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Dtac Internet Stable? Or Which Is Best?


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I don't care about speed, but is the DTAC USB stick stable in Pattaya or does it disconnect often or sometimes?

Which internet solution is most stable in Pattaya?

Does CAT CDMA work there? When I tried mine last time it did not work but they have CAT offices in Pattaya..

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Your best bet would be either AIS or True, as both have deployed 3G in Pattaya.

Dtac is only Edge/gprs, which in my experience as a technology is less stable.

For AIS you need a phone/dongle capable of hdpa on 900 MHz, True sits on 850 MHz.

Both have pre-paid packages. AIS actually has a bunch of time based packages (20 hr, 50 hr,...) limited at 384 kbps but using the more stable 3G network.

Or for the heavy users an 8GB/month package is just under 1000 Baht

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During the past eight months, when I visit Jomtien for a day or two, I use my iPhone4 with a TrueMove SIM (on a 3G plan) tethered to my notebook. I have almost always had a solid connection.

You said speed was not an issue, which is good, because depending on location I would range anywhere from 1Mbps to 5Mbps download speed. But, signal strength was always good.

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Hi I`ve had a DTAC dongle for about a year now, found it to be stable although slow.

I spoke with a DTAC rep today at Tesco Lotus, it apears they also now have 3G, 650 baht a month plus tax unlimited use.

I have a question :)

My DTAC dongle/package is too slow for me although as said stable and connects OK.

Will I see much of an improvement by getting a 3G dongle & SIM ?

I don`t really understand these things but would like quicker, not too bothered about cost.


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Hi I`ve had a DTAC dongle for about a year now, found it to be stable although slow.

I spoke with a DTAC rep today at Tesco Lotus, it apears they also now have 3G, 650 baht a month plus tax unlimited use.

I have a question :)

My DTAC dongle/package is too slow for me although as said stable and connects OK.

Will I see much of an improvement by getting a 3G dongle & SIM ?

I don`t really understand these things but would like quicker, not too bothered about cost.


I am using True H+ 3G near Big C Extra on Pattaya Klang. I have an AT&T aircard. Response is much faster than Edge, no drops so far.

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Or for the heavy users an 8GB/month package is just under 1000 Baht


If you are referring to the AIS Package for 899 Baht, they scaled that down to max. 5 GB, after that, the speed is maxed to 384 kbps.


But they have 7Gb package for 999 Baht


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