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Any Small Scale Coconut Pressing Happening?

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check it out, J

this page http://www.healthfoodthailand.com/index.php?cPath=2&osCsid=224a41cbcb98404586534ffbc0945b49

hi level products

you serious about pressing it?

i reckon theres big money to be made doing that

Hi there, had a look at the site, bit of a difference in selling coconut oil at a 1000 Baht a liter and selling the end produce at a 1000 Baht a bottle. Think if you look around you will see that raw coconut oil is used as bio Diesel, ego maybe 30 or 40 Baht a liter. If you have some plan and know how to market the stuff etc PM me and we can talk. I have a small rubber factory and plenty of coconut trees in the area. In saying that just don't see it as a money maker, maybe a specialized cottage industry, if you have the contacts to sell the product. Jim
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check it out, J

this page http://www.healthfoodthailand.com/index.php?cPath=2&osCsid=224a41cbcb98404586534ffbc0945b49

hi level products

you serious about pressing it?

i reckon theres big money to be made doing that

Hi there, had a look at the site, bit of a difference in selling coconut oil at a 1000 Baht a liter and selling the end produce at a 1000 Baht a bottle. Think if you look around you will see that raw coconut oil is used as bio Diesel, ego maybe 30 or 40 Baht a liter. If you have some plan and know how to market the stuff etc PM me and we can talk. I have a small rubber factory and plenty of coconut trees in the area. In saying that just don't see it as a money maker, maybe a specialized cottage industry, if you have the contacts to sell the product. Jim

<deleted> jc , another dream out the window :rolleyes:

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check it out, J

this page http://www.healthfoo...6534ffbc0945b49

hi level products

you serious about pressing it?

i reckon theres big money to be made doing that

Hi there, had a look at the site, bit of a difference in selling coconut oil at a 1000 Baht a liter and selling the end produce at a 1000 Baht a bottle. Think if you look around you will see that raw coconut oil is used as bio Diesel, ego maybe 30 or 40 Baht a liter. If you have some plan and know how to market the stuff etc PM me and we can talk. I have a small rubber factory and plenty of coconut trees in the area. In saying that just don't see it as a money maker, maybe a specialized cottage industry, if you have the contacts to sell the product. Jim

didnt mean to give the impression i might be into business, J

im travelling all over-staying in temples mostly

came across this

or maybe the guy wants to buy by the ton?

thanks fo the fuel oil idea

might try asking truck drivers where they get it

one would be taking a risk though-they wouldnt be too careful

about cleanliness. god knows what might be mixed in it

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check it out, J

this page http://www.healthfoodthailand.com/index.php?cPath=2&osCsid=224a41cbcb98404586534ffbc0945b49

hi level products

you serious about pressing it?

i reckon theres big money to be made doing that

Hi there, had a look at the site, bit of a difference in selling coconut oil at a 1000 Baht a liter and selling the end produce at a 1000 Baht a bottle. Think if you look around you will see that raw coconut oil is used as bio Diesel, ego maybe 30 or 40 Baht a liter. If you have some plan and know how to market the stuff etc PM me and we can talk. I have a small rubber factory and plenty of coconut trees in the area. In saying that just don't see it as a money maker, maybe a specialized cottage industry, if you have the contacts to sell the product. Jim

<deleted> jc , another dream out the window :rolleyes:

May be one day some one will have and idea that works, but so far nothing, Probably had over 100 mail of dreamers. You live in hope Jim
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check it out, J

this page http://www.healthfoo...6534ffbc0945b49

hi level products

you serious about pressing it?

i reckon theres big money to be made doing that

Hi there, had a look at the site, bit of a difference in selling coconut oil at a 1000 Baht a liter and selling the end produce at a 1000 Baht a bottle. Think if you look around you will see that raw coconut oil is used as bio Diesel, ego maybe 30 or 40 Baht a liter. If you have some plan and know how to market the stuff etc PM me and we can talk. I have a small rubber factory and plenty of coconut trees in the area. In saying that just don't see it as a money maker, maybe a specialized cottage industry, if you have the contacts to sell the product. Jim

make your own


another way is to boil the c milk and skim off the oil

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FUL, a few years ago I was in comtact with a Korean company wanting to buy rubber nuts. All very secret, they would not tell me a price or what it was to be used for. After many months of emails they finally said bio fuel. Price $50 a MT delivered to them. We sell rubber nuts for root stock at near on $200 a MT. Bio fuel is a dream at today's oil prices, maybe in the future oil will raise again and it may be an option. JIm

