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Is Your Wife/Partner An X Bar Girl? My Hand Is Up.


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Yes she has a temper and you have to run from her.. Cant wait to hear the story when the money stops or when she meets a richer person or when she starts hitting the children because they cost too much of her beer money allowance. Even if she's faithfull, she is a bargirl. Her character and non-existent virtues will be transferred to your children. I would never have children or date a bargirl even if she was hotter than jessica alba, had a PH.D and could take care of me financially. It's not about pride or the job, its about the character of the person. a working girl is a working girl.

They deserve the same things we do but personally i don't want to have my energy sucked out by someone who thinks spreading her legs for money and getting drunk every night is a way to appreciate the beauty of this world and the good charm of life we were given.

Sincerly hope we dont see you on stickman or bangkokpost for having had your penis cut up by magic and eaten by buffalo while you were flying off a balcony in pattaya

Complete and utter bul******t, my wife does not drink or smoke and never has done so, "spreading her legs for money" such a way with words havent you? says a lot for your " character " DOESNT IT? also she has never hit or slapped my baby girl and god forbid the day she ever does. Just goes to show how many small minded pea brained people on tv who generalise thai bar girls. Did it ever cross your small mind that my wifes family were very very poor, she didnt have an option wether to have chicken or beef for her dinner let alone a pair of shoes on her feet, talking of shoes, put the shoes on your feet, what would you do?

where did you meet your tee rak btw, or is that none of my business lol lol. I cant help laughing at it because i sit drinking in soi nana or walking street and i watch all these "suits" obviously business types sitting chatting and drinking with bar girls, but off course theyre only passing the time of day right?

My wife's parent lost everything when she was in her teens and they were really dirt poor. When i met her she was making enough to live comfortably working for large companies and then owning her own small shop.

It's called working part time and going to school for a better life. All thais have a choice, the 'i had to sleep with men for money' is complete bullshit. The real thing to say is 'I was not resourceful and did not have the mental capability to make it without boning old men for money'

Obviously men who come here and marry a prostitute are people who could not find a decent woman in the west because of their personality and looks so i wont expect you to understand all of this. Why cant you just be happy that you can get someone in this country without raving about how prostitutes are great? keep it for yourself.

Perhaps they could not find a "decent woman" in the west because they are usually PC and demanding. I left my western partner because I was sick of being exploited. I had lots of female friends because I worked mainly with women, but I'd never have considered marrying one again.

I know - its terrible when a woman works full time and then insists the man does some of the housework/cooking etc..... Obviously just PC bullshit.

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My question is: do you actually know JUST ONE bar girl, where the parents actually KNOW what their daughter is doing?

I don't!

The families just request them to send money, so these girls tell them they work in a restaurant or the likes.

I guess, if they knew...the number of those, sending their daughters to BKK or Pats to make money, would shrink by the minute.

I'm absolutely certain that not only do their parents know what they are doing, but everyone else in the village knows as well.

Most people in a Thai village assume every girl that goes to work in Bangkok is selling sex.

They just don't speak about it to outsiders.

One of those odd things. My ex posted on his face-book site how (when he visited 'the family;) he would never do it again.. :lol:

It was only a couple of months after we separated, but he obviously wasn't taken as a 'cash cow' at all...

I can understand that.

My gfs village is my idea of hell, her house is a corrugated iron shed on stilts, no windows or doors, completely open at the back.

The toilet is a smaller shed in the jungle with a hole in the floor, no shower, no running water. Nowhere to go and nothing to do.

Oh, and everyone in the village (including her aunt) calls her 'that whore from Bangkok' (rightly or wrongly), behind her back, but in front of me because they think foreigners can't speak Thai.

PS, nobody got any money out of me, not when they are calling the gf names. How daft would I have been then?

Except his reason for never going back was the whole village expected him to pay for everything...

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There seems to be a awful lot of double standard and social (if not racial) prejudice around here.

Honestly, what's so bad about a person (girl) who accepts money for sex? And how is that different from a non-professional, whom you invite for a drink and dinner and then hop in the sac with her? She didn't get any cash, but a dinner (worth 5,000).

