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Briton Detained After Thai Girlfriend Jumps Off 7th Floor Of Pattaya Hotel


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balconies form part of the property just as my front garden is part of my property. So to stare into it is to stare into their property. It may be in public view but it is not public. Do you not see peoples right to some privacy. And yes I avoid looking at other peoples balconies, I look at whoever is with me or the book I'm reading....I'm not nosy and want to see what everybody else is doing.....I have respect for other peoples privacy as I hope they would respect mine.....

So you never look at other buildings? Ever? I don't believe you.

Well I can't say never but I can say very infrequently and not certainly not with any intention of doing so. I have no interest in other peoples lives/business. It is bad enough that we live in such close proximity to each other due to overcrowding and overpopulation but we do not have to go around sticking our noses into what other people are doing....

So by your definition, if I am sat on my balcony and I accidentally glance at another building's facade I am sticking my nose into what other people are doing? Because thats all ONE person in this overcrowded and over populated place (your definition) would have had to have done to see this girl jump off.

I don't believe I've ever used the word glance....I have used the word stare. It is all to do with time and concentration. To see someone jumping or being pushed off a balcony and then be a reliable witness takes far more than a glance. A glance is something very short-lived. Not long enough in my opinion to count as a reliable enough witness to the exact second of the girls departure from the 7th floor. To see whether she jumped or was pushed would take far longer, a stare into the private lives of other people. Something that I would not do. A glance is not sticking your nose into somebody else business and I've never said it was. So how many people go around staring at other peoples balconies. Very few I think. You may of course be the exception..

Edited by KKK
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Exactly how is the reporter certain that she "jumped"????

Has anyone else noticed this?

In order to put in print that she jumped (not "was thrown, or fell, or slipped, etc.) one must conclude that the author of such a statement has reliable evidence and is concealing it from the police.

Or, is this yet another demonstration of what a foreigner is subjected to when a rather large percentage of Thais open their mouths to utter?

I find this "jumped" statement curious.

The police should be detaining the reporter instead of the boyfriend, so that they can substantiate his claims that she jumped, and then we can all go home after the "suicide attempt" report is filled out and signed.

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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So you never look at other buildings? Ever? I don't believe you.

Well I can't say never but I can say very infrequently and not certainly not with any intention of doing so. I have no interest in other peoples lives/business. It is bad enough that we live in such close proximity to each other due to overcrowding and overpopulation but we do not have to go around sticking our noses into what other people are doing....

So by your definition, if I am sat on my balcony and I accidentally glance at another building's facade I am sticking my nose into what other people are doing? Because thats all ONE person in this overcrowded and over populated place (your definition) would have had to have done to see this girl jump off.

I don't believe I've ever used the word glance....I have used the word stare. It is all to do with time and concentration. To see someone jumping or being pushed off a balcony and then be a reliable witness takes far more than a glance. A glance is something very short-lived. Not long enough in my opinion to count as a reliable enough witness to the exact second of the girls departure from the 7th floor. To see whether she jumped or was pushed would take far longer, a stare into the private lives of other people. Something that I would not do. A glance is not sticking your nose into somebody else business and I've never said it was. So how many people go around staring at other peoples balconies. Very few I think. You may of course be the exception..

So what you are in fact saying is that in order to see what happened a witness must have looked in the direction of the balcony but it must have been more than a glance but less than a stare? You do realise how ridiculous that sounds don't you?

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Sorry but as has been said many times on this forum sarcasm is mostly a waste of time as many, like me, do not understand it...you may think it clever but many do not....especially as your post comes way after it has already been shown to be NOT illegal....so your timing was way off...

I said the punishment for suicide is death and you thought I was serious? LOL!

I read what was written unlike some who read what is not written and then misquote it....

Of course you read what was written, you can read. Where your limited mental capacity lets you down is being unable to identify the context of reading what was written. It's ok, you didnt understand and made a mistake in your reply. You've previously admitted to making mistakes so it comes as no surprise you've made yet another.

