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It was 4 years ago when I was caught up in a messylegal case in Thailand. The crime I was committed for was petty though the authoritiestook it as a great opportunity to take me on a rollercoaster ride with extortionateconsequences.

Havingtaken legal advice in Thailand, it was recommended that I skipped bail and leftthe country. I did this and have now been living back in the UK for the last 4years.

My concernnow is related to travel overseas from the UK. I can appreciate that I cannot goback to Thailand; however I would like to find out if I should be concerned abouttravelling anywhere else around the world.

Anydirection on this will be very well received.


I suppose this should go in Visas for Other Countries, it's certainly not Real Estate.

OP. I hope you have your asbestos underwear on, prepare for the flames.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

Guest jonzboy

you would need to be accused of a crime worthy of extradition ( a very time consuming and expensive process for the country involved - as well as for you, if it happens)

also, you would have to visit a country that thailand has an extradition treaty with


And you cannot extradite anyway if the prison sentence is less than 12 months....lets put it this way Thailand couldnt get their #1 fugtive back, somehow I dont think you will have any problems.

Obviously dont get too cocky and come back to Thailand, as if there is anything on the books here, they could have you at the airport...:lol:

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