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Report: British terror suspects killed in U.S. drone strike in Pakistan


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Report: British terror suspects killed in U.S. drone strike in Pakistan

2011-11-18 22:36:09 GMT+7 (ICT)

LONDON (BNO NEWS) -- Two British terrorism suspects are believed to have been killed by a U.S. drone in Pakistan's northwestern tribal region earlier this year, their families told British media on Friday.

A family friend of Mohammed Azmir told the UK's Press Association that Azmir and Ibrahim Adam are thought to have been killed by a U.S. drone earlier this year. "They have taken it very badly, this is the second son who has been killed in a drone strike," the family friend said.

A source told the Press Association that the U.S. drone strike is believed to have taken place at least three months ago, but gave no details about the exact time or location. A spokesman for the UK's Foreign Office said it is 'looking into' the report.

Since February 2010, 37-year-old Azmir was subject to a UK Treasury order freezing his assets in response to concerns he was involved in the funding of terrorism. Azmir's brother, Abdul Jabbar, was killed by a U.S. drone in September 2010.

Adam, 24, from east London, was previously accused of seeking militant training in Iraq or Afghanistan and planning to fight Western troops. His brother, Anthony Garcia, was sentenced to life in prison in April 2007 for his part in a plot to attack targets in London and across the United Kingdom with fertilizer bombs.

The U.S. considers the Pakistan-Afghan border to be the most dangerous place on Earth. The area is known to be a stronghold of the Taliban-affiliated Haqqani Network, which is one of the top terrorist organizations and threats to U.S. forces in Afghanistan.

As of the end of October, more than 70 U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan have killed at least 544 people this year, according to a report by the Conflict Monitoring Center. The report showed that the two deadliest months were March and June when 89 and 117 people were killed, respectively.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-11-18

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I won't have that problem. Of the two kids I shepherded on their way to adulthood, one became a carpenter and the other sells fruit trees.

Message to grieving parents of terrorists: if you plant thorn bush seeds, you'll probably get thorn bushes.

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I imagined robotic warfare for years and now it is beginning. It's as affective as I thought it would be.

*deleted quote edited out.

What you are insinuating is idiotic and a crazy statement.Their are many troop's on the ground fighting and dying everyday so you can have your way of life.They are fighting the conventional way and losing lives because of the rules of engagement they must follow at great risk to their lives.I would say that the Taliban way of fighting is very gutless,(using suicide bombers etc etc.Plus many are kid's and women.What you have to say about that ? Are they not the gutless fighter's ?Get a life please and while you're at it get some knowledge.

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When we think it is quite acceptable to summarily execute our enemies (whilst we accuse "them" of doing the same thing) then I am afraid we really are losing the war.

I don't know what the answer is but I feel uncomfortable when we start to rejoice at the execution of other people. How would I feel if one of ours were captured and executed without trial? I know I'd be horrified.

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When we think it is quite acceptable to summarily execute our enemies (whilst we accuse "them" of doing the same thing) then I am afraid we really are losing the war.

I don't know what the answer is but I feel uncomfortable when we start to rejoice at the execution of other people. How would I feel if one of ours were captured and executed without trial? I know I'd be horrified.

Summarily execute? :rolleyes: They didn't bomb them in Britain. They should stop and give every enemy combatant a trial? :cheesy: It's war, there is no court of law involved that applies <deleted>, they're enemy combatants in a war not mere street criminals in a sovereign country... Incredible how some people continue to ignore that glaring fact :rolleyes: ..

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I imagined robotic warfare for years and now it is beginning. It's as affective as I thought it would be.

Yeah it's a pretty gutless way ot fight.

What you are insinuating is idiotic and a crazy statment.Their are many troop's on the ground fighting and dying everyday so you can have your way of life.They are fighting the conventional way and losing lives because of the rules of engagement they must follow at great risk to their lives.I would say that the Taliban way of fighting is very gutless,(using suicide bombers etc etc.Plus many are kid's and women.What you have to say about that ? Are they not the gutless fighter's ?Get a life please and while you're at it get some knowledge.