Careful you are being rude again......it is not only what is written but how it is written. You say you post was sarcasm....that may well be but lots do not understand it. It has got nothing to do with mental capacity it has more to do with upbringing.....sarcasm is a form of humor...humor around the world is not the same...I would have though you would know that but then again perhaps not....and as with all humor timing tends to be the key..yours was way off as it had already been established that suicide is not illegal.

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Well I can't say never but I can say very infrequently and not certainly not with any intention of doing so. I have no interest in other peoples lives/business. It is bad enough that we live in such close proximity to each other due to overcrowding and overpopulation but we do not have to go around sticking our noses into what other people are doing....

So by your definition, if I am sat on my balcony and I accidentally glance at another building's facade I am sticking my nose into what other people are doing? Because thats all ONE person in this overcrowded and over populated place (your definition) would have had to have done to see this girl jump off.

I don't believe I've ever used the word glance....I have used the word stare. It is all to do with time and concentration. To see someone jumping or being pushed off a balcony and then be a reliable witness takes far more than a glance. A glance is something very short-lived. Not long enough in my opinion to count as a reliable enough witness to the exact second of the girls departure from the 7th floor. To see whether she jumped or was pushed would take far longer, a stare into the private lives of other people. Something that I would not do. A glance is not sticking your nose into somebody else business and I've never said it was. So how many people go around staring at other peoples balconies. Very few I think. You may of course be the exception..

So what you are in fact saying is that in order to see what happened a witness must have looked in the direction of the balcony but it must have been more than a glance but less than a stare? You do realise how ridiculous that sounds don't you?

No what I have said is for there to be a reliable witness of the exact second of her departure from the balcony would have taken more than a glance. A stare if you like. I have never used less than a stare...you are misquoting again. I don't believe that people go around staring into the lives of other people that much. But you may be the exception.. When it comes to being ridiculous I'll leave that to those who misquote what others have written....I know what I wrote and it most certainly wasn't "less than a stare".

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I said the punishment for suicide is death and you thought I was serious? LOL!

I read what was written unlike some who read what is not written and then misquote it....

Of course you read what was written, you can read. Where your limited mental capacity lets you down is being unable to identify the context of reading what was written. It's ok, you didnt understand and made a mistake in your reply. You've previously admitted to making mistakes so it comes as no surprise you've made yet another.

Careful you are being rude again......it is not only what is written but how it is written. You say you post was sarcasm....that may well be but lots do not understand it. It has got nothing to do with mental capacity it has more to do with upbringing.....sarcasm is a form of humor...humor around the world is not the same...I would have though you would know that but then again perhaps not....and as with all humor timing tends to be the key..yours was way off as it had already been established that suicide is not illegal.

If it had already been established that suicide is not illegal then common sense alone would have told you I joking. So either you lack common sense (mental capacity) and I am not being rude for suggesting it, just merely pointing out that you completely misinterpreted a comment that was clearly not intended to be serious, or you knew i was joking and are proactively attempting to antagonise me. So what was the cause for you failing to realise I was joking? A lack of common sense, or a deliberate attempt to antagonise me?

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So by your definition, if I am sat on my balcony and I accidentally glance at another building's facade I am sticking my nose into what other people are doing? Because thats all ONE person in this overcrowded and over populated place (your definition) would have had to have done to see this girl jump off.

I don't believe I've ever used the word glance....I have used the word stare. It is all to do with time and concentration. To see someone jumping or being pushed off a balcony and then be a reliable witness takes far more than a glance. A glance is something very short-lived. Not long enough in my opinion to count as a reliable enough witness to the exact second of the girls departure from the 7th floor. To see whether she jumped or was pushed would take far longer, a stare into the private lives of other people. Something that I would not do. A glance is not sticking your nose into somebody else business and I've never said it was. So how many people go around staring at other peoples balconies. Very few I think. You may of course be the exception..

So what you are in fact saying is that in order to see what happened a witness must have looked in the direction of the balcony but it must have been more than a glance but less than a stare? You do realise how ridiculous that sounds don't you?

No what I have said is for there to be a reliable witness of the exact second of her departure from the balcony would have taken more than a glance. A stare if you like.

