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90 Day Reporting By Mail

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I sent in my 90 day report by mail, triple checked everything was there including the postage paid return envelope. I know they received my report, I traced the EMS and have the name on of the recipient, but after 3 weeks the return envelope has not arrived here.

Has anyone not received their receipt back and what is the process, they can't expect me to file a police report as if you lose the receipt (had to do this a few years back). I have my 1 year extension coming up at the end of Dec., and will be going to Immigration then, what to expect.


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When is your 90 day report actually due?

I ask as in the past they have waited until the due date to process mailed reports

Assuming that they are actually late. You should simply mail in the EMS receipt number with a polite request for a followup. Give them a chance to find it.

Your 90 day report will not effect your renewal so you can relax at worst you have to go to the 90 day report window and have them take care of it.

Good luck - let us know what happens.

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When is your 90 day report actually due?

I ask as in the past they have waited until the due date to process mailed reports

Assuming that they are actually late. You should simply mail in the EMS receipt number with a polite request for a followup. Give them a chance to find it.

Your 90 day report will not effect your renewal so you can relax at worst you have to go to the 90 day report window and have them take care of it.

Good luck - let us know what happens.

They received my report a few days before it was due.

I am concerned about what the process is for someone that didn't receive the receipt by mail. A few years ago when the receipt fell out of my passport i had to go to a police station, pay them and it was a hassle.

I will never send another 90 day report by mail, very irritating.

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When is your 90 day report actually due?

I ask as in the past they have waited until the due date to process mailed reports

Assuming that they are actually late. You should simply mail in the EMS receipt number with a polite request for a followup. Give them a chance to find it.

Your 90 day report will not effect your renewal so you can relax at worst you have to go to the 90 day report window and have them take care of it.

Good luck - let us know what happens.

They received my report a few days before it was due.

I am concerned about what the process is for someone that didn't receive the receipt by mail. A few years ago when the receipt fell out of my passport I had to go to a police station, pay them and it was a hassle.

I will never send another 90 day report by mail, very irritating.

Actually your case is very rare - I have never had the slightest problem reporting by mail nor have I heard of any other cases - although I am sure it happens as you report.

Meanwhile - what is the big problem? Just mail a quick request for a trace and or take care of it when you do your extension by waiting on the 90 day report line for a few minutes no big problem as these things go....

If everything goes wrong for you and they are in a bad mood it will cost you some money and 15 minutes - thats the worst case. and then the odds are it will never happen again.

Everyones situation is different but time and transportation costs for me are higher to file in person compared to paying a fine.

Once I moved provinces and Bangkok and did not have my receipt as I had lost it when moving they wanted me to pay 2000 baht as a fine - i politely insisted that I had filed on time and they called the other office and apologized to me - no fine.

So stay calm and all will be well - probably...

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When is your 90 day report actually due?

I ask as in the past they have waited until the due date to process mailed reports

Assuming that they are actually late. You should simply mail in the EMS receipt number with a polite request for a followup. Give them a chance to find it.

Your 90 day report will not effect your renewal so you can relax at worst you have to go to the 90 day report window and have them take care of it.

Good luck - let us know what happens.

They received my report a few days before it was due.

I am concerned about what the process is for someone that didn't receive the receipt by mail. A few years ago when the receipt fell out of my passport i had to go to a police station, pay them and it was a hassle.

I will never send another 90 day report by mail, very irritating.

I can only say what happened in my case. I did not get the receipt, and a few months later I went to get a one year extension.

They asked about the 90 day report, I said I had mailed it in, but did not receive any receipt. They looked through

their papers and told me they had mailed me the receipt, and that was the end of it.

I would thus suspect that in particular since you have the EMS receipt, there will be no problem whatsoever, but who knows.

I would definitely not lose any sleep over it however; worst thing that can happen afaik is you will have to pay

the 2000b (?) fine, but that seems highly unlikely with your EMS receipt.


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thanks for the replies, I don't see how they can even charge the 2000 baht fine as at the end of december it won't be late. hopefully they can see it was received and entered into their computer. Then maybe they will take another form stamp it, giving back to me the bottom for the receipt.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So did you get your receipt back? I'm in the same position, my letter was received on the 15th Dec with a report date of the 23rd, nothing back as yet, this is my first attempt at doing by post so maybe I worrying too much.

I stll dream about the day we are able to do it online.

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So did you get your receipt back? I'm in the same position, my letter was received on the 15th Dec with a report date of the 23rd, nothing back as yet, this is my first attempt at doing by post so maybe I worrying too much.

