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How Long Have You Been In Thailand


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I came the first time in 1983 as kid with my parents, settled in Bangkok in 1998, bought a house,... until 2007 when a serie of unfortunate events had me transfered to Hong Kong.

I agree with you, a lot of people posting here don't seem to live in Thailand, or at least, living with Thai people. My gf is active in the Thai community, real or virtual. She belongs to a number of groups in Facebook and Pantip. We watch the news on TV together, she translates what's going on as my thai is far from fluent and not getting any better since I moved to China. But like this I get access to a lot of information that I've a feeling other people don't get. Myself I travel to Bangkok at least a week every other month or so and most of my time I spend it with Thais or bananas like Heng (no offense intended wink.gif) A lot of people comment on Thai everyday life based on what they learn from this website, google or wiki but this is not the real Thailand. Even people living in Thailand, it seems they stick with other westerners and never really communicate with the "locals".

Finally, I also find a number of posters are not really realistic with their home country, and don't have much experience with travelling.Thailand is not perfect but travel the world and you will realize that it can be much much worse ...

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The First time that I came to Thailand was in the early 1970s, I retired early and settled here in 1998 and have been here ever since.

I agree with you and JurgenG that a lot of people that post here don't actually live in Thailand and formulate their opinions of Thais and Thailand from what they read and hear, but I don't think that it is representative of the real Thailand. It would be like formulating your opinion of life in America by reading the New York Times! Eleven years ago, I built a house that I designed, in farm country using Thai farmers as laborers. To say the least it's was a real eye opener. It's still the last house in the middle of corn and sugar cane fields on a dirt road 12 kilometers from the nearest small town. It's referred to as "Baan Farang" and the Gazebo in my front yard has become the daily gathering point for all of the locals at the end of the day to "eat, drink and be merry", sometimes too merry!

In my past life I did travel the world as part of my job, but always seemed drawn back to SEA and Thailand and made up my mind a long time ago that I would retire here when the time came.

Edited by wayned
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How would you judge a 'resident' Mrs Mills ?

One who is only in Thailand full-time or, one who is 'ordinarily resident' in Thailand.

I am not in Thailand at the moment (but it's so bl00dy cold that I wish I was) but I do not consider myself a tourist. I do not live like a tourist, act like a tourist or spend like a tourist.

Nothing against tourists, I am just trying to make the distinction.

Are you in Thailand at the moment Mrs Mills ?

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I've been visiting since 1987 - firstly as a tourist ( obsessed with Muay Thai )

Visited about 30 times since then - including a couple of years living here.

Met my wife and married in 1997 - have a lovely 13 year old son.

After 14 years in the UK we moved here finally this year.

Agreed - my opinions of Thailand have changed in the short time since arriving.

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Been coming since the mid 1980's and was semi-permanent here from the mid 1990's, full time resident since 2004. Totally agree withe the OP that far too many "facts" voiced about Thailand on this forum come from people who have precious little experience of the country and from many who are just visitors. I suppose such folks are trying to bring forward their future by imagining they live here, others may be lonely and just want to "talk" and some will simply bullsh_t about most things in life. I can think of one poster who always seems to have a supposedly correct answer for most things in Thailand but he's only been here a relatively short time on a permanent basis, it's interesting to note that his answers of what is correct here are typically the same answer that might be given were he back in the UK - that's part of the problem I think, someone who was half way smart and knew most of the correct answers back home, feels that they have to have the same standing here.

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I can think of one poster who always seems to have a supposedly correct answer for most things in Thailand but he's only been here a relatively short time on a permanent basis, it's interesting to note that his answers of what is correct here are typically the same answer that might be given were he back in the UK - that's part of the problem I think, someone who was half way smart and knew most of the correct answers back home, feels that they have to have the same standing here.

Name and shame ? :)

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<br />
<br /> I can think of one poster who always seems to have a supposedly correct answer for most things in Thailand but he's only been here a relatively short time on a permanent basis, it's interesting to note that his answers of what is correct  here are typically the same answer that might be given were he back in the UK - that's part of the problem I think, someone who was half way smart and knew most of the correct answers back home, feels that they have to have the same standing here.<br />
<br /><br /><br />Name and shame ? <img src='http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

Lives in town North of me :)

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I can think of one poster who always seems to have a supposedly correct answer for most things in Thailand but he's only been here a relatively short time on a permanent basis, it's interesting to note that his answers of what is correct here are typically the same answer that might be given were he back in the UK - that's part of the problem I think, someone who was half way smart and knew most of the correct answers back home, feels that they have to have the same standing here.

Name and shame ? :)

Yeah go ahead and name this opportunist! Otherwise this thread will just degenerate into a morass of 'I can out-codger you' posts.

And yes, what IS the OP's status. Resident happy codger or like myself, head of the moobahn escape committee?

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<br />
<br />
<br /> I can think of one poster who always seems to have a supposedly correct answer for most things in Thailand but he's only been here a relatively short time on a permanent basis, it's interesting to note that his answers of what is correct  here are typically the same answer that might be given were he back in the UK - that's part of the problem I think, someone who was half way smart and knew most of the correct answers back home, feels that they have to have the same standing here.<br />
<br /><br />Name and shame ? <img src='http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /><br />
<br />Yeah go ahead and name this opportunist! Otherwise this thread will just degenerate into a morass of 'I can out-codger you' posts.<br /><br />And yes, what IS the OP's status. Resident happy codger or like myself, head of the moobahn escape committee?<br />
<br /><br /><br />

I think not, it's too early in the morning to start WWIII and it's too close to Xmas also, nice try though!