Or shall I stretch it a bit? You "pay" a girl 20k (or whatever) per month and you got a paper saying she said "Yes" and has your name now. In addition to provide for the carnal pleasures, she also has to cook for you and wash your cloth. And guess what she gets when you call it quits? Half of what you have! How is that for taking to moral high grounds?

A person is good or she is bad. Period. Just because she takes money for a shag does not necessarily make her a bad person.

I would guess that if a marriage between a Bg and a farang fails, more likely than not it's not because she was a BG, but because the two were not compatible. He may have thought he was morally superior to her, hence condescending and judge-mental and could not adapt to her culture and social background. And if I say "social background", I don't mean the bar scene, I mean her upbringing in Isan (or wherever), her education and ethnic environment, which all clash with his and both were not capable of adjusting to that. It was just easier for him to meet her that way. But in which ever environment he would have met her and married her, it would have been a failure.

So IMO whether or not she was a BG before marriage has little to do with success or failure of the marriage.

So true. Well put.

Is there any difference between a western woman that marries for money- we all know the famous gold diggers, or "goes out with" a rockstar ( would any of those women have gone out with Mick Jagger if he was a plumber ) and a BG that would rather not work in the rice field for less than 300 baht a day? Doesn't mean that they are evil, just taking the easy path.

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Scorpio below is your funeral topic

then next morning the extended family are all heading home to various parts of the country brother going to song ka, sister going to samui etc so they needed money ( yeah from my wife and me ) for bus fares and food etc, i couldnt begrudge my wife from giving them this money after all what she had been through and didnt want to give her any more grief but if i had my way i would of told them to p*** off !! f

To answer your question no never been with a bargirl it just don't do it foe me spent plenty off time in the bars with Mates though don't have a problem with bargirls been quite good friends with a few of them I do have a thai wife been together 3 years now met her at the resort that she runs obviously she still runs the resort and is saving money to by land.

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All women are prostitutes, it's only the price the varies.

Prostitution has many degrees, sex before marriage can be a prostitution of morals.

Let me think what I would prefer. A girl in farangland of about 40 years of age, maybe had say 10 different men. A couple of long term relationships so they banged nearly every night which I would suggest is probably the same, if not more, than the amount of shags a bar girl has.

She'd be looking a bit frayed around the edges, not a real pleasure to wake up with in the morning. Will expect to be wined and dined on a regular basis. Will expect expensive gifts and regular shopping expeditions. We will have an extremely expensive marriage. She will take leave from work to have kids then whine and moan because money is tight and the lifestyle has to suffer. We will divorce and she will have custody of any children, most of the assets. I will be living in a rundown studio appartment with the ass out of my pants for about 16 years because I have to pay an enormous amount of child support which is determined on a percentage of my gross wage (not after expenses and tax etc).

She will find a new man, go back to work, so have two incomes plus my payments to live a quite nice life. I will meet a new woman who won't be too pleased that a lot of my money goes to my ex so will not be too keen to get into a relationship (yes money can be the deal breaker).


I can go to Thailand, find a young nubile nymph that makes me happy, asks for very little, I can wake with a smile on my face every morning. I can feel young again. She is low maintenance, doesn't drink, smoke or go out to clubs and is easily pleased (must be to be with me). If she tires of me and leaves I can just go find another.

No prizes for guessing which I would chose. And for those that think I am jaded, no I've never been married and I have no kids. I've just seen my friends go through hell in farangland and wouldn't wish it on anyone. Give me a Thai girl any day. Bar girls are fine, that is only their job, it's the person inside that counts.

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I know - its terrible when a woman works full time and then insists the man does some of the housework/cooking etc..... Obviously just PC bullshit.

Mine was a housewife, I earned all the money, I did half the housework after I came home from work, I did all the DIY and car repairs.

She dumped me for an older man.

And my point was

Your husband and I had both marred British women.

Yet when given the choice, both preferred living with bar girls.

