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What Do You Want From A Bar


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It's all about atmosphere and service.

Music should be mixed (something for everyone) and not only loud tekkno- stuff, that you have to shout against, if you would like to have a conversation.

It can get louder as the evening commences, though.

Friendly, attentive staff with some knowledge in English would be very helpfull.

A landlord, who actually cares about criticism and likes to hear from his customers, in order to improve (can't please everybody, though!)

If you have "girls', take care that they are not too pushy.

Everyday another "incentive" (beers nights, vodka nights, sport events).

Except for sport events, use TV or screen for "effects" like lights or videos.

If you have that...let me know, where in Jomtien you are and will sure drop by, when I am in town!

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No Fantasy Bills. Would be nice when u get your bill not to see drinks appearing you haven't drunk. Charging the same price, for the same beverage on consecutive nights also makes my heart swell with hope.

No Thai soaps playing in down times. please.

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when i go to the states and order a shot of whiskey i immediatly remember what is missing in thailand, a good shot of quality booze for a fair price. why do most bars pour 22ml and not 45ml when it is a call shot? short shots, never gets my repeat business.

50 ml tastes much better but it still has no any comparison to old good one 100
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Hey,nice atmosphere is important,sport room with big screen,big room for conversation socialize with light music,not loud.good service with pretty girls,and greetings,smile.A place that you feel welcome and don't ignore you.One day per week make a raffle with some sort of meat tray or something else,can be anything that customer want to take home

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If you plan to make your money from ex-pats who live there then by all means don't worry what the girls look like because chances are they won't pay bar fines, buy lots of ladies drinks or buy rounds for the whole bar. But, if you want the tourist trade - energetic pretty young girls who enjoy dancing and don't push to hard for drinks, shiny poles and be able to read the customers for the kind of music to be played. I've been to Jomtein several times and I've not found a bar as I described.

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when i go to the states and order a shot of whiskey i immediatly remember what is missing in thailand, a good shot of quality booze for a fair price. why do most bars pour 22ml and not 45ml when it is a call shot? short shots, never gets my repeat business.

50 ml tastes much better but it still has no any comparison to old good one 100

at 45m there are 16 drinks @ 150 ea. the return is around 2500 baht for a bottle. I dont know if you are serious about 100m or not but i am amking a serious suggestion and comment IMO 24m in a drink is taking the piss.

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No live bands and no f-ken country music!!! I hate both and would never go in a bar like that. Don't care about TV much, doesn't matter to me but what does matter if everyone is staring at the screen watching sports, that creates very boring atmosphere.

Everyone here suggesting a proper bar as it seems, not a go-go / beer type of bar, however I disagree with a post #37, it does matter what the girls look like, I certainly won't sit in a bar where old women serving you even if you didn't plan on taking a girl out of the bar.

As someone said, it's a great idea to have a restaurant nearby so you can make somesort of agreement with the owner.

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No live bands and no f-ken country music!!! I hate both and would never go in a bar like that. Don't care about TV much, doesn't matter to me but what does matter if everyone is staring at the screen watching sports, that creates very boring atmosphere.

Everyone here suggesting a proper bar as it seems, not a go-go / beer type of bar, however I disagree with a post #37, it does matter what the girls look like, I certainly won't sit in a bar where old women serving you even if you didn't plan on taking a girl out of the bar.

As someone said, it's a great idea to have a restaurant nearby so you can make somesort of agreement with the owner.

I enjoy old-time country and western music. My favourite bar in Orchard Towers is the C&W bar opposite Ipanema, where you can sit by the windows and watch everyone coming and going on the escalators...


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You cant please all the people all the time ,i have had and still do have friends who own or run bars ,none have or are making a profit ,full stop if you live above the shop all you can hope is to break even ,the best thing i was told was when i first came here 23 years ago a bar owner had baught a bar for his wife to run ,she kept all the cash they made ,he told me we never make any money but what i lose is what i would have given her anyway. she was happy ,he was happy.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for all the advice. Have taken nearly all of your suggestions onboard.

Now the ad bit!!!!!!