So according to you the only two options for looking in a particular direction is either a fleeting glance or a full on stare? How bizarre. Even for a 'rock'.

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I read what was written unlike some who read what is not written and then misquote it....

Of course you read what was written, you can read. Where your limited mental capacity lets you down is being unable to identify the context of reading what was written. It's ok, you didnt understand and made a mistake in your reply. You've previously admitted to making mistakes so it comes as no surprise you've made yet another.

Careful you are being rude again......it is not only what is written but how it is written. You say you post was sarcasm....that may well be but lots do not understand it. It has got nothing to do with mental capacity it has more to do with upbringing.....sarcasm is a form of humor...humor around the world is not the same...I would have though you would know that but then again perhaps not....and as with all humor timing tends to be the key..yours was way off as it had already been established that suicide is not illegal.

If it had already been established that suicide is not illegal then common sense alone would have told you I joking. So either you lack common sense (mental capacity) and I am not being rude for suggesting it, just merely pointing out that you completely misinterpreted a comment that was clearly not intended to be serious, or you knew i was joking and are proactively attempting to antagonise me. So what was the cause for you failing to realise I was joking? A lack of common sense, or a deliberate attempt to antagonise me?

None of the above....as I've said and many others have said sarcasm is best left to those who understand it and therefore best left off here. If you insist on using it be prepared for some, like me, to take you literally . As it had already been established that suicide was not illegal how much common sense would it take to realise that a comment as you made, sarcastic or not, was inappropriate and had bad timing...What you have to realise is that not everyone everywhere is going to get your jokes. To think that they should shows lack of common sense....

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I don't believe I've ever used the word glance....I have used the word stare. It is all to do with time and concentration. To see someone jumping or being pushed off a balcony and then be a reliable witness takes far more than a glance. A glance is something very short-lived. Not long enough in my opinion to count as a reliable enough witness to the exact second of the girls departure from the 7th floor. To see whether she jumped or was pushed would take far longer, a stare into the private lives of other people. Something that I would not do. A glance is not sticking your nose into somebody else business and I've never said it was. So how many people go around staring at other peoples balconies. Very few I think. You may of course be the exception..

So what you are in fact saying is that in order to see what happened a witness must have looked in the direction of the balcony but it must have been more than a glance but less than a stare? You do realise how ridiculous that sounds don't you?

No what I have said is for there to be a reliable witness of the exact second of her departure from the balcony would have taken more than a glance. A stare if you like.

So according to you the only two options for looking in a particular direction is either a fleeting glance or a full on stare? How bizarre. Even for a 'rock'.

No I have not said that. I have not used fleeting or full on. These are your words. STOP MISQUOTING. You really must STOP putting words in other peoples mouths...a dreadful habit....

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How many of you go about your daily business staring at 7th floor balconies to witness whether a person jumped, was pushed or fell from it to the ground. And at 7 stories could you be absolutely sure and identify later who was on that balcony.

The story says that witnesses were in another hotel room in a block opposite, so they may have been at a similar level, and probably not looking up from the ground. The boy friend says they were having an argument, so if you were in your hotel room and heard shouting its quite possible you would look out and then if you saw someone on the balcony you might well watch for a while - I definitely would if they started acting strangely or climbing over the railing.

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Surely in a place with many buildings, there are many buildings with many people facing them.

Not a witness in site? Or not worth getting tangled up in it for a bystander?

Pattaya Daily news article says:

The witnesses on the opposite side of the hotel saw the moment Ms. Ratchanu jumped off, hit a branch of a coconut tree before hitting ground. This probably saved her life.

But I have my doubts as to the truthfulness of this.....

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How many of you go about your daily business staring at 7th floor balconies to witness whether a person jumped, was pushed or fell from it to the ground. And at 7 stories could you be absolutely sure and identify later who was on that balcony.

The story says that witnesses were in another hotel room in a block opposite, so they may have been at a similar level, and probably not looking up from the ground. The boy friend says they were having an argument, so if you were in your hotel room and heard shouting its quite possible you would look out and then if you saw someone on the balcony you might well watch for a while - I definitely would if they started acting strangely or climbing over the railing.