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FUL, a few years ago I was in comtact with a Korean company wanting to buy rubber nuts. All very secret, they would not tell me a price or what it was to be used for. After many months of emails they finally said bio fuel. Price $50 a MT delivered to them. We sell rubber nuts for root stock at near on $200 a MT. Bio fuel is a dream at today's oil prices, maybe in the future oil will raise again and it may be an option. JIm

hi james

bio fuel from cnuts is a major operation

got to have square miles of trees

but this cooking oil thing.......

i plan to go back to a monastery near lopburi within 2 weeks

there, they have cooking facilities and i can try both ways of making the oil

i reckon the just leave it to ferment and rise to the top method

might be the easiest and cheapest way.

im really looking forward to it. like hell am i paying 1000b a litre

notice in the video they got 200ml from just 4 cnuts

200ml in a bottle youd pay 200-250b in the supermarkets

you got a few acres of <deleted> trees and youre sitting on a goldmine

the formula:

just 2 thai villagers @ 250b a day

1 simple mechanical splitter-get the husks off quick

1 industrial-type shredder

hydraulic press

few big ssteel bowls and lids

centrifugal spinner

1 very fine mesh filter

1 super fine filter

fancy looking JARS i say jars not bottles. very hard to

get out of bottles when solidified

fancy looking labels

sell it (initially) at great discount to stores in Singapore

let the 2 guys do everything

spend all of your time trying to decide whether to get

a Bugatti or maserati or maybe Lamborghini


Edited by fullyunenlightened
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FUL, a few years ago I was in comtact with a Korean company wanting to buy rubber nuts. All very secret, they would not tell me a price or what it was to be used for. After many months of emails they finally said bio fuel. Price $50 a MT delivered to them. We sell rubber nuts for root stock at near on $200 a MT. Bio fuel is a dream at today's oil prices, maybe in the future oil will raise again and it may be an option. JIm

hi james

bio fuel from cnuts is a major operation

got to have square miles of trees

but this cooking oil thing.......

i plan to go back to a monastery near lopburi within 2 weeks

there, they have cooking facilities and i can try both ways of making the oil

i reckon the just leave it to ferment and rise to the top method

might be the easiest and cheapest way.

im really looking forward to it. like hell am i paying 1000b a litre

notice in the video they got 200ml from just 4 cnuts

200ml in a bottle youd pay 200-250b in the supermarkets

you got a few acres of <deleted> trees and youre sitting on a goldmine

the formula:

just 2 thai villagers @ 250b a day

1 simple mechanical splitter-get the husks off quick

1 industrial-type shredder

hydraulic press

few big ssteel bowls and lids

centrifugal spinner

1 very fine mesh filter

1 super fine filter

fancy looking JARS i say jars not bottles. very hard to

get out of bottles when solidified

fancy looking labels

sell it (initially) at great discount to stores in Singapore

let the 2 guys do everything

spend all of your time trying to decide whether to get

a Bugatti or maserati or maybe Lamborghini


Joe if you walk in the foot prints of Buddha you will have no need for Bugatti's, Maserati's or Lamborghini's. JIm
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FUL, a few years ago I was in comtact with a Korean company wanting to buy rubber nuts. All very secret, they would not tell me a price or what it was to be used for. After many months of emails they finally said bio fuel. Price $50 a MT delivered to them. We sell rubber nuts for root stock at near on $200 a MT. Bio fuel is a dream at today's oil prices, maybe in the future oil will raise again and it may be an option. JIm

hi james

bio fuel from cnuts is a major operation

got to have square miles of trees

but this cooking oil thing.......

i plan to go back to a monastery near lopburi within 2 weeks

there, they have cooking facilities and i can try both ways of making the oil

i reckon the just leave it to ferment and rise to the top method

might be the easiest and cheapest way.

