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What Do You Want From A Bar


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This question has probably been asked a thousand times but not recently and times change.

I will shortly be opening a bar in Jomtien and was wandering what it is that people who live in the area actually want from a bar there.

Is it the usual of "Lots of pretty girls" or "A nice relaxing atmosphere"?

Is the Owner important or is the frontline staff, bar tenders etc more important.

Do you want music and is the type of music important to whether you would use the bar.

What about TV's? No TV's, small TV's, Big screen TV's? Showing what? Football, Other Sport, Pop Videos, Movies etc etc?

Is a pool table important to you?

All these questions may seem trivial but all the bars in the area seem to have a TV showing Sport, Pop Music, a pool table or two and lots of available girls. If that was the recipe for success then why are most of them empty?

Is there something missing? Please let me know!


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owner/front staff?

for me what is important is the people I have to deal with in the bar,

unless I have to deal with the owner when frequenting the bar, he is not important.

reasonable prices

no TV, to me TV in a bar is a sure way to make a non pleasant atmosphere

some music is nice, played at a volume so that a conversation can be carried out without shouting,

type of music? you can't please everyone, I'm a music digger but can go to any bar with any music,

I go to bars with a view to being a bit social (if I'm not there toread my newspaper) so if a natural

conversation can not be carried out without shouting the bar is off my list

BGs that are not pushy

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Hi 'Lor' I have to ask mate is this a hobby or a business ventures. I ask because I've meet very, very few farang bar owners who admit that owning a bar in Thailand was, and still is a good idea.

A fair few owners will brag and tell me how much money and 'pussy'they have…………..And in the next breath ask if I want to buy their bar…Of course it's a 'gold mine' they just want to do something else now!

If you were my mate and you were looking to do this, with the aim of making money….I would do all I could to talk you out of it. On the other hand if your board, have a rake of cash you can afford to give away…………..I am available to start work next week.

As for asking what you should put in the bar, I think you're wasting your time……….All the expert advice will come AFTER you open, and it will come in the form of what you should have done!

If you go ahead, I hope all works out well for you. Good luck.

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Usually what’s missing is atmosphere which is more often than not set by the customers.

Obviously you can’t please everyone so as an owner you have to ask yourself which type of customers (young people, old people, tourists, (s)expats etc. etc.) you wish to attract and you decorate the bar accordingly which is where the tv, (live) music, pool table, girls , quiz nights, etc.etc come in.

There’s no fixed formula for success so you’ll probably find out by trial and error what will work for your place.

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Lots of regular customers is what your bar needs. Alcoholics especially are good, sexpats don't drink so much. Or you can go for the sports crowd....the more screens you have the better for that.

A pool table is a waste of time I reckon...no real money to be made there. Get a darboard instead....less space involved.

Its being lucky enough to have witty and convivial people using the bar which will make it a winner, oh and having good honest staff. Good luck with that part! laugh.gif

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are you talking about a proper bar with good drinks and service and some decent food. Or are you talking about a bar/brothel employing prostitutes run by a pimp and earning money from "bar fines" (pimping fees)

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Thanks for all the contribution so far.

Every thing posted is taken on board.



Beer specials. There is a bar that I grew up close to and for $4 US you can get a plastic, 32-ounce cup of beer. This NEVER got old and it was always a place to fall back on, no matter what.

Of course, good music and good-looking women help. And of course, location, location, location...

Good luck with this. Opening a successful bar in Thailand would be downright paradise.

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Thanks for all the contribution so far.

Every thing posted is taken on board.



Beer specials. There is a bar that I grew up close to and for $4 US you can get a plastic, 32-ounce cup of beer. This NEVER got old and it was always a place to fall back on, no matter what.

Of course, good music and good-looking women help. And of course, location, location, location...

Good luck with this. Opening a successful bar in Thailand would be downright paradise.

These type of places already exist in Bkk.

One litre pitcher of beer 140 baht, live music, sexy serving girls in their little uniforms, plenty of women, none of the my shit dont stink attitude of surly staff found elsewhere.

And of course location, nowhere near Suk Rd.

And for the OP, can we please have COLD BEER.

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Thanks for all the contribution so far.

Every thing posted is taken on board.



Beer specials. There is a bar that I grew up close to and for $4 US you can get a plastic, 32-ounce cup of beer. This NEVER got old and it was always a place to fall back on, no matter what.

Of course, good music and good-looking women help. And of course, location, location, location...

