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Bangkok's Patpong Is Losing Its Sex Appeal


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Here are some statistics .................... "Dwindling tourist industry" my arse!

2011 19,500,000 +22.00%

2010 15,936,400 +12.63%

2009 14,149,841 -2.98%

2008 14,584,220 +0.8%

2007 14,464,228 +4.65%

2006 13,821,802 +20.01%

2005 11,516,936 -1.15%

2004 11,650,703

Karen, I think your tongue is firmly in your cheek!

According to whoever was tourism minister in 2010:

Thailand recorded more than 7.5 million tourists in the first half of 2010 and the number of the tourists for the whole year is expect to reach some 14-15 million people, bringing in US$600 billion if there is no violence related to domestic politics.

The minister said he believed there will be nothing serious that could lead to a political protest from now on to the end of the year.

The tourism stimulus campaign in 2011 will add some sports competitions during the low season to attract more tourists to reach 15-15.5 million people, he said.

$40,000 baht a head USD ($600B/15M), that's pretty good going!

Since tourism is only 6% of Thailand's economy (apparently), this mean that Thailand's GDP is going to be 600/0.06 = 10 trillion dollars!

Thailand will have the second biggest economy in the world after the US ($14 T), not too bad! Japan and China down at 5 trillion dollars must be shaking their heads in wonder at the Thai economic miracle .....

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Patpong never enjoyed it , Soi Cowboy and Nana ok some good fun but u cant compaire Patong with these places..B)

Well said, why do people have to have to pick all they dont like and force there opinion on others sleaze is a part of the world Go have a look, have a laugh and learn,

If you can't stand the heat stay out of the kitchen it's no big deal

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I went there with friends (luckily not alone) a few years ago. Never want to go back. The sign of a dying area: local establishments get ruder and nastier to get money to stay afloat. We saw hawkers for girly bars stand 2-4 abreast to block your path down the street and try to steer (force) you into their bar! That was it for me, that tactic lost them ALL my potential future business AND anyone I might have as guests in the future.

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i really dont see why patong is getting gets slated so bad.its no were as bad as pattaya and has easy access to some lovely beaches within 20 minutes each way.

sure suit sellers piss everyone off and tuks tuks are annoying but if you are familiar with thailand then you should be able to brush it off and get on with it. i know i do and can enjoy myself

only time i was ever in patpong all i seen was families with kids and video cameras

Edited by irishken
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The night market has done the area a service then with less patronage for the 'girlie' bars. I suppose I've been to Bangkok 30+ times frequently transiting for a few days and it's never occurred to me to visit Patpong, just as I've never been to Phypuket or Pattaya. I enjoy Thailand for the beautiful architecture, food, and diversity of the culture.

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So you're relative newcomers. Patpong has always been a tourist trap. Even back in the 1960s and 70s when I first came there as a dumb-GI during the Vietnam War.

Petchburi was for the R&R troops, those of us who were assigned there tended more toward Sukhumvit and Silom, Patpong was for tourists and TDY troops.

It had really flashy neon signs back them, some of them with flashing and motion. Real works of art. The touts were there but the "shows" weren't a big thing back then. They were hidden in the back sois.

The thing I remember from back then was the sense of fun. The customers were having fun, the girls were having fun and it was just a neverending party night after night. There wasn't the relentless hustle back then.

Mukda ran the Roaring Twenties on Silom and later Dino's on Sukhumvit. Chet ran the Windsor next door and had some of the best chili you could find anywhere. The party usually continued into the wee hours after the 'closed' sign was hung on the door and a curtain pulled. Thermae had the 24 hr "Coffee Shop" the same place it is now, with the back stairs to the "massage parlor" upstairs, or there was the Thai Yo Nok which also ran all night.

We, girls and customers and sometimes the bar managers would go to the Gran Prix to watch the movies or to the Tip Top for an early morning breakfast.

Maybe it was because I was younger, or maybe it was just because the booze and money freely flowed from the war.