I know there are many on the ground fighing, Please point out where I said the troops on the ground are gutless. I have 1 nephew in the airforce and 1 in the navy, I don't question their bravery for what they do. What I do question is the gutless fighting with drones. If they were involved in such things I wouldn't acknowledge them. Not that I or anyone else will ever get to know.

You have basically agreed with me. You say the troops on the ground have to follow rules of engagement. So the drones don't. They can just bomb who they want and then refuse to acknowledge anything about it. It's a copout and it is gutless.

You talk of the risk of their lives. Aren't the taliban doing the same? Or don't you think their lives are worth as much. If you think the way the taliban fights is gutless does that make the use of drones less gutless? Just because another person murders someone does not make you less guilty for your murder.

Perhaps you may learn some comprehension skills before telling me what I should be doing.

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The next use of the word gutless is going to earn someone a posting holiday. It is inflammatory. It is also off-topic. This is about a British suspect killed by a drone. Stay on topic.

And don't try another inflammatory word in it's place, either.

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Drones are just a new weapon that is very effective against terrorists. A canon or a rocket or a missile is not any more *edited out* than a drone and a lot less likely to avoid collateral damage.

It is becoming a lot more difficult for radicals to avoid meeting their maker a lot more quickly which will cut down on terrorist leaders as they happily send others to their deaths, but are in no hurry to become "martyrs" themselves.

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*deleted quote edited out*

Yes, much the way that IADs are used against the infidels.

Get used to it -or- follow these Brits into a training camp in Pakistan and take your chances against the eye in the sky. Even money says you lose.

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re: *edited out* the sooner that war ceases to be about glory and so-called 'honor', then the sooner they may be relegated to the history books where they belong as examples of our lawless past. I hope no one is celebrating anyone's death, but it certainly is better than all-out warfare, i.e. 'boots on the ground'. War is Hell; hopefully the future will be better...

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I imagined robotic warfare for years and now it is beginning. It's as affective as I thought it would be.

I thought the idea was to simply annihilate these monsters , the very idea of a "fair fight" with these people and the people who suggest they get one truly appalls me, the word that should be used is "no quarter" pure and simple :angry: .

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'fair fight' is not the issue. When one side resorts to dressing like women and hiding with children - plus recruiting retarded people to strap on bomb belts, then 'fair fight' ideas go out the window. Not to say two wrongs make a right - but rather, you use the best tool for the job. Often, it's the drones. Only one side has them, but that will change over time.

I listen to Hawaiian music online. It's a world away from Afghanistan. It's sunshine, surf, joyfulness, uplifting, supportive of others, environmental husbandry, non-dogmatic, positive vibes. Except for sunshine, it's all things different than what's going on in Afghanistan.

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"They have taken it very badly, this is the second son who has been killed in a drone strike," the family friend said.

Reminds me of the joke:

Two Palestinian men are showing pictures of their children to each other.

The first says: "This is my oldest, Muhammed. He was a martyr.... this is my second oldest, Muhammed. He was a martyr too.... This is my baby boy, Muhammed. One day I hope he will be a martyr too."

The other replies: "They blow up so fast, don't they?"

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"They have taken it very badly, this is the second son who has been killed in a drone strike," the family friend said.

Reminds me of the joke:

Two Palestinian men are showing pictures of their children to each other.

The first says: "This is my oldest, Muhammed. He was a martyr.... this is my second oldest, Muhammed. He was a martyr too.... This is my baby boy, Muhammed. One day I hope he will be a martyr too."

The other replies: "They blow up so fast, don't they?"

Boom boom. :)

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I imagined robotic warfare for years and now it is beginning. It's as affective as I thought it would be.

Yeah it's a pretty gutless way ot fight.

What you are insinuating is idiotic and a crazy statment.Their are many troop's on the ground fighting and dying everyday so you can have your way of life.They are fighting the conventional way and losing lives because of the rules of engagement they must follow at great risk to their lives.I would say that the Taliban way of fighting is very gutless,(using suicide bombers etc etc.Plus many are kid's and women.What you have to say about that ? Are they not the gutless fighter's ?Get a life please and while you're at it get some knowledge.