Good luck with this. Opening a successful bar in Thailand would be downright paradise.

These type of places already exist in Bkk.

One litre pitcher of beer 140 baht, live music, sexy serving girls in their little uniforms, plenty of women, none of the my shit dont stink attitude of surly staff found elsewhere.

And of course location, nowhere near Suk Rd.

And for the OP, can we please have COLD BEER.

Where? Spill the beans please.

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the best type of bar is one that is convenient...the other day I was in BKK to go to the embassy on Wireless Rd to apply for a new passport and I needed to get some medicine so walked up to Suk to the big pharmacy next to soi nana...I was hot and tired and Bully's bar was next door so I went in (lunchtime) got a pint of Tiger and looked at the menu then ordered a caesar salad...picked me right up, that did, cool and quiet inside, dark and relaxing like a bar should be in the afternoon...and I never had planned it; the bar was just 'there'...

just a small detail but worth thinking about during slow times in the afternoon...

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the best type of bar is one that is convenient...the other day I was in BKK to go to the embassy on Wireless Rd to apply for a new passport and I needed to get some medicine so walked up to Suk to the big pharmacy next to soi nana...I was hot and tired and Bully's bar was next door so I went in (lunchtime) got a pint of Tiger and looked at the menu then ordered a caesar salad...picked me right up, that did, cool and quiet inside, dark and relaxing like a bar should be in the afternoon...and I never had planned it; the bar was just 'there'...

just a small detail but worth thinking about during slow times in the afternoon...

I second this. And for me, if the bar has big screens showing loud sports programme, especially football, I am out. But generally what I find important is staff, staff, staff. Young, polite ladies who are not pushy and do not ask for a drink after ten seconds. And can speak some English. This assuming you starting the kind of bar that has female staff. If not, I am not going anyway. :rolleyes: Good luck with your enterprise.

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are you talking about a proper bar with good drinks and service and some decent food. Or are you talking about a bar/brothel employing prostitutes run by a pimp and earning money from "bar fines" (pimping fees)

Some people can't see the big picture without diving into details....

Or are you offering two suggestions?


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I second all the points made about

- non pushy girls (and if they are nice that wouldn't be a negative point either)

- music not too loud

I like to be entertained in a bar, so I'd certainly like a couple of pool tables as well as darts.

If it is going to be a big bar, give a thought about a swimming pool... this could be what's missing in Jomtien. There are a couple of examples on the darkside.

The TV... hmmm... it should not dominate the bar. The best would be if it could be limited to a "TV corner" and brought out if there are important events (games).

Many bars make mistakes about the seating.

Use seats where two or more people can sit comfortably on a matted bench, not single-seater rattan stuff or these bar stools with "armrests".

About the food, the best is if there is a (preferably good taste & value) restaurant near the bar, make an agreement with the restaurant to get 15% or 20% as a kickback and put their menu on your tables. The bar's staff does the service.

If you want people to stay for a long time and enjoy your facilities, then put the beer price down to something like 50 or 60 bht (leo or chang).

Wifi has more and more been a selling point for me. People with smartphones or even netbooks will appreciate that.

Some people take offense at seeing others surfing with their netbooks, so plan in some 'corners' that aren't in plain view. When the netbook types aren't around, these dark corners could come in handy too ;-)

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I hate bars with live music. I go to the bar to socialize, not listen to some crappy Pinoy band.

Low prices, or at least a happy hour that lasts several hours.

Clean restrooms.

Something to eat. Doesn't have to be a full menu.

Air con :D

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I hate bars with live music. I go to the bar to socialize, not listen to some crappy Pinoy band.

Low prices, or at least a happy hour that lasts several hours.

Clean restrooms.

Something to eat. Doesn't have to be a full menu.

Air con :D

.... and do you find many in Isaan ?

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Service service and service.

Not only will good service make the customers happy, but you will also make more money.

So many places were the service is slow, I have been thinking about how many drinks/beers the place have not sold each evening.

Then, friendly talkative staff who can actually communicate with the customers.

Some sort of discount arrangements for repeating guests.

Finally, not too loud music, but this depending upon what type of customer base you plan to cater for.

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Still listening.

I must say that I am surprised by the number of people who say no TV.


It don't matter how many girls you have Chris....if you don't have the footie on then I'm in the bar along the road. Keep the beer cold and the conversation flowing. The TV can always be switched off. wink.gif

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