The last time I was back was in 2002. I went to Patpong by myself one time and with my wife the next. It has expanded a lot and the people are not friendly nor do they seem to be having fun. There is an air of desperation that seems to pervade everything. No one is interested in you other than for whatever short term gain is be had. There's no one trying to build a brand or clientele. They are depending on the new marks arriving on the next plane to be ignorant and that no one will clue them in.

There's a meaner, harder edge than I remember.....and the neon signs are smaller and shabbier. Not just my imagination. I have pictures.

Everyone is right, it was better in the old days. It will always be better in the old days...no matter when they were.

But like Yogi Berra said, "No one goes there anymore, it's too crowded."

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It will be a great day when the headlines read "Thailand is losing it's sex appeal" The country will have a whole new image and attract a better class of tourist. It can unchain itself from this huge rock that it holding it back and move forward as a great family destination..

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I walked through it once back in 2002 quite unintentionally as I had been given directions from BTS to a meeting at a building near the White Rose hotel. Some flaming fruitcake tried to accost me and literally chased me all the way through until I happened upon a policeman who was heading the same way as I was. (and NO, he wouldn't/didn't DO anything about my pursuer)

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Sounds like it's time for Iran's former Iman dictator Khomeini (or some of his clones) to take charge of Pat Pong.

Khomeini approved of sex with animals and sex with children. His over-riding concerns in that regard was cleanliness, and such things as which relatives of the sexually abused child would be marriagable, or with 'sex-with-animals' which parts of the animal or its milk was clean to injest afterwards. Khomeini didn't seem to mind the dastardly acts themselves.

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This has happened all over Thailand within the adult entertainment scenes, including the North.

These places are no longer user friendly. Greedy business owners, greedy staff and the use of aggressive methods in order to obtain money.

The whole thing has become mechanical and the good humour and fun atmosphere has disappeared. And before anyone says; it`s always been that way, I will disagree. I can remember when these establishments where more sociable and not the aggressive purely for business institutions they have become today.

In the end the grab as much money, for doing as little as possible, in the shortest possible time attitudes, doesn't work.

I just see this as more nails in the coffin for the Thai tourist industry and whether some dislike the sex scene in Thailand, it did bring in the dollars.

I would love to see some statistics in real terms of how much money Thailand is losing year by year with it`s every dwindling tourist industry.

If by 'dwindling tourist industry' you mean less sex tourists, great!

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I've lived in both Bangkok and Pattaya - Owned a bar in Pats from 74-78 - Patpong has always been the 'rough & tumble' of ll th spots in BKK, The newest comer upper is Soi Cowboy - anyone remembers Washington Square and Buckskin Joes Village - they had class till someone decided it needed a name Soi Zero, its (rightfully so) closed now Washington Square has been torn down (could always get a fre BBQ Chicken lunch on Sunday) - back to PatPong - The Crown Royal, old Agency haunt, you can still see a lot of bottles with dead people's name on them around the bar, it has class, but it is also in the best part of PatPong, (the Entrance) and you are generally left alone - but lots of the gals(?) are older and normally 'husband'ed up' all have Thai or Farang 'thai' husbands, I know one that has four farrang husbands and three amer-asian babies - alwqays dropped of by her 'Pea Chai' for her shift. Sadly, I know one of the guys she is playing, but not ny business. Patpong has been the subject of many books, gun and heroin runners, remember the 'Buffalow Bar' spelled just like that, a lot of movies show that area, the ownwee was killed, hung by his feet and skinned (alive??) by some nasty Khmer 'business men' no fantasy here - BnB's called it a lover's spat, he was 250 lbs, his wife was about 90, Yep, she was able to haul him up by his feet alright, - Dont'cha know Thai girls are really strong?? - there was a time when you could travel from bar to bar without even going oputside, all the bars were connected by hallways, heard they had a big fire back in the early eighties. nd was the only poart of the ciy Katoi's could safely ply their trade - they were prety much persecuted anywhere else in town - Nope, haven't been to that part of PatPong in 20/25 years, no need, Nana Plaza and Pattaya are they only places I recommend - Oh, you can still have a great time in Soi Cowboy, till they close that place as well as Nana.


I expect we have had a drink together at some time or other.