I know there are many on the ground fighing, Please point out where I said the troops on the ground are gutless. I have 1 nephew in the airforce and 1 in the navy, I don't question their bravery for what they do. What I do question is the gutless fighting with drones. If they were involved in such things I wouldn't acknowledge them. Not that I or anyone else will ever get to know.

You have basically agreed with me. You say the troops on the ground have to follow rules of engagement. So the drones don't. They can just bomb who they want and then refuse to acknowledge anything about it. It's a copout and it is gutless.

You talk of the risk of their lives. Aren't the taliban doing the same? Or don't you think their lives are worth as much. If you think the way the taliban fights is gutless does that make the use of drones less gutless? Just because another person murders someone does not make you less guilty for your murder.

Perhaps you may learn some comprehension skills before telling me what I should be doing.

Let's look at those comprehension skills shall we? Maybe it's more about the delivery so let me understand this correctly? You'd disown them if they were required by military order to fight with drones? :unsure::ermm:

As a point of factual information drone pilots most certainly do have rules of engagement to follow and very strict ones at that which require a senior officers approval before engagement.

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There is absolutely no moral difference between a suicide bomber and an American drone strike.Both kill innocent people for political reasons.

Absolutely a massive difference. A suicide bomber's goal is a kin to criminals such as gangsters and mafioso with even lower morality and ethics who's goal it is to intimidate and instill fear into the population and targets random innocents, while this is not the purpose of a drone..

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There is absolutely no moral difference between a suicide bomber and an American drone strike.Both kill innocent people for political reasons.

Absolutely a massive difference. A suicide bomber's goal is a kin to criminals such as gangsters and mafioso with even lower morality and ethics who's goal it is to intimidate and instill fear into the population and targets random innocents, while this is not the purpose of a drone..

What is the purpose of a drone then? Slaughtering innocent wedding parties. No moral difference at all. Many drone strikes have targeted innocent people. Of course they have brown skin so thats alright then.

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Absolutely a massive difference. A suicide bomber's goal is a kin to criminals such as gangsters and mafioso with even lower morality and ethics who's goal it is to intimidate and instill fear into the population and targets random innocents, while this is not the purpose of a drone..

lower morality and ethics who's goal it is to intimidate and instill fear into the population and targets random innocents

I think if you ask the Pakistani civilians who have had family members,friends & neighbors killed & are now protesting by the thousands in Pakistan...

You will find their opinion is that the purpose of the drones for them is in fact exactly as you stated above.

At the end of the day....For What?

Where is the actual threat to America?

None exists now anymore than it did when they started these invasions.

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Absolutely a massive difference. A suicide bomber's goal is a kin to criminals such as gangsters and mafioso with even lower morality and ethics who's goal it is to intimidate and instill fear into the population and targets random innocents, while this is not the purpose of a drone..

lower morality and ethics who's goal it is to intimidate and instill fear into the population and targets random innocents

I think if you ask the Pakistani civilians who have had family members,friends & neighbors killed & are now protesting by the thousands in Pakistan...

You will find their opinion is that the purpose of the drones for them is in fact exactly as you stated above.

At the end of the day....For What?

Where is the actual threat to America?

None exists now anymore than it did when they started these invasions.

The threat to America in this region is oil. The regions north of Afganistan are oil rich, a safe&secure pipleline needs built to extract the oil from these land locked countries.

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There is absolutely no moral difference between a suicide bomber and an American drone strike.Both kill innocent people for political reasons.

Absolutely a massive difference. A suicide bomber's goal is a kin to criminals such as gangsters and mafioso with even lower morality and ethics who's goal it is to intimidate and instill fear into the population and targets random innocents, while this is not the purpose of a drone..

What is the purpose of a drone then? Slaughtering innocent wedding parties. No moral difference at all. Many drone strikes have targeted innocent people. Of course they have brown skin so thats alright then.

Smoke and mirrors....

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