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Q: How To Learn To Drive A Scooter?


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How does someone with zero scooter driving experience learn to drive one in Thailand?

I think it's a good skill to have, and one which could free you from expensive and horrible taxi hassles when travelling about sometimes.

I had a go on a friends' (gears) and almost had an accident immediately!

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lol. I spent a whole day teaching myself to ride a motorbike. And as Neeranam said "There is nothing to it". But on the way home that evening I ran over a chicken. I felt guilty and didn't ride again. To be honest I'm pleased that I stopped when I did. I don't know many people that ride motorbikes that havn't had an accident. Even if you are a good driver. Other morons on the road are probably not (and often drunk).

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Go out into the boonies and ask the advice of some of the 8, 9 and 10 year olds you'll see riding m/c's, if they can do it then so can you. Alternatively, try and find a farang who's also an experienced motorcyclist and ask him to teach you. I don't know if there are any establishments here that offer m/c tuition, even if there are I doubt they are much good. Not only do you have to learn to physically ride a scooter but you have to learn the art of riding it on the road, that's a whole different ballgame, again, the farang can help you there too. You will find that you become the invisible man to other motorists, they'll drive over you and wonder what that strange crunching and screaming noise was, while they happily carry on to wherever they are going. You won't only need eyes in the back of your head, you'll need constant full 360 degree vision and very sharp brakes. Learning to ride a m/c is the easy part, more so if it's the scooter type, staying alive out there is the hard bit. Good luck :o

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Dear All,

I've been a professional motorcycle racer! Its true, no matter how good you are they will take you down. I had many close calls, hopefully experience does help out. But not all the times!! I use to ride Ducati 748R a Fireblade RR in Bangkok Rd, I quit. Its suicide! So, I bought a small Kawasaki KSR110..4 gears no clutch for 55,000 baht. Its small and fun.....still not safe in Bkk Rd.

Those who want to learn to ride, go to these Moo Ban (villages) and try there..its safer!!!


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