At least one of those bottles in the Crown Royal has my name on it. I first went to Patpong in the very late 70's and met the owner of the Crown Royal. We became life long friends and golfing buddies and talk often. Saw him a couple of weeks ago in Pattaya and called him two days ago. The CR was a really good bar. It was a 'drinking' bar as opposed to a 'girlie' bar but Rosie still managed to ring in some lovely ladies. Lots of Australian Embassy, ex-spooks, journalists. gun runners, etc used to hang out there. I lived on Convent Road for a couple of years in the late 80's and spent nearly every night on Patpong, drinking at the CR and having dinner at Madrid, Derby King, etc, usually with the CR owner.

Patpong is still owned by the Patpong family. They have a very comfortable living from rental income without having to worry about building a shopping mall. I used to play cards nearly every day with a couple of friends at Chicken Devine. The owner of Chicken Devine knew Udom Patpong very well and every few days Udom would drop in, drink some coffee and talk. I recall him telling us one day that his rental income from Patpong 1 & 2 was in excess of one million baht per day. He wasn't bragging, just talking. He passed away a few years ago but his family still owns the place.

I sat in for Rick Menard for a month one time when he went back to the US. Had a good time running the Grand Prix, drinking Rick's booze.

I have lots of fond memories of Patpong but haven't been back in years. I moved to Pattaya with my family in the early 90's and started playing golf down there. No need to go to Bangkok so I avoided that little side show.

Aaaah!! The memories, Kuhn Udom was a regular visitor on the street I never connected him as the Family Poo-Yai but thought of him more as a landlord for a lot of the places there - I always liked PatPong, just don't have the belly for it nowadays - I will be in Pattaya next weekend just spending 3 or 4 days on my way back to work in another country........may be able to hoist another with you while I am there, who knows?? I'd like to see the old Pattaya - back when you could actually see the Beach from either

Nah Klua or Patyaya Kai :D and loads of people actually swam in the sea........I still have a faded thai newspaper article of me pulling a 300lb Bull shark onto the beach with a Toyota pick-up truck back in '75, incorrectly reporting I caught it off the beach, actually we found it swimming barely alive a half-mile off-shore but it was good for a lot of free beers. :rolleyes: BJ's bar, Dang's Hot Dog, John's Dinner, The Pier, Muscular Arms, Dick's Sportsman's club, New Starlight Bar, ............. C Ya when I C Ya

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Sounds like it's time for Iran's former Iman dictator Khomeini (or some of his clones) to take charge of Pat Pong.

Khomeini approved of sex with animals and sex with children. His over-riding concerns in that regard was cleanliness, and such things as which relatives of the sexually abused child would be marriagable, or with 'sex-with-animals' which parts of the animal or its milk was clean to injest afterwards. Khomeini didn't seem to mind the dastardly acts themselves.

:ph34r: aaaaah.......hmmmmm ........nevermind I just had lunch obviously you haven't spent much time in PatPong, or know how to talk your way out of a street problem........para two........sounds like the voice of experience?? sorry couldn't resist it.:bah::bah:

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Patpong in it's prime was full of friendly and interesting characters, great bars, and fun times. By the beginning of the century it was in irreversible decline, and is now a shadow of its former self. I used to spend at least every weekend there, made some great friends who are still great friends, and had a blast. I now go there very rarely, and find it a bit depressing. If you didn't see it 15 or more years ago, it would be very difficult for you to understand what it was like.

Many things about Thailand as a whole have changed, mostly for the worst. I find the people less interesting, less fun-loving, more greedy, and less happy than they used to be, and the decline of Patpong to me, is emblematic of the decline of Thai culture itself. Certainly, Patpong was hardly representative of the best of Thai culture, but the fact that an area like Patpong, that anywhere else in the world would have been a crime-infested, depressing sleaze-pit was, in it's Thai locale, so much better than that, says a lot about how unique and wonderful a place Thailand used to be.

There are still traces of that traditional Thai grace here and there, but every time another big shopping center/monument to consumerism goes up, a little more of it disappears.