Edited by ludditeman
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Complete and utter bul******t, my wife does not drink or smoke and never has done so, "spreading her legs for money" such a way with words havent you? says a lot for your " character " DOESNT IT? also she has never hit or slapped my baby girl and god forbid the day she ever does. Just goes to show how many small minded pea brained people on tv who generalise thai bar girls. Did it ever cross your small mind that my wifes family were very very poor, she didnt have an option wether to have chicken or beef for her dinner let alone a pair of shoes on her feet, talking of shoes, put the shoes on your feet, what would you do?

where did you meet your tee rak btw, or is that none of my business lol lol. I cant help laughing at it because i sit drinking in soi nana or walking street and i watch all these "suits" obviously business types sitting chatting and drinking with bar girls, but off course theyre only passing the time of day right?

My wife's parent lost everything when she was in her teens and they were really dirt poor. When i met her she was making enough to live comfortably working for large companies and then owning her own small shop.

It's called working part time and going to school for a better life. All thais have a choice, the 'i had to sleep with men for money' is complete bullshit. The real thing to say is 'I was not resourceful and did not have the mental capability to make it without boning old men for money'

Obviously men who come here and marry a prostitute are people who could not find a decent woman in the west because of their personality and looks so i wont expect you to understand all of this. Why cant you just be happy that you can get someone in this country without raving about how prostitutes are great? keep it for yourself.

Perhaps they could not find a "decent woman" in the west because they are usually PC and demanding. I left my western partner because I was sick of being exploited. I had lots of female friends because I worked mainly with women, but I'd never have considered marrying one again.

I know - its terrible when a woman works full time and then insists the man does some of the housework/cooking etc..... Obviously just PC bullshit.

Hmmmm Tad judgemental are we?

I also worked full time and did at least 50% of all housework, including cooking/ housework, plus all the garden/ lawn care, maintenance and paid 50% of the bills. I walked out when I realised that she was never going to be satisfied with anything I could give.

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I know - its terrible when a woman works full time and then insists the man does some of the housework/cooking etc..... Obviously just PC bullshit.

Mine was a housewife, I earned all the money, I did half the housework after I came home from work, I did all the DIY and car repairs.

She dumped me for an older man.

Textbook scene.

You have been the nice man who did everything she wanted.

Unfortunately, this is super beta behaviour and women seek for alphas. That's why she dumped you. The new man is probably an a*hole and lets her do all housework and more. That's what you should have done from the beginning.

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All women are prostitutes, it's only the price the varies.

Prostitution has many degrees, sex before marriage can be a prostitution of morals.

Let me think what I would prefer. A girl in farangland of about 40 years of age, maybe had say 10 different men. A couple of long term relationships so they banged nearly every night which I would suggest is probably the same, if not more, than the amount of shags a bar girl has.

She'd be looking a bit frayed around the edges, not a real pleasure to wake up with in the morning. Will expect to be wined and dined on a regular basis. Will expect expensive gifts and regular shopping expeditions. We will have an extremely expensive marriage. She will take leave from work to have kids then whine and moan because money is tight and the lifestyle has to suffer. We will divorce and she will have custody of any children, most of the assets. I will be living in a rundown studio appartment with the ass out of my pants for about 16 years because I have to pay an enormous amount of child support which is determined on a percentage of my gross wage (not after expenses and tax etc).

She will find a new man, go back to work, so have two incomes plus my payments to live a quite nice life. I will meet a new woman who won't be too pleased that a lot of my money goes to my ex so will not be too keen to get into a relationship (yes money can be the deal breaker).


I can go to Thailand, find a young nubile nymph that makes me happy, asks for very little, I can wake with a smile on my face every morning. I can feel young again. She is low maintenance, doesn't drink, smoke or go out to clubs and is easily pleased (must be to be with me). If she tires of me and leaves I can just go find another.

No prizes for guessing which I would chose. And for those that think I am jaded, no I've never been married and I have no kids. I've just seen my friends go through hell in farangland and wouldn't wish it on anyone. Give me a Thai girl any day. Bar girls are fine, that is only their job, it's the person inside that counts.

