - but that is changing. As has been demonstrated many times before, customers can impact a business positively, or negatively. If customers were to boycott the boat operators, and other businesses that have engaged in profiteering, how long do you suppose it would take for those con artists to recognises the error of their ways? With their excess profits receding with the floodwaters. Their normal profits plummeting. Jobs threatened. Not very long. Moreover, it is unlikely it will occur again.

But it cannot work without the customers taking their stand and putting up with some temporary inconveniences.

Edited by JohnAllan
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Fortunately, I don't have a problem with being ripped off. Each day I have to wade through over a kilometer of waist-to-chest deep water to get to dry land on my way to work. The guards at our moo bahn won't give farangs a ride in the boat.

You are joking? blink.gif

No, I am not joking. The boats were bought by the moo bahn--for which I, and another Farang make monthly security payments. To add insult to injury, the other farang was asked to take his pickup to get the sandbags for the front gate, so he spent the better part of the day hauling sandbags--for no pay and not even a 'thanks you.' When he could still get his pickup out, he was asked to shuffle people back and forth which he did.

Everyone isn't the same. One day while struggling through the water with groceries, a nice young man insisted on helping carry them through the water. Once at the moo bahn, he set them down and headed off--no payment expected. I don't know him; he owes me nothing; yet the people I (we) do pay, can't be bothered. Go figure!

Don't you guys complain to the mayor of the mu bahn. Here the boat is free for eveone. Even the bad Thais that dont pay for the village every month.

Further to the 'ripoff' comment:

The reason why you won't generally see American tourists fighting to get the cheapest taxi price, the way you'd see a German or a Frenchman stamping their little feet in protest:

The American tourist, given their personal wealth levels, doesn't deem it appropriate to bust the balls of third world blue collar workers so they can save a nickel.

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Robbery is robbery, no matter where or how, and needs to be dealt with accordingly.

Profiteering - or any form of unacceptable business practice - on the other hand, is most effectively dealt with by the customer. Thais, for years, tended to accept what they were given without complaint - call it saving face; call it saving the other's face. Who knows? - but that is changing. As has been demonstrated many times before, customers can impact a business positively, or negatively. If customers were to boycott the boat operators, and other businesses that have engaged in profiteering, how long do you suppose it would take for those con artists to recognises the error of their ways? With their excess profits receding with the floodwaters. Their normal profits plummeting. Jobs threatened. Not very long. Moreover, it is unlikely it will occur again.

But it cannot work without the customers taking their stand and putting up with some temporary inconveniences.

Thankfully, I'm not in a flooded zone myself, BUT, I do see where it might be a bit tricky to boycott boat operators - at least for those people trapped in the floods...

That's the whole gripe here - the boat operators taking advantage of disaster struck individuals with little or no choice but to accept their extortionary ways.

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Very sad to hear about this when the country is in need of the good Thai spirit.

Good Thai spirit? You must be kidding. These people would take advantage all day long if they could. Not really any fault of their own. This country values only the baht and how much you have of it. There are no safety nets, no social programs so one must beg, borrow or steal if one wants to survive.

Or maybe even have to work.... Uhhhhh sorry.gif

Are you talking about the USA?

Having left the USA 11 years ago and remembering how it was then and hearing how it is now, I must agree with you374.bmp

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Americans are more generous, and spend freely when on vacation (we don't get much vacation time, so we go all out when we travel).

I think most (not backpackers) nationalities from the West here spend freely, but what Thais would perceive as Americans being 'generous' is more likely their innate obligation to percentage tip willy-nilly. Generosity or ignorance of culture?

These folk that are doing this robbing/preying on flood victims/crippling free transport are typical of certain quarters of Thai society. Hypocritical scum of the earth!

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Americans are more generous, and spend freely when on vacation (we don't get much vacation time, so we go all out when we travel).

I think most (not backpackers) nationalities from the West here spend freely, but what Thais would perceive as Americans being 'generous' is more likely their innate obligation to percentage tip willy-nilly. Generosity or ignorance of culture?

These folk that are doing this robbing/preying on flood victims/crippling free transport are typical of certain quarters of Thai society. Hypocritical scum of the earth!

Actually, I agree with both of you. Americans do spend freely on vacation and they are very Thai culture ignorant which makes them an easy mark.