I stll dream about the day we are able to do it online.

You're not the only one, Mailed mine in by EMS on the 13th (due on the 20th) and no reciept yet. According to the EMS tracking they have it. Maybe they are backlogged because of the floods.

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I and another member here mailed ours in to CW in November, and got our receipts back by return mail within the normal one to two week time frame. They weren't having any flood backlog then....so I'd presume they're not having any now.

If anyone gets to one month after their due date and still hasn't received a receipt back in the mail, I'd contact the office you mailed to...and have the EMS receipt number at hand.

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When is your 90 day report actually due?

I ask as in the past they have waited until the due date to process mailed reports

Assuming that they are actually late. You should simply mail in the EMS receipt number with a polite request for a followup. Give them a chance to find it.

Your 90 day report will not effect your renewal so you can relax at worst you have to go to the 90 day report window and have them take care of it.

Good luck - let us know what happens.

They received my report a few days before it was due.

I am concerned about what the process is for someone that didn't receive the receipt by mail. A few years ago when the receipt fell out of my passport i had to go to a police station, pay them and it was a hassle.

I will never send another 90 day report by mail, very irritating.

It is a hassle but i always go in person, then you know there is no problem.


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When is your 90 day report actually due?

I ask as in the past they have waited until the due date to process mailed reports

Assuming that they are actually late. You should simply mail in the EMS receipt number with a polite request for a followup. Give them a chance to find it.

Your 90 day report will not effect your renewal so you can relax at worst you have to go to the 90 day report window and have them take care of it.

Good luck - let us know what happens.

They received my report a few days before it was due.

I am concerned about what the process is for someone that didn't receive the receipt by mail. A few years ago when the receipt fell out of my passport i had to go to a police station, pay them and it was a hassle.

I will never send another 90 day report by mail, very irritating.

It is a hassle but i always go in person, then you know there is no problem.


I always go in person too.

In Pattaya-Jomtien it takes only 5 minutes (in the afternoon).

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When is your 90 day report actually due?

I ask as in the past they have waited until the due date to process mailed reports

Assuming that they are actually late. You should simply mail in the EMS receipt number with a polite request for a followup. Give them a chance to find it.

Your 90 day report will not effect your renewal so you can relax at worst you have to go to the 90 day report window and have them take care of it.

Good luck - let us know what happens.

They received my report a few days before it was due.

I am concerned about what the process is for someone that didn't receive the receipt by mail. A few years ago when the receipt fell out of my passport i had to go to a police station, pay them and it was a hassle.

I will never send another 90 day report by mail, very irritating.

This same thing happened to me.

From what I am gathering from all your posts is it's better never to do a 90-day report and at the end of the year pay the 2000Baht fine.

The reporting can be big hassle and expense.

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So did you get your receipt back? I'm in the same position, my letter was received on the 15th Dec with a report date of the 23rd, nothing back as yet, this is my first attempt at doing by post so maybe I worrying too much.

I stll dream about the day we are able to do it online.

I doubt the online thing will ever come about. It generates revenues when we pay for transportation, meals, and it puts us in our place similar to a parolee.

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This happened to me just a few weeks ago, what's worse is that it was my final 90 day report. I sent it by EMS, ontime, and it was received and signed for. Frankly I don't care too much whether they did their job or not, because I have proof that I sent it in (and that's all i'm expected to do), and this is why they ask us to keep the EMS receipt as evidence of this. In fact, my EMS package as signed for by 2 individuals at the immigration centre in Chaeng Wattana.

However, nearly 2 months later I still have'nt received any receipt back from them for a return of the 90 day report. Luckily, I do not put my entire trust in the government departments, I take photo's and photocopies of every single document including the TM47 Form, Departure Card and copies of every page of my passport are also kept safely hidden (actually it's on the roof of my wardrope haha).

Now all I've got to worry about now is renewing my passport before it expires in June. Mind you, if you had sent your EMS in, they might be taking abit longer due to the recent floods and the consequential move back from Chamchuree Square to Chaeng Wattana. I would'nt worry too much about it, as long as you got your EMS receipt then you'll be fine.

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So did you get your receipt back? I'm in the same position, my letter was received on the 15th Dec with a report date of the 23rd, nothing back as yet, this is my first attempt at doing by post so maybe I worrying too much.

Got my slip back today, it was stamped on the 21st Dec and posted on the 6th Jan.

As I indicated before I was probably worrying unnecessarily, but it was my first time going down this route so a little nervous. I presume the New Year holiday and the backlog from the floods played their own part.

Anyway, panic over.

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