im really looking forward to it. like hell am i paying 1000b a litre

notice in the video they got 200ml from just 4 cnuts

200ml in a bottle youd pay 200-250b in the supermarkets

you got a few acres of <deleted> trees and youre sitting on a goldmine

the formula:

just 2 thai villagers @ 250b a day

1 simple mechanical splitter-get the husks off quick

1 industrial-type shredder

hydraulic press

few big ssteel bowls and lids

centrifugal spinner

1 very fine mesh filter

1 super fine filter

fancy looking JARS i say jars not bottles. very hard to

get out of bottles when solidified

fancy looking labels

sell it (initially) at great discount to stores in Singapore

let the 2 guys do everything

spend all of your time trying to decide whether to get

a Bugatti or maserati or maybe Lamborghini


Don't forget about international export and shipping costs (very expensive), labels, sanitation and microbiological controls (very expensive), storage/warehousing, sales and marketing, etc. .... and many large competitors that are already up and running and selling product at a much larger economy-of-scale price that a small company can't compete with. Doing a successful business on paper is easy, but in real life it's very difficult.

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good on yer to point it out, ed

i used s'pore as an example

i used it the same as if i mentioned korea, japan or taiwan

theres where the big money is

thailand? i feel theres too few to appreciate c oil in its optimal form

well, who is there? the farangs. and only farangs. thais are not interested

in things organic. wholefoods? i dont think wholefoods is in their dictionary

i feel theres still a possibility to sell it here- but at great discount 'till you

get a reputation. then of course you up the price

jc......you say they charge up tp 9b a <deleted>. is it because youre farang?

would they charge the same to their thai brothers?

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no, jim

this is what i do. i DO it............

been in thailand on and off 4 years

i know their tricks. theyre not clean, not fair

i go to the market every day. i say how much is this

how much is that? 50 baht a kilo!?? are you joking?

that stall over there is only 35. at first theyre defensive

they stick to their guns. dont budge

i go round and round checking on prices. theres always one stallholder

thats new and uncorrupted and offers to sell at the going rate. from

that one i buy. i also know now the going rate

sometmes i go to the shameless rip off stalls and mention

the true rate. i look at them. and i think (not say) "youre a bit

of a cheat, a theif" its a soft thing. but it hits their heart

i do that a few times over a few days. i get to be known that

im not a first-time gullible tourist. i speak their language

and become a 'local'. they know they cant cheat me and they

give up. i know the feeling that accompany s cheating. i let

them know it in subtle ways. it like a mirror

here, in lopburi everyone knows me-at the market-and its

no problem

and its not just the market---its most every body. one has to

haggle. if they still stick to cheating-i go somewhere else

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Except for all the oil ideas, the topic does raise an interesting point. If the local coconut collector is paying 7 to 9 Baht a nut, how many nuts per tree a year, how many trees per rai. Not a lot of work picking up fallen coconuts. Anyway planted 6 today. If I keep it upm maybe I can corner the market. Jim

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After having looked at coconut farming I have decided to give it a bit of a go. It definitely is no money maker, but there are some added benefits for me. Figure I can plant about 300 around the perimeter of the rubber factory, no loss of usable land, just a coconut fence line. Now when the trees are grown and we take the lower out put number of 50 nuts per tree, will get around 15,000 nuts a year. Buy a mechanical coconut splitter and sell the nuts to the wholesaler at 10 plus baht each. Should make about 100,000 a year, a bit of extra beer money. The real kicker for me is the husks, we use wood for smoking the rubber, but you can use coconut husks. No need to go hunting for old trees, cutting them up and transporting the wood back. It's time consuming and even though we don't pay for the wood it still costs in the form of fuel chainsaws etc. Plus as time goes on wood will become harder to find.

Doesn't seem you need to do much for the trees, just stick them in the ground and wait. Jim

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good for you jim

i couldnt resist it-i went and bought half a kg of fresh

coconut flakes for 30b

added water, squeezed it some, then put the stuff

in cloth bag to get milk out

its sitting there now fermenting. can hardly wait to get

my hands on the oil

im reading a book now---saturated fat may save your life

by bruce fife

its a real eye opener. its an in depth study of conventional oils

and coconut oil

if you want i can email the pdf to you or any one thats interested

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