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Americans like to tip why be stingy with people who have it bad enough making 300baht a day. I have seen this from Europeans a couple times not all but some are such tight asses with money you wonder that the Thais don't spit in their food(As an American I know how important it is to treat the people who serve you well if they do a good job). I had one women we were with in Phi Phi try and pocket my tip telling me "I don't need to do that in Thailand" Actually I feel better tipping good service here because I know the person appreciates 10-20% that they get to keep. If the service sucks they don't get s**t simple as that. The best bar trick I have ever seen(Making an egg move from one glass to another without touching it) was taught to me by a island Thai bartender because I was nice enough to buy him a beer after the Norwegians there ran him into the ground and left no tip. They treated the poor guy like some kind of indentured servant really pissed me off the least I could do was show not all Farangs are kinyoi. If giving someone what amounts to .33-2.00 for good service makes me easy meat then ohhh well.

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Very sad to hear about this when the country is in need of the good Thai spirit.

What good thai Spirit ? all i meet , want lure as mutch money as they can out of my pocket , and find a decent worker for fix the house or other tings is hard.. They all dont know what they doing.

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Very sad to hear about this when the country is in need of the good Thai spirit.

I think the good guys far outweigh the bad guys in the floods right now :D

I see thousands of people helping out and volunteering everyday but in a country this large you are bound to get some bad with the good.

I arrived in Pathum Thani with my Filipina wife and 19 month old baby early morning 15 Oct; started work the next Monday and by Thursday, the Floods arrived at Bangkadi Industrial estate + my condo (up to 3m in some areas in the estate.

Amidst the events that happened from that Thursday till now, many incidents touched the hearts of my wife and I - things that we cannot expect in in the country I came from (where I had lived for 6 years).

Here are just some examples:

  • On the Thursday night the floods were starting to come in, I was asking a motorcyclist I had never met how to get to a place where II can buy something my family/baby needed. He patiently gave me directions and I may have to walk some distance as taxi was getting scarce. I thanked him and walked on, Imagine my surprise when he came up from behind me (against the flow of traffic) and offered to fetch me there. Even wanted to send me back but I refused to accept his offer (just as he refused to accept my offer to compensate him for the ride) as I was already thankful enough, What kindness! I doubt this will ever happen where I came from - if I get any help as all, it would be a chance for them to ask for money. as they know I am a foreigner (somehow their minds become greedy the moment they see a foreigner)
  • As I helped the company I just started to work for to retrieve materials from the flooded factory to another factory located in Cheangwattana that was not flooded, I cannot helped being impressed by the many (all in fact) BOATMEN/WOMEN who were transporting materials (WITHOUT escort) we had managed to retrieve from the Factory to Tan-tet (spelling?) landing point where people were waiting with vehicles to get the materials to the factory. These boat people worked hard and tirelessly and were honest, At the same time, the company cared for them, Where I came from, more likely than not. one can expect to kiss the goods goodbye.
  • I can't help noticing the many many vehicles parked along bridges and other higher grounds. They are mostly still safe after so long. Compared to where I came from, where people even break into vehicles stranded (partially submerged) in floods to steal.
  • When I was relocated to an apartment (temporarily) in Chaengwattana I was not sure if I will have enough cash to last till end of the month to get my 1st salary, given the possible increase in prices for everything (something I can expect from where i came from) and had expressed this to the owners of the provision shop at the apartment, They offered that if I ever got to that state, I can just take what I need from their shop and pay them later! This is the real "Thai rak Thai" spirit in action. Till now, I have yet to see an increase in food prices here, except for very few items. Mostly Items just go out of sock a and will be priced the same when stocks are replenished. This is unknown where I came from where vendors will take every chance to increase prices and it takes long time for the prices to come back to normal.
  • Ive gotten many small voluntary help from people - in ways I did not expect/ And little things mean a lot,

Of the bad experiences I;'e had so far - with 1 taxi driver who to tried to overcharge (foreigners) and gave my wife less change than should be, or the 1 who claimed to know our destination and yet took the longer route - seemed to have gotten lost for a while (but this may be due to misinterpretation of my limited Thai vocab). But these are tiny irritations compared to the good I have received

I hope the warmth and hospitality of the Thai people shown to us thus far will continue. If so, my wife and I have made the right decision to leave her country to come here.

Thank you for sharing, I also, for the past 11 years have had wonderful Thai people offer help when needed, asking for nothing in return and being happy to help.

I lost all of my money due to bad investments and have been living on 20 thousand baht a month for many years, for a Farang small money, for many Thai good money.

Many Thai's know I have small money and are always offering food, help and friendship, I have known hundreds of wonderful giving Thai's, opposed to the ones only interested in the baht.

I also believe we get what we give (NOT BAHT) friendship,respect, understanding, helping hands, love.