Well put. The only reason more western men don't do that is that they don't know.

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Textbook scene.

You have been the nice man who did everything she wanted.

Unfortunately, this is super beta behaviour and women seek for alphas. That's why she dumped you. The new man is probably an a*hole and lets her do all housework and more. That's what you should have done from the beginning.

I have learnt from my past mistake!

PS and off topic

The guy promptly dumped her, she was just a shag on the side (one of many).

She was unhappy with the divorce, as I didn't participate and just left the country, but I did send her a photo of my new lover, half her age and much prettier.

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All women are prostitutes, it's only the price the varies.

Prostitution has many degrees, sex before marriage can be a prostitution of morals.

Let me think what I would prefer. A girl in farangland of about 40 years of age, maybe had say 10 different men. A couple of long term relationships so they banged nearly every night which I would suggest is probably the same, if not more, than the amount of shags a bar girl has.

She'd be looking a bit frayed around the edges, not a real pleasure to wake up with in the morning. Will expect to be wined and dined on a regular basis. Will expect expensive gifts and regular shopping expeditions. We will have an extremely expensive marriage. She will take leave from work to have kids then whine and moan because money is tight and the lifestyle has to suffer. We will divorce and she will have custody of any children, most of the assets. I will be living in a rundown studio appartment with the ass out of my pants for about 16 years because I have to pay an enormous amount of child support which is determined on a percentage of my gross wage (not after expenses and tax etc).

She will find a new man, go back to work, so have two incomes plus my payments to live a quite nice life. I will meet a new woman who won't be too pleased that a lot of my money goes to my ex so will not be too keen to get into a relationship (yes money can be the deal breaker).


I can go to Thailand, find a young nubile nymph that makes me happy, asks for very little, I can wake with a smile on my face every morning. I can feel young again. She is low maintenance, doesn't drink, smoke or go out to clubs and is easily pleased (must be to be with me). If she tires of me and leaves I can just go find another.

No prizes for guessing which I would chose. And for those that think I am jaded, no I've never been married and I have no kids. I've just seen my friends go through hell in farangland and wouldn't wish it on anyone. Give me a Thai girl any day. Bar girls are fine, that is only their job, it's the person inside that counts.

The second dumbest thing to do, right up close behind introducing your wife/girlfriend here on Thaivisa, is to introduce your psychological problems on ThaiVisa.

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I know - its terrible when a woman works full time and then insists the man does some of the housework/cooking etc..... Obviously just PC bullshit.

Mine was a housewife, I earned all the money, I did half the housework after I came home from work, I did all the DIY and car repairs.

She dumped me for an older man.

And my point was

Your husband and I had both marred British women.

Yet when given the choice, both preferred living with bar girls.

I'm with you on that.

However, I am happy to say that I walked out on my ex, not to live with another woman, just because she was not worth my time ( it was all so different when she was trying to "catch" someone ). Never regretted it since- if moving in with her was the worst thing I did in my life, moving out was the best.

She went on to marry and divorce another sucker ( Yes, I was a sucker too ).

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Textbook scene.

You have been the nice man who did everything she wanted.

Unfortunately, this is super beta behaviour and women seek for alphas. That's why she dumped you. The new man is probably an a*hole and lets her do all housework and more. That's what you should have done from the beginning.

I have learnt from my past mistake!

PS and off topic

The guy promptly dumped her, she was just a shag on the side (one of many).

She was unhappy with the divorce, as I didn't participate and just left the country, but I did send her a photo of my new lover, half her age and much prettier.

EXCELLENT! If I can find where my ex lives, I'll do that too. Might be the only satisfaction I'll get.

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All women are prostitutes, it's only the price the varies.

Prostitution has many degrees, sex before marriage can be a prostitution of morals.

Let me think what I would prefer. A girl in farangland of about 40 years of age, maybe had say 10 different men. A couple of long term relationships so they banged nearly every night which I would suggest is probably the same, if not more, than the amount of shags a bar girl has.