Don't think it said:

another hotel room in a block opposite

it says

opposite side of the hotel

could just be ground floor .. from memory I think the buildings opposite are only 3 storey and that it is a reasonably wide street. i.e. the hotel is set back... I'd need to go check.. also consider the normal level of noise in the area.....booming music, chattering, horns honking, motors running...sometimes it is difficult to hear the person sitting right next to you let alone someone some meters away even if they did shout. And there is always a lot of shouting going on there anyway......hey you....mister...buy this buy that.....all of which I would ignore....noise level would depend on time of day which I couldn't see in the article....

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I always stay in Soi Leng Kee at J&P Court or Le Katai but I don't know this place. I recognise the building in the background of the photo as it was being built last time I was there(09).Are there any photos around of this Hotel?.

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M.R. Somchai revealed that from 2002-2003 the suicide rate in Thailand was at 7.7 persons to 100,000 population. This year's suicide rate has dropped to 6.9, while it is estimated that in 2007 the suicide rate will be 5000 persons annually, or about 13 persons per day; 1 person an hour. :ermm:

Thailand has 13 hour days? :whistling:

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A very lucky young lady indeed. A 7th floor jump by a farang is suicidal. I hope she makes it.

I also hope the truth comes out and this British guy is not stitched up by the police or her family.

Ratcatcher take ya beer goggles of me boy,she was Thai??

No beer goggles on me mate. I knew full well she was Thai as stated in the report. I merely stated that a 7th floor jump by a farang would be likely suicidal (ie fatal) as opposed to her surviving thanks to hitting branches of a nearby tree.

Not too many farang women are jumpers on Pattaya diving boards.:rolleyes:

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I have the hangover from hell today and after reading this thread and the ridiculous childish i know more then you, you quoted this, no i didn't, yes you did, single word analysis, i feel like jumping myself now.

Oh no you don't!

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OK just got back from having a look see. Vogue hotel is not where the article said it was; Soi Leng Kee; but an adjacent soi running parallel. The buildings opposite the hotel are 4 storey shop houses with bar, laundry etc on the ground floor and living accommodation / hotel / guest house above. It was lunch time and I saw nobody except a very bored looking security guard. It was very quiet unlike Leng kee with no traffic. But it is still quite a way from the 7th floor balcony to any other observation point, 30 to 50 metres as the hotel is set back with a large forecourt.

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An ex-footballer and football manager tops himself under tragic circumstances. Posts on TV on the subject are restrained and very respectful - as they should be.

A young Thai woman, mother / daughter, is found dead after am 'alleged' suicide. TV posters seem to find the incident humorous and a reason for sarcastic disrespectful posts.

Interesting :blink:

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OK just got back from having a look see. Vogue hotel is not where the article said it was; Soi Leng Kee; but an adjacent soi running parallel. The buildings opposite the hotel are 4 storey shop houses with bar, laundry etc on the ground floor and living accommodation / hotel / guest house above. It was lunch time and I saw nobody except a very bored looking security guard. It was very quiet unlike Leng kee with no traffic. But it is still quite a way from the 7th floor balcony to any other observation point, 30 to 50 metres as the hotel is set back with a large forecourt.

Then we have to assume that the eye witness can see beyond 30 metres.

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I have the hangover from hell today and after reading this thread and the ridiculous childish i know more then you, you quoted this, no i didn't, yes you did, single word analysis, i feel like jumping myself now.

Oh no you don't!

Monty Python argument clinic

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Ok.. Ive been in Thailand for over 10 years and been in and out of relationships, all but 1 have threatened to kill themselves and 2 actual attempts. Sorry but most of these girls are damaged goods before they even get here, even the sane ones turn out to be mad. Life is just not held in such high regard as with westerners....If hes innocent then i feel for this guy, this will also scar him for life..

Yes its true a lot are damaged, with farangatangs doing most of the damage.

Yes, this is an often overlooked fact, as if the girls would do the damage to themselves out of the blue.

Their lives are full of disappointments

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