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Last night there was a secret ThaiVisa mini meet at Victory Monument, a place which is nice to look at, great for sunset photos of the skytrain, and good for meeating and eating and shopping with friends, especiall Thai ones - but as for somewhere to meet your mates for a beer, there seems to be nowhere.

The beer garden area in front of Victory Point has gone and all that there is to offer is Saxaphone which is too loud for conversation and unreasonably priced.

We ended up sat on a bench taking turns to get Heinikens from the worlds smallest 7-Eleven, you know the one, that little box at the foot of the escalator.

I can only assume the absence of more bars in an area with such potential is down to the fact that it is mostly populated by students and young Thais.

Still, it's a little annoying.

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We ended up sat on a bench taking turns to get Heinikens from the worlds smallest 7-Eleven, you know the one, that little box at the foot of the escalator.

Sounds like an absolutely "broke dick" way to spend an evening in a city that is world renowned for nightlife and entertainment.

Still, it's a little annoying.

Why not get in a cab or get on the skytrain and go somewhere else, instead of sitting on a bench and grumbling about it?

Victory Monument, a place which is nice to look at, great for sunset photos of the skytrain, and good for meeting and eating and shopping with friends

The above is for those who read only the title and not the post.

Victory Monument is a NICE part of Bangkok and it is the most central point in Bangkok.

Why not get in a cab or get on the skytrain and go somewhere else, instead of sitting on a bench and grumbling about it?

We actually had a very nice time and it made a change, the point of the thread is, bino, WHY is is that VM is so thin on places to have a drink?

Could it be for the reason I suggested?

I can only assume the absence of more bars in an area with such potential is down to the fact that it is mostly populated by students and young Thais.

As I said, not grumbled, it was a little annoying at the time but when all had arrived we decided it was too much hassle to go anywhere else and it wasn't so bad after all, though not a spot I would choose again as it was almost as noisy as Saxaphone, what with the traffic and everything.


You could have taken a short taxi ride to the Government building next to the zoo and sat outside there. With all the lights and greenery at night, it's a nice place to sit.


Last time I was at VM was a few weeks back on a Sunday evening. My biggest vex around there was all the noodle stalls and food places blasting out music, all right next to each other.

As (obviously) each different stall is playing a different (shit) tune, the lot combined sounded like a dull, loud din.

Victory Monument, a place which is nice to look at, great for sunset photos of the skytrain, and good for meeting and eating and shopping with friends

We actually had a very nice time and it made a change,

Buying "highnecking" from the smallest "7" eleven in the world - one can only summise small things please small minds :o

one can only summise

That happens a lot round these here parts.

Seems a bit of that going around alright.

I'll 'summise' then- I was one of those in attendance on the aforementioned evening and the original plan was to meet at Vic monument, outside (since it was a cool night) at the central food/entertainment area there, which is usually a great spot (when it's open;).

Why there? Well, someone was coming from Sukhumvit, also from Ladprow, I was coming from a biz meeting near morchit etc, and it just made sense as a central meeting place. Plan was a quick bite, some laffs and a couple wobbly pops.

Unfortunately, the entire area was unexpectedly closed off. I could only stay for a bit anyways so we all decided to stay put. We had a good laff all the same, shared some sushi, a couple beers (well, one for me;) and also enjoyed the company of a terrific female member of this board whom I hadn't met previously as well.

Summise finished :o


:D Thanks, baht and sold, it was great meeting you as well.

Scampy, no worries. Some feeble-minded people will try to put you down no matter what you do or say. They have nothing original to say for themselves.

Personally, I think it's a bigger waste of time responding than it is to make controversy out of nothing. But, I think it's kind of nice to be able to focus on people rather than the place, and just go with the flow. That being said, the next time I sit on a bench to have a few beers, I think I'd rather do it somewhere else :o Victory Monumet has pretty much lost it's appeal for me.


I used to do a lot of drinking from that 7-11, quite often sitting in the police box with a bottle of Sang Thip! I'm surprised there'e nothing in that shopping centre. There are a few bars in the sois off Ratchawithi Road, and on that soi(forgot the name) perpindicular to the BTS, going off to the right just before the VM, Mor Chit bound.

Alternatively, if you like a lot of booze, as i know you do, take the number 12 bus(the one that speaks, number 12, for the blind people) and get off at suan oi, there are some Uni bars, one was called the alcohol bar and th other "drink, drank, drunk".

But, I think it's kind of nice to be able to focus on people rather than the place, and just go with the flow.

My sentiments exactly Kat! It's the people not the place.

drink, drank, drunk

I have heard of this place, if anyone wants to check it out with me then send me a PM.

shared some sushi...