She'd be looking a bit frayed around the edges, not a real pleasure to wake up with in the morning. Will expect to be wined and dined on a regular basis. Will expect expensive gifts and regular shopping expeditions. We will have an extremely expensive marriage. She will take leave from work to have kids then whine and moan because money is tight and the lifestyle has to suffer. We will divorce and she will have custody of any children, most of the assets. I will be living in a rundown studio appartment with the ass out of my pants for about 16 years because I have to pay an enormous amount of child support which is determined on a percentage of my gross wage (not after expenses and tax etc).

She will find a new man, go back to work, so have two incomes plus my payments to live a quite nice life. I will meet a new woman who won't be too pleased that a lot of my money goes to my ex so will not be too keen to get into a relationship (yes money can be the deal breaker).


I can go to Thailand, find a young nubile nymph that makes me happy, asks for very little, I can wake with a smile on my face every morning. I can feel young again. She is low maintenance, doesn't drink, smoke or go out to clubs and is easily pleased (must be to be with me). If she tires of me and leaves I can just go find another.

No prizes for guessing which I would chose. And for those that think I am jaded, no I've never been married and I have no kids. I've just seen my friends go through hell in farangland and wouldn't wish it on anyone. Give me a Thai girl any day. Bar girls are fine, that is only their job, it's the person inside that counts.

yes, yes, yes, 100% on the money, well said.

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So all bar girls are bad then and dirty and you shouldnt marry one ?? What about the girls that go to clubs everywekend in your country and get banged off a different guy everyweek? Id marry a Thai girl on the spot rather than marry a nagging, old, selfish farang lady any day

Precisely how insecure are you?

pot, kettle, black ;)

It will obviously come as a complete shock to you to learn that I never went to clubs or "get banged off a different guy everyweek".

I was commenting on how insecure you come across as.

Probably based on the fact that your husband chose a bargirl over you, hence your obsession to run down every Thai/Isaan woman or farang men who choose to have a relationship with one. :)

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All women are prostitutes, it's only the price the varies.

Prostitution has many degrees, sex before marriage can be a prostitution of morals.

Let me think what I would prefer. A girl in farangland of about 40 years of age, maybe had say 10 different men. A couple of long term relationships so they banged nearly every night which I would suggest is probably the same, if not more, than the amount of shags a bar girl has.

She'd be looking a bit frayed around the edges, not a real pleasure to wake up with in the morning. Will expect to be wined and dined on a regular basis. Will expect expensive gifts and regular shopping expeditions. We will have an extremely expensive marriage. She will take leave from work to have kids then whine and moan because money is tight and the lifestyle has to suffer. We will divorce and she will have custody of any children, most of the assets. I will be living in a rundown studio appartment with the ass out of my pants for about 16 years because I have to pay an enormous amount of child support which is determined on a percentage of my gross wage (not after expenses and tax etc).

She will find a new man, go back to work, so have two incomes plus my payments to live a quite nice life. I will meet a new woman who won't be too pleased that a lot of my money goes to my ex so will not be too keen to get into a relationship (yes money can be the deal breaker).


I can go to Thailand, find a young nubile nymph that makes me happy, asks for very little, I can wake with a smile on my face every morning. I can feel young again. She is low maintenance, doesn't drink, smoke or go out to clubs and is easily pleased (must be to be with me). If she tires of me and leaves I can just go find another.

No prizes for guessing which I would chose. And for those that think I am jaded, no I've never been married and I have no kids. I've just seen my friends go through hell in farangland and wouldn't wish it on anyone. Give me a Thai girl any day. Bar girls are fine, that is only their job, it's the person inside that counts.

The second dumbest thing to do, right up close behind introducing your wife/girlfriend here on Thaivisa, is to introduce your psychological problems on ThaiVisa.

Yes it is a terrible infliction that I struggle to control every day of my life. Woe is me.

I think it would be nice if others can find happiness in any way they can/want. It is quite obvious you are not at all happy with your lot in life and I do hope you find that happiness and smile and enjoy others happiness one day.

