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My neighbor is a doctor,and have asked me to come to the thai hospital at 18.00 today to give some blood-they need it to a litle girl, who have lost half of her leg,he said.

I asked him about it wood be necessary to ask you guys-and he said that they will be very happy about it, if you wood come and give some blood.

So if you have the time and so-go there and help,please.


Sorry am not in Chiang Rai, but am also afraid to say that I, and some others on here cannot give blood. One of the questions the nurse will ask you, is "Where you in England or Europe from the period ------ to --------? This was the time of Mad Cows disease, so those who answer yes, will not be able to give blood.

Hope the little one gets the help she needs.


What blood group and which hospital BriAn?


He diddent mentions the blood group-just that they need it, and wood be happy if we could help.

It is the public hospital-oh,whats the name-have to ask Suphaphon,-Chiangrai Ratchanukroa (Prachurukhro, "Ro-ban Thai"), the public one, on Sathanpayaban Rd, 711300



I went to give some blood yesterday,and first of all-the parents to the girl was there,and show how greatfull they are-they go whit me to the office where they take blood and after they invite us to come up and say helle to the girl-which I said, no thank you to-not so good about hospitals,when it is others it is about.

The girl is 17 and I found out,that our neigbor is a friend to the family.

They will operate to day, and take half of her leg-so sad.

I will say thank you, to those who was there and give blood-they told me,that a frencman and a UK citizens have been there.

Great-and great that we have thaivisa,so we quickly can send a message around, in such situations.

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