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I've lived in both Bangkok and Pattaya - Owned a bar in Pats from 74-78 - Patpong has always been the 'rough & tumble' of ll th spots in BKK, The newest comer upper is Soi Cowboy - anyone remembers Washington Square and Buckskin Joes Village - they had class till someone decided it needed a name Soi Zero, its (rightfully so) closed now Washington Square has been torn down (could always get a fre BBQ Chicken lunch on Sunday) - back to PatPong - The Crown Royal, old Agency haunt, you can still see a lot of bottles with dead people's name on them around the bar, it has class, but it is also in the best part of PatPong, (the Entrance) and you are generally left alone - but lots of the gals(?) are older and normally 'husband'ed up' all have Thai or Farang 'thai' husbands, I know one that has four farrang husbands and three amer-asian babies - alwqays dropped of by her 'Pea Chai' for her shift. Sadly, I know one of the guys she is playing, but not ny business. Patpong has been the subject of many books, gun and heroin runners, remember the 'Buffalow Bar' spelled just like that, a lot of movies show that area, the ownwee was killed, hung by his feet and skinned (alive??) by some nasty Khmer 'business men' no fantasy here - BnB's called it a lover's spat, he was 250 lbs, his wife was about 90, Yep, she was able to haul him up by his feet alright, - Dont'cha know Thai girls are really strong?? - there was a time when you could travel from bar to bar without even going oputside, all the bars were connected by hallways, heard they had a big fire back in the early eighties. nd was the only poart of the ciy Katoi's could safely ply their trade - they were prety much persecuted anywhere else in town - Nope, haven't been to that part of PatPong in 20/25 years, no need, Nana Plaza and Pattaya are they only places I recommend - Oh, you can still have a great time in Soi Cowboy, till they close that place as well as Nana.


I expect we have had a drink together at some time or other.

At least one of those bottles in the Crown Royal has my name on it. I first went to Patpong in the very late 70's and met the owner of the Crown Royal. We became life long friends and golfing buddies and talk often. Saw him a couple of weeks ago in Pattaya and called him two days ago. The CR was a really good bar. It was a 'drinking' bar as opposed to a 'girlie' bar but Rosie still managed to ring in some lovely ladies. Lots of Australian Embassy, ex-spooks, journalists. gun runners, etc used to hang out there. I lived on Convent Road for a couple of years in the late 80's and spent nearly every night on Patpong, drinking at the CR and having dinner at Madrid, Derby King, etc, usually with the CR owner.

Patpong is still owned by the Patpong family. They have a very comfortable living from rental income without having to worry about building a shopping mall. I used to play cards nearly every day with a couple of friends at Chicken Devine. The owner of Chicken Devine knew Udom Patpong very well and every few days Udom would drop in, drink some coffee and talk. I recall him telling us one day that his rental income from Patpong 1 & 2 was in excess of one million baht per day. He wasn't bragging, just talking. He passed away a few years ago but his family still owns the place.

I sat in for Rick Menard for a month one time when he went back to the US. Had a good time running the Grand Prix, drinking Rick's booze.

I have lots of fond memories of Patpong but haven't been back in years. I moved to Pattaya with my family in the early 90's and started playing golf down there. No need to go to Bangkok so I avoided that little side show.

Aaaah!! The memories, Kuhn Udom was a regular visitor on the street I never connected him as the Family Poo-Yai but thought of him more as a landlord for a lot of the places there - I always liked PatPong, just don't have the belly for it nowadays - I will be in Pattaya next weekend just spending 3 or 4 days on my way back to work in another country........may be able to hoist another with you while I am there, who knows?? I'd like to see the old Pattaya - back when you could actually see the Beach from either

Nah Klua or Patyaya Kai :D and loads of people actually swam in the sea........I still have a faded thai newspaper article of me pulling a 300lb Bull shark onto the beach with a Toyota pick-up truck back in '75, incorrectly reporting I caught it off the beach, actually we found it swimming barely alive a half-mile off-shore but it was good for a lot of free beers. :rolleyes: BJ's bar, Dang's Hot Dog, John's Dinner, The Pier, Muscular Arms, Dick's Sportsman's club, New Starlight Bar, ............. C Ya when I C Ya

Guys, what great posts and descriptions of what it used to be like.