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I know - its terrible when a woman works full time and then insists the man does some of the housework/cooking etc..... Obviously just PC bullshit.

Mine was a housewife, I earned all the money, I did half the housework after I came home from work, I did all the DIY and car repairs.

She dumped me for an older man.

And my point was

Your husband and I had both marred British women.

Yet when given the choice, both preferred living with bar girls.

Works for me, except.... my ex would keep coming back for friendship and 'talking things through' - something he couldn't get with his bloody g/f.

I actually told him I would rather he left me alone to get on with my life but he pretended he needed to see our dogs :rolleyes:.

How pathetic are men when left alone with a young g/f? I'm ashamed that I got v intolerant at the end - not realising he was seriously ill. I would have if I was living with him.

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i would pay to see the OP scorpio post a video of himself and his wife going to his parents, friends, coworker and family telling them how they met.

"Well she was there half naked, having just came back from having a few indian penises in her for 30$ and a maybe a man older than you dad on the side, my heart jumped through the ceiling at the beautiful glow all around her body(curry and sperm?)"

If you've never said something similar to this then you are actually ashamed of her.

Edited by thaiIand
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Thai women (fact, not generalisation and not all 30 million of them) have a somewhat unique attitude to sex and using their bodies to generate cash/reward.

So...not a generalisation? Is this a roundabout way of you saying "some Thai women", or "most Thai women"? If the latter, then this would be appear to be a generalisation. In any case, who has sex for no reason at all? There's always a reward attached, whether the reward is carnal or fiscal. :blink:

Indeed. But the thread is about fiscal (I think) - my point is that payment for sexual services is more widespread than some might think.

I think if you include women marrying up as they do in most countries, it certainly is more widespread than some might think.

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i would pay to see the OP scorpio post a video of himself and his wife going to his parents, friends, coworker and family telling them how they met.

"Well she was there half naked, having just came back from having a few indian penises in her for 30$ and a maybe a man older than you dad on the side, my heart jumped through the ceiling at the beautiful glow all around her body(curry and sperm?)"

If you've never said something similar to this then you are actually ashamed of her.

When you are out with friends and they ask what you did last night do you tell them you spread your wife and go into great detail of your sexual experience? Do you tell your friends about every argument you've had? Do you tell them all your and her insecurities?

I don't know about you but I like to keep my personal life private. If ever I get asked where I have met any of my girlfriends I tell them exactly that, where we met, be it either Thailand, or any other country, city etc.

What would it matter to you anyway, is your life so uninteresting that you have to know everything about others?

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i would pay to see the OP scorpio post a video of himself and his wife going to his parents, friends, coworker and family telling them how they met.

"Well she was there half naked, having just came back from having a few indian penises in her for 30$ and a maybe a man older than you dad on the side, my heart jumped through the ceiling at the beautiful glow all around her body(curry and sperm?)"

If you've never said something similar to this then you are actually ashamed of her.


just read your thread about wanting to get married in thailand as soon as possible, to whom i wonder, why the rush, i await your swift reply. Your filthy vile tongue and the way you speak about woman says a whole lot about your character, your sad, i would hate to be someone like you. So why the big rush to get married in thailand to your thai wife? as ive asked you before ( and got no response) where,d you meet her, have you ever been with a bar girl?

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Thai women (fact, not generalisation and not all 30 million of them) have a somewhat unique attitude to sex and using their bodies to generate cash/reward.

So...not a generalisation? Is this a roundabout way of you saying "some Thai women", or "most Thai women"? If the latter, then this would be appear to be a generalisation. In any case, who has sex for no reason at all? There's always a reward attached, whether the reward is carnal or fiscal. :blink:

Indeed. But the thread is about fiscal (I think) - my point is that payment for sexual services is more widespread than some might think.

I think if you include women marrying up as they do in most countries, it certainly is more widespread than some might think.

Everybody agrees. Women always marry for money - which is why you see so many ordinary couples in the West with an old man and a far younger woman.

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Everybody agrees. Women always marry for money - which is why you see so many ordinary couples in the West with an old man and a far younger woman.

