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Hi all

I've been in Bangkok for 8 months and not touched WoW since I used to play back home in the UK. Been getting the itch again so fired up my account on the EU server, been playing a few days and its a bit naff because of the timezone difference and the ping isn't brilliant.

Do any of you guys play? I was reading a thread about people playing wow but looks pretty old.

My laptop isn't too powerful but I would be up for trying another game.. EQII or something if there are any 'Farangs in Thailand' type guilds out there :)

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I might be getting back into it as Blizzard is about the only company I can get to pay money to and play while in Thailand it seems. PVP is tough when battling the 400ms latency, but then I'm laughably inept at it anyways, so at least now I have an excuse.

I could see getting into this with some locals but I'd want to use voip to communicate with everyone and I'm not sure my new Internet connection is up to that task. :/

I'll be interested in seeing if you get any other responses.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have played wow for over 3 yrs started in BC on-off and played full time in Wotlk and to be frank the quality has really gone down the hill since cata, I went back for 2 months before 4.3 launched and I felt its the same-old same-old and left again

Have you tried the new patch? cos i'm going to give it another try during my 7 days trial licklips.gif

PS i'm on the US/Oceania server Nagrand

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just reinstalled wow on my laptop, haven't finished downloading the patches completely yet, but so far the ping doesn't look too bad (around 260 while I'm still downloading the rest of the patch, and living in rural isaan, I imagine you guys would be getting better latency than me if you're in BKK).

I'm Alliance, on Barthilas, a US Oceanic realm. I'm not sure whether I'll get back into it or not, depends a bit on if I can con my gf into playing aswell.

Anywho, might give you guys a better latency if you try out some US West / Oceanic servers instead of the EU / US East servers.

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  • 3 weeks later...

If you're intersted we just created a Thai Visa Guild in the MMO Swtor (star wars). Game's great! If you wanna join us come to Bergeren Colony Server on the Empire side. PM me so i can send you my players name. Hope tou see you there!

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