Grand Opening Party This Friday Feb 3rd !!!!!

All the usual, Free Food, Low beer prices, Cheap cider, great girls, pool and darts.

Chang - 40b

Leo, Singha, Sigha Lite, Tiger - 50b

Fosters can, Heineken Btl, San Mig Lite - 60b

Dry Blackthorn Cider large can - 105, Crumpt. Oaks Apple Cider - 110, Frosty Jacks Cider - 100, Old English Cider - 105

Vodka & Gin from 30b shot, Whisky from 40b shot,

All Doubles 10 baht off and all mixers only 15b (eg Double Sangsom and bottle of coke for 65b)

You can find APPLE BAR on Soi Chayaphuk, Jomtien, Chonburi. A few yards from the new 2nd road roadworks. Just look for the 4 metre tall dancing girl!!!!!!!

Now that the ad is over I would once again, like to thank every one who has contributed to this thread by saying BRING A COPY OF THIS POST and get 10% off your bin!!!!!!!!! (Friday 3rd Feb. only)

Hope to see you all there, if not Friday then some other time.



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Yes that's right. The police are having a huge crackdown in the Jomtien area. Any bar open after 1am is being heavily fined and closed down for a time. I get very annoyed closing my bar dead on 1am and then on my way home seeing all the Thai owned places (Karaoeke etc) blasting music out, people drinking, loads of girls sitting outside etc and police just cruising past them doing nothing. Guesse they don't have enough money to pay the fines so they are ignored. Or is it one law for the Farang and another for the Thai.

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Cheap Leo beer in large quantities, and naked skinny woman to watch

or i don't go

Sounds good to me ... any particular favourites of yours ... I'm always up for somewhere new.

In no particular order ...

Cheap (cold) Leo drunk.gif

Naked (woman) smile.png

Skinny (woman) licklips.gif

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Chris- First off, Cheers from the United States. I have read through this entire thread and here is my 2 cents- I surely hope that you do not take every piece of advice from every single person here and try to throw it together to form some "super bar".

That will fail very quickly- Not all of us are looking for the same thing in a bar. Before even asking the questions you did in this thread you created- You should have sat down with a cold beer in a quiet place and identified YOUR TARGET MARKET. Who do you want to serve. Surely you understand that you cannot please the masses with a bar. Typically, different generations/ages/genders/nationalities expect/want different things out of their drinking establishment.

For example, Mr. 60 year old Sexpat probably doesn't want the latest western heavy metal screaming out of big speakers in the bar- I wouldn't mind that one night, or any other loud music. I am 26 and from the States. How much of a "club" feel do you want your bar to have? How much of a "pub" watering hole feel do you want your bar to have?

You cannot be a jack-of-all-trades and be successful because you will be peddling a mediocre service. You might do music OK... yeah, you got pool tables, big deal. You bring in a live band 2 nights a week, ok... fine. Few pretty girls serving me booze, big deal..

For example, a lot of peole have said that they want no loud music or TVs to distract from conversation. Well thats one very valid need from certain bar goers.

I for example, back in the states here, mostly go out to sports bars. I have never had a problem "socializing" with the random guy/gal next to me about the games on television. I don't see how a sports bar feel with lots of TVs and games going takes away from socializing. It just means that your patrons will likely be socializing about sports. Hell, bring the English/Europe crowd in to watch their (dare I say Soccer?) football. Bring us Americans in to watch our "football" ( believe you English call it Handegg lol).

I for one love live music- You just have to study and become an expert on your target market. Don't try to make your surroundings adapt to your business model. You should adapt to your surroundings. I.E- Don't force a sports bar down the throat of a town where the obvious niche/want is Sexpats looking for bar girls.

Target Market, Target Market, Target Market.

Write yoursef a good business plan, which includes a solid marketing plan. Thousands of templates/help if you just google- Writting a Business Plan.

Update that SOB every year too!

