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Have you got a FAT32 filing system or NTFS? Making the assumption you do not have a bad disc (run check disc or whatever it is called and do a surface scan as well, takes ages) you can do one or other of the following

The FAT32 method is a dirty method but does solve the problem however if a further problem occurs with your hard drive then it does not check it in addition it means manual changing your registry files. Everyone gives the warning don't do this unless you know what you are doing. Set a restore point before making the changes. Anything you break is your own problem. :o

Checking Chkdsk Status:

WinXP should only run Chkdsk if the "Dirty" flag is set for (one of) your hard drives. After Chkdsk completes it then resets the dirty flag. To check the state of the dirty flag for your C: drive, at the Command Prompt type : fsutil dirty query c: The response should be "Volume - c: is NOT Dirty"

To stop this but not fix the drives errors

1. Run the Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe). You must use Regedt32.exe and not Regedit.exe

2. Goto HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager

3. Change the BootExecute value from:

autocheck autochk *


autocheck autochk /k:x *

Where x is the drive letter, e.g. if you wanted to stop the check on drive f: you would type autocheck autochk /k:f *. To stop the check on multiple volumes just enter the drive names one after another, e.g. to stop the check on e: and g: autocheck autochk /k:eg *, you do not retype the /k each time.

If you are using NT 4.0 with Service Pack 2 or above, you can also use the CHKNTFS.EXE command which is also used to exclude drives from the check and updates the registry for you. The usage to disable a drive is

chkntfs /x <drive letter>:

e.g. chkntfs /x f: would exclude the check of drive f:

To set the system back to checking all drives just type

chkntfs /d

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