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Does Winniethekhwai Really Exist?


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Always ready to help; with an almost childlike eagerness to put in his two baht's worth of knowlege about anything and everything to do with Chiang Mai.

But is he for real? Does anybody have any proof of that? Has he ever been seen?

The absence of hard evidence would imply that he is the creation of someone's imagination.

If his posts are anything to go by he would seem to be omnipresent in and around Chiang Mai. You couldn't miss him if you tried. Which also leads me to believe that he may be a figment of someone's disordered fancy.

The sheer number of his posts, 6390+ to date, bear witness to a diarrhoea of words and a constipation of ideas on a grand scale. The amount of time he must spend online would seem to be more typical of software than a real human being.

Then there is the curious choice of name. Khwai. Surely he knows the connotations Thais attach to this word when applied to people. Or is it an example of self-deprecating humour plumbing new depths? Ego annihilation as a means to enlightenment perhaps.

A self-styled "Asia Old Hand" [does he mean "Old Asiahand"], he pontificates on local matters like a sage. It's good to know that someone is still filling that role. When I got here in the 70's the oldtimers were dying off fast. The lifestyle was hard on them. Mehkong, Marlboros,and weed took a toll on their health. Not to mention bullhead clapp and other STD's. By the time AIDS came along in the early 80's there weren't many of them left to catch it.

So carry on dispensing wisdom.

The torch is passed to you WinnieThe Khwai

Whether or not you exist in reality is almost beside the point.

You are the life of the forum.

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Wow.. Thank you. The old Asiahand bit was in jest; set it last week in response to a flame by someone.

I wouldn't normally claim to be an Asia old hand. I got here in the early 90s only. Asia mid-life hand by now perhaps.

I'll go back to my last membership title: 'Incredible Member' I like the duality in that, after being called not credible once. (that episode us largely cleared up I believe/hope)

Khwai is indeed double too; it's a common insult, and yet also a noble animal that plows the rice fields; many Thais don't eat beef for this reason.

Not many things on Thailand are black or white, few questions have a yes or no answer; it is full of seemingly contradictory things. That may even be the main attraction.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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