I really appreciate your memories and stories and prefer to think of what Patpong was, rather than what it is now.

Thanks for taking the time to post.

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Yeah things are not what they used to be- All around it seems. Even the places on friendly Loikroh Rd. in Chiangmai are becoming dominated by kathoeys. I will go in to an old favorite bar and find it run by them. They try to charge a rip-off price for lousy drinks and then become hostile if you dispute it.

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I've lived in both Bangkok and Pattaya - Owned a bar in Pats from 74-78 - Patpong has always been the 'rough & tumble' of ll th spots in BKK, The newest comer upper is Soi Cowboy - anyone remembers Washington Square and Buckskin Joes Village - they had class till someone decided it needed a name Soi Zero, its (rightfully so) closed now Washington Square has been torn down (could always get a fre BBQ Chicken lunch on Sunday) - back to PatPong - The Crown Royal, old Agency haunt, you can still see a lot of bottles with dead people's name on them around the bar, it has class, but it is also in the best part of PatPong, (the Entrance) and you are generally left alone - but lots of the gals(?) are older and normally 'husband'ed up' all have Thai or Farang 'thai' husbands, I know one that has four farrang husbands and three amer-asian babies - alwqays dropped of by her 'Pea Chai' for her shift. Sadly, I know one of the guys she is playing, but not ny business. Patpong has been the subject of many books, gun and heroin runners, remember the 'Buffalow Bar' spelled just like that, a lot of movies show that area, the ownwee was killed, hung by his feet and skinned (alive??) by some nasty Khmer 'business men' no fantasy here - BnB's called it a lover's spat, he was 250 lbs, his wife was about 90, Yep, she was able to haul him up by his feet alright, - Dont'cha know Thai girls are really strong?? - there was a time when you could travel from bar to bar without even going oputside, all the bars were connected by hallways, heard they had a big fire back in the early eighties. nd was the only poart of the ciy Katoi's could safely ply their trade - they were prety much persecuted anywhere else in town - Nope, haven't been to that part of PatPong in 20/25 years, no need, Nana Plaza and Pattaya are they only places I recommend - Oh, you can still have a great time in Soi Cowboy, till they close that place as well as Nana.


I expect we have had a drink together at some time or other.

At least one of those bottles in the Crown Royal has my name on it. I first went to Patpong in the very late 70's and met the owner of the Crown Royal. We became life long friends and golfing buddies and talk often. Saw him a couple of weeks ago in Pattaya and called him two days ago. The CR was a really good bar. It was a 'drinking' bar as opposed to a 'girlie' bar but Rosie still managed to ring in some lovely ladies. Lots of Australian Embassy, ex-spooks, journalists. gun runners, etc used to hang out there. I lived on Convent Road for a couple of years in the late 80's and spent nearly every night on Patpong, drinking at the CR and having dinner at Madrid, Derby King, etc, usually with the CR owner.

Patpong is still owned by the Patpong family. They have a very comfortable living from rental income without having to worry about building a shopping mall. I used to play cards nearly every day with a couple of friends at Chicken Devine. The owner of Chicken Devine knew Udom Patpong very well and every few days Udom would drop in, drink some coffee and talk. I recall him telling us one day that his rental income from Patpong 1 & 2 was in excess of one million baht per day. He wasn't bragging, just talking. He passed away a few years ago but his family still owns the place.

I sat in for Rick Menard for a month one time when he went back to the US. Had a good time running the Grand Prix, drinking Rick's booze.

I have lots of fond memories of Patpong but haven't been back in years. I moved to Pattaya with my family in the early 90's and started playing golf down there. No need to go to Bangkok so I avoided that little side show.