Hope this helps. PM me with any questions. I have a B.B.A in marketing with over 8 years of experience. I am 26 years old, Male, USA

Cheers from Detroit! wink.png

Edit- One thing that everyone however is looking for in a bar- Cheap beer, good service, AWESOME HAPPY HOUR- Some bars that are my favorites back here in the US are on the top of my list for one thing only- AMAZING HAPPY HOUR PERIOD.

Edited by FiscalFizz
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I have no idea how marketing/advertising works in Bangkok or really outside of Western Culture.

I do know that a nice poster posted up somewhere done by someone with some Photoshop/Illustrator skills can draw in some people. Up to you to get them to return/stay.

Posters are cool because in this digital age, you can physically print them and post them up around town. You can also take the photoshop/ilustrator file and upload your digital poster onto different websites.

Network a lot... and when you think you have a set crowd. NETWORK SOME MORE.

Word of mouth is the most powerful form of advertising my friend. And btw- GREAT DRINK PRICES!

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Yes that's right. The police are having a huge crackdown in the Jomtien area. Any bar open after 1am is being heavily fined and closed down for a time. I get very annoyed closing my bar dead on 1am and then on my way home seeing all the Thai owned places (Karaoeke etc) blasting music out, people drinking, loads of girls sitting outside etc and police just cruising past them doing nothing. Guesse they don't have enough money to pay the fines so they are ignored. Or is it one law for the Farang and another for the Thai.

No, you just haven't contributed enough to the BiB Benevolent Fund.

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What do I want from a bar?

1. Good music that's not too loud that so I can't speak to the person across the table from me.

2. Attractive waitresses that are friendly but not too pushy.

3. A good pool table of a decent size, and level enough that you can finesse a ball into a pocket.

4. Reasonable prices.

5. Nobody pushing drinks on you

6. Friendly atmosphere.

Actually, I found such a bar in Chiang Mai at the foot of Loi Kroh Road. It's now an Aussie bar called the "Down Under bar". It's across from where the Guitar man used to be and not far from the one way bridge over the Ping River..

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  • 3 weeks later...

Chris - good luck with the bar - I will be in Jomtien next month and will look you up (Nearly bought a house there near the boat club). Would be great to chat.. I took over a bar last year in Sukhumvit Rd. Just opposite the Landmark ... I have read through this entire post and there are some really good suggestions - that looking back many have worked. We are full nearly every night and I still keep shaking my head as the crowd is so diverse - Young guys, Oldies, Couples and many walk-in Toursits. We don't have TV. Girls are there - but don't approach unless asked. Plenty of wives / couples - so the Girlie Bar stigma is not there. We have a great live band - who sing to the crowd.. and take requests. For the live music - we find it great as there is lots of dancing and cabaret style entertainment which helps alot. We both A4 and A3 posters for advertising and don't forget to get an email flyer going - try MailChimp for a good free email system to track your customers - but we still find word of mouth is the best way. When I took it over - it was losing money - so we incented the staff with 1% sales orders they take and then split profit with them open book 50% at the end of the year. "it works!!"... I have now have 34 "managers" all very focused on sales, costs and service but now I don't get a free drink!. The bar became immediately profitable & remains so as it is full most nights. We have our own small steak restaurant - but for some items - like Kebabs no-one cooks them better then the boys near Foodland...so we are open and buy-in. We do not contribute to the BIB at all. For me - these posts have also been very insightful and a year down the path.. still great feedback.. thanks folks. Good luck and I am also a Chris!

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Chris - good luck with the bar - I will be in Jomtien next month and will look you up (Nearly bought a house there near the boat club). Would be great to chat.. I took over a bar last year in Sukhumvit Rd. Just opposite the Landmark ... I have read through this entire post and there are some really good suggestions - that looking back many have worked. We are full nearly every night and I still keep shaking my head as the crowd is so diverse - Young guys, Oldies, Couples and many walk-in Toursits. We don't have TV. Girls are there - but don't approach unless asked. Plenty of wives / couples - so the Girlie Bar stigma is not there. We have a great live band - who sing to the crowd.. and take requests. For the live music - we find it great as there is lots of dancing and cabaret style entertainment which helps alot. We both A4 and A3 posters for advertising and don't forget to get an email flyer going - try MailChimp for a good free email system to track your customers - but we still find word of mouth is the best way. When I took it over - it was losing money - so we incented the staff with 1% sales orders they take and then split profit with them open book 50% at the end of the year. "it works!!"... I have now have 34 "managers" all very focused on sales, costs and service but now I don't get a free drink!. The bar became immediately profitable & remains so as it is full most nights. We have our own small steak restaurant - but for some items - like Kebabs no-one cooks them better then the boys near Foodland...so we are open and buy-in. We do not contribute to the BIB at all. For me - these posts have also been very insightful and a year down the path.. still great feedback.. thanks folks. Good luck and I am also a Chris!

