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Volunteers Needs As 150 More Dogs Rescued From Flood Arrive In Cha-Am

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150 more dogs arrived today at the WFFT shelter for flood rescued dogs that had been set up in Cha-Am. Please volunteer and cross-post. This is not a commitment you will regret, but be proud of. It is a great program. If you are from outside the area, your meals and accommodations are provided in the beautiful WFFT wildlife sanctuary. You just need to bring your heart.

Maybe a local group, business or club could make helping special a team project.

Here is what it's like to volunteer for this project and you are just flat out needed. http://nolakelsey.wordpress.com/the-v-traveler-blog-2/


Just want to say hello to Nola K - thanks for coming back to this thread.

I loved your reply, I find that animals give you unconditional love. More then any human, they respond to who you really are, behind the mask. My best friends are my cats, and dogs, and ducks. Deepest respect to you. You are an outstanding individual for all you have accomplished already (!) and I wish you good luck in the future.

Nola Lee Kelsey has worked as a dog caregiver, a reptile keeper, marine park trainer, penguin handler, behavioral data collector, and a wildlife rehabilitator and a self-confessed serial volunteer for global animal rescue organizations. She is also the author of seven books, the creator/content editor of websites The Voluntary Traveler: Adventures from the Road Best Traveled and The V-List. In addition she hosts ‘The Voluntary Traveler’ podcast and runs every aspect of The Voluntary Traveler network.

As she has meandered the globe, her humor and travel articles have appeared in hundreds of diverse publications from Reptiles Magazine to The Bangkok Post. As a result, she has been bitten by just about everything – twice! The final culprit was the writing bug.

According to Kelsey, this distant relative of the travel bug actually pumps ink into your veins while simultaneously sucking your wallet dry.



Hi Shokdee,

Is that bio from Amazon or did you actually read my website? Sorry if it was covered with dust. Ha ha.

I agree with you about animals, and they need us so much. Since I made this post hoping to get local people to volunteer I myself have decided to return to Cha-Am and volunteer for another 2 weeks. Some very generous, animal loving friends paid to board my own dogs, so I could do this.

I arrive Saturday and can’t wait to get back to your beautiful part of the country and hopefully help more than ever. Every bit, every helping hand is needed.

Funny, when I asked my school if I could miss classes for 2 weeks to volunteer they were wonderful. They said "yes and Shok dee."


I dusted off your website for you.

If you find some stray kittens in Cha-am looking for a loving home, it'll be a charm if you let me know, it'll give me an excuse to drive there and met you.

I love animals more then people, but hey, people are animals too.

Thank you for all your great work with our furry friends.

Reading this fortune cookie will bring a smile to your face



I'll take a look, check with the folks in charge and see what they have now and if they are owned or... Check back early next week for possible photos!

Thanks for your kind words!



I dusted off your website for you.

If you find some stray kittens in Cha-am looking for a loving home, it'll be a charm if you let me know, it'll give me an excuse to drive there and met you.

I love animals more then people, but hey, people are animals too.

Thank you for all your great work with our furry friends.

Reading this fortune cookie will bring a smile to your face


Hey! there is a kitten that's been abandoned or deserted, it's currently living in a box next to the spirit house outside O'Neils on Poonsuk road. Tiny little thing and won't last many more days. There were 3 but 2 have gone - either dead or taken by someone. I wish I could take it but I don't have the time or space (apartment - pets not allowed) and several trips away in the next few days. Can u take it? or I can take it and give to you.....I think it's only got a few days left maximum!


.. I can take it and give to you.....I think it's only got a few days left maximum!

That''s very kind of you roly. I stay way out of town, so could you please check if it's still there? If it is, rescue it and let me know and I'll come down to collect it pronto. I'll PM you my contact number. Many thanks.

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