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Invitation: Thaivisa Christmas Party & Pissup


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Ditto, :D I'll be back in the cold, dreary, barren, bleak, shivering, frozen, gloomy, arctic, snowy, frost-bitten, desolate, colorless, inhospitable, netherworld (American midwest) for the Hellidays. Any chance of moving the party? :D

Would have liked to be there (dam, leaving the 18th) and party with the lot of TV gang(sters). Oh well, it'll have to wait until next season. :D

George, you'll have to invent an excuse to have a mid-summer celebration, too. Your birthday, perhaps (or do you still have any of those :D)? I could suggest a dog-roast for the occasion!! :D:D Not a bad idea, na?

A shame to miss Bambi, A.K.A. Santa Claus. Cheers, and will someone, anyone, please get drunk for me (mai auk auk, though, O.K. :D )???

A Merry X-Mas to one and all!!! :o:D

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I would love to have come to the party but will be in Pattaya on 23rd and have to take two Mamasans out as it's their birthday and have already promised, BUT there is always another year.

Maybe this is the wrong place to mention it but as a member of another board also we are going to The Harley Bar (Eden Hotel) Pattaya for Christmas dinner on Christmas Day.

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Sorry, I wish I could make this one, staying here for Christmas in New York City....

With so many people busy with holiday plans, I wonder if  there will be a large turnout..... :D

But I'll definitely try to make it to the next Pissup party- especially if it is going to be sometime next summer when I'm In Country..... :D

Too bad ya can't make it. Less 1 QC on the team. Happy holidays and see you when you get in country.

I'll have a few drinks for you. Full report too. :D


Thanks, Ilyushin! Really wish I could be there ! I'm sure you guys on the QC team will be able to compesate for my absence.... This time! :D

Yes, have more than a few drinks for me, and I expect a FULL report, too! :D:o:D

Happy Holidays, and see you all when I get back over there sometime this summer!

( Hopefully, They will set another TV - Pissup party around that time, so I will be able to schedule my vacation then! )

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Read on another forum this morning that Sin was raided last night. :D

If the fine closure? :D

I was there last night - left about 12 for another 'nameless' late night watering hole and about 2.30 a group of girls tried to convince me and the missus to go back over... We declined, but they were back within an hour - they didn't mention that it had been raided, but maybe it was all over by the time they got there? :o

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Sorry I won't be around. just before Christmas is unlikely rarely to be a suitable time, partly because of the airfares in the weeks before then. I had been toying with the idea of just after Christmas, but that did not become possible. May be another 3-4 months yet.

How about a webcast? :o

Or webcam messenger link ups? Probably too late to organise that now.

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Thanks for the invitation!

(It's an honour!)

And again - "bad timing" for me :D : I will be out of the country.

But I admit this is a GREAT idea to get people together, and I regret about not being able to join you, guys.

Well, maybe NEXT TIME!?

Have fun! :o I'll be thinking about you...

Edited by alrom
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Nice vids! Thanks for sharing and thanks for the invitation!

I hope everyone has a great holiday and a blast at the P.U.

Unfortunately I won't get to town until January 2nd, so once again I have to say, hopefully next time.

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Seen the videos and seemed that everyone was just having fun.

Though I'm kind of a reserved TV member and don't know that many people here, I wouldn't mind at all going for some booze and great chat. After all, fun is the most important.

Is it ok to bring a friend? :o

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if nobody scares for russian bears ) i would like participate also


К русскому медведю: Было бы почетностью, котор нужно встретить вас во время предстоящей тайской партии рождества визы. Будет комната для all of us во время сезонов праздника. Понадейтесь перевод работаемый наилучшим образом слишком. См. вас скоро.

Ilyushin :o

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