Aaaah!! The memories, Kuhn Udom was a regular visitor on the street I never connected him as the Family Poo-Yai but thought of him more as a landlord for a lot of the places there - I always liked PatPong, just don't have the belly for it nowadays - I will be in Pattaya next weekend just spending 3 or 4 days on my way back to work in another country........may be able to hoist another with you while I am there, who knows?? I'd like to see the old Pattaya - back when you could actually see the Beach from either

Nah Klua or Patyaya Kai :D and loads of people actually swam in the sea........I still have a faded thai newspaper article of me pulling a 300lb Bull shark onto the beach with a Toyota pick-up truck back in '75, incorrectly reporting I caught it off the beach, actually we found it swimming barely alive a half-mile off-shore but it was good for a lot of free beers. :rolleyes: BJ's bar, Dang's Hot Dog, John's Dinner, The Pier, Muscular Arms, Dick's Sportsman's club, New Starlight Bar, ............. C Ya when I C Ya

I don't spend much time in Pattaya now. Still maintain a home there which now belongs to my daughter but have built a home up-country and now live between Udorn and Loei. I remember the first time I was in Pattaya was 1978 and it was hardly as it is today. Baht bus from the Royal Cliff to Beach Road was largly uncontested by traffic anywhere along the way. Third Road didn't exist that I knew of and there was precious little between Second Road and Sukhumvit.

Went out to Siam Country Club for a round of golf then and the road was almost exactly as it is today, with a few less potholes then and many fewer buildings farther out.

My how times have changed.

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Wonder how long until pp will be demolished to make way for another shopping mall/hotel. We are short of these.

Those small vendor tables rent out for 30,000 THB a month.

Why would the Patpongs build a condo when they can rent 1/2 sheet of plywood for 30,000 THB ?

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I'd say the bar scene you describe and which I have been a willing participant in, is more of a tragic-comedy, not just a tragedy as you melodramatically state. You have to go to those places with a big dose that what you are getting is illusion, so play in the illusion, pay your bill and go home. I've had some of the funniest times laughing it up with tourists, seasoned ex-pats and goofy Thai dancers at these places. If all you saw was misery and tragedy around you, that feeling was probably emanating from you as well.

And just what exactly were these "barriers you broke" in visiting a Thai Karaoke club? Are you saying you simply made a Thai male friend to help you get in? Is that what you are saying? You made a friend? Well, bully for you. Gee, I'll have to remember that the next time I casually walk into a Thai Karaoke joint which are in plain view everywhere you look.

Finally, I think you did pretty much write an entire essay. Try giving it a title: "Bored No Matter Where I Go" would be a fitting one.

Thanks for your comments. I see your point. In fact it was not right on my part to state only one side of the story or talk about only the boring part. You are very right. Indeed, some of the most amazing and fun memories are from these bars. I have a few of them too. It was, indeed wrong of me to point out only one side of the story. I will be careful next time. I was rather more carried away by the original article/title that Patpong is losing it's charm and stayed on course sharing my experience.

On the note of Thai Karaoke bar, well I don't know how to explain you more. It is not as simple as you have figured out. Neither I can simplify it any more. Understand, please, no matter how long you have lived here, you will remain a farang and won't have an easy access to what I have witnessed. I am NOT European/Caucasian (simply saying white). I am from India and many a times Thai friends mistake me from Southern Thailand for my looks. THAT breaks this invisible barrier that most if not all foreigners can never enter. Believe me my friend, you have no clue of that world. It was not just befriending a Thai male friend. It was becoming a part of their society. Being accepted as one of them. I don't know how to explain you in depth. Maybe when my work is ready, I will be happy to share the book with you. It still needs a lot work. Thank you for taking time in reading and posting my essay. :jap:

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Did you ever stop to think it might be THAILAND that is losing its Appeal? One poster mentioned "slimy Phuket" another Nana before the prices and pressure raised its ugl head - Pattaya do you need any further hint when at least half the establishments are empty. As usual Thailand is the last to wake up Tourists like the frivolity, the mystique, etc they do not want the Scams, the Hassle, the one sided BiB - they are a moving to brighter and cheaper shores. (Sorry I forgot the most important SAFER)

Have to agree with you ...

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Silom/Patpong , More females with STDs per square Km than anywhere else in SE Asia

Talk with experience i can guess laugh.gif

One would assume so. Only ones I know that contracted anything in the area got it from a well-educated girl, for example one that in turns had a French boyfriend that was cheating on her - and gave some to her. With the working girls one always rubber up and/or take other extended precautions. This is less likely to happen towards 'good girls' that one date longer time with. And it is therefor a more dangerous attack vector overall, for many of the more resident visitors.