I find Farangs create most of their problems by flashing big coin, cocky attitude, lack of smiling, building big homes in poor areas and treating Thai's like lesser people (NO RESPECT)

There will always be people trying to beat people out of coin or stealing, robing everywhere on this planet, one just needs to know when to hold-em and when to

fold -em, life is a learning curve some remain victims, some raise above it with being respectful to self and others and being fully responsible for all of their actions.

To many Farangs are making many good Thai's suffer from the few that rip off, rob and so on.

Where you hang, what you do, how you treat has a lot to do with it.

Welcome to Thailand my friend, have a good life.

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<br />
<br />Very sad to hear about this when the country is in need of the good Thai spirit.<br />
There are no safety nets, no social programs so one must beg, borrow or steal if one wants to survive.<br />
<br /><br /><br />


Thailändische Funkamateure retten mit Notfunkbetrieb fast 1000 Menschenleben

Dank der Hilfe thailändischer Funkamateure konnten durch die Koordination von Rettungskräften bei medizinischen Notfällen fast 1000 Menschenleben gerettet werden. Darüber berichtete der Sekretär des thailändischen Amateurfunkverbandes RAST, HS4DDQ, bei einem kürzlich stattgefundenen Treffen. Die Aktion lief in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Gesundheitsministerium. Für den Funkbetrieb nutzte man das Rufzeichen HS0AC. Amateurfunk-Relaisfunkstellen waren ebenfalls in vielen Fällen zum Informationsaustausch hilfreich, da die Kommunikations-Infrastruktur der Regierungsstellen teilweise zusammengebrochen ist. In Thailand kämpft man noch immer mit den Folgen der schwersten Hochwasserkatastrophe seit über 60 Jahren.

Google translation from German:

Thailändische radio amateurs with Notfunkbetrieb save nearly 1000 lives

Thanks to the help of Thai amateur radio operators could be saved through the coordination of emergency services for medical emergencies nearly 1000 lives. It told the secretary of the Thai Amateur Radio Association RAST, HS4DDQ, at a recent meeting. The campaign ran in collaboration with the Ministry of Health. For radio operation is used the call sign HS0AC. Amateur radio repeaters were also helpful in many cases to share information, because the communications infrastructure of the government is partially collapsed. In Thailand it is still struggling with the consequences of the worst floods for over 60 years.

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those ripoffs should have taken their boats away and have other operate it.

Like face the max or volunteer to other operators for the time being. of course no pay or insurance.

Life goes on wink.gif

Where there's a will there's a way

Edited by elcent
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Fortunately, I don't have a problem with being ripped off. Each day I have to wade through over a kilometer of waist-to-chest deep water to get to dry land on my way to work. The guards at our moo bahn won't give farangs a ride in the boat.

Frankly, I am not all that surpirsed. Many Thais don't like farangs - they tolerate farangs only for the money.

The amount of Thai bashing here is astonishing.

I'm not surprised that Thais in the tourist zones are exploiting Farangs, Farangs were the one's who started the process decades ago.

All you expat Thai-bashers who have Thai partners should be ashamed of yourselves, perhaps you think you are making a positive contribution to Thai society, but I'm sure it wasn't long ago when you were trolling the bars and exploiting Thai bar workers a fraction of your age.

My Thai partner's family in Issan is wonderful and cares for me like I am one of their own. Most Thais are generous in spirit.

Thailand is not a perfect country, and it's been poorly governed but I'm sure if a government official started reading this thread this site would be shut down immediately, for just cause.

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Fortunately, I don't have a problem with being ripped off. Each day I have to wade through over a kilometer of waist-to-chest deep water to get to dry land on my way to work. The guards at our moo bahn won't give farangs a ride in the boat.

Frankly, I am not all that surpirsed. Many Thais don't like farangs - they tolerate farangs only for the money.

The amount of Thai bashing here is astonishing.

I'm not surprised that Thais in the tourist zones are exploiting Farangs, Farangs were the one's who started the process decades ago.

All you expat Thai-bashers who have Thai partners should be ashamed of yourselves, perhaps you think you are making a positive contribution to Thai society, but I'm sure it wasn't long ago when you were trolling the bars and exploiting Thai bar workers a fraction of your age.

My Thai partner's family in Issan is wonderful and cares for me like I am one of their own. Most Thais are generous in spirit.

Thailand is not a perfect country, and it's been poorly governed but I'm sure if a government official started reading this thread this site would be shut down immediately, for just cause.

That's a bit of a generalisation isn't it !!!!

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