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Mae Sot Visa Run By Mini Bus From Nakhon Sawan


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  • 3 weeks later...

Anyone get any good pills in Burma that are harder to get over the counter in thailand?

Indian (Caverta) or Chinese generic viagra 120B+ for 4 ... look for a hologram sticker on the Caverta they are red also. Buy at a pharmacy not on the street.

Lucky me dont em, looks like I am saving about 250 btsa month, merry christams!
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We drove up to Mae Sot yesterday from Mae Wong roads were OK. Remember the yellow no passing lines are mearly a sugestion. If you have a Thai National Traveling with you remember to get a day Pass in order for tem to enter Myanmar the Thai office that issues these is @ one K on the left had side of the road from the crossing at the friendship bridge 30 Baht fee and an additional 30 Baht at the check point For the expats on a visa run the fee in Myammar is 500 Baht. All the immagration officers on both sides of the boarder were plesant and helpfull.

Did you go into Burma if so is there anything to see other than the odd bar or two. Shopping ECT, I have been to M/S and taken the G/L several time's and have never bothered to get her a pass, it's always been over and back as quick as poss. But if it's worth a look will take her in to look around. Thank's in advance for any info.

I went in to Burma with the wife when I was in Maesot, there is nothing really to see, and it is a very poor looking place. I wouldn't really recommend it.
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