...and that would be which bar????

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You got it.. and I got flamed out of Trip advisor for self promotion... The little guy retired about 7 years ago with poor health - it is hard to get a straight sotry even from the staff - but we understand informally he passed away recently. In situations where demise is incorrectly discussed - I would be most happy to buy him a drink if he came in to the bar looking for me. We posted a picture of him inside the bar - wearing his Mexican Hat. At various stages - he was quite famous.. and even was a Blue movie star. The other famous one is the MamaSan still there and she has been working at that bar and its predecessor Club99 for 47 years.. we put up a picture of her looking stunning it is in the dining room upstairs showing her in a very revealing pose with her then Vietnam War sweet heart.. a very very famous man. Even to this day nearly everyone will recognise who. .... You will have to come inside and see for yourself. ;-)

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Chris - good luck with the bar - I will be in Jomtien next month and will look you up (Nearly bought a house there near the boat club). Would be great to chat.. I took over a bar last year in Sukhumvit Rd. Just opposite the Landmark ... I have read through this entire post and there are some really good suggestions - that looking back many have worked. We are full nearly every night and I still keep shaking my head as the crowd is so diverse - Young guys, Oldies, Couples and many walk-in Toursits. We don't have TV. Girls are there - but don't approach unless asked. Plenty of wives / couples - so the Girlie Bar stigma is not there. We have a great live band - who sing to the crowd.. and take requests. For the live music - we find it great as there is lots of dancing and cabaret style entertainment which helps alot. We both A4 and A3 posters for advertising and don't forget to get an email flyer going - try MailChimp for a good free email system to track your customers - but we still find word of mouth is the best way. When I took it over - it was losing money - so we incented the staff with 1% sales orders they take and then split profit with them open book 50% at the end of the year. "it works!!"... I have now have 34 "managers" all very focused on sales, costs and service but now I don't get a free drink!. The bar became immediately profitable & remains so as it is full most nights. We have our own small steak restaurant - but for some items - like Kebabs no-one cooks them better then the boys near Foodland...so we are open and buy-in. We do not contribute to the BIB at all. For me - these posts have also been very insightful and a year down the path.. still great feedback.. thanks folks. Good luck and I am also a Chris!

...and that would be which bar????

Checkinn99 on Sukhumvit between sois 5 & 7.directly opposite the Landmark Hotel.. small alley way entrance... you would walk past it hundreds of times and miss it if you did not know it was there.

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is the Check Inn the place with the good steaks? (see previous TV thread about 'good steaks' in BKK)...

if so then I gotta go there...when in town I'm usually at the Dynasty Grande on soi 6 offa lower nana...with Foodland back in operation would be just right...('who's the falang with all the shopping?'...'dunno, some falang weirdo...'...with ham and cheese from the Foodland deli, vodka and grapefruit juice mixers and fabulous rye and grainary bread from the Foodland bakery to take back to the hotel...)

Edited by tutsiwarrior
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Tutsi to directly answer. Yes Checkinn is the one with the good steaks. not a cordon bleu steak house... just good mid priced home style steaks. The 30 year old menus are still there (held together with 3 layers of brown duct tape - and the original cardboard liner long since disolved away)... new ones were made - but the old time customers complained - so both menus are offered for fear of upsetting the shellbacks.. only thing that changed is the prices now exclude VAT and service charge... 17% price drop,

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