*Dreamy Homer Simpson voice*

Mmmmmmmm.... Sushi...


scampy...why the hel_l didn't u move to a better spot...the whole of bangkok at your mercy and u guys sat on a bench drinking carry outs from a corner shop????!!

for gods sake...stop moaning and go get a bar...its not as if bangkok is short of them..!!!

i agree with expatasia... :o

one can only summise

That happens a lot round these here parts.

Only when someone posts just to hear the sound of their own voice.

Summise finished :DB&S nice rendition of the evening


Scampy, no worries.  Some feeble-minded people will try to put you down no matter what you do or say.  They have nothing original to say for themselves.

That being said, the next time I sit on a bench to have a few beers, I think I'd rather do it somewhere else  :D  Victory Monumet has pretty much lost it's appeal for me.

1st you critise then you say VM was a waste of time who is the one with the feeble mind?

for gods sake...stop moaning and go get a bar...its not as if bangkok is short of them..!!!

i agree with expatasia... :o

You idiot. :D

COLOR=blue]Nice turn of phrase Scamp maybe you should drop the "gentlemen" part of your nick!![/color]



Go home and TRY harder to grow up this time. YOU have to be the best/worst example of a WHINGER. Is there ANYTHING in this whole world that you LIKE?


Some of the responses here are getting well out of line. The guy starts a thread discussing the merits of an area of Bangkok, in his opinion there's not a lot going on. Rather than discussing that, some people arrive trying to take shots at him, as i've noticed happening frequently on other threads of his lately. It appears to be all the rage, and every Tom, Dick and Harry seem to think it's acceptable to jump on the bandwagon.

It's funny how people who seem to take such a dislike to what he has to post are almost falling over each other to make personal criticisms on his threads. If you don't like what he has to post then don't read it, i assume nobody is forcing you to, and spare the rest of us your irrelevant b*llshit. Kringle, you talk about people needing to grow up, while you stalk the guy from thread to thread making personal remarks about someone you've probably never met, that have nothing to do with the topic at hand. It's not so long ago you were doing the same to a seventeen year old girl who uses this site. Get a life.

I don't see The Gentleman Scamp going on other people's threads taking personal shots at them, if so i could understand the response, but whether you like him or not you should at least afford him that common courtesy he extends to others. Nobody deserves to have a topic they have posted responded to in the very first reply by some halfwit giving the enlightening contribution that all their posts are boring.

Rant over


Fasteddie You seemed to have by-passed the issue TGS posted VM a crap place yet another member at the secret TV (read OP) B&S painted a much nicer portrait of the evening.

Now you are indicating every Tom, Dick and Harry seem to think jumped on the bandwagon. - I thought it was a small gathering and no band only a loud Sax (hope thats not NZ talk for Sex)

then don't read it, i assume nobody is forcing you to, What you say is true but it also applies conversly and to the GS in relation to partying at VM

but whether you like him or not - nothing to do with liking or not liking an individual - banter is good for the soul.

that all their posts are boring.- If you care to read history "longwinded + paragraphing has been mentioned previously by several TV members but lets hope the GS does not falter - although he may have unwittingly highlighted a possible business opportunity @ VM for future party goers who are looking to spend an unusual night out in Bangkok.

Rant over Mate lighten up see you @ the next VMBYO gathering

although he may have unwittingly highlighted a possible business opportunity @ VM

That's more like it, why didn't you just say that to begin with? ..A catalyst for an interesting debate (which is relevant), if ever I saw one.

I don't see The Gentleman Scamp going on other people's threads taking personal shots at them

Well observed... The man behind The Gentleman Scamp is a nice bloke who doesn't judge people on this forum whom he hasn't met.


If there was a business oppertunity in terms of more bars, available for VM then wouldn't somebody have already take advantage of it?

There must be a reason for the lack of bars there, perhaps it is the high volume of students and young Thais?

I apologise for the off topic pot shots but try to ignore them and contribute your own theory on why VM is no place to meet and how you would change the place if you could.

although he may have unwittingly highlighted a possible business opportunity @ VM

That's more like it, why didn't you just say that to begin with? ..A catalyst for an interesting debate (which is relevant), if ever I saw one.

Mainly because until one read the post from Baht & Sold one didn't have positive thoughts about the VM nite out.

I don't see The Gentleman Scamp going on other people's threads taking personal shots at them

Well observed... The man behind The Gentleman Scamp is a nice bloke who doesn't judge people on this forum whom he hasn't met.

To flout to"show off", display ostentatiously - is akin to being "flagrant" and is as popular as "flagellum".


Just out of interest, does anyone know why was it all closed off?

Usually there are some pretty decent foodstalls (who also sell beer) in the area near the hospital (where the Hua Hin minibus goes from)

That used to make for a nice place to sit, eat and have a few beers while watching the chaos all around. I hope its only closed temporarily.

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