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I've lived and worked in Thailand for 13 out of the past 20 years.

I'd split that definition of Living here / Tourist on the basis of what Visa is held - so for all that time Nom Immigrant B Visa with a Work Permit.

During those 'Missing' 7 years when I wasn't in Thailand I was assigned elsewhere.

Where next I wonder? :rolleyes:

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I think you might find that most who live here permanently for a number of years have very little need to use a website such as this. The only reason they may 'browse' is to read what others are saying or for the news.

The ones who say they have been/came here in 19XX or whatever will more than likely have a flaw or two in their dates and will have 'exaggerate to impress' syndrome.

So in answer to your statement, I think you are probably generally correct in your assumptions.


Btw, I'm a browser!


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I think you might find that most who live here permanently for a number of years have very little need to use a website such as this. The only reason they may 'browse' is to read what others are saying or for the news.

The ones who say they have been/came here in 19XX or whatever will more than likely have a flaw or two in their dates and will have 'exaggerate to impress' syndrome.

So in answer to your statement, I think you are probably generally correct in your assumptions.


Btw, I'm a browser!


By contrast to that view, mine is that long term ex-pats tend to gravitate more towards sites such as TV for a couple of reasons, one is to try to help educate newbies, another is to ensure that the record is set straight when discussing different aspects of life here that are often distorted, a third is to understand detailed information about the place where they live that might otherwise take much time to find out. I don't believe for one second that more time in country is proportionate to less time spent on TV. As for the truth about dates, people should believe what they wish to believe.

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First came here in June of 1975 shortly before my 21st birthday. (Four visits in the first 12 months.) Roughly two years later in 1977, after graduating from university I moved here full time.

TV is an entertainment site for me. It has helped to bring in a few more reader of my blog as well. ;)

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The ones who say they have been/came here in 19XX or whatever will more than likely have a flaw or two in their dates and will have 'exaggerate to impress' syndrome.

Name and shame...oh hang on.....maybe it's me :)

Well I've been a member of TV since 2003..how about you...oh crap...same same... :)

I guess some who have lived here for x years tend to use the internet and some have no use for it, they prefer seclusion - vive la difference!

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The way you frame the question makes me a "newcomer".

I first came to Thailand in 1979...but because of my job I haven't lived here permanently until October 2010.

I have visited here 2 or 3 times each year since then, 2 weeks to a month on each visit...and for over 10 years I haved lived with my Thai family in the house I bought for us here in Bangkok.

However, like I said, I've had to work outside of Thailand to earn money.

Now I am retired, and have lived here in Bangkok for about 15 months now.

So whatever way you wish to consider that...it's my truthful answer.


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I worked for the same company in the US for 22 years. They decided to close the factory and I was unemployed. I can't really complain because the company gave me excellent training and experience.

I was offered a job here in Thailand in late 1990 and made the move to Bangkok in early 1991. Other than 5 years of working for the big money in Southern California, I have lived here full time.

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I've lived here in Thailand for 3 years. A lot of times I feel like I'm the only one here. It's quite isolating really, considering I'm one of the younger expats(31). Then again, I spend most of my time around Thai people.

I doubt there are as many year around expats as some claim there are.

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I moved to Bangkok in 2002 to open the Asia office for my software/mobile telecoms business. My office directly overlooked Patpong, (cheap rent, but judging from the sights perhaps I should have been paying a premium...)

After a year, I got bored of sitting in an office in Bangkok, took a weekend holiday to Phuket, saw a plot of building land next to the airport, and magically transformed myself into a hotelier.

Since that date, life has been full of surprises, some good, some bad, and some very bad :)

But the weather has been good for my health (I contracted Aspergillosis in the UK from working in a damp, below ground office, and the southern Thai weather keeps my lungs clear).

Overall, I wouldn't really want to live elsewhere. Every country has it's problems, and Thailand seems to have more than many other countries. But in 10 years, no-one has robbed me, mugged me, spiked my drink or passed themselves off as a different gender as they ravish my body...


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I'm a tourist.

Only been retired here for 18 months.

Another 5 or 6 years I'll be qualified to have an opinion. :rolleyes:

There are some posters OC who have valid opinions on life in Thailand after having been living here here for just a short time, then there are those who's opinion will never count, despite living here for much of their lives, if that makes any sense at all.

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I'm a tourist.

Only been retired here for 18 months.

Another 5 or 6 years I'll be qualified to have an opinion. :rolleyes:

There are some posters OC who have valid opinions on life in Thailand after having been living here here for just a short time, then there are those who's opinion will never count, despite living here for much of their lives, if that makes any sense at all.

Bit of a thread &lt;deleted&gt; that ennit chiang mai?

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I think you might find that most who live here permanently for a number of years have very little need to use a website such as this. The only reason they may 'browse' is to read what others are saying or for the news.

The ones who say they have been/came here in 19XX or whatever will more than likely have a flaw or two in their dates and will have 'exaggerate to impress' syndrome.

So in answer to your statement, I think you are probably generally correct in your assumptions.


Btw, I'm a browser!


Think you are writing from your own perspective. :)

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