In the west there used to be a bias about women marrying black men, and in those days there were very few such marriages.

Today in the west there is a bias about women marrying older men, so there are very few such marriages.

Racism has been replaced by ageism as a barrier to marriage.

It would require a great deal of money for a woman to break such a barrier.

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All women are prostitutes, it's only the price the varies.

Prostitution has many degrees, sex before marriage can be a prostitution of morals.

Let me think what I would prefer. A girl in farangland of about 40 years of age, maybe had say 10 different men. A couple of long term relationships so they banged nearly every night which I would suggest is probably the same, if not more, than the amount of shags a bar girl has.

She'd be looking a bit frayed around the edges, not a real pleasure to wake up with in the morning. Will expect to be wined and dined on a regular basis. Will expect expensive gifts and regular shopping expeditions. We will have an extremely expensive marriage. She will take leave from work to have kids then whine and moan because money is tight and the lifestyle has to suffer. We will divorce and she will have custody of any children, most of the assets. I will be living in a rundown studio appartment with the ass out of my pants for about 16 years because I have to pay an enormous amount of child support which is determined on a percentage of my gross wage (not after expenses and tax etc).

She will find a new man, go back to work, so have two incomes plus my payments to live a quite nice life. I will meet a new woman who won't be too pleased that a lot of my money goes to my ex so will not be too keen to get into a relationship (yes money can be the deal breaker).


I can go to Thailand, find a young nubile nymph that makes me happy, asks for very little, I can wake with a smile on my face every morning. I can feel young again. She is low maintenance, doesn't drink, smoke or go out to clubs and is easily pleased (must be to be with me). If she tires of me and leaves I can just go find another.

No prizes for guessing which I would chose. And for those that think I am jaded, no I've never been married and I have no kids. I've just seen my friends go through hell in farangland and wouldn't wish it on anyone. Give me a Thai girl any day. Bar girls are fine, that is only their job, it's the person inside that counts.

Well put. The only reason more western men don't do that is that they don't know.

Agree, well put - from someone who has gone through, and continues to go through, the hell.

I would also add that another reason western men dont do it is because of the perceived stigma attached. Saying you are going to Thailand immediately puts you in the "dirty old man" or "desperate" category, not only as viewed by falang women, but even some falang men. I try to convince some of my never married and childless buddies in their 30s and 40s to go to Thailand for a holiday, but they simply wont do it for fear of what people will say - they have even said exactly this "but what will I tell so and so" or "how will I explain it in the office".....

Oh well, more Thai women for the rest of us.

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So why do so many guys who marry Thai women wind up being pussy whipped by women who we are told know their place.

The OP gives an insight into what this must be like, hiding in fear from his wife when she's in a bad mood.

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So why do so many guys who marry Thai women wind up being pussy whipped by women who we are told know their place.

The OP gives an insight into what this must be like, hiding in fear from his wife when she's in a bad mood.

Where have you been GH. Missed your stuff. :)

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So why do so many guys who marry Thai women wind up being pussy whipped by women who we are told know their place.

The OP gives an insight into what this must be like, hiding in fear from his wife when she's in a bad mood.

I don't think that is just a Thai thing. I also think you may be taking him too literally. I have often hidden from farang women during their tantrums, not really out of fear but more because I really didn't care to be hearing it over and over again. Much rather be sitting in a bar with a few mates having a laugh as opposed to putting up with tantrums that I really don't care to much about.

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Everybody agrees. Women always marry for money - which is why you see so many ordinary couples in the West with an old man and a far younger woman.

In the west there used to be a bias about women marrying black men, and in those days there were very few such marriages.

Today in the west there is a bias about women marrying older men, so there are very few such marriages.

Racism has been replaced by ageism as a barrier to marriage.

It would require a great deal of money for a woman to break such a barrier.

Or then again, perhaps its 'cos couples genuinely marry for love?

But I'll take your word for it - its the same as the racial divide in the West...

Mind you, have you noticed how the black/white couples in the West tend to be the same age?

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