Edited by TAWP
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Silom/Patpong , More females with STDs per square Km than anywhere else in SE Asia

Talk with experience i can guess laugh.gif

One would assume so. Only ones I know that contracted anything in the area got it from a well-educated girl, for example one that in turns had a French boyfriend that was cheating on her - and gave some to her. With the working girls one always rubber up and/or take other extended precautions. This is less likely to happen towards 'good girls' that one date longer time with. And it is therefor a more dangerous attack vector overall, for many of the more resident visitors.

Hmm yup laugh.gif These day's i have stop looking for it Thai girls carry too much baggage too stressful i rather play some golf or chill out at home with a nice bottle of chardonnay with my feet up seeing a nice movie ... smile.gif

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Whatever Patpong was 20 years ago, since the Market it's become more and more geared towards ripping off the stupid tourist.

I went there a lot up to ten years ago simply because my work means I stay in Silom. At that time Safari was the only bar that got my custom, it still retaind the friendly "Family" feeling whilst the rest were and remain a pool of piranhas and one visit to an upstairs bar enough for a lifetime.

My biggest gripe with Patpong is the Spruikers who are so fired up they wave sexy pics under your nose and shout "U want boom boom see <deleted> show"

EVEN WHEN YOU'RE WALKING ALONG WITH WIFE AND KIDS ! ( not my own in this case, but I've seen it happen way too often )

There's not the faintest chance you'll be interested, this is a naked insult from guys that hate you.

All the problems in Patpong lie in the fact that they get so many new tourist who don't know the ropes so they have no respect.

If you speak a bit if Thai though, make them aware you're no greenhorn, it's OK.

Same with the markets. i want to buy some jeans. They ask 2000. I say they they cheaper in Pratunam and hey presto get them for 700.

So I followed the advice of Stickman and went to cowboy. Wow, the difference was amazing. Though now i think the pendulum has swung back to Nana.

Especially the shows at Angelwitch. The new owner is excelling himself there.

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I'd been there a couple of times ~20 years ago and once or twice since.

Recently took my nephew and his wife (holidaying in Thailand) and my Thai wife there for a walk around.

I was walking ahead of them, about 10 metres with no one around and a bar door fellow stepped in my way. He had a "brochure" in his hand and as I walked pass he slapped it on my chest. I instantly lifted my arm and pushed it away HARD. He started jumping around angry/yelling. Guess he didn't like my reaction :)

Lucky my nephew is big and my wife gave him a mouthful "treating foreigners like this" as they saw what happened.

He stepped back but I suppose he'd have plenty of mates around, we kept walking. I can see how things could get out of hand quickly there.

No way would we go back there again doing the tourist guide thing!

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A hot spot for the sex trade?

" "It was a "must see" part of the Bangkok culture for visitors to Thailand." <deleted>........

The seady side of Thailand is a must see for visitors...... Isn't prostitution ilegal in Thailand? This article seems to be promoting the ilegal activity. Come to Thailand and visit our bargirls. Nope I think the Dancing man option is a better idea promoting the real cultural heart of Thailand.

well i been to thailand for 8 years and visited there to see what it like and i also thought yes its ok to look and was fun at the time some 5 years ago but i found these girls and ladyboys to be very aggresive now and i hate places like that patpong patong and pattaya yes the real culture of thailand there to see and enjoy but for the sex tourist well ok i like the island peace and quite i find it quite sad these girls and those men yuk

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Times change and so do places. Patpong seemed like a different world. First, a lot of the old hands were younger. A lot younger. When you are in your 30's-40's and even early 50's, the night life is exciting. You can overlook the 'bad' if you are having a good time. I might add that years back there was a problem with the working girls being a lot younger as well.

Now, we live in a world where the younger people are into social networking. Cell phones, instant messaging, internet means you can meet the people you want to meet where you want to meet them. They can 'order' what they want over the internet--including a service girl.

Competition is tighter, the girls and their handlers are more aggressive. The girls are older and the last time I was there, a friend mentioned they were not nearly as attractive as years back.

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